Street Fighter 6/Marisa/Strategy

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A unique aspect of Marisa's neutral game is her three long range, safe on block special moves. This gives her a bigger arsenal of options that can help her overwhelm the opponent's mental stack.

  • Gladius (236P) - TODO
  • Phalanx (623P) - TODO
  • Quadriga (236K) - TODO
  • 2MP - TODO
  • 5HP - TODO
  • Drive Rush - TODO
  • Checks - TODO
  • Other Pokes - TODO


Frame Traps

Light Chains - 2LP and 2LK are Marisa's only chainable lights. Chaining from 2LK will frame trap, but chaining from 2LP will have at least a 4F gap.

Tick Throws - charged 3HP as well as 5LP after DR create tick throw situations. In the corner 5LK, 5MK, and 2MP will also tick throw after DR. 2MP can work midscreen against some opponents depending on their walk speed.

Command Grab Tick Throws - DR cancel straight into 214K > grab will frame trap only off of 6HK and a DR enhanced 2MP. While the opponent is in burnout a DR cancel out of regular 2MP will work. While the opponent is in burnout DR enhanced charged s.HP and 3HP will tick throw into command grab. 4HP as well but corner only.

Okizeme and Mixups

One of Marisa's best traits is her easy access to safe jumps. You'll want to set them up whenever possible if not going for a KO outright. Check the table below for "KD +42" or "KD +41" for safe jumps.

To perform a safe jump, hold up+forward after finishing your combo setup to immediately start the jump. Then simply press do a jumping attack of your choice as you land. For Marisa, this will usually be j.HK or j.HP, and j.LK for the midscreen 3HP and against certain armored reversals. Afterwards, you can block in time to guard reversals while still connecting with opponents who chose to block (or that just get hit). Instead of just visually confirming if the safe jump connected with the opponent, there are a few offensive Options Selects you can do that make this okizeme more threatening.

The two main option selects to make the most out of this pressure are parry OS and a normal block OS. The basic idea of these OS's is you input something during the hitstop of the air normal, then input something else right after as the hitstop is ending. The parry OS is just that, input parry as you are landing from the air normal, but release the parry and input another move right after. For this OS, it's easier to hold parry right after inputting the air normal to make sure it buffers after landing. The block OS works the same way and can be done in burnout. hold back as you are landing from the air normal, only let go of block right as you are beginning to input the next move. One additional OS is the jump OS which is specifically for command grab supers. It is input the same as the block OS except you hold up instead of back. The greatest strength of these OS's is they allows an immediate 6HK follow from j.HK and j.HP. 6HK both combos on hit looping back into another safe jump and frame traps on block additionally leading to strong Drive Rush cancel mixups.

When safe jumps aren't available, drive rush oki is the next best thing. As long as Marisa is +23 or more and close enough she can pressure with command grab, 5MK, regular grab, 5LP for a tick throw setup and still have the option to drive rush into nothing to bait reversals. 5MK is generally preferred because of its relatively long active frames and its high reward when catching jumps or backdashes with a 4HP link on hit. When baiting reversals after a drive rush, Marisa can whiff 2LP instead of blocking out of drive rush. This will recover just as fast with the added benefit of cutting the drive rush momentum short, keeping Marisa out of throw range.

In the table below, manually timed DR oki is an assumed option and won't be detailed unless the spacing after a knockdown causes noteworthy adjustments.

Knockdown Advantage: all scenarios assume that opponent will Back Rise midscreen when possible, unless otherwise stated

