Combo | Position | Damage | Wind Stocks | Drive Gauge | Super Gauge | Difficulty | Notes | Video |
5LK/LP > LP > 623HP/MP/LP | Anywhere | 1380/1240/1170 | 0 | Easy | 623HP works best against standing opponents. 623LP is the most consistent against crouching opponents. 623MP is in between. Lighter versions give a closer knockdown. |
5LK/LP > LP > 623PP > (j.PPP) | Anywhere | 1520 2220 | 0 | 2 4(2) |
Easy | More consistent than regular 623P. | ||
5LK/LP > LP > LP > 236KK > (SA2) | Anywhere | 1385 2425 | 0 | 2 | 0 2 |
Easy | For when too far away to connect with 623P. Safejump setup against slow (7f) anti-airs. Bait fast ones with empty jump. |
5LK/LP > LP > (LP) > DRC~LP, (Drive Rush Combo)
Anywhere | 1766+ | 3+ | 0-3 | Medium | Stay close with 2LP or a shorter confirm to link into 2HP. If too far then link into MK instead. |
5LK/LP > LP > LP > SA1 | Anywhere | 2105 | 1 | Medium | Easier input: 2LP > 236LP~236P | |||
5LK/LP > LP > SA2 | Anywhere | 2360 | 0 | 2 | Medium | Without Windclad, SA2 whiffs after long confirms. | ||
5LK/LP > LP > (LP) > SA3 | Anywhere | 3240(3540) 3035(3285) | 3 | Medium | Deals more damage off a shorter confirm. | |||
5LK/LP > LP > LP > 623PP > j.PPP > SA1/SA2 | Corner Standing |
2365 2745 | 0 | 4(2) | 1 2 |
Hard | Start point-blank against a standing opponent so 623PP hits only once. When not point-blank it's possible to do this combo using more 2LPs or a 2-hit confirm, but it's much more difficult to set up the spacing. |
CH LP, 2MP > SA1/SA2/SA3 | Anywhere | 2520 2800 3680(3980) | 1 2 3 |
Hard | Possible to confirm by looking for the counter-hit message. SA2 whiffs at long range. |
CH 5LK/LP, 5MK > (Medium Starter Combo) | Anywhere | 1680+ | 0+ | 0+ | Hard | Possible to confirm by looking for the counter-hit message. | ||
Meaty 5LK/LP, 5MK > (Medium Starter Combo) | Anywhere | 1620+ | 0+ | 0+ | Hard | Interruptible on block, but leads to better rewards. Needs a knockdown advantage of 5LK +5 / 5LP +5~6 / 2LP +6~7. Refer to the frame advantage table on the Strategy page for ways to accomplish this. |
Combo Notation Guide
Click "Expand" for information about combo notation in SF6:
SF6 Combo Notation Guide | |
Notation | Meaning |
> | Cancel the previous move to the following move. e.g. Normal into Special (2MK > 236P) or Special into Super (623P > 236236K) |
~ | Chain/Cancel the previous move into a followup. e.g. Luke's target combo (LP~MP~HP) or Rising Uppercut into Slam Dunk (623PP~PP) |
, | Link the previous move to the following move. e.g. 5MP, 2MP (requires manual timing) |
An example with Ken that uses all three "connecting" symbols: 2LP, 5MP~HP > 623P > 236236P 2LP links into 5MP; 5MP chains into HP Target Combo; HP cancels into Shoryuken which cancels into Lv.3 Super | |
j.X | Jumping action; for Neutral Jump, use 8j.X e.g. Kimberly j.2MP (Elbow Drop) or Ryu j.214K (Aerial Tatsumaki Senpukyaku) |
P or K | Any Punch or Any Kick (when button strength does not matter) PP or KK represents any two punches/kicks. |
X/Y | Do either X move or Y move. e.g. end a combo with 214K/623P |
[X] | Hold the button input e.g. Luke 214[LP] = charged LP Flash Knuckle |
dl.X | Briefly delay the action e.g. Ken 236HK~dl.6LK (Jinrai Loop starter) |
AA | Anti-air; hit the opponent while they're mid-air. May cause a different juggle state compared to a grounded opponent. |
Y xN {Y} xN |
Repeat 'Y' input 'N' number of times. A sequence of multiple inputs will be bundled into "{}". e.g. 5LP x3 (5LP, 5LP, 5LP) or {2HP > Drive Rush} x3 |
Y > DR | Button Y cancelled into Drive Rush (3-bar version) e.g. 5HP > DR |
DR~Y | Drive Rush into Button Y (cancel the dash frames early into a followup attack) This can be done from the 1-bar or 3-bar versions of Drive Rush e.g. 236HP Launch, DR~5LP |
An example for Ryu using both Drive Rush notations: 2MK > DR~5HP (cancel 2MK into Drive Rush, then immediately use 5HP during dash animation) |
Lily Additional Combo Notation | |
Notation | Meaning |
W.X | The Windclad version of the following special move is required. e.g. 5LP > W.236MK. |
*.X | Either the Windclad OR the normal version of the following special move can be used. e.g. 5LP > *.236KK. The damage of the Windclad version will be denoted in brackets {}. |
When both of the above are omitted, the normal non-Windclad version of the special move should be used. |
Drive Gauge values may be formatted as A(B).
- 'A' is the total amount of drive gauge used by the combo.
- 'B' excludes the last drive move in the combo.
- When the amount of available drive gauge is less than 'A' but more than 'B', the combo can still be used at the cost of burning out.
Some of Lily's normals are interchangable. Combo notation may be shortened to use one of the following:
- LP means either 5LP or 2LP can be used. 5LP deals more damage.
- MK means either 5MK or 2MK can be used. 5MK deals more damage.
- HP means any of 4HP, 2HP, 5HP or 6HP can be used. 4HP and 2HP deal more damage.
When using Modern controls, the following adjustments must be made.
- 3HP is unavailable. Any combo using it cannot be performed.
- 5MK is unavailable. Combos that specify 5MK cannot be performed, but those notated with just MK can be performed using 2MK.
- 5LP is only available during light chains. A combo that specifies 5LP outside of a chain cannot be performed.
Light Starter
These combos are designed to be confirmable from a standard 2 or 3 hit light chain blockstring.
A typical blockstring is 5LK > 2LP > 5LP after a blocked Windclad Condor Spire.
The fast startup of 5LK stops the opponent from interrupting, the low pushback of 2LP keeps them close for a grab on block, and 5LP at the end deals a tiny bit more damage and sets up spacing traps on block.
Damage values in the combo table below are based on this sequence.
A blocked Windclad OD Condor Spire (W.236KK) has slightly more pushback and an extra frame of advantage.
5LP > 2LP > 2LP adjusts for both of these factors, but be aware that the 3rd hit can whiff if the opponent blocks the first two.
When starting from point blank such as after a knockdown in the corner, pushback is less important.
5LP > 5LP > 5LP should be used for damage, optionally starting with 5LK at low frame advantage, or 2LK for a low hit with more pushback for a spacing trap.
Slightly different results can be obtained by changing the exact moves used and their order. Refer to the Light Chains section of the strategy page for more details.
Combo | Position | Damage | Wind Stocks | Drive Gauge | Super Gauge | Difficulty | Notes | Video |
5LK/LP > LP > LP > W.236MK/LK | Anywhere | 1445/1385 | 1 | Easy | W.236MK, 214LP is +2 on wakeup and loopable in the corner. W.236LK is more consistent at range but loses 2 frames of advantage, leading to different followup options. |
5LK/LP > LP > W.623HP | Anywhere | 1520 | 1 | Easy | Slightly more damage, but leads to a far knockdown. | |||
5LK/LP > LP > W.623PP > (*.j.PPP) | Anywhere | 1660 2360{2460} | 1-2 | 2 4(2) |
Easy | Point blank combo. Misses a hit when done after blocked W.236K, resulting in less damage. | ||
5LK/LP > LP > LP > W.236KK > (*.SA2) | Anywhere | 1505 2545{2665} | 1-2 | 2 | 0 2 |
Easy | ||
5LK/LP > LP > (LP) > DRC~LP, (Drive Rush Combo)
Anywhere | 1799+ | 0-3 | 3+ | 0-3 | Medium | Stay close with 2LP or a shorter confirm to link into 2HP. If too far then link into MK instead. |
5LK/LP > LP > LP > SA1 | Anywhere | 2105 | 1 | Medium | Useful for preserving Windclad off a 3-hit confirm. Easier input: 2LP > 236LP~236P |
5LK/LP > LP > LP > W.SA2 | Anywhere | 2525 | 1 | 2 | Medium | Windclad gives SA2 enough range to be confirmed from 3 hits. | ||
5LK > LP > (LP) > SA3 | Anywhere | 3240(3540) 3035(3285) | 3 | Medium | Windclad specials are incompatible with SA3. Deals more damage off a shorter confirm. |
5LK/LP > 2LP > 2LP > W.623LP(1), 2HK / SA1 / W.SA2 | Anywhere Standing |
1560 2210 2410 | 1 1 2 |
0 1 2 |
Hard | Late hit Tomahawk Buster followup. The opponent must get hit standing at the correct range. After blocked W.236KK it's possible to do 2LK > 5LP > W.623LP, W.SA2 |
5LK/LP > LP > LP > W.236KK, SA1 | Corner | 2385 | 1 | 2 | 1 | Easy | Opponent must reach the corner while in the air. | |
5LK/LP > LP > LP > W.236MK > W.623MP | Corner | 1925 | 2 | Easy | ||||
5LK/LP > LP > LP > W.236MK > W.623PP > (*.j.PPP) | Corner | 2085 2365{2405} | 2-3 | 2 4(2) |
Easy | |||
5LK/LP > LP > LP > W.236KK > W.623PP > *.j.PPP, SA1/SA2 | Corner | 3085{3125} 3465{3505} | 2-3 | 6(4) | 1 2 |
Easy | With 3 Windclad it's possible to avoid burning out with a microwalk before W.623PP. | |
5LK/LP > 2LP > 2LP > W.623MP(1), SA1/*.SA2 | Corner Standing |
2330 2530{2680} | 1 | 1 2 |
Hard | Corner variant of the late-hit Tomahawk Buster combo. | ||
5LK/LP > 2LP > 2LP > W.623MP(1), W.236KK, SA1/*.SA2 | Corner Standing |
2490 2870{2990} | 1 | 2 | 1 2 |
Hard | Spending some drive gauge. | |
5LK/LP > 2LP > 2LP > W.623MP(1), 623PP > j.PPP, SA1 | Corner Standing |
3010 | 1 | 4(2) | 1 | Hard | Drive dump into SA1. | |
5LK/LP > 2LP > 2LP > W.623HP(1), *.623PP > *.j.PPP, SA1/SA2 | Corner Standing |
3230{3290} 3510{3610}{3670} | 2-3 1-3 |
4(2) | 1 2 |
Hard | Drive dump into SA2, or SA1 with enough Windclad stocks. 623MP hits more consistently but deals 120 less damage. |
5LK/LP > 2LP > 2LP > W.623MP(1), W.236KK, W.623PP > j.PPP, SA2 | Corner Standing |
3490 | 3 | 6(4) | 2 | Hard | Full resource dump. Deals less damage than the above but builds more meter. | |
CH LP, 2MP > SA1/W.SA2/SA3 | Anywhere | 2520 3010 3680(3980) | 0 1 0 |
1 2 3 |
Hard | Possible to confirm by looking for the counter-hit message. Windclad SA2 always reaches unlike the windless version. |
CH 5LK/LP, 5MK > (Medium Starter Combo) | Anywhere | 1820+ | 0+ | 0+ | Hard | Possible to confirm by looking for the counter-hit message. Windclad enables potent followups such as W.236K > SA1 near the corner. |
Meaty 5LK/LP, 5MK > (Medium Starter Combo) | Anywhere | 1760+ | 0+ | 0+ | Hard | Interruptible on block, but leads to better rewards. Needs a knockdown advantage of 5LK +5 / 5LP +5~6 / 2LP +6~7. Refer to the frame advantage table on the Strategy page for ways to accomplish this. |
Medium / Heavy Starter
All combos starting with "HP" can be done from any of 2HP, 4HP, 5HP, or 6HP.
