SvC Chaos: SNK Vs Capcom/Earthquake

From SuperCombo Wiki
アースクェイク, Earthquake
"If you want to be strong like me, you gotta eat like a champ! Snort, oink!"
Category Normal
Playstyle Unorthodox anti-zoner setplay
Difficulty Easy Execution, Hard Gameplay
Max Mode Needed? Doesn't Need It
Tier Placement Maybe (C)
Standing Hitbox Tall
Crouching Hitbox Huge
Defense Modifier 212
Wall Jump Yes



Earthquake (or EQ for short) is easily the fattest character of both the Samurai Shodown series and this game, and is almost as tall as Hugo. While he definitely has some issues, he's an overall unique character in SVC and may even surprise you with what he has to offer as an unorthodox big-body type character.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Mostly good ground buttons: Earthquake's buttons come out quickly and with good range to them to make effective pokes and do okay enough damage to help throughout the match, even his heavy buttons. Normals like cr.A or st.D are great pokes in any matchup he can rely on to help his footsies gameplay. Some buttons like cr.C leave a lot to be desired, though.
  • Decently mobile for a huge character: Earthquake, despite having slow grounded and aerial movement, has access to a wall jump and other special moves that help move him around, though only small, such as a DP roll attack or a teleport strike from above. His huge size doesn't prevent him from having dashes as fast as everyone else, either.
  • Gimmicky tools to make the opponent guess: Between fake out teleports and teleport mixups, a fart projectile, a falling aerial attack, forwards roll attack, or his chain super that hits wherever the opponent is, Earthquake has a large variety of tools to work with. With proper use, he can be fairly unpredictable and continually punish mistakes throughout the match. Teleport mixups are especially useful for providing him necessary defensive options.
  • Fart projectile for setplay: Earthquake can use his own farts for interesting setplay to force the opponent to either stay away or jump towards him, essentially blocking off access directly in front of him for some time. It travels at a snail's pace, so while useless for fighting against zoning, makes it ideal for keeping the opponent from standing near him while also keeping them where he wants them. It makes up a huge part of his neutral and setplay, giving him pressure he otherwise wouldn't have, and trades favorably for him.
  • 50/50 instant overhead mixups: Adding to his fart setplay, Earthquake can use j.A for instant overheads or go for sweeps with cr.D to mix the opponent up. Though this does not mitigate his jumping issue, it's a boon for his offense by getting more pokes.
  • Anti-zoner playstyle: Earthquake's a unique character in that his movelist is specifically designed around countering against zoners or punishing attempts to zone him out. He has multiple ways of doing this, but most notable is his Fat Guilty super which quickly punishes the opponent where they stand.
  • Strong meter dump: Earthquake makes good use of meter in general since his supers are all useful in some way to his gameplay. Even in max mode where he has no real use for max cancels, meter dump is still helpful to enhance his offense. In general, it makes up a large part of his ability to counter zoners and blends well with is fart setups.
  • Rare matchup: While not the rarest matchup, Earthquake is seldom picked and so the opponent likely won't know how to fight against him, giving him an advantage. In a game where zoners are powerful, this further elevates his potential to win matches. If he's in a matchup that he wins, then the lack of matchup knowledge makes matters easier for him.
  • Massive target: Earthquake is the second tallest character in the game, behind only Hugo, but the widest character in the game. He's massive and takes up a massive chunk of the screen real estate that he becomes an easy target to hit. Some attacks he cannot avoid at all, which makes his life miserable in some matchups. His huge size also makes it very easy to cross him up.
  • Horrible jumps, slow walk speed: Earthquake's jumps hardly travel forwards enough even with super jumps, and the arc they travel in makes it impossible for him to jump over himself and Hugo, needing to superjump. Even Hugo doesn't have this issue. His general walk speed is also slow, forcing him to dash around or use other means to move around.
  • Unreliable jump-ins: Earthquake's jump-ins are all stubby, or have active hitboxes placed too close to his hurtboxes that timing them as jump-ins or using them as air-to-airs is harder than it looks. Combined with his huge size and terrible jumps, they're more of an annoyance to the opponent than good buttons to look out for.
  • Slow projectile startup: Earthquake's farts are great for setplay, and that's basically it. Using them to fight against even the slowest fireballs is a losing fireball war, and using them at all is a commitment when its lengthy startup leaves Earthquake wide open, limiting the times he can safely use it.
  • Needs meter to safely punish zoners: Fat Guilty is Earthquake's best answer for zoners thanks to hitting anywhere on the screen, but it costs meter. And without that, all of his other options are hard commitments with average reward, which depending on the matchup, may not even be choices for him.
  • Next to no combos: Self-explanatory. Earthquake barely has any combos to work with making pokes or any individual interactions make up the vast majority of his damage, nor can he rely on combos to make big comebacks. This in turn also makes building meter an issue, since if he can't build meter, he loses access to his best tools.
  • Situational, mediocre Exceed: Earthquake's exceed cannot be comboed from anything and has a lengthy startup due to its gimmicky teleport away before he starts it, thus making it hard to reliably punish the opponent with it. Even though he has upper body invulnerability during the active frames, he can still be hit out of it at his feet. And that's with its slow travel speed.
  • Must avoid the corner like the plague: Earthquake's huge size makes moving around in the corner and escaping it much harder than the average character and does not want to have to fight up close to escape if he can avoid it. In some matchups, if he's trapped in the corner, the opponent can keep him trapped there due to screwy game design. The most infamous example is Goenitz, who can keep Earthquake trapped with tornadoes because of Earthquake's huge hitbox.
  • Very lopsided MUs: Either Earthquake dominates in the matchup, or he's fighting an uphill battle, because either a character gets shut down by his options easily, or he can't set up or fight against zoners with his tools. More aggressive characters give him a harder time, also. He benefits from matchup knowledge in general, but particularly for knowing how to shut down zoners at the right time and with the right tools.
SVC Chaos: SNK VS Capcom Frame Data Glossary

