Street Fighter 6/E.Honda/Combos

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Combo Notation Guide

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SF6 Combo Notation Guide
Notation Meaning
> Cancel the previous move to the following move.
e.g. Normal into Special (2MK > 236P) or Special into Super (623P > 236236K)
~ Chain/Cancel the previous move into a followup.
e.g. Luke's target combo (LP~MP~HP) or Rising Uppercut into Slam Dunk (623PP~PP)
, Link the previous move to the following move.
e.g. 5MP, 2MP (requires manual timing)
An example with Ken that uses all three "connecting" symbols:
2LP, 5MP~HP > 623P > 236236P
2LP links into 5MP; 5MP chains into HP Target Combo; HP cancels into Shoryuken which cancels into Lv.3 Super
j.X Jumping action; for Neutral Jump, use 8j.X
e.g. Kimberly j.2MP (Elbow Drop) or Ryu j.214K (Aerial Tatsumaki Senpukyaku)
P or K Any Punch or Any Kick (when button strength does not matter)
PP or KK represents any two punches/kicks.
X/Y Do either X move or Y move.
e.g. end a combo with 214K/623P
[X] Hold the button input
e.g. Luke 214[LP] = charged LP Flash Knuckle
dl.X Briefly delay the action
e.g. Ken 236HK~dl.6LK (Jinrai Loop starter)
AA Anti-air; hit the opponent while they're mid-air.
May cause a different juggle state compared to a grounded opponent.
Y xN
{Y} xN
Repeat 'Y' input 'N' number of times.
A sequence of multiple inputs will be bundled into "{}".
e.g. 5LP x3 (5LP, 5LP, 5LP) or {2HP > Drive Rush} x3
Y > DR Button Y cancelled into Drive Rush (3-bar version)
e.g. 5HP > DR
DR~Y Drive Rush into Button Y (cancel the dash frames early into a followup attack)
This can be done from the 1-bar or 3-bar versions of Drive Rush
e.g. 236HP Launch, DR~5LP
An example for Ryu using both Drive Rush notations:
2MK > DR~5HP (cancel 2MK into Drive Rush, then immediately use 5HP during dash animation)

Combo Theory

Your priorities for combo *enders* are:

  1. Sumo lift (236K~2P)
  2. Sumo Slam ([2]8K)
  3. Headbutt ([4]6P)
  4. Hundred Hand Slap (214P)

In general, every single hit wants to give us the best possible Okizeme, and the most screen control. Both of these are more important than damage, although damage is nice. Every single stray hit should give you a follow up, and Honda can continue being a truck that will run over his opponents.

In the sections below are example combos that can help you get started, but playing at your best encourages mix and matching parts of combos. Most Honda combos are structured as follows:

Starter > (OD extension) > (Sumo Lift) > Ender

It is up to you to prioritise whether spending 2 bars is worth while for extension. As it stands, in season 2, one of Honda's best features is the okizeme he gets off of Sumo Slam, which is written about in the strategy page.

The only move that combos into Sumo Lift (236K~2P) meterlessly is the first hit of 5HK. Otherwise, you must spend meter for OD Sumo Lift, or to drive rush the move before Sumo Lift.


Honda has a variety of enders that he can use mid-screen and in the corner. Feel free to play around with what you find best. Unless other wise specified, all enders work mids-screen and in the corner

  • Sumo Lift > Sumo Slam. Simple, easy, gives you great oki. Your opponent cannot back roll so Honda has access to a huge amount of options here, including dash forward for light/ throw, frame kill with 5LK into 5MP, and drive rush for more plus frames. Works in the midscreen and in the corner
  • Sumo lift > Drive Rush 5MP TC 3HK xx Sumo Spirit. +12~+15, but usually lets you use Sumo Spirit for a charge and oki with a meaty 5MP. Very useful if you do not have Sumo Spirit stocked already, as it greatly increases your damage in future combos.
  • Sumo Lift > Sumo Walk Teppo Double Slap (236K~P). This sets up a safe jump, just hold up forward and press j.HK to get a safe jump. Works midscreen and in the corner, and gives you the same safe jump on back roll or normal recovery. You can add an additional Drive Rush 5HP cancelling into Sumo Walk for additional damage but you must time the juggle to be low to the ground for the safe jump to still work.
  • Sumo Lift > Drive Rush 5HK xx Heavy Headbutt. Corner only, hold up forward for an autotimed safe jump.
  • Sumo Lift > Drive Rush 5HK xx Sumo Slam. Much more difficult, still gives you the same oki, but also adds 400-700 damage for 1 bar. If you can pull this off, great. The trick to performing this combo is to start charging downwards immediately after hitting 5HK, and cancelling into Sumo Slam as late as possible. It is very inconsistent and difficult though. If you drop the Sumo Slam, this ender is an auto timed safe jump. Just hold up forward and press j.HK for guaranteed pressure. Works on both normal and back roll.