Damage values assume 4HP or 2-hits of 2HP. Subtract 100 damage for 5HP or 6HP. Subtract 500 damage for a single-hit 2HP.
Similarly, all combos starting with "MK" work with either 2MK or 5MK.
2HP is particularly notable as the 2-hits make it easy to hit-confirm unsafe moves when close enough to the opponent.
Most of these combos work from poking distance. Exceptions will be noted.
Combo | Position | Damage | Wind Stocks | Drive Gauge | Super Gauge | Difficulty | Notes | Video |
MK > 236LK | Anywhere | 1400 | 0 | Easy | Unsafe and not confirmable. Useful as a combo ender when 2HP is too slow to hit in time, such as after a counter-hit Light attack. |
HP > 236MK/LK | Anywhere | 1900/1800 | 0 | Easy | Lighter versions give a closer knockdown. 2HP/4HP > 236LK is safe against Drive Impact between hits on block. It can also be spaced to have an advantage of +1 from 2HP, or ±0 from 4HP. |
HP > 214MP > (SA3) | Anywhere | 1900 4600(4900) | (+1) | 0 3 |
Easy | 214MP is +2 on hit and doesn't knock the opponent down, which means they can't Drive Reversal the mixup. | ||
4HP/6HP > 214HP | Anywhere | 2100 | (+1) | Easy | 214HP doesn't combo after 2HP or 5HP without a counter-hit or Drive Rush. | |||
HP/MK > 623HP | Anywhere | 2200 | 0 | Easy | Lily's highest damage meterless special move. Mostly useful near the corner or to close out rounds. |
HP/MK > 214PP > (W.SA2) | Anywhere | 2200 4230 | (+1) (+1),1 |
2 | 0 2 |
Easy | Gapless blockstring from 2HP, 4HP or 6HP. SA2 doesn't reach when done from the tip of 2HP/4HP range. |
HP/MK > 236KK > (SA2) | Anywhere | 2000 3820 | 0 | 2 | 0 2 |
Easy | Use at extremely long ranges where other special moves may not reach to combo. | |
HP/MK > 623PP > j.PPP | Anywhere | 3380 | 0 | 4(2) | Easy | Good for closing out rounds with 2-3 Drive bars available. If more than 3 Drive bars are available then use a Drive Rush combo instead. |
4HP/6HP > DI | Anywhere | 1800 | 1 | Easy | Combo into 1 bar of drive damage. When blocked by burned out JP or Marisa, 6HP > DI can't be interrupted by 3f armor. |
HP/MK/2MP > SA1 | Anywhere | 3200 | 1 | Medium | Confirming this off 2HP is particularly useful during burnout. 2MP is good for interrupting Drive Rush, but it's possible for the combo to drop after hitting an extended hurtbox. |
HP/MK/2MP > SA2 | Anywhere | 3600 | 0 | 2 | Medium | Requires near point blank range. | ||
HP/MK/2MP > SA3 | Anywhere | 5050(5500) | 3 | Medium | Less range than SA1 but more range than SA2. If a combo doesn't use Drive Impact or a Drive Rush Cancel, canceling directly into SA3 deals more damage than using 214MP but loses out on gaining a Windclad stock. |
4HP, 5LP/5LK > (Light Starter Combo) | Anywhere | 2310+ | 0+ | 0+ | Hard | Typically combos directly into Special, SA, or Drive Rush. If close enough it's possible to do another 2LP or 5LP first. |
HP/MK > DRC~LP, (Drive Rush Combo) | Anywhere | 2685+ | 3+ | 0+ | Medium | +3 on block. | ||
HP/MK > DRC~2HP, (Drive Rush Combo) | Anywhere | 2666+ | 3+ | 0+ | Medium | +2 on block. | ||
HP > DRC~4HP, (Drive Rush Combo) | Anywhere | 2966+ | 3+ | 0+ | Medium | +2 on block. There is a gap but it is safe against Drive Impact. | ||
HP/MK > 214PP, W.623MP | Corner | 3040 | (+1),1 | 2 | Easy | Builds and uses Windclad. | ||
HP/MK > 214PP, W.623PP > (j.PPP) | Corner | 3320 4020{4120} | (+1),1 | 4(2) 6(4) |
Easy | Builds and uses Windclad. |
Combo | Position | Damage | Wind Stocks | Drive Gauge | Super Gauge | Difficulty | Notes | Video |
HP/MK > W.236HK/MK/LK | Anywhere | 2200/2100/2000 | 1 | Easy | +1 on block. Lighter versions combo from further away and give a closer knockdown. |
HP > 214MP > (SA3) | Anywhere | 1900 4600(4900) | (+1) | 0 3 |
Easy | While cashing out with a Windclad combo is the standard choice, it may still be preferable to stick to this combo to build more while shutting down Wakeup Drive Reversal. | ||
4HP/6HP > 214HP | Anywhere | 2100 | (+1) | Easy | 214HP doesn't combo after 2HP or 5HP without a counter-hit or Drive Rush. | |||
HP/MK > W.623HP | Anywhere | 2400 | 1 | Easy | Fewer followup options than Condor Spire, so mainly only used to close out rounds. | |||
HP/MK > 214PP > (W.SA2) | Anywhere | 2200 4230 | (+1) (+1),1 |
2 | 0 2 |
Easy | Gapless blockstring from 2HP, 4HP or 6HP. SA2 doesn't reach when done from the tip of 2HP/4HP range. |
HP/MK > W.236KK > *.SA2 | Anywhere | 4020{4230} | 1-2 | 2 | 2 | Easy | Deals the same damage as 214PP but doesn't drop the combo at max range. | |
HP/MK > W.623PP > *.j.PPP | Anywhere | 3580{3720} | 1-2 | 4(2) | Easy | Good for closing out rounds with 2-3 Drive bars available. With only 1 Windclad and more than 3 Drive bars, use a Drive Rush combo instead. |
4HP/6HP > DI | Anywhere | 1800 | 1 | Easy | Combo into 1 bar of drive damage. When blocked by burned out JP or Marisa, 6HP > DI can't be interrupted by 3f armor. |
HP/MK/2MP > SA1 | Anywhere | 3200 | 1 | Medium | Confirming this off 2HP is particularly useful during burnout. 2MP is good for interrupting Drive Rush, but it's possible for the combo to drop after hitting an extended hurtbox. |
HP/MK/2MP > W.SA2 | Anywhere | 3900 | 1 | 2 | Medium | Liable to drop when used as a whiff punish against extended hurtboxes. | ||
HP/MK/2MP > SA3 | Anywhere | 5050(5500) | 3 | Medium | Less range than SA1 but more range than SA2. If a combo doesn't use Drive Impact or a Drive Rush Cancel, canceling directly into SA3 deals more damage than using 214MP but loses out on gaining a Windclad stock. |
4HP, 5LP/5LK > (Light Starter Combo) | Anywhere | 2310+ | 0+ | 0+ | Hard | Typically combos directly into Special, SA, or Drive Rush. If close enough it's possible to do another 2LP or 5LP first. 4HP, 5LP > 5LP > W.623P routes are also available against a standing opponent. |
HP/MK > DRC~LP, (Drive Rush Combo) | Anywhere | 2413+ | 3+ | 0+ | Medium | +3 on block. | ||
HP/MK > DRC~2HP, (Drive Rush Combo) | Anywhere | 2198+ | 3+ | 0+ | Medium | +2 on block. | ||
HP > DRC~4HP, (Drive Rush Combo) | Anywhere | 2966+ | 3+ | 0+ | Medium | +2 on block. There is a gap but it is safe against Drive Impact. | ||
HP/MK > W.236HK, SA1/*.SA2 | Corner | 3740 4020{4230} | 1 1-2 |
1 2 |
Easy | Huge corner carry means this can be started from almost the middle of the stage. SA1 works if the opponent even slightly grazes the corner while in the air. |
HP/MK > W.236HK > W.623HP/PP > (*.j.PPP) | Corner | 3180 3320 4020{4120} | 2 2 3 |
0 2 4(2) |
Easy | May not combo from the tip of 2HP or 4HP. Replace both specials with Medium or Light versions to increase the combo range. |
HP/MK > W.236HK > W.623PP > W.j.PPP, SA1/SA2 | Corner | 4780 5160 | 3 | 4(2) | 1 2 |
Medium | Requires 3 Windclad to build enough juggle height. | |
HP/MK > W.236KK > W.623PP > j.PPP, SA2 | Corner | 5020{5120} | 2 | 6(4) | 2 | Medium | W.236KK deals no extra damage, but launches higher than W.236HK. | |
HP/MK > 214PP, W.623MP | Corner | 3040 | (+1),1 | 2 | Easy | Still useful with only 1 Windclad available, meaning Spire > Tomahawk combos are unavailable. | ||
HP/MK > 214PP, W.623PP > (W.j.PPP) | Corner | 3320 4120 | (+1),1 1 |
4(2) 6(4) |
Easy | Starting with Windclad adds damage to the dive, but it still doesn't launch high enough to link into SA. |
Special Starter
For the most part it's possible to simply do the same combos listed in the above sections, but skipping the normal moves at the beginning.