How much damage the attack does. This takes into account no defense modifiers, so the damage assumes a 0% damage modifier, or in other words the average defense modifier of 223 against characters like Kyo and Ryu.

  • Note: Damage is a little inconsistent. Example: Geese cl.A deals 5 damage. Against Zero, sometimes it does 5 pixels of damage to his life bar, other times it does 4 pixels. Against Ryu, cl.A does 4 pixels of damage, other times it does 3 pixels of damage. This info comes from the Enterbrain Mook, but most likely this is the cause of damage modifiers skewing the damage slightly, thus making it a bit inconsistent.
  • Damage values listed are pulled from the SVC Chaos Enterbrain Mook, save Athena, Red Arremer, Serious Mr. Karate and Shin Akuma. It is listed because it's an official source for this info, just keep in mind damage is not 1-to-1 due to varying health values and screwy ways the game calculates damage anyways.
  • There will be a question mark next to the four mentioned characters because it's only a guess as to what the actual damage values are (until health and damage are better understood), since they were never gathered in the Mook.
  • Unfortunately, when doing attacks, the numbers dealt in damage do not match up with the mook. As an example, Geese's cl.C does 16 damage according to the mook, but against characters like Zero, it only does 14-15 damage, and very rarely it does 16 damage. Against Ryu, it does 12-13 damage at most. But against Orochi Iori, it also does 14-15 damage, and very rarely it does 16 damage. The mook does not explain how the numbers are obtained either, or against who they're tested against, if anyone. In other words, how these numbers were obtained if not through data mining is a mystery in itself, but it can be best assumed it was against 255 defense modifier characters, and at the max damage possible.
  • Lastly, moves like Geese cl.D, though it says 10x2 for the damage, which is true, damage scaling reduces total damage on the second hit. Max Mode also reduces damage dealt by roughly half at most.
Counter Damage

How much damage the attack does on a counter hit, or when it connects with an opponent while they're performing an attack. Counter damage values listed are pulled from the SVC Chaos Enterbrain Mook, save Athena, Red Arremer, Serious Mr. Karate and Shin Akuma.


Where the attack hits, and thus where it must be blocked.

  • Mids can be blocked standing and crouching
  • Overheads must be blocked standing
  • Lows must be blocked crouching
  • Unblockable cannot be blocked
  • Throws break through block up-close
Guard Crush

How much guard meter damage the attack does to the green Guard Gauge.