Knockdown KD Adv. Oki/Notes
Forward Throw
Drive Reversal
KD +23
  • Corner / Near Corner
    • DR 5HP hits 1 frame meaty. Sets up a tick throw on block and 4HP link on normal hit.
      • DR throw is also an option and will beat 4F jabs if timed correctly.
      • DR whiff 2LP is -3 and outside throw range, catches delay techs and baits DPs.
    • Forward dash leaves Marisa +1 and in throw range. Throw will lose to 4F normals.
    • 5[HP] will meaty but is vulnerable to invincible reversals on reaction.
  • Midscreen
    • Neutral is largely reset after back recovery. H Quadriga (236HK) and DR pressure can meaty, but are generally unrewarding and prone to trades.
    • On Punish Counter (forced neutral recovery), all the corner options can apply.
Back Throw KD +33
  • Corner
    • +11 after forward dash giving a meaty command grab or a 1F meaty 5MK (+5 on hit, -1 on block)
    • 623HP hits 2F meaty becoming +4 on block, but keep in mind it's technically airborne and will lose to frame 1 anti-air invuln specials.
  • Midscreen
    • DR pressure can lead to meaty pokes (namely 5HP) but no throw pressure
    • On punish counter, DR is needed for a strike/throw mix
Enfold (214K~LP+LK) HKD +20
  • Corner
    • DR 5MK sets up tick throw on block, 4HP link on normal hit for big damage
      • DR throw can beat 4Fs, but the timing is extremely tight
      • -6 on empty DR, so options for baiting 6F OD DPs after the DR flash are limited to armored moves
    • Microwalk 6HK meaty. Manually timed, but leads to DRC command grab mix
  • Midscreen
    • L Quadriga (236LK) hits 1F meaty and sets up a spacing trap
    • Similar DR pressure as corner but much less threatening. No tick throw setup or meaty DR throw
2HK HKD +29
HKD +44 (CH/PC)
  • Normal Hit
    • Standard manually timed DR oki. Slowest attack you can meaty with after DR is charged 4[HP]. +3 on Empty DR.
    • Forward dash leaves Marisa at +7, giving her an auto-timed meaty 5LP or 5MP
    • Charged 6[HK] hits meaty on its last active frame; +13 on hit, +6 on block
    • Charged 3[HP] hits meaty
  • Counter Hit/Punish
    • 6MP frame kill sets up a 3F meaty 5MK/command grab mix up; +7 on hit, +1 on block
    • 5LK frame kill sets up a 2F meaty DR 5MK/command grab mix up; +10 on hit, +4 on block
    • 5LK frame kill also sets up a 1F meaty DR 5HP/command grab mix up; +8 on hit, +2 on block
L.Dimachaerus (214LP~6P) KD +31
  • Corner
    • Whiff 5LP, meaty 5MK (hits on 3rd active frame); +6 on hit, ±0 on block, confirmable 4HP link on CH
    • Whiff 5LP, command grab
    • Whiff 2LP, charged 4HP (will trade with 4f lights); leaves you +16~20 on trade
    • Whiff 5MP into throw; +4 on whiff and allows shimmy
    • Forward dash into meaty 5MP (hits on last frame); +5 on hit, +2 on block
  • Mid-screen
    • Standard DR oki. +5 on empty DR
    • Charged 3HP covers both ground recoveries and is safe from Drive Impact and Drive Reversal; +6 on hit and +3 on block
      • DR 3HP also covers both but it is +4 on hit and +1 on block. Similarly safe against Drive impact but not Drive reversal. Slightly less telegraphed than Charged 3HP.
    • Whiff 2LP then 6HK; covers both ground recoveries (you may have to spend drive gauge if you want to get closer)
    • MP Gladius (will trade with 4f normals allowing follow-up)
    • DR charged 4HP; +8 on block, +17 on hit
    • DR charged 2HK; +32 HKD, -2 on block
L.Quadriga (236LK) KD +35

Only +35 on grounded hit. Has more advantage when ending a juggle.