The combos listed here are either important enough to be mentioned specifically, or require a special move to hit in a specific way in order to work.
Combo | Position | Damage | Wind Stocks | Drive Gauge | Super Gauge | Difficulty | Notes | Video |
214MP > SA3 | Anywhere | 4500(4900) | (+1) | 3 | Medium | Single hit confirmable, anti Drive Impact combo. Buffer the SA3 input and press the button on reaction to the opponent's life bar going down (unless they are in burnout). Also effective against opponents that try to punish 214LP with Drive Rush. Hold 214MP for a moment to avoid the perfect parry, then release it to hit them out of Drive Rush. |
236KK > SA2 | Anywhere | 3080 | 0 | 2 | 2 | Easy | Huge range whiff punish or anti-air or in general just anti-not-blocking. Particularly useful for keeping Jamie sober. Also hits opponents trying to bait anti-airs with an early whiffed divekick. |
Late-Hit 236MK/HK, 623LP/MP | Corner | 1800~2000 | 0 | Hard | Condor Spire must hit towards the end of its active frames: 623LP: 10~13f, 623MP: 12~13f |
Late-Hit 236MK/HK, 623PP > (j.PPP) | Corner | 2300/2400 3280/3380 | 0 | 2 4(2) |
Hard | Condor Spire must hit with its last 4 active frames (10~13f). | ||
Late-Hit 236KK, 2HK | Corner | 1720 | 0 | 2 | Hard | Condor Spire must hit with its last 4 active frames (10~13f). Works slightly further away from the corner than Tomahawk Buster. |
Late-Hit 236KK, 623LP/MP/HP | Corner | 1720/1800/1960 | 0 | 2 | Hard | Condor Spire must hit towards the end of its active frames: 623LP: 5~13f, 623MP: 7~13f, 623HP: 9~13f |
Late-Hit 236KK, 623PP > j.PPP, (SA1/SA2) | Corner | 2120 2960 3620 4000 | 0 | 2 4(2) 6(4) 6(4) |
0 0 0 2 |
Hard | Condor Spire must hit towards the end of its active frames: 623PP: 5~13f, SA2: 11~13f, SA1 13f |
Combo | Position | Damage | Wind Stocks | Drive Gauge | Super Gauge | Difficulty | Notes | Video |
214MP > SA3 | Anywhere | 4500(4900) | (+1) | 3 | Medium | Single hit confirmable, anti Drive Impact combo. Buffer the SA3 input and press the button on reaction to the opponent's life bar going down (unless they are in burnout). Also effective against opponents that try to punish 214LP with Drive Rush. Hold 214MP for a moment to avoid the perfect parry, then release it to hit them out of Drive Rush. |
W.236KK > *.SA2 | Anywhere | 3080{3280}{3520} | 1-2 | 2 | 2 | Easy | Punishes projectiles or an opponent that's just not blocking. | |
W.236KK, SA1 | Corner | 2960 | 1 | 2 | 1 | Easy | Projectile punish near the corner. Works as long as the opponent reaches the corner while in the air. |
W.236KK, W.623HP | Corner | 2320 | 2 | 2 | Easy | Projectile punish with 2 Windclad. | ||
W.236KK, W.623PP > *.j.PPP, (SA1/SA2) | Corner | 33203440 {4100} 4360{4480} | 2-3 | 6 | 0 1 2 |
Easy | Projectile punish with 2+ Windclad. SA1 requires 3 Windclad. |
Late-Hit W.236KK(2), 2HK | Corner | 1820 | 1 | 2 | Medium | Condor Spire must hit less than 3 times. | ||
Late-Hit W.236KK(2), 623PP > j.PPP, (SA2) | Corner | 2220 3060 4100 | 1 | 4(2) 6(4) 6(4) |
0 0 2 |
Medium | Condor Spire must hit less than 3 times. | |
Late-Hit W.236KK(2), W.236KK, SA1/*.SA2 | Corner | 3380 3620{3800} | 2 2-3 |
4(2) | 1 2 |
Medium | Condor Spire must hit less than 3 times. Can also start with the much less practical W.236HK. |
Late-Hit W.236KK(2), W.236MK, W.623MP | Corner | 2700 | 3 | 2 | Medium | Condor Spire must hit less than 3 times. | ||
Late-Hit W.236KK(2), W.236MK, W.623PP > (j.PPP) | Corner | 2940 3500 | 3 | 4(2) 6(4) |
Medium | Condor Spire must hit less than 3 times. The drive gauge generated by W.236MK can prevent burnout. |
Late-Hit W.236KK(2), W.236~dl.KK, W.623PP > j.PPP, (SA2) | Corner | 3580 4620 | 3 | 8(6) | 0 2 |
Very Hard | Condor Spire must hit less than 3 times. Requires a maxed out drive gauge and a micro-walk between Condor Spires to build extra drive gauge. |
Late-Hit W.236KK(1), 623HP/PP | Corner | 1960 2120 | 1 | 2 4(2) |
Medium | Condor Spire must hit 1 time. | ||
Late-Hit W.236KK(1), 623PP > j.PPP, (SA1/SA2) | Corner | 2960 3620 4000 | 1 | 6(4) | 0 1 2 |
Medium | Condor Spire must hit 1 time. Unlike the 2-hit variant this links into SA1. |
Late-Hit W.236KK(1), DR~5LP > 214HP | Corner | 1887 | 1,(+1) | 3(2) | Hard | Condor Spire must hit 1 time. Restocks the spent Windclad. |
Late-Hit W.236KK(1), DR~5LP > 214PP, W.623MP | Corner | 2450 | 1 | 5(3) | Hard | Condor Spire must hit 1 time. | ||
Late-Hit W.236KK(1), 6HP > (Crumple Starter Combo) | Corner | 2560- | 1+ | 2+ | 0+ | Very Hard | Condor Spire must hit only once with its last 5 active frames. Technically not a crumple but leads to the same combo routes. |
Anti-air Starter
Lily can combo after anti-air 2HP on counter-hit, but the counter-hit is not usually confirmable so it is important to follow up with something that is also reasonably safe on non-counter-hit.
It generally combos into the same things as PC 5HP, DR~2HP, so refer to the Crumple Starter section for a more complete list. This section will only cover important ways to safely get the combo started.
It's also possible to combo off some other moves if they hit the opponent high enough. Those will also be covered here.