How many points of stun the attack adds to the opponent's invisible Stun Gauge.


How much meter is gained for performing/landing the attack. Special moves earn meter both when activated and when they connect with the opponent, whether it hits them or they block it.


The type of cancel the attack can perform.

  • Any - All cancel types work
  • Ch - Chain cancel; it can chain into other attacks (mostly just lights)
  • Self - Can chain only into itself
  • Cmd - Command cancel; can cancel into command normals
  • Sp - Special cancel; can cancel into special moves, and almost always this means super cancels are possible too
  • Su - Super cancel; can cancel into super moves
  • Free - Free cancel; can be cancelled in Max Mode by other special moves or super moves
  • Written only for special moves as all normals can be Free Cancelled, so writing it in for every move would be redundant
  • X - Cannot be cancelled, either outside of Max Mode or that it cannot be cancelled at all

How many frames it takes before the move becomes 'active' or has a hitbox. The SVC Chaos wiki uses classic startup notation, which does not include the first active frame. A move with 3 startup becomes active on frame 4. Super and Exceed startup will calculate both the frames before and after the super flash animation as such: X+Y, with X being the startup frames before the flash animation and Y being the startup frames after the flash animation.

  • The startup will not take into account the frames of the flash animation itself where time freezes and the opponent player cannot act.
  • Super flashes last 28 frames, whereas Exceed flashes last 27 frames.
  • Because there is currently no way to view throw boxes, it is assumed that throws/command grabs are at most 0-1 frames of startup. Truthfully, we don't actually know though.

How many frames a move remains active (can hurt opponents) for. Consecutive sets of active frames on a multi-hit move are separated by a comma. (Example: 3, 4 - The attack has its first hitbox for 3 frames, then the second hitbox for 4 frames)

  • If there is a gap between sets of active frames, the gap is denoted by a number in parentheses. (Example: 3, (2), 4 - The attack is active for 3 frames, then is not active for the next two frames, followed by being active again for 4 frames.)
  • Throw boxes are not visible either through dipswitches or the hitbox viewer so it's only a guess how active throws and command grabs are, but it's probably one active frame at most.
  • This also applies to hitbox images - they will still show the push and hurtboxes of characters but outside of that, unfortunately there is no way to depict the throw boxes at the moment.

How many frames it takes for a move to finish after it's been active.


The total number of frames the attack lasts on screen for. This adds up the startup, active, and recovery frames into one number.

Hit/Block Adv

These are frame advantage values when the attack hits or is blocked. If the number is positive, then the move will end before the defender can act again. If the number is negative, the defender will be able to act before the attacker and maybe even punish.

  • SKD refers to a soft knockdown, or a knockdown you can tech roll out of.
  • HKD refers to a hard knockdown, one that you cannot tech roll out of.
  • All frame advantages assume Ryu as the opponent. If there are variable wakeup times, it is currently unknown info.
  • Also assume that on soft knockdowns, the frame advantage is when the opponent does not tech roll. If needed, a second frame advantage will be added next to it for when they do tech roll.
  • Frame advantages of projectiles assumes the opponent is point blank range. Any farther and this obviously changes and/or doesn't matter.
  • Block advantage assumes no use of Guard Cancel Front Step.
  • For one, it obviously decreases the attacker's frame advantage significantly.
  • When the defender uses GCFS is also a variable factor so you cannot provide a hard answer as to what the frame advantage is after GCFS, as well as how soon they cancel GCFS into an attack.
  • Generally speaking, just assume the block advantage minus the active frames of GCFS (18 frames), and that's a rough estimate of the frame advantage when GCFS is performed. Do keep in mind that GCFS technically has a slight delay when the dash is performed even if you register the input as early as possible.
  • This doesn't really matter in most cases, since the attacker will automatically be quite minus after most attacks.
  • It would only matter in situations where the attacker can punish GCFS attempts like with throws or multi-hit attacks, but even then, that's because the attacker canceled the blocked attack into another attack that the frame advantage of the blocked attack after GCFS no longer matters in that situation. All that matters, then, is the attack is cancelable at all.