Side swap enders

  • Sumo Lift > DR 5MP TC 3HK > jump over. This sequence leaves you at +1, and you can meaty with 2LP. Alternatively, you can perform crossups off of this situation.
  • Sumo Lift > DR 5HK DRC 2HK > buttslam (4 bar)

Overdrive Extensions

Overdrive Hundred Hand Slaps

Example of Extension

5MP xx 214PP, 2LP xx 2[8]K / [4]6MP

Moves heavier than lights, all mediums and heavies, will combo into hundred hand slap OD. This is safe on block as well if you buffer OD HHS preemptively, but does put you into a guessing situation at -3 on block. During the OD HHS, take the time to confirm whether your opponent is standing or crouching, so that you can perform the proper ender.

Drive Rush Cancel

Example of Extension

5MP DRC 5HK xx 236K~2P, [2]8K.

Moves heavier than lights, all mediums and heavies, will drive rush cancel into 5HK. All lights must route into standing, or crouching light punch, which will then link into the first hit of 5HK, which naturally cancels into lift.

Example Combos

Normal Hit

Light Confirm
Very Easy

2LK/2LP > 2LP > 214LP
2LK/2LP > 2LP > [4]6MP
2LK/2LP > 2LP > [2]8HK

Standard confirms off crouching light normals. Sumo Slam ([2]8K) gives best damage and good oki, leaving Honda right next to the opponent as they wake up. However, 2LP into buttslam will whiff against crouching opponents and requires a down charge, making it inconsistent for hitconfirms.

Confirming into MP Headbutt gives solid damage and causes a knockdown. Honda can Drive Rush to get oki midscreen after Headbutt, or just gets it for free in the corner. MP Headbutt is the sweet spot for consistent confirms; HP Headbutt has too much startup and LP Headbutt travels slow enough that it can drop at the outer end of 2LP range.

Confirming into LP Hands is the easiest option, requiring no charge, but typically gives the worst damage. Leaves the opponent standing with Honda at slight frame advantage, but they will usually be pushed outside of Oicho Throw range. If Honda has Sumo Spirit, then confirming into LP Hands becomes more lucrative, since Honda can extend afterward into an additional special.

5LP Target Combo
Very Easy

(5LK,) 5LP > 5MP > 214HP
5LP > 5MP > [4]6HP
5LP > 5MP > 236K~P~P

Double Slap target combo puts opponents into a juggle state where Honda can cancel into almost any special.

Medium Confirms

5MP (close), 2LP > [4]6MP
5MP (close), 2LP > 214LP
5MP/2MP > [4]6HP

5MP is plus on block and gives enough advantage on hit to link 2LP afterwards.

Heavy Starters

5HK(1) 236K~2P, 214HP/[4]6HP/[2]8HK
5HK (far) > 214HP
5HK (far) > 236K~P~P
5HP (close) > 214HP/236K~P~P/[4]6HP

5HK hits twice. At longer ranges, only the second hit will connect (and it whiffs against crouching). The second hit has slightly worse cancel options than the first hit.

The first hit of 5HK at close range will combo into Taiho Cannon Lift, which launches and is Honda's best combo starter. This makes it ideal to land after Drive Impact, as a punish, after a jump-in, or from a Drive Rush.

5HP can only be regularly special-canceled on the early active frames at close range. At farther range, it can only be canceled into Enhanced Hands.

Using Enhanced Hands

2LK > 2LP > 22P > 214MP, 2LP > [4]6MP
5HP/2HP > 214HP, 2LP > [4]6MP/[2]8HK
5LP > 5MP > 214HP, [4]6MP/214MP/[2]8KK

Using Sumo Spirit to gain access to Enhanced Hundred Hand Slap gives Honda the following primary benefits in his combos:

  • He can link 2LP after any grounded version of Hands, and then either cancel into MP Headbutt or LP Hands again.
  • He can cancel 22P Clap into Hands, which gives extra damage and lets him confirm light normals into stronger versions of 214P.
  • He can cancel 5HP (far)/2HP into Enhanced Hands, letting him score combos off these normals when he would normally be unable to.
  • Hitting an airborne opponent with Enhanced Hands (such as after Double Slap) ground bounces them, allowing Honda to juggle with another special.



CH 5LP (+6), 5LP > 5MP > 214HP
CH 5MP (+6), 5LP > 5MP > 236K~P~P
CH 2MP (+5), 5LP > 5MP > 236K~P~P
CH 3HK (+5), 5LP > 5MP > 236K~P~P
CH 2HP (+5), 5LP > 5MP > 236K~P~P

Basic idea is always the same. Honda has a variety of meaty normals, and if any of them counter-hit, he can confirm into 5LP target combo and a special move of his choice.