Combo | Position | Damage | Wind Stocks | Drive Gauge | Super Gauge | Difficulty | Notes | Video |
AA CH 2HP > (Crumple Starter Combo) | Anywhere | Medium | Leads to the same combos as a crumple, but dealing ~800-900 less damage. The opponent is launched higher so adjustments may need to be made. | |||||
AA CH 2HP > DRC~4HP > (Crumple Starter Combo) | Anywhere | 3 | Medium | As above, but makes the counter-hit confirmable. Sets up pressure on non-counter-hit, and a left-right mixup if the opponent isn't too close. |
AA CH 2HP > 214HP/MP | Anywhere | 1700/1500 | (+1) | Medium | Hold punch and release it on reaction to the counter-hit. On non-counter-hit delay the release until the opponent lands to make them block it. This is safe against DI with frame perfect timing, otherwise buffer SA3 and be ready to react. Punishable by empty jump into invincible reversal, making it more effective if the opponent is burned out. |
AA CH 2HP > 214PP > (W.SA2) | Anywhere | 1800 3830 | (+1) 0 |
2 | 0 2 |
Medium | Hold PP and release it on reaction to the counter-hit. Particularly useful for confirming directly into SA2 for huge damage. On non-counter-hit keep PP held to be completely safe. |
AA CH 2HP > 236HK | Anywhere | 1600 | Easy | On non-counter-hit 236HK is usually advantageous on block, but vulnerable to anti-airs. | ||||
AA 623PP > j.PPP | Anywhere | 2520 | 0 | 4(2) | Easy | Kills at yellow health against characters with regular health. If it won't quite kill try to sneak a Condor Wind into neutral. |
AA 623PP > j.PPP, SA1/SA2 | Corner | 3510 | 0 | 4(2) | 1 2 |
Easy | Must catch the opponent high up to link the SA. | |
AA 9j.MP~MP > SA2 | Anywhere | 3480 | 0 | 2 | Medium | |||
AA 9j.MP~dl.MP, 623HP/MP/LP | Anywhere | 2120/2200/2360 | 0 | Medium | Use 623LP for more consistency and a closer knockdown. | |||
AA 9j.MP~dl.MP, 623PHP > (j.PPP) | Anywhere | 2520 3360 | 0 | 2 4(2) |
Medium | |||
AA 9j.MP~dl.MP, 623PP > j.PPP, SA1/SA2 | Corner | 4020 4400 | 0 | 4(2) | 1 2 |
Hard | Must catch the opponent high up to link the SA. |
Combo | Position | Damage | Wind Stocks | Drive Gauge | Super Gauge | Difficulty | Notes | Video |
AA CH 2HP > (Crumple Starter Combo) | Anywhere | Medium | Leads to the same combos as a crumple, but dealing ~800-900 less damage. The opponent is launched higher so adjustments may need to be made. | |||||
AA CH 2HP > DRC~4HP > (Crumple Starter Combo) | Anywhere | 3 | Medium | As above, but makes the counter-hit confirmable. Sets up pressure on non-counter-hit, and a left-right mixup if the opponent isn't too close. |
AA CH 2HP > 214HP/MP | Anywhere | 1700/1500 | (+1) | Medium | Still useful for building more Windclad unless already fully stocked. | |||
AA CH 2HP > 214PP > (W.SA2) | Anywhere | 1800 3830 | (+1) (+1),1 |
2 | 0 2 |
Medium | Extremely useful even when fully stocked due to being able to make it safe against empty jumps by charging Condor Wind. | |
AA CH 2HP > (dl.)W.236MK > SA1 | Anywhere | 3240 | 1 | 1 | Punishable by empty jump into anti-air. Condor Spire must hit all 3 times. Delaying the cancel makes this more consistent off a high hit. |
AA CH 2HP > W.236MK(2) > 623PP > (j.PPP) | Corner | 2580 3280 | 1 | 2 4(2) |
Must hit the opponent high up so Condor Spire only hits 2 times. With more Windclad stocks, W.236HK is better. |
AA CH 2HP > W.236HK/W.236KK | Anywhere | 1800 | 1 | 0-2 | Medium | Punishable by empty jump into anti-air. Leads into big damage with more resources near the corner. Refer to the Crumple Starter section. |
AA W.623PP > *.j.PPP | Anywhere | 2720{2880} | 1-2 | 4(2) | Easy | Place more priority on building Windclad if the extra damage is enough to make this kill. | ||
AA W.623PP > *.j.PPP, SA1/*.SA2 | Corner | 3710{3870} 3890{4050}{4145} | 1-2 1-3 |
4(2) | 1 2 |
Easy | Having Windclad for the dive lets the SA link from a lower height anti-air. | |
AA 9j.MP~MP > W.SA2 | Anywhere | 3720 | 1 | 2 | Medium | |||
AA 9j.MP~dl.MP, W.623HP/MP/LP | Anywhere | 2200/2360/2520 | 1 | Medium | More consistent and damaging than the windless version. Use 623LP for more consistency and a closer knockdown. |
AA 9j.MP~dl.MP, W.623PP > *.j.PPP | Anywhere | 2680 3520{3640} | 1-2 | 2 4(2) |
Medium | More consistent and damaging than the windless version. | ||
AA 9j.MP~dl.MP, W.623PP > *.j.PPP, SA1/*.SA2 | Corner | 4180{4300} 4560{4680}{4800} | 1-2 1-3 |
4(2) | 1 2 |
Hard | Having Windclad for the dive lets the SA link from a lower height anti-air. | |
AA 9j.MP~dl.MP, W.236KK, SA1 | Corner | 3680 | 1 | 2 | 1 | Hard | Lots of corner carry, but requires quite a high hit to land in time for the pick-up. | |
AA 9j.MP~dl.MP, W.236KK > *.SA2 | Anywhere | 3920{4100} | 1-2 | 2 | 2 | Hard | ||
AA 9j.MP~dl.MP, W.236LK/KK, W.623HP/MP/LP | Corner | 2800/2920/3040 3200 | 2 | 0 2 |
Hard | Must catch the opponent high up. Use 623LP for consistency after 236LK. | ||
AA 9j.MP~dl.MP, W.236LK/KK, W.623PP > *.j.PPP, SA1/SA2 | Corner | 3720{3800} 4380{4460} 4760{4840} | 2-3 | 4(2) | 0 1 2 |
Hard | W.236KK adds 160 damage and guarantees enough height for SA2, or SA1 with 3 Windclad. | |
AA W.623LP/MP/HP, *.623LP/MP/HP | Corner | 1500{1600} 2000{2400} | 1-2 | Hard | Must connect with the opponent near the peak of their jump. More height allows for a heavier Tomahawk Buster. |
AA W.623LP/MP/HP, *.623PP > *.j.PPP, SA2 | Corner | 2000~2400{2600} 2980~3380{3580}{3720} 3750~4150{4350}{4490} 4020~4420{4620}{4760} | 1-3 | 2 4(2) 4(2) 4(2) |
0 0 1 2 |
Hard | Must connect with the opponent near the peak of their jump. | |
AA W.623LP/MP/HP, W.236LK/KK, W.623HP/MP/LP | Corner | 2300~2700 2780~3180 | 3 | 0 2 |
Very Hard | Must connect with the opponent at the peak of their jump. Use 623LP for consistency after 236LK. |
AA W.623LP/MP/HP, W.236LK, W.623PP > j.PPP, SA1/SA2 | Corner | 4080~4480 4460~4860 | 3 | 4(2) | 1 2 |
Very Hard | Must connect with the opponent at the peak of their jump. | |
AA W.623LP/MP/HP, W.236KK, W.623PP > j.PPP, SA1/SA2 | Corner | 4280~4680 4620~5060 | 3 | 6(4) | 1 2 |
Very Hard | Burning some more drive to make it slightly easier. |
Drive Rush Starter
Typical ways to confirm into a Drive Rush combo are as follows:
- (Light Normal) > DRC~5LP/2LP
- (Medium Normal) or (PC Light Normal) > DRC~2HP (or one of the above)
- (Heavy Normal) or (PC Medium Normal) > DRC~4HP (or one of the above)
Combos listed in the table below can generally be started from either a Parry Drive Rush or a Drive Rush Cancel following the above rules.
Damage values are for starting with DR or 2HP > DRC, and ending with 623HP using no additional resources.
Parry Drive Rush Punish Counter combos are covered in the Punish Counter Starter section.
Combo | Position | Damage | Wind Stocks | Drive Gauge | Super Gauge | Difficulty | Notes | Video |
DR~LP, 2HP > (Heavy Starter Combo) | Anywhere | 1990 2685 | 1 3 |
Hard | Must be close to the opponent so the first hit of 2HP connects. Works with either 5LP for more damage, or 2LP for more range. 2HP can also be linked from a Meaty or Counter-hit DR~5LK. |
DR~HP > 214HP/MP | Anywhere | 2100 2598 | (+1) | 1 3 |
Medium | The extra hitstun from Drive Rush makes 214HP combo from any of 2HP, 4HP, 5HP or 6HP.. DR~2HP/4HP/6HP > 214MP is a gapless blockstring. DR~2HP > 214HP is also gapless but leaves the opponent closer, making it more punishable. |
DR~HP > 236HK | Anywhere | 2000 2530 | 0 | 1 3 |
Medium | Combos from any of 2HP, 4HP, 5HP or 6HP. | ||
DR~HP > DI | Anywhere | 1800 2394 | 2(1) 4(3) |
Medium | Combo into 1 bar of drive damage. 2HP makes it a gapless blockstring that still deals 1 bar of drive damage. |
DR~4HP/LP/5LK, MK > (Medium Starter Combo) | Anywhere | 2560 2966 | 1 3 |
Medium | Typically used to go into 623HP or another Drive Rush. | |||
DR~4HP/LP/5LK, 2MP > SA1 | Anywhere | 3460 3621 | 1 3 |
1 2 3 |
Medium | Slightly more damage than 5MK into SA. | ||
DR~4HP/LP/5LK, 2MP > *.SA2 | Anywhere | 3780{4020} 3860{4037} | 0-1 | 1 3 |
2 | Medium | Must be close unless Windclad, which makes it work from maximum range. | |
DR~4HP/LP/5LK, 2MP > SA3 | Anywhere | 4850(5200) 4621(4876) | 1 3 |
3 | Medium | More damage than 214MP > SA3 after a raw Parry Drive Rush, but less damage after a Drive Rush Cancel. | ||
DR~2HP, 5LK > (Light Starter Combo) | Anywhere | 2260 2762 | 1 3 |
Hard | A slight damage boost for Tomahawk Buster enders. Also a way to confirm non-canceled DR~2HP at close range. Shorten the light chain by 1 attack to account for distance. 5LK > 5LP > DR~2LP, 2HP always works. 5LK > 5LP > W.623P sets up the spacing against standing opponents. |
DR~4HP, 6~5LK > (5LP) > DRC~LP, 2HP > (Heavy Starter Combo) | Anywhere | 2740 3274 | 4 6 |
Hard | A 2 to 5 frame micro-walk after 4HP builds a pixel of drive gauge to Drive Rush Cancel twice without burning out, optionally leading into a 3rd.
Micro-walk 5LP be used instead of 5LK for a little more damage, but this reduces the timing window from 4 frames to 3 frames, making it less consistent. Chaining into 5LP builds a tiny bit more meter at the cost of a tiny amount of damage. |
DR~4HP, 6~5MK > DRC~(LP, )2HP > (Heavy Starter Combo) | Anywhere | 3069 3505 | 4 6 |
Very Hard | A frame perfect variant of the micro-walk combo that does even more damage. 5LP/2LP can be skipped to get slightly more damage out of triple drive rush combos. |
DR~3HP, LP > (Light Starter Combo) | Anywhere | 2370 | 1 | Medium | 2LP has more range, but 5LP deals slightly more damage. Can also use 5LK when close for easier timing. |
CH DR~LP, 5HP/2HP > (Heavy Starter Combo) | Anywhere | 1770/1450 | 1 | Hard | A counter-hit allows for longer range confirms. 2HP has more reach but deals less damage due to only hitting once. From maximum range it's possible to follow up with any of 236KK, 214PP, W.236LK, or a Drive Rush Cancel. |
Meaty DR~4HP, 2HP > (Heavy Starter Combo) | Anywhere | 2960 | 1 | Hard | Works if 4HP hits any later than its first active frame. Can be set up with a knockdown advantage of +25~27. The easiest setup is SA1 against a grounded opponent in the corner (+27). |
Meaty DR~3HP, 5MK > (Heavy Starter Combo) | Anywhere | 2460 | 1 | Hard | Works if 3HP hits any later than its first active frame. Can be set up with a knockdown advantage of +36~37. Typically works after windless 236MK/HK (+37) or 623HP/MP/LP (+36) hitting on or close to the ground. |
Meaty DR~3HP, 2MP > SA1/SA2/SA3 | Anywhere | 3360 3680{3920} 4750(5100) | 0 0-1 0 |
1 | 1 2 3 |
Hard | Works if 3HP hits on its last active frame. Can be set up with a knockdown advantage of +37. Typically works after windless 236MK/HK (+37) hitting on or close to the ground. |
Crumple Starter
Punish Counter 5HP puts the opponent into a crumple state which significantly changes the available combo routes.