Indicates whether there's any frames of invulnerability during the attack.

Move List

Normal Moves

  • Note: Until labbed further to verify accuracy, keep in mind that the mook erroneously swaps EQ's Guard Crush and Stun values on his pages. Unsure if a typo or not for the time being.

Close/Far Normals

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
cl.A= 7 ; st.A= 8 cl.A= 8 ; st.A= 9 Mid cl.A= 7 ; st.A= 8 cl.A= 7 ; st.A= 8 - - 8 3 7 18 +2 +0 -
  • It's a fast attack that cannot combo in itself. It's cancelable, and the damage is nice for a light attack. You can use this to push the opponent if you want.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
cl.B= 7 ; st.B= 8 cl.B= 8 ; st.B= 9 Mid cl.B= 7 ; st.B= 8 cl.B= 7 ; st.B= 8 - - cl.B= 7 ; st.B= 9 5 8 cl.B= 20 ; st.B= 22 -1 -3 -
  • Fast kick that cannot combo in itself. The startup is almost the same than the move above (I think), but this move is not cancelable, so you can avoid it if you want.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
23 31 Mid 22 16 - - 7 3 7 17 +10 +8 -
  • Nice move, really. This is a fast move that is cancelable and combos into EQ's s.D. The damage is nice, so make sure to cancel if it hits the opponent. This move is safe if blocked, so you can abuse of it to push the opponent.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
26 34 Mid 25 20 - - 17 6 15 38 -1 -3 -
  • One of his long range pokes. The reach, the damage and the speed of this move are nice, and that makes this move a nice poke for him. It's not cancelable.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
23 31 Mid 22 16 - - cl.D= 4 ; st.D= 6 cl.D= 6 ; st.D= 8 cl.D= 11 ; st.D= 13 cl.D= 21 ; st.D= 27 cl.D= +3 ; st.D= -1 cl.D= +1 ; st.D= -3 -
  • Fast and cancelable kick that can be used as a poke and as a followup for the cl.C(Just time well and you'll be fine with this simple combo). The damage of this move is nice(EQ's normals are incredibly good, really), so this move is good for punishing combos.

Crouch Normals

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
7 8 Low 7 7 - - 9 2 6 17 +4 +2 -
  • Use this as a low poke.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
7 8 Mid 7 7 - - 8 5 11 24 -4 -6 -
  • Doesn't hits low and it's not cancelable. Avoid if you want.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
23 31 Mid 22 16 - - 20 9 9 38 +2 +0 -
  • Strangely slow anti-air with a hitbox that's much taller than it is wide. Cancellable.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
23 31 Low 22 16 - - 19 2 11 32 SKD +5 -
  • That's your low long range poke. It's a fast move that knocks down and the damage is incredibly good, but isn't cancelable, sadly. Use it only as a low long range poke. I know a nice setup for this move, it will be on the Advanced Strategy section.

Jumping Normals

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
8 9 Overhead 8 8 - - 9 3 - - - - -
  • Neutral/Diagonal Jumping Attack
  • This can work as a surprise move, due to its reach, but as an air-to-air move, forget it. As a jump-in, forget it. EQ has better options, so avoid if you want. Sadly, EQ's air attacks are not cancelable.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
8 9 Overhead 8 8 - - 8 11 - - - - -
  • Neutral/Diagonal Jumping Attack
  • His best air-to-air move, really. Can be used as an jum-in, but he have better options. Only that, I think.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
23 31 Overhead 22 16 - - 13 9 - - - - -
  • Neutral/Diagonal Jumping Attack
  • His best jump-in attack. EQ performs an attack with his big belly. Nice damage, easy to combo after the attack, can crossup the opponent, but bad as an air-to-air.

Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
23 31 Overhead 22 16 - - 8 7 - - - - -
  • Neutral/Diagonal Jumping Attack
  • It's a jump-in attack that can crossup the opponent. The damage is good, but it's hard to combo with it. Just practice if you want to use.