  • Corner
    • Forward dash 5MK is auto timed to hit last frame meaty setting up a 5MP link on hit; +7 on hit, +1 on block
    • Forward dash also sets up a meaty command grab for a strike/throw 50/50
M.Dimachaerus (214MP~6P) KD +36
  • Corner
    • 5MP frame kill sets up last frame meaty 5MP; +5 on hit, +2 on block
      • Can substitute for 2MP for same hit advantage but worse block adv
    • 2MP frame kill sets up a meaty command grab
    • 2LP frame kill sets up meaty 3HP; +1 on hit, -2 on block
    • Frame kill 2LK chain 2LP sets up meaty 4HP; +5 on hit, ±0 on block
  • Midscreen
    • Standard DR oki. +10 on empty DR
    • Walking down the back recovery leads to meaty throw for a solid meterless strike/throw. Generally too far to get a 2LK combo that beats wake-up jab however
    • Forward dash, then 6HK; Hits on 2nd active frame: +1 on hit, -2 on block
    • DR 6[HK] and DR 5[HP] will both meaty
    • Frame kill 2LP then DR into:
      • 6HK (will trade with 4f normals); leaves you +14 on hit, +1 on block (Safe from drive impact but not DR)
      • 2MK; Hits on 3rd active frame giving 2MP link midscreen and 4HP link in corner: +8 on hit, +4 on block (Safe from drive reversal/impact)
      • Meaty Throw (tight timing involved to beat 4F jabs)
Gladius (236P) KD +36

All versions of Gladius have the same knock down advantage as M.Dimachaerus but they leave much more space between Marisa and the opponent. The corner setups for M.Dimachaerus above can also be applied for Gladius.

  • Midscreen
    • DR 5HP (manually timed) is the only option that doesn't leave a gap and gives follow ups on hit
    • H.Quadriga (236HK, manually timed)
Phalanx (623P) KD +42

Primary safe jump setup in or near the corner. When ending a juggle with this it can sometimes give a KD with an advantage of +43 or more which will make the jumping normal whiff if the jump is not delayed. Picking the right strength of Phalanx to make sure the opponent is low to the ground when hit by Phalanx will prevent this extra KD advantage.

  • Example Routes:
    • Corner: 214HP~6P, 4[HP] > 623LP
    • Corner: 6HK > 236KK, 4HP > 623MP (near corner variations still end with 623MP)
    • Corner: 2[HP], DR 4HP > 623MP. Works grounded as well as from most juggles (e.g. 214HP~6P and 623PP)
    • Near Corner: 214(HP/PP)~6P, DR 4HP > 623HP. Works near midscreen
    • Near Corner: PC 5HK, DR 6HK > 623MP
    • Near Corner: PC/DR 2MP > 623LP (standing opponent only for all grounded routes)
H. Dimachaerus (214HP~6P) > 3HP KD +41 A safe jump setup that works midscreen against both recovery options. Works against 6F reversals and slower. loses to 5F reversal anti-airs such as light Shoryuken, but these can be baited with an empty jump. Against a neutral recovery midscreen, Marisa needs to jump in with j.LK to hit crossup. -3 when perfect parried.

From OD Dimachaerus the advantage goes up to +42 making it a true safe jump.

