Tatsunoko vs Capcom: Cross Generation of Heroes (TVC, TVCCGOH, CGOH) | |
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Capcom, 8ing |
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Capcom |
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Arcade |
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Hello people coming here from google's SEO, this page is for the Japanese original 2008 release of TvC, if you are here for that then read on and ignore this, if you're looking for the updated American release used in American tournaments go here: Tatsunoko vs Capcom: Ultimate All Stars
Tatsunoko vs Capcom is the latest Capcom fighter in the V.S. (versus) series (and it's been a long time!). People that are familiar with the Marvel vs Capcom (and 2) series should feel right at home with this port. Instead of the Capcom team fighting against good old Marvel, they're fighting the Tatsunoko side. This installment of the Versus Series reintroduces super jumping, air combos, advanced guard, and a new way to extend combos, called Baroques.
The arcade version of Tatsunoko vs Capcom was released in early December 2008 only in Japan. The arcade version is ran on a Wii board. On December 11th, 2008, the Wii version was released. However, it is unlikely that Capcom will release this game in the U.S. due to the license issues on the Tatsunoko side.
Wii Version
Main Menu
Since the main menu is in Japanese, it can be frustrating to figure out what mode you're picking. Thanks to MarkMan from the TvC Thread, he has translated the menu:
- アーケード = Arcade Mode
- バーサス = Vs. Mode
- サバイバル = Survival
- タイムアタック = Time Attack
- トレーニング = Training
- プレイデータ = Play Data
- オプション = Option
- ショップ = Shop
- ギャラリー = Gallery
- オリジナルゲーム = Original (Mini) Games
This is in order. When you hit the start button at the title screen, you are highlighting Arcade Mode.
Shop Information
Similar to Marvel V.S. Capcom 2, the more times you play Arcade Mode, Original (Mini) Game Mode, Survival Mode, or Time Attack Mode, the more points you earn. Thanks to pyrestrike from the TvC Thread, he translated the information in Shop Mode, the symbols and colors:
- Orange - ? - Characters
- Yellow - Film - Movies/Endings
- Yellow -Music Note- Background Music (for Gallery play)
- Red - Book - Character Profiles
- D. Blue- Wiimote - Minigame
- L. Blue- Paper - Illustrations
Hidden Characters
There are four Hidden Characters. They are:
- Capcom Side:
- Saki Omokane
- Viewtiful Joe
- Tatsunoko Side:
- Hakusho Daimao
- Ippatsuman
Thanks to Ministry from the TvC Thread, we now know how to unlock them:
- Capcom Side:
- Beat Arcade Mode once with a Capcom character to make Saki Omokane appear in Shop Mode (cost 1,000 Points)
- Beat Arcade Mode three times with Capcom characters to make Viewtiful Joe appear in Shop Mode (cost 2,000 Points)
- Tatsunoko Side:
- Beat Arcade Mode once with a Tatsunoko character to make Hakusho Daimao appear in Shop Mode (cost 1,000 Points)
- Beat Arcade Mode three times with Tatsunoko characters to make Ippatsuman appear in Shop Mode (cost 2,000 Points)
Character Damage Scale
Thanks to Keits for the information, this chart shows how much health each character has based on using Alex's Hyper Bomb (360+AB):
- 1.)Gold Lightan - 60% health left after Hyper Bomb
- 2.)PTX-40A - 56% health left
- 3.)Daimao, Alex, and Tekkaman - 49% health left
- 4.)Souki - 47%
- 5.)Casshern - 45%
- 6.)Ryu, Polymar, Batsu, Doronjo - 43%
- 7.)V.Joe, Chun, Ippatsuman - 41%
- 8.)Ken, Jun, Morrigan, Saki - 39%
- 9.)Rock, Yatterman - 35%
- 10.)Roll - 32%
- 11.)Karas - 30% left after hyper bomb from full health...
Joystick/Controller Notation
- F - Move the arcade stick/controller pad forward
- b - Move the arcade stick/controller pad backward
- U - Move the arcade stick/controller pad up
- D - Move the arcade stick/controller pad down
- QCF - Quarter circle forward - move the arcade stick/controller pad down, then to downwards and forward, then forward.
- QCB - Quarter circle back - move the arcade stick/controller pad down, then to downwards and backward, then backward.
- HCF - Half-circle forward - move the arcade stick/controller pad backwards, then to downwards and backward, then to downward, then to downwards and forward, then forward.
- HCB - Half-circle back - move the arcade stick/controller pad forwards, then to downwards and forward, then to downward, then to downwards and backward, then backward.
- DP - Dragon punch (a.k.a. shoryuken motion) - move the arcade stick/controller pad forwards, then to downward, then to downward and forward.
- RDP - Reverse dragon punch - move the arcade stick/controller pad backwards, then to downward, then to downward and backward.