Command Normals

Fat Bound
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
24 28 Mid 16 16 - - - - - - - - -
  • Nice offensive and defensive move. It can be used to chip on the corner, and the B version is better in my opinion(The D version does more chip damage, but can be unsafe). B version will make EQ bounce 2 times and the D version will make him bounce 3 times. Can be hard to counter, but it's not impossible. Can be used to run away or to fill your Super Meter after a backdash(He have better options to fill his Super Meter, and I'm saying this because if you backdash with this move, you can go to the corner, but use if you're sure that you will not go to the corner).

Throws Throw
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
24 24 Throw 0 0 0 X - - - - - - - Throw
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
24 24 Throw 0 0 0 X - - - - - - -

Guard Cancel Blowback on Block
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
0 0 Mid 0 0 0 X - - - - - - -

Special Moves

Fat Burst
qcf P
Version Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
qcf A 22 26 Mid 10 10 - - - - - - - - -
Version Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
qcf C 22 26 Mid 11 11 - - - - - - - - -
  • A strange, but interesting... Projectile... The A and the C versions have the same startup(Which is bad) and the same recovery after he... Farts(Which is nice, I don't know why). The projectile will disappear after a while, or if EQ use certain moves. The C version travels further, so use this instead of the A version. Due to the recovery, EQ can walk with the projectile under him, or even jump/dash over it. Nice to use on the opponent's wakeup, due to its speed. Can be hard to jump over(I don't know why).

Chainsaw Dive
j.qcf P
Version Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
j.qcf A 18x3 24 Mid 11x3 11x3 - - - - - - - - -
Version Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
j.qcf C 18x3 24 Mid 11x3 11x3 - - - - - - - - -
  • Nice and fast move. The A version is faster, and can be safe sometimes, so use this version. You can use after a backdash to build meter too(It's better than using b+K). EQ don't have air cancelable moves(Unlike some characters), so this move is hard to combo, sadly.

Fat Chainsaw
dp P
Version Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
dp A 24 28 Mid 12 12 - - - - - - - - -
Version Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
dp C 24 28 Mid 13 13 - - - - - - - - -
  • A version is a nice anti-air that knocks down. I'll try to explain the C version in the Advanced Strategy, so use more the A version for now. This version is nice for combos too(Can be comboed after a cl.C or a s.D). You have time to use the QCF+P as a meaty "fireball" after this move.

Fat Breath
qcb P
Version Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
qcb A 24x1 27 Mid 16x1 16x1 - - - - - - - - -
  • Official mook says that the input is 63214P, but you only need to do 214P.
  • Though it has multiple hitboxes, it will only hit once, and thus why the damage numbers have x1 next to them.
Version Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
qcb C 24x1 27 Mid 16x1 16x1 - - - - - - - - -
  • Can be his best Special move. Why? You can almost EAT every projectile/Super projectile(I think) in the game. I(Redarts) could EAT Ryu's Shinkuu Hadouken with this(I won the battle because of this move). You can direct this move with u/d, so this can work as an anti-air sometimes. Can be useful as a chipping move too. C version stays longer.

Fat Copy
hcb K
Version Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
Fat Fake
hcb B
0 0 X 0 0 0 - - - - - - - -
  • I'll explain this on the Advanced Strategy, so you can avoid for now. All I can say is that this move doesn't fill the Super Bar.
Version Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
Fat Replica Attack
hcb D
29 36 Mid 16 16 - - - - - - - - -
  • This move is an overhead. You can control which side EQ will bounce after the disappear thig(Just hold left or right after he vanish). You can use any of the air moves(QCF+P or b+K) after the bounce, which is nice. This move can even trade hits with some DP-like moves, so watch out when you use. I'll try to explain more of this move on the Advanced Strategy too.

Super Moves

Earth Got 'Em 2003
qcf x2 P
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
34x10 40 Mid 8x10 0 0 X - - - - - - -
  • Strange name, but nice move. It works like an anti-air, so you can try to use this when the opponent jumps in. This move can hit crouching opponents too, but it don't hits low, obviously. You can combo this move after a s.D(Needs to be a little close).

Fat Guilty
qcf x2 K
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
0+72 72 Mid 0 0 0 X - - - - - - -
  • His best Super. You can use this on characters with a slow jump(like Dhalsim). EQ is invincible to anything(Except throws) until the chain comes back. Use this to counter some super/normal projectiles, but can be hard depending of the character. Use if you're sure that you will land the attack, but it's safe if blocked, depending on where EQ is.