OD Phalanx (623PP) Wall Splat, 6[HK] KD +42 Yet another safe jump setup. This time from OD Phalanx. It's generally not worth routing into OD Phalanx for this specific safe jump, but if you find yourself in this position and realize you can't afford to spend the extra drive gauge on the 2[HP] Phalanx route this can be a good fallback route.
OD Dimachaerus (214PP~6P) > 2[HK] KD +42 Very situational safe jump setup. It's a lower meter cost option for a particular near corner spacing. Phalanx routes in the corner are higher damage for the same or lower drive gauge cost. For just 1 extra bar of drive gauge the Phalanx route 214(HP/PP)~6P, DR 4HP > 623HP covers more ranges and deals higher damage.
H.Dimachaerus (214~6P) > 6HK > DR +9 (left), +6 (right) A left/right reset mix after landing 214HP~6P. Using OD dimachaerus increases the advantages on the same side by 1.
  • Same side
    • Frame kill DR 2LP into 5MP; +4 on hit, ±0 on block
      • Frame kill DR 2LP into 5HP (will trade with 4f lights); +11 on hit, -3 on block
      • Frame kill DR 2LK into 4HP (will trade with 4f lights); +9 on hit, -1 on block
    • DR 5[HP] (will trade with 4f lights); +23 on hit, +7 on block
    • DR 6[HK] (will trade with 4f lights; +22 on hit, +7 on block. (OD ONLY)
    • DR 2LK confirm (manual timing)
    • DR 2[HK]; Hard KD +33, -2 on block
    • DR Throw (manual timing)
    • DR 3HP (manual timing)
  • Other side
    • DR 2LK confirm
    • DR Throw
    • DR 5MP (will trade with 4f lights); +6 on hit, -1 on block
SA1 - 236236P
(Javelin of Marisa)
KD +14
HKD +35 (Charged)
KD +46 (Counter)
  • Regular
    • In the corner, Marisa can manually time a strike/throw mixup
    • Midscreen, the opponent is sent too far and Marisa loses all momentum
  • Full Charge
    • Midscreen, Drive Rush into delayed 5HP reaches for +1 pressure. Opponent is too far to throw on their wakeup.
    • In the corner, DR~5[HP] leaves Marisa +7 on block with no manual timing required. Can mix with delayed command throw as well.
    • The corner also allows Dash + 214P~LP+LK to reach the opponent with automatic timing
  • Counter
    • Midscreen, Marisa can close the gap with Dash + Drive Rush to connect with a max range normal like 5HP, but doesn't get a strong mixup.
    • Near the corner, Marisa can do Dash x2 to become +2 at point blank. Dash + DR~5MK leaves her +11/+5 for excellent pressure. She can also manually time other mixups like charged heavies or a command throw.
SA2 - 214214P
HKD +17 Drive Rush into max range 2MP or 5MP gives Marisa frame advantage on block, but no real mixup option. A safe string to chip at the opponent's Drive gauge is DR~2MP > 236MP, since it pushes back and leaves no gap in the blockstring.
SA3/CA - 236236K
(Goddess of the Hunt)
HKD +19

Always brings you to the corner. Has the same KDA but the spacing is further and therefore generally worse on CA.

  • Non-CA
    • 236LK hits meaty and spaced to be safe in most matchups
    • DR 5MP hits meaty; +8 on hit, +5 on block; 4HP link on hit
    • DR 5MK has a 3F gap
    • DR 5HP trades with 4F jabs allowing 6HK link
    • DR whiff 2LP is -7; Mostly punishable but can recover in time for most supers
    • DI has a 7F gap. Catches jumps and is spaced out of throw range, but can still lose to longer range command grabs
  • CA
    • 236LK is spaced better and truly unpunishable on block
    • DR 5MK allows 2MP link, but not a 4HP link like after non-CA
    • DR 5HP trades with 4F jabs allowing 6HK link
    • DR whiff 2LP is -7; spaced slightly better than non-CA but still punishable
    • DI works about the same as non-CA

vs. Burnout

  • Stun Setups - Foolproof setups are 2F gap or lower. 3F gaps enemy Marisa's and JP's can armor/counter, 4F+ gaps Zangief can armor, and 5F+ Dhalsim can teleport out
    • 4HP > DI (4F gap)
    • 6HK > DI (1F gap)
    • 5LP~LP > DI (4F gap)
    • DR 2MP > DI (2F gap)
    • Post Throw KD in corner (3F gap)
    • Post Lvl 3 KD (7F gap, safe to normal throws but can be command grabbed)
  • Plus Normals - All but 2HK are plus on block.
  • Plus Specials - Uncharged OD Gladius (236PP), H Quadriga (236HK), and Tonitrus first hit (214K~P) become plus on block.
  • 623MP, 5LP~LP > 236HP > lvl 3 - 1800 chip damage true block string
  • 5HP~HP target combo frame traps
  • Looping 623MP - Marisa can loop 623MP filling either 5LP~LP for a true block string or 4HP for a charged/uncharged mix. after 5LP target combo and uncharged 4HP there is a 6F gap before the 623MP hits, but Marisa can frame trap after charged 4HP or by using 623LP instead. 623LP pushes her out far enough that she can't frame trap with 5LP/4HP again.