- 360/Full Circle Motion - Complete one full motion with your arcade stick/controller pad
- Charge - Depending on the special move or super, you will either hold b (back) for a few second, then hit F (forward) followed by whatever button you hit, or hold D (down) for a few seconds, then hit U (up) followed by whatever button you hit.
Depending on what side you're on determines the direction. For example, if you are on the left side of the screen (a.k.a. 1P side), moving F (forward) requires you to tap/hold the arcade stick/controller pad to the right. If you are on the right side of the screen (a.k.a. 2P side), moving F (forward) requires you to tap/hold the arcade stick/controller pad to the left. Jumping (U) or crouching (D) is universal on both player sides.
Four Button Notation
- A - Weak Attack
- B - Medium Attack
- C - Strong Attack
- P - Partner Button
Arcade Stick Button Layout
- (A) (B) (C)
- (P)
- +: This means to hit at the same time. For example, Ryu's super energy fireball wave is QCF + A+B. This means as you hit forward on your arcade stick/controller pad, hit A and B buttons at the same time.
- -> (Sometimes > or ,): This is part of an order sequence. For example, a basic Ryu ground combo is A -> B -> C =3 hit ground combo.
- xx (Sometimes x): Used when you need to cancel into something else. For example, Ryu's normal hits into a special move (fireball) into a super move: A -> B -> C -> QCF+A xx QCF+AB. Normals > Specials > Supers.
- ~: This means that you should hit the button(s) or motion of your arcade stick/controller pad around a certain time. For example, Karas' special sequence: Charge B, then F (hits the enemy) ~ QCF+A ~ F+C.
- /: This means that you can use any other button and still get the normal or special move out. For example, Ryu's fireball is QCF+A/B/C.
State Modifiers
- s. - This means that you should be doing whatever you need to do in the standing position. For example, Ryu's fireball can be done both in the air and ground. In this case, ground fireball is s.QCF+A
- c. - This means that you should be doing whatever you need to do in the crouching position. For example, a crouching Karas three hit combo: c.A -> c.B -> c.C.
- j. - This means that you should be doing whatever you need to do while you're jumping. For example, Ryu's jumping Heavy Attack (C) will look like this: j.C
- sj. - This means that you should be doing whatever you need to do while you're super jumping (to super jump, tap down on your arcade stick/controller pad, the up quickly on your arcade stick/controller pad). For example, Veautiful Joe's super jump Heavy Attack (C) will look like this: sj.C.
Miscellaneous Notation
- Tap/Rapidly - Repeatedly press a button. For example, Chun-Li's lightning kick is done by tapping A/B/C continuously.
- Deep/Close - How close a normal/special/super is performed. This is also used for "jump-in's," meaning you get closer to your enemy and do an air attack to guarantee a hit.
- Far - How far a normal/special/super is performed. This is also used for "footsie," or "poke" games, or hitting your defending enemy until you have an opportunity to strike and deal damage.
- Reversal - The ability to do a special move at the right time.
Game Mechanics
When your enemy knocks you down from a throw, tripping you, or at the end of an air combo, you land on the ground hard. You can roll backwards (take your arcade stick/controller pad and hold back) or forwards (take your arcade stick/controller pad and hold forward).
To throw, tap forward or backwards+C.You can also do an air throw by tapping forward or backwards+C. Throws are different depending on your character. You can escape throws on the ground and in the air by tapping forward or backwards+C. If you are successful, you will escape your enemy's throw and a message will pop up, saying "Tech Hit."
Dashing and Air Dashing
Everyone in this game can dash forward (with your arcade stick/controller pad, tap forward twice, or F, F) or backwards (with your arcade stick/controller pad, tap back twice, or b, b) in the air. You can also dash forward (tap forward twice, or F, F) or backwards (tap back twice, or b, b). An alternative to dashing and air dashing tapping command is to tap all three attack buttons (A+B+C) at the same time.
Super Jumps
With your arcade stick/controller pad, tap down, then quickly tap up to do a super jump. Everyone has this ability.
Double Jumping
After a regular jump (tap up) or super jump (tap down, then quickly tap up), you can do a second jump by tapping up on your arcade stick/controller pad.
Advance Guard
While blocking, tap all three attack buttons (A+B+C) at the same time. Your enemy will be pushed back from you. This removes block stun and gives you some space to attack/escape. You can also avoid chip damage (or while blocking a special or super, you receive tiny damage) by doing Advance Guard.