Fat Carnival
Damage Counter Dmg Guard G. Crush Stun Meter Cancel Startup Active Recovery Total Hit Adv Block Adv Invulnerability
0+(24x6)+91 0, 24, 91 Mid 0 0 0 X - - - - - - -
  • Nice Exceed. The animation is the same as EQ's DP, so you can use as an anti-air. I'll try to explain more on the Advanced Strategy(Because EQ makes a little "poof" after the Exceed screen). You can do some buffering with this move too.


Basic Strategy

EQ can be a big target, but he is a little fast. You know that. EQ has some nice pokes to use(and abuse sometimes) in the battle, so don't forget to use them. Make sure to don't go the corner(You can go if you know what will do). You can ask: "What can I do when EQ is stuck on the corner?" You have options, but you need meter(EQ needs to have only one level to be a defensive character). Here they are:

  • GCF(Guard Cancel Frontstep) - Use any of the two inputs, and can be safe depending of which character the opponent is using. After you use it, counter him with what you have(Any attack or combo).
  • CD Counter - The easiest to use. But remember: The CD Counter is cancelable, so try to combo(I'm not so sure if it can combo), or even try to get near from the opponent with EQ's DP+A or his HCB+C. A nice option if you're on desperate situations.
  • Anti-airing the opponent - EQ has some strange anti-airs, but they are not so good to use on the corner. The best anti-air that you can use is the QCF(2x)+P(As a reversal if you want). Some players like to use the "Fat Guilty as an anti-air too, but remember, you're vulnerable to throws(But your opponents don't need to know that now, or they need?).
  • Grabbing the opponent(With CD) - A not so good choice, but can be the best choice if it works(Depending of the character that is cornering EQ). Let me explain how it works. Some block string combos(EQ has some too) have some "holes"(EQ's blockstring has "holes" too), if you know what I mean. You can take advantage of those "holes" to grab the opponent, or even punish him, but I think that grabbing the opponent with CD can be a better option. Why? Just see. You're on the corner, the opponent "creates a hole" near you. You can do a GCF if you're blocking(That's something optional). After that, just do an grab with CD and see what happens: The opponent will be on the corner! That's a nice thing, but can be hard sometimes. Use this with caution.
  • Wall/Normal/Hyper jump + QCF+P/b+K - Don't use, but it's possible if the opponent tries to fool you by making you think: "He will run now?" But don't try to think this, please.

EQ's Gameplan
"Don't get on the corner" is your main gameplan. Other than that, is to make the opponent throw a projectile just to punish him with his QCF(2x)+K. How can you make? Just use your... (Kind of) projectile. The opponent can try to use his projectile(If he have one, of course), and then you can punish him. After that, the opponent will try not to use projectiles on him(Which is a nice thing). But if you don't have meter, the opponent can abuse of them. Wait, there's more. If you want to do some jumpins/crossups with his j.C, do a Hyper Jump(It's his best jump). If you know that the opponent will do a super projectile move, just EAT it. If you're cornered, just see the above.

Advanced Strategy

More info on EQ's "projectile"

EQ's projectile is pretty good, right? But it have some disadvantages. What do you mean? I'll explain. The recovery on EQ's "projectile" is very good, as you know. Because of this, the move/combo used after the projectile could result some nice setups. Now for the bad part: EQ's projectile will vanish after you use certain moves. EQ's fart will vanish when used with: QCB+P(That "Yoga Flame"), QCF(2x)+K(Fat Guilty), and his Exceed.

Some strategies with your fart - Throw a C fart when you can. Don't use the 3 moves above. Now just walk with it(You're faster than the projectile). After that, the opponent have one(or two) option(s), and they are: Jump over the projectile(The opponent can crossup EQ with ease, remember?), or throwing a projectile(If he/she have one). For the second one, you'll know what to do. Now for the first: The opponent will try to jump over your fart(It's strange, really) and it will be with you. The opponent will do a jump-in/crossup on you. So what to do? You have two options: Backdash + QCF+A/d+B(To gain meter), or just block the attack(The opponent will fall on the projectile, but you'll lose a little ammount of your Guard Meter).