6HP is the simplest follow-up, but other options are available depending on distance and resources. See the starter list below for details.
Crumple combos also work after a Drive Impact Wall Splat or Punish Counter Drive Impact.
For combos after Drive Impact, simply replace PC 5HP in the combo with one of the DI equivalents from the starter list.
Crumple Starter | Drive | Notes |
PC 5HP, 6HP | Standard starter. Any combo listed with this starter can be directly swapped to use any other starter listed below. | |
PC 5HP, 4HP | Close-range or corner starter that deals 100 more damage but builds less drive gauge. Can be used in place of 6HP in any combo if close enough or near the corner. 4HP launches slightly higher than 6HP, making it required for some combos. | |
PC 5HP, DR~(dl.)2HP/4HP | 1 | Long-range whiff punish starter using a non-canceled Drive Rush. Loses some damage due to DR scaling. 2HP launches even higher than 4HP and is required by some combos. For maximum launch height 2HP must connect with its first active frame, hence the delay. |
PC 5HP > DRC~(dl.)2HP/4HP/6HP | 3 | Full-screen whiff punish starter done by canceling into Drive Rush instead (e.g. Dhalsim limbs). Doing this close enough keeps the opponent grounded for a Heavy Starter Combo, which is required for SA3. |
PC 5HP > 214[PP], 5HP/MK | 2 | Point blank combo that builds Windclad, sometimes leading to a more optimal combo. Can also be used to build 2 Windclad in one combo with a 214HP/PP followup. 5MK and 2MK are more consistent midscreen due to the special cancel moving towards the opponent. |
PC DI, 8j.HK, (dl.)6HP | 1 | Standard Drive Impact starter. Launches higher than all of the above so works with any combo. Sometimes a delay is needed to avoid launching the opponent too high. |
DI (Wall), (66), 4HP/6HP | 1 | Whether to dash depends on the distance the opponent travels to the wall. |
DI (Wall), 9j.HK, 6HP | 1 | Works when the opponent travels a long distance to the wall. |
Anti-air CH 2HP | Technically not a crumple, but leads into the same combos. | |
Corner Late-hit W.236KK(1), 6HP | Also technically not a crumple, but leads into the same combos. |
In the following table, the combo starter may be separated by a double arrow (>>).
The starter for these combos can be replaced with another starter from the above table as long as it launches at least as high.
From highest to lowest, the order of launch height from a crumple is: j.2HP > j.HK > 2HP > 4HP > 5MK > 2MK > 5HP > 5LP/2LP > 6HP
Delayed inputs may be needed to allow the opponent to fall back down to the correct height for the combo.
For combos that can end with any Special Move:
- 623HP deals the most damage without using extra resources, and is used to calculate the given damage values.
- 214HP is the standard ender for building a Windclad stock. 214MP gives an extra frame of knockdown advantage at the cost of some damage.
- 236HK allows for alternative pressure options, and is especially strong when Windclad. Using lighter versions adjusts the knockdown advantage.
- SA1 or SA2 also work, though SA2 usually needs a Windclad stock to be worth it.
Combo | Position | Damage | Wind Stocks | Drive Gauge | Super Gauge | Difficulty | Notes | Video |
PC 5HP > 236HK | Anywhere | 2080 | 0 | Easy | Meterless and driveless whiff punish that almost always reaches. | |||
PC 5HP, 360HP/MP/PP | Anywhere | 3240 3600 3690 | 0 0 2 |
Medium | Close range punish. 360LP is less efficient than a regular combo. |
PC 5HP, 6HP >> (Special) | Anywhere | 2940 3740 4060 | 0 | 0 1 2 |
Easy | Standard punish on whiff or block into a special move or SA. | ||
PC 5HP, 6HP~HP~HP | Anywhere | 2940 | Easy | Builds more meter and drive gauge than a special cancel. Less useful midscreen due to the far knockdown. | ||||
PC 5HP, 6HP >> DRC~4HP > (Special) | Anywhere | 3368 3908 | 3 | 0 1 |
Medium | |||
PC 5HP, 6HP >> DRC~4HP > 236KK, SA1 | Anywhere | 4166 | 0 | 5(3) | 1 | Medium | ||
PC 5HP > 214[PP], 5HP > (DRC~4HP) > dl.DRC~4HP > W.236MK, SA1 | Anywhere | 4225 4556 | (+1),1 | 5(2) 8(5) |
1 | Hard | The double Drive Rush combo works without delayed cancels, but Condor Spire will only hit twice for less damage. Unlike the previous combo this can be used as a burnout combo with less than 3 Drive bars. |
PC 5HP, DR~dl.2HP >> 236KK, SA1 | Anywhere | 3721 | 0 | 3(1) | 1 | Medium | For when 6HP won't reach. 2HP must be delayed to hit with its first active frame so it launches high enough. |
PC 5HP, 6HP >> DRC~(dl.)4HP > (dl.)DRC~4HP > (Special) | Anywhere | 3862 4321 4525 | 6(3) | 0 1 2 |
Medium | Full drive dump combo. A delay is needed for SA1 to fully connect. |
PC 5HP, 6HP >> (DRC~4HP) > 214PP > W.SA2 | Anywhere | 4680 4586 | (+1),1 | 2 5(2) |
2 | Medium | An extremely efficient use of meter. The drive rush extension deals less damage but builds more meter. |
PC 5HP, DR~(dl.)2HP >> DRC~4HP > 236MK | Anywhere | 3141 | 0 | 4(1) | Medium | +44 safe jump setup. At long range 2HP must be delayed to make sure it connects with its first active frame. | ||
PC 5HP, 6HP >> 214PP, W.623HP | Corner | 3780 | 2 | Medium | Generates and immediately uses Windclad. | |||
PC 5HP, 6HP >> 623PP > j.PPP, (SA1/SA2) | Corner | 3940 4600 4980 | 0 | 4(2) | 0 1 2 |
Medium | An efficient 4 drive route into SA. | |
PC 5HP, 6HP >> 214PP, W.623PP > j.PPP | Corner | 4460 | (+1),1 | 6(4) | Medium | Drive dump extension of the Condor Wind route. Burnout can be avoided with a 2-3 frame micro-walk before W.623PP, input as 623[6]~dl.PP. |
PC 5HP, 4HP >> 214PP, W.623PP > j.PPP, SA2 | Corner | 5600 | (+1),1 | 6(4) | 2 | Medium | Using 4HP allows the previous combo to link into SA2. | |
PC 5HP, 6HP >> 236KK > SA2 | Corner | 4280 | 0 | 2 | 2 | Medium | +44 safe jump setup. Also possible with exactly 1 Windclad stock by delaying the cancel after W.236KK. |
PC 5HP > 214[PP], 5HP > DRC~4HP, W.623HP | Corner | 3486 | (+1),1 | 5(3) | Hard | A somewhat expensive +44 safe jump setup. | ||
PC 5HP > 214[PP], 5HP/MK > W.236HK, SA1 | Corner | 4260/3960 | (+1),1 | 1 | Hard | Use MK when not already in the corner to carry them there. SA2 also works, but 214PP > SA2 routes are better. |
PC 5HP > 214[PP], 5HP > 214PP, W.623PP > W.j.PPP > (SA2) | Corner | 4540 5580 | (+2),2 | 8(6) | 0 2 |
Hard | An alternate drive dump route that builds an extra stock for the dive. Requires almost full drive gauge so hitting with 5HP builds it back to over 4 bars. |
PC 5HP > 214[PP], 5MK > 214PP, W.623PP > W.j.PPP, SA1 | Corner | 4900 | 0 | 8(6) | 1 | Hard | Using 5MK makes the previous combo work with SA1 | |
PC 5HP > 214[PP], 5HP > W.623MP, 623PP > j.PPP, SA1/SA2 | Corner* | 4960 5340 | 0 | 6(4) | 1 2 |
Very Hard | Requires extremely specific positioning. Lily's front toe during the hitstop of 5HP must be 1-2 marks out from the first thick grid line on the training stage, or 0-2 marks for SA2. Works after blocking an OD reversal from Ken, Luke, Juri, Dee Jay, or anything else that lands that far out. The drive gauge built during the combo can prevent burnout. |
Combo | Position | Damage | Wind Stocks | Drive Gauge | Super Gauge | Difficulty | Notes | Video |
PC 5HP > W.236HK | Anywhere | 2180 | 1 | Easy | Meterless and driveless whiff punish that reaches even further than the windless version. | |||
PC 5HP, 360HP/MP/PP | Anywhere | 3240 3600 3690 | 0 0 2 |
Medium | Close range punish. 360LP is less efficient than a regular combo. |
PC 5HP, 6HP >> (Special) | Anywhere | 2860{3100} 3740 {4300} | 0-1 0 1 |
0 1 2 |
Easy | Standard punish on whiff or block into a special move or SA. To preserve Windclad use or Condor Wind or SA1. |