Just like all the other Marvel versus Capcom series, this feature lets you switch out your current character with your partner. Simply tapping Back+P (Partner button) will get your partner out. Your partner will tag in with a hit and do a one second pose with some speech or grunting. However, if you tag out and your enemy blocks or misses your enemy, it can leave you open for your enemy to hit you. You cannot block for the one second that you are out, so be careful when you tag out. Also, Tagging helps out your other partner because whatever is red on their health bar can be restored as long as they are not tagged back to the fight. However, you cannot simply "tag around," because once you switch to your partner, there is a 5-6 second delay before your partner's portrait appears (the portrait will be static like a T.V. when they are either dead or tagged out). Once their face appears, it will say "Assist O.K." and the healing process begins. If your partner dies, you are alone, and your partner's portrait stays static. Note: When picking Gold Lightan or PTX-40A, you cannot pick another character.
Pre-Match Tagging
You can switch your character with your partner before the match begins. As they taunt, before the screen flashes "Ready" and "Fight," tap on the arcade stick/controller P, and your partner will switch places.
Partner Assist Attack
Simply press the P (Partner button) to get your partner out to attack. Unlike Marvel V.S. Capcom 2, you cannot choose the "Assist Type," rather, everyone has their own unique assist attack. Some are better than others. You can call use Partner Assist Attack while you are attack with normal/specials/supers or while you are normal jumping. However, you cannot use Partner Assist Attack while you super jump. Note: When picking Gold Lightan or PTX-40A, you cannot pick another partner, which means you don't have the ability of Partner Assist Attack.
In order to activate Baroque, you have to have some red bar in your life bar. Once you do, you can activate Baroque by simply pressing A/B/C+P (you'll know you've activated it because you'll look like a rainbow). Baroque is unique because it gives you the ability to extend moves and combos to deal more damage. It also gives you the ability to chain supers that may not be possible or very difficult to do normally. The more red bar you have in your health bar, the more damage you will do in Baroque mode. However, you have to be in a middle of a normal/special move to activate it. It is advised to use Baroque within a combo. For example, a Ryu combo with Baroque thrown in may look like this: s.A -> c.A -> s.B -> c.B -> s.C -> F+C -> A+P (Baroque) -> dash (tap F two times) -> s.A -> c.A -> s.B -> c.B -> s.C -> F+C -> QCB+A xx QCF+AB. The only drawback is once you activate Baroque, you lose your red bar, which means you lose your "potential" amount of returned health.
Variable Air Raid
During an air combo, you can switch your current character out with your partner, and continue your air combo. This is done by doing QCF+P. Variable Air Raid uses one super bar.
Variable Counter
While blocking (while being attacked, hold your arcade stick/controller pad back), take your arcade stick/controller pad and tap forward+P. You must have a partner in order to use Variable Counter. Variable Counter uses one super bar.
Mega Crash
Mega Crash will be familiar to those that have played the Guilty Gear series, BlazBlue, or Arcana Heart. What this does is gets you out of tough situations, such as long blocking, or long combos, or getting out of supers. You simply hit all four buttons at the same time (A+B+C+P). Mega Crash will push the enemy back, giving you some room to think of your next move. However, there are a few draw backs. First, you have to have two super meters. Second, every time you use Mega Crash, it takes some of your life away. However, if you are using it to gain the ability to use Baroque, that may lead to some interesting set-ups.
Launching is done by tapping downwards and forward (DF)+C. Every character in this game has a launcher. The launcher leads into air combos (by tapping up).
Variable Combination/Double Team Super
To do a Variable Combination/Double Team Super, choose your super, followed by tapping P during the super animation or "flash". For example, your team is Ryu/Karas. Do Ryu's QCF+AB super, then tap P during Ryu's super animation to get Karas to join in to do his super. Variable Combination/Double Team Super uses three super bars.
Delayed Hyper Combo
Similar to Marvel V.S. Capcom 2, you use your current characters super, followed by inputting your choice on your partners super. For example, your team is Ryu/Chun-Li. Do Ryu's QCF+AB super, then input Chun-Li's QCF+AB super during Ryu's super. Ryu's super gets interrupted, and Chun-Li continues with her super.
Snapbacks are character specific. Alex, PTX-40A, Hakusho Daimao, and Gold Lightan have Snapbacks.
- Alex's Snapback - Take your arcade stick/controller pad and charge back, then tap forward+C, (he hits the enemy with his elbow) -> (delay, wait until the elbow flash animation is done) -> then do DP+C (doing a drop kick animation and kicking out the enemy).
- PTX-40A's Snapback - Take your arcade stick/controller pad and charge back, then tap forward+C (he hits his enemy with a charging elbow, pushing them off screen).
- Hakusho Daimao's Snapback - Take your arcade stick/controller pad and motion HCB+C (his bottle sucks your enemy up, then spits them out of the screen).
- Gold Lightan's Snapback - Take your arcade stick/controller pad and motion HBC+C (he does an air dive kick right into your enemy) (Note: This has to be done when your enemy is jumping, otherwise, your leg will hit the ground, and you will not get Snapback to work).
The Characters
Capcom Side
Morrigan Aensland
Batsu Ichimonji
Rock Volnutt
Saki Omokane
Viewtiful Joe