Garou: Mark of the Wolves/Tizoc

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Tizoc, also known as The Griffon or Griffon Mask in Japan, is a professional wrestler who hails from Mexico. He has many fans and is idolized by children as a "hero of justice". After a demoralizing loss to a mysterious man, he enters the Maximum Mayhem tournament to regain his fighting spirit.


Tizoc is the grappler of the game. His main gameplan is to poke and pressure the opponent with his long-range normals and to go in for a command grab once he has conditioned the opponent to block. He generally wants to maintain a mid-range distance from the opponent in neutral where he can play a footsies game by being in range to reach the opponent with his pokes, while remaining outside the range of the opponent's normals. At this range, he is able to keep the opponent out with his great air-to-air capabilities and also threaten an approach with a potential command grab.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Good range and damage on normals
  • Good neutral and air-to-air game
  • Higher defense and guard crush gauge than average
  • Unblockable command grab super
  • Forward feint moves him forward and has upper-body invincibility, while forward dash has lower-body invincibility
  • Struggles to build meter
  • Limited combos that are mostly reliant on having P-Power
  • Practically no grounded blockstrings
  • Lack of good reversals aside from Big Fall Griffon (720 super)
  • Command grabs are unreliable for punishing due to the throw bug
MOTW Tizoc Art.png

Character Colors


Move List

Frame Data Source: and

Data Help
Disclaimer: This is meant to teach basic terminology used when describing moves.
Hitbox: A predefined area (usually a rectangle or rectangles) that tells the game how any given attack can come in contact with a character. Hitboxes are invisible to the player when normally playing.
Hurtbox: A predefined area (usually a group of rectangles) that tell the game how your character is allowed to get hit by any incoming attack. Specifically, you'll get hit by (or block) an attack if that attack's hitbox ever overlaps your hurtbox.
Throw Box/Range: Active throw frames and range. Your opponent will be thrown in this field if not in block or hit stun.
Projectile Box: Hitbox on a projectile attack.
Guard/Counter Box: The Guard Box or Counter Box. This appears when blocking or using a counter move.
Push Box: Has no bearing on hit/hurt boxes. Just prevents characters to not pass through each other. (Also known as "Collision Box".)
Startup The number of frames before an attack can hit the opponent. Does not include the first active frame.
Guard The way this move must be blocked.

High or H or Overhead (especially when from the ground) -- must be blocked standing.
High-Low or HL or Mid -- can be blocked either standing or crouching.
Low or L -- must be blocked crouching.

Damage "Basic" damage -- Unmodified damage values

"Correct" damage -- Damage values accounting for damage scaling, TOP multiplier, and defense rate

Guard Crush Value Decreases the defender's guard durability gauge by this value.
+X Attacker has X number of advantage frames.
-X Attacker has X number of disadvantage frames.
KD Short for "knockdown", knocks down opponent on hit.
Cancelable on both hit and block.
Chain cancelable with the same button (renda cancel).
Cancelable on the first hit/part only.
《X》OR «X» OR <<X>> OR (X) X number of inactive frames between hits of multihit moves.
Only cancelable on block.
Only cancelable on hit.
× OR X Not cancelable.


  • Special/Super moves with "Guard" data in red text are impossible to just defend at 0-pixel health bar.
Standing Crouching Dashing Jumping Taunting
Garou Tizoc Stand.png Garou Tizoc Crouch.png Garou Tizoc Dash.png Garou Tizoc Jump.png Garou Tizoc Taunt.png
17F and the only dash that cannot be cancelled. 4-14F Lower-Body Invincible. 33F Moves Tizoc Forward. 1-12F Lower-Body Invincible.

Close Standing Normals

Close 5A

Garou Tizoc c5A.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
6 Mid 4 3 9 16
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+3 +3 4

Tizoc's fastest close standing normal with decent frame advantage on hit and block.

Close 5B

Garou Tizoc c5B.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
6 Mid 7 5 10 22
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
0 0 4

Slower than cl.A, no real reason to use it in close range.

Close 5C

Garou Tizoc c5C.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
14 Mid 14 4 16 34
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+1 +1 X 8

Same as his far 5C. The slow startup makes it relatively impractical to be used in close range.

Close 5D

Garou Tizoc c5D.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
14 Mid 6 4 13 23
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+4 +4 X X 8

A highly damaging normal that has decently fast startup and good frame advantage compared to his other normals. Good as a meaty.