PC 5HP, 6HP~HP~HP | Anywhere | 2940 | Easy | Preserves Windclad and builds more meter and drive gauge than a special cancel. Less useful midscreen due to the far knockdown. | ||||
PC 5HP, 6HP >> DRC~(dl.)4HP > DRC~4HP > (Special) | Anywhere | 3309{3486} 3811{3964} | 0-1 | 3 6(3) |
Medium | Meterless drive dump. A delay is needed for W.623HP to fully connect after double Drive Rush. |
PC 5HP, 6HP >> (DRC~4HP) > (dl.DRC~4HP) > W.236MK, SA1 | Anywhere | 4180 4225 4556 | 1 | 0 3 6(3) |
1 | Medium | Extremely efficient way to combo into SA1. The second drive rush still works without a delayed cancel, but Condor Spire will only hit twice for less damage. |
PC 5HP, 6HP >> (DRC~4HP) > 214PP > W.SA2 | Anywhere | 4680 4586 | (+1),1 | 2 5(2) |
2 | Medium | An extremely efficient use of meter. The drive rush extension deals less damage but builds more meter. |
PC 5HP, 4HP >> W.236KK, W.236KK, W.SA2 | Anywhere | 4740{4860} | 2-3 | 4(2) | 2 | Medium | Midscreen wind and drive dump. | |
PC 5HP, 6HP >> DRC~4HP > W.236KK, W.236KK, W.SA2 | Anywhere | 4870{4990} | 2-3 | 7(5) | 2 | Medium | Full burnout variant picking up with the longer ranged 6HP. | |
PC 5HP, 4HP >> W.236KK, W.236KK, SA1 | Corner | 4580 | 2 | 4(2) | 2 | Medium | Corner only SA1 variant of the above. Carries over half stage distance. |
PC 5HP, 6HP >> DRC~dl.2HP > W.236KK, W.236KK, SA1 | Corner | 4490 | 2 | 7(5) | 2 | Medium | Even more corner carry. | |
PC 5HP, 6HP >> 214PP, W.623HP | Corner | 3780 | (+1),1 | 2 | Medium | Useful for making use of Windclad while also maintaining it. | ||
PC 5HP, 6HP >> (dl.)W.623PP > W.j.PPP, (SA1/*.SA2) | Corner | 4220 4880 5260{5380} | 2-3 | 4(2) | 0 1 2 |
Medium | An efficient 4 drive route into SA. Difficult to generate height with only 1 Windclad - usually requires 4HP instead of and/or a delayed cancel. |
PC 5HP, 6HP >> 214PP, W.623PP > W.j.PPP | Corner | 4540 | (+1),2 | 6(4) | Medium | Drive dump extension of the Condor Wind route. Burnout can be avoided with a 2-3 frame micro-walk before W.623PP, input as 623[6]~dl.PP. |
PC 5HP, 6HP >> 214PP, W.623PP > W.j.PPP, *.SA2 | Corner | 5580{5700} | (+1),1-3 | 6(4) | 2 | Medium | Drive dump route into SA2. | |
PC 5HP, 6HP >> (DRC~4HP) > W.236HK, W.623HP | Corner | 3780 3956 | 2 | 0 3 |
Medium | |||
PC 5HP, 4HP > DRC~4HP, W.623HP, (W.623LP) | Corner | 3586(4096) | 1-2 | 3 | Hard | W.623HP is a +44 safe jump setup. | ||
PC 5HP, 4HP > DRC~4HP, W.623HP, W.623PP > *.j.PPP | Corner | 4878{4946} | 2-3 | 7(5) | Hard | Drive dump version of the above. | ||
PC 5HP, dl.4HP > W.236KK, W.623HP, W.623LP/(W.623PP > j.PPP | Corner* | 4380 4680 5100 | 3 | 2 4(2) 6(4) |
Very Hard | Requires a specific distance from the corner. On the training stage, Lily's front toe must be between the 1st and 3rd marks after the large grid line. 4HP must not be done too close to the opponent. Delaying it allows the opponent to fall backwards to the correct range. |
PC 5HP, 6HP >> W.236HK, SA1/*.SA2 | Corner | 4260 4500{4680} | 1 1-2 |
1 2 |
Medium | |||
PC 5HP, 4HP >> W.236HK, W.623PP > W.j.PPP, SA1 | Corner | 5300 | 3 | 4(2) | 1 | Medium | ||
PC 5HP, 6HP >> W.236KK, W.623PP > W.j.PPP, SA1 | Corner | 5200 | 3 | 6(4) | 1 | Medium | Requires more drive gauge than the above but works from further away. | |
PC 5HP, 6HP >> W.236HK, W.623PP > *.j.PPP, (SA1/SA2) | Corner | 4460{4540} 5120{5200} 5500{5580} | 2-3 | 4(2) | 0 1 2 |
Medium | ||
PC 5HP, 4HP >> 214PP, W.623PP > *.j.PPP, *.SA2 | Corner | 5680{5800} | 1-2 | 6(4) | 2 | Medium | Requires more drive gauge than the above. | |
PC 5HP, dl.4HP > W.623LP/MP, 623PP > j.PPP, SA1/SA2 | Corner | 4900/5060 5280/5440 | 1 | 4(2) | 1 2 |
Very Hard | If the opponent is right in the corner, walk back to hit with the tip of 4HP and combo using 623LP 623MP requires some space behind the opponent. |
PC 5HP, dl.4HP > W.623HP, W.623PP > *.j.PPP, SA1/SA2 | Corner | 5360{5460} 5740{5840} | 2-3 | 4(2) | 1 2 |
Very Hard | More stocks means more leniency, which means heavier Tomahawk Busters. | |
PC 5HP > 214[PP], 5HP > (dl.)W.623HP/MP, W.623PP > j.PPP, SA1/SA2 | Corner* | 5260 5640 | (+1),2 | 6(4) | 1 2 |
Very Hard | Requires extremely specific positioning. Lily's front toe during the hitstop of 5HP must be within 1 mark of first thick grid line on the training stage. SA1 requires more precise positioning and a delayed cancel. 623MP is more lenient, especially for SA1, but loses 160 damage. |
Punish Counter Starter
This section covers combo routes for punishing an opponent when they fail to hit with an unsafe move like an invincible reversal.
In general:
- PC 5LK/5LP/2LP is roughly equivalent to a Medium Starter.
- PC 5MK/2MK is roughly equivalent to a Heavy Starter.
- PC 5HP has its own combo routes that are covered in the Crumple section.
- PC DI also has some optimal crumple specific combos that are covered in the Drive Impact section.
The following table lists useful combo starters along with their startup.
Startup values in parenthesis are for Drive Rush immediately after parrying the opponent's attack, bypassing the parry startup.
Combo Starter | Startup | Damage | Drive Damage | Drive Usage | Notes |
PC j.HK, 2HP > (Combo) | ~40 | 1960... | 0.5 | 0 | Less damage than DR~4HP but conserves some drive gauge. |
PC DI, 2HP/4HP > (Combo) PC DI, (Crumple Starter Combo) |
26 | 1760... | 1.5 | 1 | Less damage again, but can burn the opponent out more easily. |
PC DR~4HP, 2HP > (Combo) | 25(23) | 2200... | 0.8 | 1 | Optimal punish for SA3 combos. Can punish 2 frames faster if opponent's attack is parried. |
PC 214MP, LP > (Light Starter Combo) | 23 | 1380-1430... | 0.8 | 0 | Situational starter if the opponent whiffs something during the charge. After a blocked max range 2HP this can dodge and punish some Drive Reversals. |
PC DR~5MK, 2HP > (Combo) | 18(16) | 1720... | 0.4 | 1 | A faster option that deals a bit less damage than 4HP. |
PC 5HP > (Crumple Starter Combo) | 11 | 1080... | 0.8 | 0 | Optimal for corner combos into SA1 or SA2. Otherwise useful for conserving drive gauge. |
PC 2HP > (Combo) | 10/12 | 1200... | 0.8 | 0 | Sometimes the simplest option is the best one. Faster than 5HP at close range, slower at long range. |
PC 2MP > SA1 PC 2MP > *.SA2 PC 2MP > SA3 |
8 | 3040 3340{3640} 4980(5340) |
1.1 1.6 2.1(2.6) |
0 | SA2 requires Windclad to combo from a reasonable range. |
PC 5MK > (Combo) | 7 | 720... | 0.4 | 0 | |
PC 5LK/LP, MK > DRC~2HP > (Combo) | 4/5/6 | 1430~1490... | 0.2 | 3 | Alternatively cancel MK directly into a special move. |
PC 5LK/5LP/2LP > DRC~2HP > (Combo) | 4/5/6 | 1040~1100... | 0.2 | 3 | Works from a longer range than the previous starter. |
PC 5LK/5LP/2LP, (MK) > 214PP > SA2 | 4/5/6 | 3060~3190 | 1.2 | 2 | |
PC 5LP/2LP, 2HP > (Combo) | 5/6 | 1160-1220... | 0.2 | 0 | Point blank punish. |
PC 360LP/MP/HP/PP | 5 | 2300/2760/3220/3350 | 1.0 | 0/2 | Huge damage using little resources. |
Anything above listed as leading into "(Combo)" can be used in place of the starter DR~4HP, 2HP in the following combo table.
There are some notable reversals where 5HP or DR~5MK is needed to punish because DR~4HP is too slow:
- Chun-Li SA1 (-22f), and SA3 if not parried (-24f).
- Ryu SA2 (-20f), and SA1 if not parried (-24f).
- Cammy SA1/SA2 if not parried or after connecting late in the animation (-24f).
- Dee Jay SA1 if not parried (-24f).
- Ken SA1 if not parried (-24f).
The combos here have more damage potential than a 5HP Crumple Combo, especially when able to build the bar for SA3.
However, the extra launch height from a crumple tends to result in more efficient use of Drive Gauge when near the corner or when Windclad.
As such, while these combos are good for ending rounds, they are not always ideal in other situations. Experiment with both types of combo to get a feel for when to use each.