Drive Rush

When canceling a normal into Drive Rush on block and following it up with another normal, there may be an interruptible gap in the blockstring. The following table lists these blockstring gaps when performed at the fastest possible timing.

Gap Value Meaning
0 True Blockstring (no gap) if input with fastest button timing; can still lose to Drive Reversal
1 to 4 Small blockstring gap; opponent can interrupt with an invincible reversal; a 4f gap can trade with 4f normal attack
5+ Large blockstring gap; opponent can interrupt without an invincible attack
Drive Rush Cancel - Blockstring Gaps
2LP 2LK 5LP/5LK 5MP 2MP/4HP 2MK/2HP 6MP 5MK/2HK 5HP 6HK 5HK 4[HP]/2[HK] 3HP/2[HP] 5[HP] 5[HK] 6[HK] 3[HP]
5LK~DRC 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 20 21 23 24 27 28
2LP~DRC 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 23 24 26 27 30 31
2MP~DRC 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 13 14 16 17 20 21
4HP~DRC 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 5 6 11 12 14 15 18 19
6HK~DRC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 8 9 11 12 15 16
4[HP]~DRC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 7 9 10 13 14
6[HK]~DRC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 7 9 10 13 14
5LP~LP~DRC 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 5 6 11 12 14 15 18 19
5MP~MP~DRC 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 15 16 18 19 22 23

The following table lists the general BnB combo routes when canceling a button into Drive Rush on hit.

Drive Rush Cancel - Combo Routes
Starter Hit Adv. Combo Route
5LK~DRC +2 No DR Cancel combo without Counter-Hit/Punish Counter
  • 2LP, 5MP~MP > 214MP~6P
2LP~DRC +3
5MP~MP~DRC +10 4HP > 214HP~6P ...
2MP~DRC +12 5MK, 4HP > 214HP~6P ...
  • 5LP~LP starter doesn't combo naturally without at least Counter-Hit
4HP~DRC +13
6HK~DRC +15
6[HK]~DRC +21 4[HP], 4HP > 214HP~6P ...
4[HP]~DRC +23

Combos after Drive Rush normal starters
Starter Hit Adv. Combo Route
DR~5LK +4 Link 2LP ...
DR~5LP Chain into 5LP~LP Target Combo, cancels into 236MP, 236LK, 214PP ...
DR~2LP +7 Link 5MP~MP ...
DR~2MP Link 5MP~MP, or cancel directly into 214HP/236KK if no hitconfirm is needed
DR~5MK +8 Link 4HP > 214HP ...
  • At farther ranges, link into 2MP instead

Armoring Through DPs

Using armored specials to call out OD DPs can be a decent strategy for Marisa. It can not only win interactions with DPs but also beat other abare options, and in the case of Scutum can beat patient blocking with a delayed Enfold OS. It can be a good option against opponents trying to take advantage of the 5MP target combo gap, or against opponents trying to stop drive rush block strings. Armor interactions against DPs is character specific, below is a table documenting these interactions.

When armoring through Multi hit OD DPs with OD Gladius, Gladius must be charged for the extra hit of armor and to ideally whiff if possible. Meaty OD Gladius is assumed to be timed in a best case scenario where it is just late enough to catch jumps and longer range lows but not too meaty where the armor will run out before an OD DP becomes active (Hitting on frame 4 after their wakeup). Meaty OD Gladius interactions can vary wildly with timing differences. Take it with a grain of salt.