Some tricks with EQ's "poof" moves

Well... You have 4 poof moves: The Fat Fake(HCB+B), the Strong Fat Chainsaw(DP+C), the Fat Replica(HCB+D) and the Exceed(QCF, HCB+PP). This strategy works if you're far away(You don't need to be on the other side of the screen). Just remember that your Fat Replica is your main move, and when you "poof", EQ's invincible until he appears again. Now for the trick: Just do some Fat Replicas many times you want(You can do near the opponent if you want), and after that do any of the other "poof" moves. You can choose depending of the situation: The Exceed you can use as a surprise move, the DP you can use when you know that the opponent will do a jump-in, which can be almost everytime(It's not safe, but it's nice for the strategy, and you can do the fart strategy above/that blockstring combo after it if you want). For the Fat Replica, it's a little hard to use, but you can catch those characters with BAD/not so reliable anti-airs/reversals(excluding Super Moves), like Mai, and (maybe) the Dictador.

More info on the Fat Guilty

EQ's Fat Guilty is really an important super(To punish projectiles/other special moves, of course). But you need to know when you're going to use, after all, each character has a different projectile, and that means, different recovery. Here is a list on who is easy/hard to punish(Assuming that they use the Light version of the projectile). And If I forget something, just add here.

(I don't even know if this section is actually necessary, it could be useful info but this feels way too opinionated and will need to be heavily combed over so it isn't a fat text dump in the middle of the page for seemingly little reason... Doesn't even list what exactly makes a character "easy/hard" to punish; it's based entirely on projectiles which hardly explains anything and doesn't help at all with characters who don't have projectiles. As is it could be deleted entirely and almost nothing would be lost.)

SNK side:
Iori: Normal
Kyo: Doesn't have a projectile(Sadly)
Terry: Normal
Mr. Karate(Normal version): Easy-to-normal
Ryo: Normal-to-hard
Choi: Doesn't have a projectile, but you can punish his Giant Tornado instead(His Exceed is something hard to punish, but if you want to punish it, go ahead).
Kim: Doesn't have
Shiki: Doesn't have
Kasumi: Normal-to-hard
EQ: Normal(It has almost no recovery, but you can hit him while he's talking that "KUKAMON KURUMI" thing)
Genjyuro: Easy-to-normal
Geese: Normal(Reppuken), Easier(Double Reppuken, it's a different move, so it counts too), and you can punish his Raging Storm Super if you want.
Goenitz: Easy if the "Koko Desu Ka" whiffs, if the tornado was blocked, it's hard(If you cannot GCF it)
O./RTB Iori: Same as the normal Iori
Mars People: Normal-to-hard
Shin Karate: Hard(Invisible thing), Hard(Haoh Shikouken), Hard(Chou Haou Shikou Ken, you'll need to do the super at the same time he charges the move)
Athena: Normal(That insect), and was hard for me to punish those giant animals too.

Capcom Side:
Ryu: Normal(Hadouken), A little easier(Shakunetsu, or the Fire Hadouken), the easiest of the three(Shinkuu)
Ken: Easier than Ryu's Hadouken
Chun-Li: Normal, and you can punish the Kikosho too.
Guile: Hard(You'll know why if you use him)
Dhalsim: Hard(Yoga Fire), Easy(Flame), Easier(Inferno)
Akuma/Gouki: Hard(Hadouken, same in the air), Normal(Shakunetsu), Easy(Super in the ground, but it's Normal if used the air)
The Dictador: Doesn't have(And he needed one)
Sagat: Easy(High/Low tiger), Easier(High/Low Super)
Claw: Doesn't have
Boxer: Doesn't have
Tessa/Thabasa: Normal(Ground projectile), Easy(The air one)
Hugo: Doesn't have
Dan: Easy(Gadouken), Easier(Gadou Shokoken)
Demitri: Hard(Chaos Flare), Easy-to-normal(ES version), Easy(Exceed that doesn't knock down)
Violent Ken: Normal
Zero: Hard(Ground shot, normal/charged), Easier(Air shot, same as ground), Easy(Support Cyber Elf, it's not a projectile, but you can punish it), Hard(Cyber-Elf that does damage), Normal(Super projectile), Easy(Exceed)
Shin Akuma: Hard on everything
Red Arremer: Easy-to-normal(Fireball), Easy(When he flies and launches a fireball on the ground), Normal(When he charges), Hard(If he calls a monster)