Combo | Position | Damage | Wind Stocks | Drive Gauge | Super Gauge | Difficulty | Notes | Video |
PC LP/5LK > DRC~2HP, 5LK > 5LP > DRC~LP, 2HP > 214MP > SA3 | Anywhere | 4417(4667) | (+1) | 6(3) | 3 | Hard | Optimal jab punish when too far to link 2MK. Otherwise link 5MK/2MK > DRC~2HP into one of the other combos below. |
PC LP/5LK > DRC~LP, 6~5MK > DRC~2HP > DRC~4HP > 214MP > SA3 | Anywhere | 4498(4748) | (+1) | 9(6) | 3 | Very Hard | Micro-walk variant of the above. Walk for 2-3 frames (2f timing window) to build meter for a third drive rush. | |
PC DR~4HP, 2HP > 623HP | Anywhere | 3160 | 0 | 1 | Medium | Basic meterless follow-up. | ||
PC DR~4HP, 2HP > 623PP > (j.PPP) | Anywhere | 3320 4160 | 0 | 3(1) 5(3) |
Medium | |||
PC DR~4HP, 2HP > DRC~4HP, MK > (DRC~2HP) > 623HP | Anywhere | 3846 4248 | 0 | 4(1) 7(4) |
Hard | |||
PC DR~4HP, 2HP > DRC~4HP, MK > 623PP > j.PPP | Anywhere | 4424 | 0 | 8(6) | Hard | Must start with full drive gauge to build enough to finish the combo. | ||
PC DR~4HP, 2HP > 214PP, W.623MP | Corner | 3880 | (+1),1 | 3(1) | Medium | |||
PC DR~4HP, 2HP > 214PP, W.623PP > (j.PPP) | Corner | 4120 4680 | (+1),1 | 5(3) 7(5) |
Medium | |||
PC DR~4HP, 2HP > SA1 | Anywhere | 3960 | 1 | 1 | Medium | Basic 1 bar combo. | ||
PC DR~4HP, 2HP > (DRC~4HP) > DRC~4HP, 2MP > SA1 | Anywhere | 4404 4743 | 4(1) 7(4) |
1 | Hard | 1 bar drive dump. | ||
PC DR~4HP, 2HP > SA2 | Anywhere | 4280 | 0 | 1 | 2 | Medium | Basic 2 bar combo. | |
PC DR~4HP, 2HP > (DRC~4HP, MK) > 214PP > W.SA2 | Anywhere | 4900 5006 | (+1),1 | 3(1) 6(4) |
2 | Medium | An extremely efficient use of meter. | |
PC DR~4HP, 2HP > DRC~4HP > DRC~4HP, 2MP > SA2 | Anywhere | 4919 | 0 | 7(4) | 2 | Hard | ||
PC j.HK, 2HP > DRC~4HP, 6~5LK > (5LP) > DRC~LP, 2HP > 214PP > W.SA2 | Anywhere | 4983 | (+1),1 | 8(6) | 2 | Hard | A rare case of 4HP not being the optimal starter. Must start with full drive gauge and then micro-walk to build a pixel back. The optional 5LP builds meter but lowers damage. |
PC j.HK, 2HP > DRC~4HP, 6~5MK > DRC~(LP, )2HP > 214PP > W.SA2 | Anywhere | 5160 | (+1),1 | 8(6) | 2 | Very Hard | Frame perfect variant of the previous combo. | |
PC DR~4HP, 2HP > (214MP) > SA3 | Anywhere | 5350(5700) 5170(5420) | 0 (+1) |
1 | 3 | Medium | 214MP results in less damage but builds more meter and a Windclad stock. | |
PC DR~4HP, 2HP > (DRC~4HP, MK) > DRC~LP, 2HP > 214MP > SA3 | Anywhere | 5737(5987) 6388(6638) | (+1) | 4(1) 7(4) |
3 | Hard | THE punish combo. Builds about 60% of a Super bar. | |
PC j.HK, 2HP > DRC~4HP, 6~5LK > (5LP) > DRC~LP, 2HP > DRC~(LP, )2HP > 214MP > SA3 | Anywhere | 6061(6311) | (+1) | 9(6) | 3 | Hard | Optimal meter building micro-walk combo. Builds a little over 70% of a Super bar. | |
PC j.HK, 2HP > DRC~4HP, 6~5MK > DRC~(LP, )2HP > DRC~(LP, )2HP > 214MP > SA3 | Anywhere | 6480(6730) | (+1) | 9(6) | 3 | Very Hard | The most optimal, situational, and difficult combo that you're never going to land in a match. |
Combo | Position | Damage | Wind Stocks | Drive Gauge | Super Gauge | Difficulty | Notes | Video |
PC DR~4HP, 2HP > W.623HP | Anywhere | 3160{3320} | 1 | 1 | Medium | Basic meterless follow-up. | ||
PC DR~4HP, 2HP > 623PP > (j.PPP) | Anywhere | 3480 4320{4440} | 1 1-2 |
3(1) 5(3) |
Medium | |||
PC DR~4HP, 2HP > DRC~4HP, MK > (DRC~2HP) > W.623HP | Anywhere | 3948 4332 | 1 | 4(1) 7(4) |
Hard | |||
PC DR~4HP, 2HP > DRC~4HP, MK > W.623PP > *.j.PPP | Anywhere | 4526{4594} | 1-2 | 8(6) | Hard | Must start with full drive gauge to build enough to finish the combo. | ||
PC DR~4HP, 2HP > W.236HK, W.623HP | Corner | 4000 | 2 | 1 | Medium | |||
PC DR~4HP, 2HP > 214PP, W.623MP | Corner | 3880 | (+1),1 | 3(1) | Medium | |||
PC DR~4HP, 2HP > W.236HK, W.623PP > (*.j.PPP) | Corner | 4120 4680{4760} | 2-3 | 3(1) 5(3) |
Medium | |||
PC DR~4HP, 2HP > 214PP, W.623PP > (W.j.PPP) | Corner | 4120 4760 | (+1),1 (+1),2 |
5(3) 7(5) |
Medium | |||
PC 5HP, 4HP > (DRC~4HP) > (DRC~dl.4HP) > W.236MK, SA1 | Anywhere | 4280 4325 4656 | 1 | 0 3 6(3) |
1 | Hard | A Crumple combo that outdamages other midscreen 0-3 Drive SA1 combos. | |
PC DR~4HP, 2HP > (DRC~4HP) > DRC~4HP, 2MP > SA1 | Anywhere | 4404 4743 | 4(1) 7(4) |
1 | Hard | 1 bar drive dump. Not a Windclad combo, but outdamages them. |
PC DR~4HP, 2HP > W.236HK, SA1 | Corner | 4480 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Medium | Windclad corner carry into SA1. | |
PC DR~4HP, 2HP > (DRC~4HP) > DRC~4HP, MK > W.236HK, SA1 | Corner | 4591 4940 | 1 | 4(1) 7(4) |
1 | Hard | Drive dump variant of the above. | |
PC DR~4HP, 2HP > (DRC~4HP, MK) > W.236HK, W.623PP > W.j.PPP, SA1 | Corner | 5420 5322 | 3 | 4(2) 7(5) |
1 | Hard | Outdamages all but the most difficult Crumple combo. The Drive Rush extension results in less damage. |
PC DR~4HP, 2HP > W.SA2 | Anywhere | 4520 | 1 | 1 | 2 | Medium | Basic 2 bar combo. | |
PC 5HP, 4HP > W.236MK, W.SA2 | Anywhere | 4700 | 2 | 2 | Medium | Outdamages the above when 2 Windclad stocks are available. | ||
PC DR~4HP, 2HP > (DRC~4HP, MK) > 214PP > W.SA2 | Anywhere | 4900 5006 | (+1),1 | 3(1) 6(4) |
2 | Medium | An extremely efficient use of meter. | |
PC DR~4HP, 2HP > DRC~4HP > DRC~4HP, 2MP > W.SA2 | Anywhere | 5045 | 1 | 7(4) | 2 | Hard | ||
PC 5HP, 4HP > DRC~4HP > DRC~dl.4HP > W.236MK, W.SA2 | Anywhere | 5071 | 2 | 6(3) | 2 | Medium | Outdamages the above when 2 Windclad stocks are available. | |
PC j.HK, 2HP > DRC~4HP, 6~5LK > (5LP) > DRC~LP, 2HP > DRC~4HP, 2MP > W.SA2 | Anywhere | 5090 | 1 | 9(6) | 2 | Hard | Must start with full drive gauge and then micro-walk to build a pixel back. The optional 5LP builds meter but lowers damage. |
PC j.HK, 2HP > DRC~4HP, 6~5MK > DRC~(LP, )2HP > DRC~4HP, 2MP > W.SA2 | Anywhere | 5322 | 1 | 9(6) | 2 | Very Hard | Frame perfect variant of the previous combo. | |
PC DR~4HP, 2HP > W.236HK, *.SA2 | Corner | 4720{4900} | 1-2 | 1 | 2 | Medium | Windclad corner carry into SA2. | |
PC DR~4HP, 2HP > (DRC~4HP) > DRC~4HP, MK > W.236HK, *.SA2 | Corner | 4886{5006} 5288{5408} | 1-2 | 4(1) 7(4) |
2 | Hard | Drive dump variant of the above. | |
PC DR~4HP, 2HP > W.236HK, W.623PP > W.j.PPP, SA2 | Corner | 5800 | 3 | 5(3) | 2 | Hard | ||
PC DR~4HP, 2HP > W.236KK, W.623PP > j.PPP, SA2 | Corner | 5720 | 2 | 7(5) | 2 | Hard | Burns more drive gauge to make the previous combo work with only 2 Windclad stocks. | |
PC X > DRC~2HP, 5LK > 5LP > W.623MP(1), 623PP > j.PPP, SA1 | Corner* Standing* |
3105~4346 | 1 | 7(5) | 1 | Hard | Situational punish from any cancelable move on a standing opponent near the corner. Light attacks must be fairly close to get in range for the followup. PC 5HP and 6HP force standing which allows them to punish crouching attacks. With more wind or when close to the corner it's better to pick-up with W.236HK or 214PP instead. |
PC X > DRC~2HP, 5LK > 5LP > W.623HP(1), 623PP > j.PPP, SA2 | Corner* Standing* |
3569~4828 | 1 | 7(5) | 2 | Hard | More optimal SA2 route. | |
PC 4HP/2HP > DRC~6HP, 2LP > W.623MP, 623PP > j.PPP, SA1 | Corner* | 4491 | 1 | 7(5) | 1 | Hard | When whiff punishing a crouching opponent with 4HP or 2HP, force them to stand using 6HP. | |
PC 4HP/2HP > DRC~6HP, 2LP > W.623HP, 623PP > j.PPP, SA2 | Corner* | 4989 | 1 | 7(5) | 2 | Hard | More optimal SA2 route. |
Drive Impact Starter
After a Punish Counter Drive Impact there are generally two options.
- Immediate hit into grounded combo. Required for comboing into SA3.
- Delayed hit into crumple combo. Usually the best option when not comboing into SA3.
- Dee Jay, JP, Marisa and Zangief are slightly taller during their crumple animation.
- Combos that use j.2HP may need to delay it to hit lower to the ground to work against these four.
- Combos that use j.HK to set up a specific height can use j.2HP for consistency against these four.
- There are some character specific combos using j.HK that are only consistent against these four.