Far Standing Normals

Far 5A

Garou Tizoc f5A.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
7 Mid 4 3 11 18
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+1 +1 4

One of Tizoc's main pokes and his fastest one alongside 2A. Has good range and the hitbox hits fairly high due to Tizoc's tall body. Can be used as a check to stop dashes/runs and for hitting the opponent out of their jump startup.

Far 5B

Garou Tizoc f5B.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
7 Mid 7 5 10 22
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
0 0 4

Tizoc's farthest reaching poke with great range. This move has slower startup than his 5A so it is ideally used when you are outside of his 5A range. Another normal that is very good as a check against dashes/runs and for controlling the ground space in general.

Far 5C

Garou Tizoc f5C.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
14 Mid 14 4 16 34
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+1 +1 X 8

Slow startup but is safe on hit/block (can be feint cancelled on block) and does good damage. Has slightly more range than his 5A but slightly less than his 5B. Can be used as a slow check/counter-poke and works well as a far-ranged meaty.

Far 5D

Garou Tizoc f5D.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
14 Mid 12 6 24 42
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-9 -9 X X 8

A slow normal that typically isn't used. The startup is too slow to be used as a reliable anti-air. Usually you get this move unintentionally when you "whiff" his D throw.

Crouching Normals


Garou Tizoc 2A.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
6 Mid 4 3 12 19
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
0 0 4

Similar in function to his 5A but has a tiny bit more range and has him hit at a slightly lower profile. More effective than 5A at stopping low profile moves such as 2Bs, but less effective at stopping jumps.


Garou Tizoc 2B.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
6 Low 7 4 9 20
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+2 +2 X X 4

Similar range to his 2A but has slower startup. His main poke that hits low.


Garou Tizoc 2C.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
10 Mid 11 4 22 37
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
-5 -5 X X 5

Serviceable as an anti-air if well spaced. The move hits at an approximate 45 degree angle, so it works best as an anti-air when the opponent is jumping in from farther away, otherwise it may be possible for them to jump right above Tizoc from up close. Should not be heavily relied on as an anti-air as it is slow and can still be air just defended.


Garou Tizoc 2D.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
10 Low 12 4 27 43
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -10 X X 5

Slow and unsafe sweep. Like a lot of sweeps in the game, it's not something you want to use much. Use 2B instead if you want a normal that hits low and is actually safe on block. If the move hits near max range, the opponent will not be knocked down, making it potentially unsafe on hit.

Jumping Normals


Garou Tizoc jA.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
6 High 7 6 - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
- - 4

Tizoc's fastest jump normal with a high hitbox relative to his body. Useful as a fast air-to-air in closer range when the opponent may already be jumping in from above Tizoc. Can be comboed into Icarus Crash.


Garou Tizoc jB.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
6 High 9 6 - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
- - 4

Has a similar range to his j.D with 1f longer startup and is active for 1f less, while doing less damage. Generally not used too much aside from instances where you would want less pushback or would want to combo into Icarus Crash. It is slightly harder to guard cancel against compared to j.D, due to being a light normal.


Garou Tizoc jC.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
10 High 11 9 - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
- - 5

A good forward jump and hop normal with a hitbox extending below Tizoc's torso, more suited as a closer jump-in than his j.D. Useful as an air-to-air if the opponent tries to jump after your pokes to escape your command grabs. Can also function as a cross-up.


Garou Tizoc jD.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
10 High 8 7 - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
- - 5

One of Tizoc's best and most versatile normals. Has great range and works well as a forward jump or hop normal. Excellent as an air-to-air from a neutral or back jump and can be used to keep the opponent from jumping in and approaching from the air. A staple in his air-to-air game.

Universal Moves

Lower-body Evasion Attack (5AB)

Lower-body evasion attack
Garou Tizoc 5AB.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
10 Overhead 22 6 12 40
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+1 +7 X X 6

Can be used as a meaty to potentially score a counter hit. Otherwise not too useful as an overhead due to its slow startup. Can be kara cancelled into Icarus Crash.

Has 13F of lower-body invincibility after landing.

Upper-body Evasion Attack (2AB)

Upper-body evasion attack
Garou Tizoc 2AB.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
7, 7 Mid 13 1, 2 18 34
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+1 +1 X X 3, 3

Good as a poke/counter-poke against other characters' 5A and higher-hitting normals. The move hits twice, which makes it useful for potentially beating guard cancel attempts from opponents who try to do so against the first hit.