SVC Chaos: SNK VS Capcom Quick Combo Notation Guide
  • cl. = close normal
  • st. = standing/far normal
  • cr. = crouching normal
  • f.; etc. = forward direction (NOT far)
  • X = any button
  • CH = counter hit
  • , = Used to separate attacks in the combo
  • / = Separates different options for the combo (mainly different starters or enders that are possible)
  • Unless otherwise stated (such as it's a link or you need to delay the attack), assume this is a chain/cancel.
  • Example: cr.B, cr.A, dp A ; cr.B chains into cr.A, then cr.A cancels into dp A
  • [b]~f = Indicates to charge back (or downback), then press forwards for the given special move
  • ( ) = Parentheses used to indicate the attack(s) within the parentheses are optional to add to the combo
  • (C) = Indicates a free cancel, aka a cancel only possible in Max Mode
  • (SC) = Indicates a super cancel via free canceling in Max Mode
  • (1) = Used to indicate how many hits of the attack should connect (or less than) before continuing with the combo
  • Example: cl.C(1), hcb P means that only one hit of cl.C should be performed before moving on to do hcb P, not more than one hit
  • [ ] = Used to distinguish combo loops or combo starters/etc. in case a certain attack is only possible after specific options
  • xN = Repeat the given loop for as many times as either possible or as many times as you wish

May change to numpad notation much later down the road.

BnB Combos
Combo Position Damage Stun Difficulty Notes
cl.C, st.D TBA TBA TBA TBA The damage is nice, but sadly, you cannot combo after the st.D. Nice combo if want to start with EQ. You need to time well if you want to use, but this is matter of practice.
cl.C/D, dp A TBA TBA TBA TBA Simple combo. That's EQ's punish combo. The cl.C and D are EQ's most damaging cancelable moves, so just choose which one you want to use. The damage is good.
(When the opponent is knocked down near the corner) qcf C, sj.C/D crossup, qcf C hits, cl.D, qcf C, qcf x2 P TBA TBA TBA TBA EQ's blockstring. Can be used as a combo too. qcf C should be performed some distance away from the opponent. If you can hit this, after the fart hits the opponent, do a QCF(2x)+P. It's not hard, really. You can use this after you use the combo number two in the middle of the screen(Which is nice). If you want to repeat the process by canceling the cl.D(Which is not so hard), go ahead, but can be easy for the opponent to flee. If you don't want to try, just do a combo on the opponent(Just see above).
(When the opponent is knocked down near the corner) qcf C, sj.C/D crossup, qcf C hits, cl.D, qcf C, Exceed TBA TBA TBA TBA (Editor's note: Does this combo even work or is this another case of weird misinfo put on the wiki haphazardly?)
cl.D, qcf x2 P TBA TBA TBA TBA Can be one of his most damaging combos. You can use this input to combo with more ease: QCF+D,QCF+P. The QCF(2x)+P part whiffs on some characters(Even on the corner). The Super will whiff with this combo on: Mai, Goenitz, Shiki, Dan(One reason that Dan is not a Shoto), Chun-Li, Demitri, Guile, Zero, and Dictador(I'm not sure if this whiffs on Athena or Red Arremer, but if you if you want to check, thanks). If the opponent is in a Dizzy state, you can add a QCF+P and a Jump-in attack(like the blockstring above).

Game Navigation

SNK Characters
Choi Bounge
Geese Howard
Genjyuro Kibagami
Leopold Goenitz
Iori Yagami
Kasumi Todoh
Kim Kaphwan
Kyo Kusanagi
Mai Shiranui
Mars People
Mr. Karate
Orochi Iori
Ryo Sakazaki
Serious Mr. Karate
Terry Bogard
Capcom Characters
Dan Hibiki
Demitri Maximoff
M. Bison
Red Arremer
Rockman Zero
Shin Akuma
Violent Ken