These are marked with an asterisk (*) beside the combo difficulty, with other characters having a higher difficulty due to requiring a delayed followup.
Combo | Position | Damage | Wind Stocks | Drive Gauge | Super Gauge | Difficulty | Notes | Video |
PC DI, 4HP/2HP > (Heavy Starter Combo) | Anywhere | 1+ | Keeps the opponent standing for a combo into SA3. | |||||
PC DI, 8j.2HP/HK, 6HP > (Crumple Starter Combo) | Anywhere | 1+ | Refer to the Crumple Starter Combo section. Damage will be roughly 90-100% of the listed values. Launches very high so can be used with any crumple combo, even those that normally need to start with 4HP or 2HP. j.2HP launches slightly higher but j.HK has more horizontal reach. |
PC DI, 8j.HK, (dl.)6HP, 236KK, 623LP/PP > (j.PPP) | Anywhere | 3190 3390 3670 | 0 | 2 4(2) 6(4) |
Very Hard/Medium* | Consistent against Dee Jay, JP, Marisa and Zangief. Other characters require 6HP to be delayed by exactly 1 frame. |
PC DI, 4HP > DI | Anywhere | 2320 | 2 | 0 | Easy | Deals 2.5 bars of drive damage. Very useful for burning out the opponent. | ||
PC DI, 4HP, 5LP > SA1 | Anywhere | 3325 | 1 | 1 | Medium | Slightly more optimal than 2HP/4HP > SA1. | ||
PC DI, 8j.2HP, 9j.MP~dl.MP, 623LP | Anywhere | 2960 | 0 | 1 | Hard | Delay has a 3f timing window. 9j.2HP switches sides in the corner or from long range. |
PC DI, 8j.2HP, 9j.MP~dl.MP, 623PP > j.PPP | Anywhere | 3210 3630 | 0 | 3(1) 5(3) |
Hard | Delay has a 2f timing window. 9j.2HP switches sides in the corner or from long range. |
PC DI, 8j.2HP, 9j.MP~MP > j.SA2 | Anywhere | 3810 | 0 | 1 | 2 | Easy | A simple way to go into SA2 without using any extra drive gauge. | |
PC DI, 8j.HK, 6HP > DRC~4HP > 236MK | Anywhere | 3118 | 0 | 4(1) | Medium | +44 safe jump setup. | ||
PC DI, 8j.HK, (dl.)6HP, 214PP, W.623PP > j.PPP > SA1/SA2 | Corner | 4910 4530 | (+1),1 | 7(5) | 1 2 |
Hard/Medium* | Windless drive dump route into SA2, or SA1 with much stricter timing. Consistent without a delay against Dee Jay, JP, Marisa and Zangief. |
Anti-air PC DI, 9j.MP~dl.MP > ... | Anywhere | 2550+ | Hard | Leads into the same j.MP combos as above. Deals about 400 less damage due to skipping j.2HP |
Anti-air PC DI, 6HP > (Crumple Starter Combo) | Anywhere | 2520+ | Refer to the Crumple Starter Combo section. Launches very high so can be used with any crumple combo, even those that normally need to start with 4HP or 2HP. |
Anti-air PC DI, 9j.dl.MP > 6HP > (Crumple Starter Combo) | Anywhere | 2870+ | j.MP just before landing. Easier to time based on how high DI hits. Does not work at all at minimum height. Leads to the same combos as Crumple > 6HP. |
Anti-air PC DI, 6HP > 214HP, W.623LP | Corner | 3050 | (+1),1 | Very Hard | Must hit the opponent at the maximum height of 6HP. The timing window is about 4 frames, but varies depending on how high the DI hit. |
Anti-air PC DI, 6HP > 214HP, W.623PP > (j.PPP) | Corner | 3410 3970 | (+1),1 | 2 4(2) |
Very Hard | Must hit the opponent at the maximum height of 6HP. The timing window is about 4 frames, but varies depending on how high the DI hit. |
DI (Wall), 4HP/6HP > (Crumple Starter Combo) | Corner | 1+ | Refer to the Crumple Starter Combo section. Damage will be roughly 70-75% of the listed values. |
DI (Wall), 9j.HK, ... | Near Corner | 1+ | Leads into the same juggle combos as PC DI > 8j.HK if the opponent has a long enough travel time to the corner. | |||||
DI (Stun), 214[LP](3), 2HP > W.236HK, W.623PP > W.j.PPP, (SA1/SA2) | Corner | 3120 3780 4160 | (+3),3 | 4(2) | 0 1 2 |
Medium | Simple drive and meter dump from any stun. | |
DI (Stun), 214LP, Walk 4/6, 8j.HK, 2HP > W.623HP, 623PP > j.PPP, (SA2) | Corner | 3260 4300 | (+1),1 | 4(2) | 0 2 |
Very Hard | More optimal. Manually judge the walk distance so Tomahawk Buster connects as late as possible. | |
DI (Stun), 214LP, Walk 4/6, 8j.HK, 2HP > W.623MP, 623PP > j.PPP, SA1 | Corner | 3800 | (+1),1 | 4(2) | 1 | Very Hard | SA1 variant. |
Combo | Position | Damage | Wind Stocks | Drive Gauge | Super Gauge | Difficulty | Notes | Video |
PC DI, 4HP/2HP > (Heavy Starter Combo) | Anywhere | 1+ | Keeps the opponent standing for a combo into SA3. | |||||
PC DI, 8j.2HP/HK, 6HP > (Crumple Starter Combo) | Anywhere | 1+ | Refer to the Crumple Starter Combo section. Damage will be roughly 90-100% of the listed values. Launches very high so can be used with any crumple combo, even those that normally need to start with 4HP or 2HP. j.2HP launches slightly higher but j.HK has more horizontal reach. |
PC DI, 4HP > DI | Anywhere | 2320 | 2 | 0 | Easy | Deals 2.5 bars of drive damage. Very useful for burning out the opponent. | ||
PC DI, 8j.2HP, 9j.MP~dl.MP, W.623LP/MP | Anywhere | 3010/3110 | 1 | 1 | Hard | Delay has a 3f timing window. 9j.2HP switches sides in the corner or from long range. W.623MP is only consistent in the corner or after a crossup. |
PC DI, 8j.2HP, 9j.MP~MP, W.623PP > (*.j.PPP) | Anywhere | 3310 3730{3790} | 1 1-2 |
3(1) 5(3) |
Hard | Delay has a 3f timing window. 9j.2HP switches sides in the corner or from long range. Delaying j.MP is not necessary. |
PC DI, 8j.2HP, 9j.MP~MP > W.j.SA2 | Anywhere | 3960 | 1 | 1 | 2 | Easy | A simple way to go into SA2 without using any extra drive gauge. | |
PC DI, 8j.2HP, 9j.MP~dl.MP, W.623PP > W.j.PPP > *.SA2 | Corner | 4830{4950} | 2-3 | 5(3) | 2 | Very Hard | Requires a frame perfect delay on the second j.MP. It's possible to visually confirm the height before going into SA2. | |
PC DI, 8j.HK, 6HP > DRC~4HP > W.623LP | Anywhere | 2992 | 1 | 4(1) | Medium | +44 safe jump setup. | ||
PC DI, 8j.HK, DR~dl.2HP > DRC~4HP > W.236MK, 2HK | Corner | 3344 | 1 | 5(2) | Hard | Situationally optimal with less than 3 drive bars and no SA. DR~2HP should be delayed to hit twice. W.236MK must only hit twice. |
PC DI, 8j.HK, (dl.)6HP, 214PP, W.623PP > W.j.PPP > SA1/SA2 | Corner | 4950{5070} 4570{4778} | (+1),2-3 | 7(5) | 1 2 |
Hard/Medium* | Drive dump route into SA1 or SA2. Consistent without a delay against Dee Jay, JP, Marisa and Zangief. |
Anti-air PC DI, 9j.MP~dl.MP > ... | Anywhere | 2550+ | Hard | Leads into the same j.MP combos as above. Deals about 400 less damage due to skipping j.2HP |
Anti-air PC DI, 6HP > (Crumple Starter Combo) | Anywhere | 2660+ | Refer to the Crumple Starter Combo section. Launches very high so can be used with any crumple combo, even those that normally need to start with 4HP or 2HP. |
Anti-air PC DI, 9j.dl.MP > 6HP > (Crumple Starter Combo) | Anywhere | 2990+ | j.MP just before landing. Easier to time based on how high DI hits. Does not work at all at minimum height. Leads to the same combos as Crumple > 6HP. |
Anti-air PC DI, 6HP > 214HP, W.623LP | Corner | 3050 | (+1),1 | Very Hard | Must hit the opponent at the maximum height of 6HP. The timing window is about 4 frames, but varies depending on how high the DI hit. |
Anti-air PC DI, 6HP > 214HP, W.623PP > (W.j.PPP) | Corner | 3410 {4050} | (+1),1 (+1),2 |
2 4(2) |
Very Hard | Must hit the opponent at the maximum height of 6HP. The timing window is about 4 frames, but varies depending on how high the DI hit. |
DI (Wall), 4HP/6HP > (Crumple Starter Combo) | Corner | 1+ | Refer to the Crumple Starter Combo section. Damage will be roughly 70-75% of the listed values. |
DI (Wall), 9j.HK, ... | Near Corner | 1+ | Leads into the same juggle combos as PC DI > 8j.HK if the opponent has a long enough travel time to the corner. | |||||
DI (Stun), 214[LP](3), (j.HK), 2HP > W.236HK, W.623PP > W.j.PPP, (SA1/SA2) | Corner | 3120{3220} 3780{3880} 4160{4260} | 1-3 | 4(2) | 0 1 2 |
Medium | Simple drive and meter dump from any stun. j.HK requires starting with at least 2 Windclad, or 1 Windclad if the opponent has a long travel time to the wall. |
DI (Stun), 214LP, Walk 4/6, 8j.HK, 2HP > W.623HP, W.623PP > *.j.PPP, (SA1/SA2) | Corner | 3360{3420} 4020{4080} 4400{4460} | 1-3 | 4(2) | 0 1 2 |
Hard | More optimal. Manually judge the walk distance so Tomahawk Buster connects as late as possible. |