1~5F upper-body invincibility.

T.O.P. Attack (CD)

Gridro Super Kick (T.O.P. Attack)
C+D (T.O.P. Only)
Garou Tizoc CD.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
17 (base damage) Mid 20 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -18 X X 30

Mainly used as a guard cancel against fireballs or to go over grounded fireballs like Rock's Reppuken or Terry's Power Wave. Depending on the spacing, the move can be hard to punish for some characters due to its pushback on block, but it shouldn't be thrown out in neutral too much as it has slow startup and is easy to jump over.


C Throw

Griffon Tower
Close 4/6C
Garou Tizoc C Throw.png
Close 4/6C Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
15 Unblockable 0 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+39 - - - -

Generally not used much over his D throw, unless you need the few extra points of damage with the follow-up to kill. Can set up a reverse guard/same side cross-up situation after the throw or follow-up by walking slightly forward and hitting the opponent with j.C around their turning/side switch axis (easier to do in the corner).

--- 33C OR

--- 11C

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
10 - - - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+36 - - - -

Grif-Fall (C throw follow-up move): Input 33C or 11C while lifting the opponent up into the air with Griffon Tower. You can input 11C later than 33C, so it's the recommended input.

D Throw

Griffon Hug
Close 4/6D
Garou Tizoc D Throw.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
7×3, 5 Unblockable 0 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
+59 - - - -

Tizoc's preferred normal throw, which does decent damage. It gives better okizeme and has better corner carry than his C throw. If the throw "whiffs", a cl.D or far 5D will come out and can potentially anti-air an opponent who tries to jump. Tizoc's throw is generally used in place of his regular command grab, Justice Hurricane, in situations where you would want a faster punish/reversal throw in close range or when the opponent may attempt the throw bug.


Forward Feint (6AC)

Forward Feint
Garou Tizoc 6AC.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
- - - - - 13
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
- - - - -

Mimics the start of 2AB.

Moves Tizoc forward slightly and gives him upper-body invincibility. Can be used to evade various higher-hitting normals and specials, and as an anti-air against various jump or hop normals. Typically used in conjunction with Justice Hurricane, Big Fall Griffon, or his D throw as a follow-up to whiff punish moves that are evaded with its upper-body invincibility.

This is the feint you want to feint cancel with. Due to it moving Tizoc slightly forward, it can be used after one of his pokes (that can be feint cancelled) in order to move him closer in range of a command grab.

Down Feint (2AC)

Down Feint
Garou Tizoc 2AC.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
- - - - - 26
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
- - - - -

Mimics the start of Daedalus Attack.

DAAH! Only used as a taunt.

Special Moves

Justice Hurricane (360P)

Justice Hurricane
Garou Tizoc 360A.png
Garou Tizoc 360C.png
A Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
26 Unblockable 3 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD - - - -
C Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
32 Unblockable 3 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD - - - -

Tizoc's main command grab. It has fast startup and does good damage. The A version has slightly more range and leaves you closer to the opponent after the knockdown for better okizeme, but does less damage than the C version. The A version is generally preferred in the corner for its stronger okizeme. Midscreen you can pick between the C version for raw damage or A version for its slight amount of additional range and some, albeit weaker, midscreen okizeme.

Olympus Over (214K)

Olympus Over
Garou Tizoc 214B.png
Garou Tizoc 214D.png
B Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
18 Overhead 29 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -11 - - 10
D Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
20 Overhead 56 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -9 - - 12

An elbow drop that hits overhead. Arguably Tizoc's worst special move, it has very slow startup and is fairly unsafe on block and whiff. You're much better off going for a jump or hop normal for a faster overhead that would also give you frame advantage on block as well. The only reasonable situation where you would want to consider using this move is in a chip kill scenario in the corner, wherein you can cancel into the B version from one of his pokes.

D version has 1~3F of full-body invincibility, 5~17F are airborne.

D Break Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
- - - - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
- - - - -

The break ends the startup of the D version just before the move goes airborne. Slower than his Poseidon Wave C break, so not much use for it.

Poseidon Wave (421P)

Poseidon Wave
Garou Tizoc 421P 1.png
A Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
19 Mid 18 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -9 - - 8

A lariat that can be used to control the space directly in front of you against opponents who try to jump/hop/run/dash in. You can cancel into this move from a light normal and use it as an anti-jump frame trap against an opponent who might try to jump to escape a potential command grab. Keep in mind that this move has a fair amount of startup, is still fairly unsafe on block, and whiffs on crouching opponents, making it fairly risky. It's not a move you want to throw out in neutral too much, but it can at least make the opponent more hesitant to jump so you can land your command grabs more often.