Armor vs DP interactions
Character Scutum OD Scutum Gladius Charged OD Gladius Meaty OD Gladius
Luke Loses Full Punish (+44) Loses Full Punish (+26) Loses
Jamie Hits (+3) Hits (+3) Hits (KD) Hits (KD) Full Punish (+38~)
Juri Loses Full Punish (+33) Loses Full Punish (+33) Loses
Dee Jay Full Punish (+40) Full Punish (+40) Full Punish (+33) Full Punish (+33) Full Punish (+50~)
Cammy Hits (+3) Hits (+3) Full Punish (+22) Full Punish (+22) Hits (KD)
Ryu Loses Loses Loses Full Punish (+28) Loses
E. Honda Loses Full Punish (+19) Loses Hits (KD) Hits (KD)
Blanka Full Punish (+41) Full Punish (+41) Full Punish (+23) Full Punish (+23) Full Punish (+37~)
Guile Loses Loses Loses Full Punish (+17) Loses
Ken Hits if spaced (KD) Hits if spaced (KD) Loses Hits (KD) Loses
Chun-Li Hits (KD) Hits (KD) Full Punish (+15) Full Punish (+15) Full Punish (+30~)
Rashid Loses Loses Loses Loses (punish if spaced) Loses



  • 214KK: OD Scutum - Marisa's most reliable OD reversal, OD Scutum has two hits of full-body armor starting at frame 1. While reliable, it has low reward, dealing minimum damage and only leaving Marisa either +1 (if the follow-up counterhits) or +3 (if the follow-up punish counters) on hit. Notably, OD Scutum can hit opponents out of a safe jump if they don't jump in with a light air normal.
  • 236PP: OD Gladius - Another frame 1 armored reversal, OD Gladius is much more rewarding than OD Scutum but carries more risk. Marisa is only armored from the knees up, she has to charge the move to gain a second hit of armor, and the move is much slower, allowing the opponent to attempt to confirm into an invincible move on reaction to hitting the armor.
  • SA1: Javelin of Marisa - A slow, armored reversal, Javelin of Marisa is risky to use defensively. It has two hits of armor, but its 19f startup often allows the opponent to recover and block on reaction to the super freeze. However, if Marisa opts to charge Javelin of Marisa, she performs a unique follow-up that is almost guaranteed to hit if the opponent hits her with a strike (won't work against safe jumps). In addition, Marisa cannot be KO'd when armoring through attacks, unlike her other armored supers.
  • SA2: Meteorite - Marisa's overall best reversal, Meteorite is a fast, 9f reversal with total invulnerability. While expensive, it is the best option for challenging an opponent's offense.
  • SA3: Goddess of the Hunt - Like every other SA3, Goddess of the Hunt is a highly rewarding reversal option, dealing 4000 damage with an extra 500 damage for the Critical Art version. Uniquely, however, Marisa takes the opponent to the corner on hit, letting her start her oppressive offense. To compensate, it is on the slower side at 13f, making it possible to safe jab.


Marisa has many situational anti-airs. None are perfect, each having their own weaknesses. Overall, Marisa has a harder time controlling her airspace due to having many slow and situational options that must not only be quickly decided upon, but quickly executed as well.

  • 2HP - Go to anti-air normal
    • A little slow at 10F (the first active frame doesn't hit high enough to anti-air). Puts the opponent into a juggle state causing a knockdown as opposed to the more common air reset state on other anti-air normals. On normal and counter hits, Marisa does not normally get combos except at very precise angles. On punish counter however, Marisa can parry drive rush for a full combo.
  • 214LP Dimachaerus - Air invulnerable special move
    • Air invulnerability starts up on frame 5 and the move itself is relatively slow at 12 frames so quick reactions are needed to make use of it. This special moves Marisa forward and doesn't cover the space directly overhead making it unusable against jumps that would crossup or land directly over head.
  • 214PP OD Dimachaerus - Air invulnerable metered anti-air
    • Has all the weaknesses of LP Dimachaerus including an even slower startup of 16, but with potentially huge reward on hit with meter and/or corner positioning.
  • 214K Scutum - Situational armored anti-air
    • Fast armor at frame 3. Completely whiffs on crossups and shallow jump-ins such as an early j.HP from Dee Jay or Ken. Being an armored option it is somewhat weak to empty jumps. Marisa can beat an empty jump by command grabbing the opponent during their landing recovery, but this removes her armor during startup and opens her up to a delayed deep jump-in. The OD version has frame 1 armor, theoretically allowing Marisa to rise from a crouching position into immediate standing armor negating the possibility of a whiff, but this requires just frame execution and timing and is just as susceptible if not more so to empty jumps.
  • 236LP Gladius - Another situational armored anti-air
    • Decently fast armor at frame 5. Generally Gladius should be charged until a hit is absorbed or the opponent is about to land. The light version is usually the best as it will hit the fastest after absorbing a hit, but the heavy version still has some utility as a preemptive option since it can be charged for longer. It has similar weaknesses to Scutum both being armored options, but Gladius will not whiff against shallow jump-ins nor will it whiff against jump-ins directly above Marisa as long as they don't land crossup. However it is much more likely to allow the opponent to land and block Gladius with a deep jump-in potentially leading to a punish. OD Gladius is an improved option with frame 1 armor which lasts all the way until recovery making it immune to last minute counterhits from deep jump-ins.
  • j.MP~MP - 7F air-to-air target combo
    • A great way to preemptively stop crossups if caught early enough. Does decent damage and allows for drive rush oki.
  • Jump back j.LP - Fast 4F air-to-air
    • 3 frames faster than j.MP which could make all the difference. It's less rewarding on hit, often being minus after landing. Jumping away from the opponent is recommend to create space and deny them a free strike/throw mixup.
  • j.LK - anti-crossup 5F air-to-air
    • Slightly slower than j.LP, but its hitbox can connect with opponents behind Marisa giving it better consistency as a late reaction to crossups. Its hitbox is also much lower than j.LP, so it's a much worse option against opponents still high in their jump arc. Like j.LP, it's often minus on hit after landing.
  • lvl 2 Super - Decently fast 9F fully invincible super
    • Moves Marisa forward immediately after the super flash which gives it a dead zone above Marisa. A notable option being frame 1 invincible, but like Dimachaerus it has similar dead zones. Because of the motion input, it's not a significantly better reactive anti-air than Dimachaerus unless you're already buffering the input or playing with Modern controls.
  • Perfect Parry
    • Worth mentioning as it can be the only answer to crossups and meaty jump-ins.


  • 623P - Becomes armored on frame 7 (10 for HP and 6 for PP) and projectile-invincible on frame 12, but the slow startup and delay on armor/invuln makes it less useful as a reaction to projectiles.
  • 236P - The charged normal or OD version can armor through and punish normal projectiles at close ranges.
  • 214K - Can armor through with the counter hit at close range, but is only +1 on Counter Hit; fastest followup is Enfold (LP+LK), which can be jumped.

Fighting vs. Marisa

Beat Armor with Lows - TODO

Use Neutral Jumps - Counter Marisa's forward advancing pokes with neutral jumps.

Parry Telegraphed Meaties - As some of Marisa's best meaty options involve highly telegraphed, charged attacks, she is particularly vulnerable to perfect parry on wakeup. Practice perfect parrying her in response to some of her charged meaties.

Exploit Marisa's Weak Lows - Marisa has no access to DR combos or OD specials off any of her lows. Her c.LK combos whiff at max range as well. This makes shimmies and backwards movement during her plus frames relatively low risk. Notably, average walkspeed characeters can begin stand blocking in the midscreen after marisa's first light in her light chain blockstring and you will make her third light whiff if it is 2LP. The biggest punish Marisa can do against this is only 2LK > 2LK.

8F Reversal After MP Target Combo - As Marisa's 5MP~MP target combo is -8 on block and she has no safe, gapless special cancel except Drive Rush, an 8f or faster reversal option that breaks armor (either via multihit or by being a super) allows the defender to punish her for not canceling or counter hit her for canceling into the majority of her options. To beat multihit OD Reversals, she can do OD Charged Gladius, but supers will break her armor outright. Her only option that's safe against supers is a Drive Rush cancel into 2LP/2LK to remain gapless and be +1 on block to avoid

SF6 Navigation

Dee Jay
E. Honda
M. Bison