4~16F upper-body invincibility.

C Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
22 Mid 37 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -8 - - 12

The C version has a much longer and telegraphed startup. Not something you would want to use much, only as a hail mary.

1~4F of full-body invincibility, 5~17F are airborne, then 18~30F of upper-body invincibility.

C Break Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
- - - - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
- - - - -

The break ends the startup of the C version just before the move advances forward. It can be used to build meter, although it's still a rather slow way of doing so. Be wary of not cornering yourself or being counter hit when repeatedly breaking the move to build meter.

Active Tupon (623P)

Active Tupon
Garou Tizoc 623A.png
Garou Tizoc 623C.png
A Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
23 Unblockable 28 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD - - - -
C Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
23 Unblockable 41 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD - - - -

This is a command grab that only works on standing opponents (whiffs on crouch). The A version has faster startup but shorter range and the C version has slower startup but farther range. You're generally better off going for a Justice Hurricane instead of using the A version. The C version is too slow to be used on reaction to fireballs (only as a read) and is more of a hail mary. Can be used sparingly to catch the opponent off guard and trick them into stand blocking against a potential jump-in, most practically in the corner. The move results in a side switch if it lands, making it more practical for round finishers to avoid cornering yourself.

Hercules Throw (41236B)

Hercules Throw
Garou Tizoc 41236B.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
8 Unblockable 13 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD - - - -

A command grab that does little damage itself, but results in a wall bounce (to the opposite wall) leading to a small follow-up combo (into either Poseidon Wave A, Icarus Crash, or Daedalus Attack B). It has much slower startup than Justice Hurricane and its meterless follow-ups result in less damage than a Justice Hurricane C, making it somewhat obsolete. Generally only used as an anti-air guard cancel, which is possible thanks to its slow startup.

Icarus Crash (j236A)

Icarus Crash
Garou Tizoc j236A.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
22 - 5 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD - - - -

Tizoc's air grab, which isn't actually an air throw, but a hitgrab that can be just defended in the air. Although not a proper air throw, it does do decent damage and you can combo into it from a j.A or j.B as an air-to-air. You can also kara cancel into this move from his 5AB or perform a faster instant air version with a TK motion and kara cancelling from a jump normal (e.g. 2369B~A), which results in doing the move lower to the ground. The instant air version can be used as a preemptive anti-air after one of Tizoc’s pokes to deter the opponent from jumping forward. The move results in a side switch if it lands.

Super Moves

Big Fall Griffon (720P)

Big Fall Griffon
720°A/C (S/P Power)
Garou Tizoc 720P.png
A Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
15 + 25 Unblockable 1 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD - - - -
C Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
27 + 30 Unblockable 1 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD - - - -

Tizoc's command grab super. Basically a beefed up version of his Justice Hurricane with greater range, faster startup, full-body invincibility on startup, and of course, more damage. Aside from the damage difference, both the A and C versions more or less have the same properties, apart from the C version resulting in a side switch. Generally more advisable to go for the A version unless you can kill with the C version.

A version has 1F of full-body invincibility. C version has 1~3F of full-body invincibility.

Daedalus Attack (236236K)

Daedalus Attack
236236B/D (S/P Power)
Garou Tizoc 236236B.png
Garou Tizoc 236236D.png
B Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
8x2, 15 Overhead, Mid, Mid 14 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -27 - - 8×2, 15

A series of strikes/lariats. You can only combo into the B version from Hercules Throw, but the B version does relatively poor damage for a super; it only results in slightly more damage than his meterless follow-ups making it only worth spending the meter on for the kill. Despite having some invincibility frames, it’s not used as a reversal because of its slow startup and being extremely unsafe on block.

1~8F of full-body invincibility.

D Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Total
8x6, 15 Overhead, Mid, Overhead, Mid, Overhead, Mid, Mid 13 - - -
Hit Adv Block Adv Cancel on Hit Cancel on Block Guard Crush Value
KD -27 - - 7×6, 10

Tizoc is able to combo into the D version of this super from any of his cancellable light normals, making it much more useful than the B version, alongside dealing respectable damage. You'll mainly be comboing into this super from a jab (either 5A or 2A) as a punish or as a hit confirm. Like the B version, it’s not used as a reversal.

1~11F of full-body invincibility.

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