Drive Impact

Drive Impact

DI Crumple, 5HK(1) > 236K~2P, [2]8HK/[4]6HP
DI Crumple, 5HK(1) > 236K~2P, e.214HP, [4]6HP/214MP
DI Wallsplat, 5HK(2) > 22P > e.214HP, [4]6HP/214MP
DI Stun, 22K, neutral jump j.8HP, land, 5HK(2) > 22P > e.214MP, 2LP > [4]6MP

Using Meter

OD Moves

OD Hands

5MP/2MP > 214PP, 2LP 2LP > [2]8HK/[4]6HP
2LP > 2LP > 22P > e.214PP, 5LP > 5MP > 236K~P(~P)
5HP > e.214PP, 5LP > 5MP > 236K~P(~P)
OD Buttslam

5HK(1) > 236K~2P, e.214HP, [2]8KK
[Corner Only] 5HK(1) > 236K~2P, e.214HP, 214LP, [2]8KK

OD Sumo Slam does the same damage as HK Sumo Slam - the only difference is that it is possible to land it in more combos than non-OD Sumo Slam.

OD Sumo Dash

5HP > 236KK~2P > [2]8K
5HP > 236KK~2P > e.214HP, [4]6HP

OD Sumo Dash does not enable any new combos compared to non-OD Sumo Dash. It does do more damage, however.

Drive Rush

Drive Rush Confirms

2LP > 2LP > 66 > 5LP, 5LP > 5MP > 236K~P(~P)
5MP/2MP > 66 > 5HK(2) > 236K~2P, etc.
5HK (far) > 66 > 5HK(2) > 236K~2P, etc.

Most of Honda's special-cancelable pokes can be Drive Rushed into 5HK to confirm into a launcher combo. With the extra hitstun from Drive Rush, the second hit of 5HK now combos into 236K~2P.

Raw Drive Rush

Drive Rush 2MK (+10), 5HK(1) > 236K~2P etc.
Drive Rush 5MP (+8), 5HK(1) > 236K~2P etc.
Drive Rush 2HP (+7), 5LP > 5MP > 236K~P(~P)
Drive Rush 3HK (+7), 5LP > 5MP > 236K~P(~P)
Drive Rush 6HK (+5), 5LP > 5MP > 236K~P(~P)

Note: Sometimes Drive Rush 2MK will connect at a far enough range where the first hit of 5HK will whiff, but the second hit will still connect. Be ready in that scenario and use OD Sumo Lift to convert into a juggle.


Comboing into Supers

5HK(1) > 236K~2P, 236236P
5HK(1) > 236K~2P, e.214HP, 236236P
5HK (or anything) > 214PP > [4]646K
2LP > 2LP > 214LP > 214214P
5HK(1) > 236K~2P, [4]6HP/214HP > 214214P

Level 1 super can juggle after either Taiho Launcher or the ground bounce from Enhanced Hands.
Level 2 super mainly combos from OD Hands but can also juggle in the same places that Level 1 super can.
Level 3 super is easy to combo into from any version of Hands, Honda can also cancel Headbutt into level 3 if he is very close (usually in the corner or after a Taiho Launcher juggle).

Practical Damage Combos

If there is not a combo with a specific amount of drive/super usage, it's because there is a different combo with the same starter that uses less resources but does more damage.

Punish Counter
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
PC 5HP Dash 2MP 214HP Corner (Far) 2640 0 0 Easy
PC 5HP Dash 2MP 214HP 236236P Corner (Far) 4040 0 1 Easy
PC 5HP Dash 2MP 214HP 214214P Corner (Far) 5040 0 3 Medium
PC 5HP 5HP 214HP 236236P Corner (Close) 4340 0 1 Medium
PC 5HP 4HP [4]6HP 214214P Corner (Close) 5580 0 3 Medium
PC 5HP DR 5HP 236K~2P [4]6HP Any 3274 1 0 Easy
PC 5HP 5HK(1) 236K~2P DR 5HP 236K~P P Corner (Close) 3311 1 0 Easy
PC 5HP DR 5HP 236K~2P 214HP 236236P Corner 4114 1 1 Medium
PC 5HP DR 5HP 236K~2P DR 5HP 236K~P P Any 3580 2 0 Easy
PC 5HP DR 5HP 236K~2P DR 5HP 214HP 236236P Corner 4283 2 1 Medium
PC 5HP 236KK~2P [4]6LP 236236P Corner (Close) 4600 2 1 Medium OD Sumo Lift must be cancelled from 5HP.
PC 5HP DR 5HP 236K~2P DR 5HP 214PP [4]6MP Corner 3869 4 0 Hard Charge for M Headbutt while OD Hands's animation plays.
PC 5HP DR 5HP 236K~2P DR 5HP 214PP [4]6MP 214214P Corner 5869 4 3 Hard Charge for M Headbutt while OD Hands's animation plays.
PC 5HP DR 5HP 236K~2P DR 5HP DRC 5HP 214LP(1) [4]6MP Corner 4023 5 0 Hard Timing for 5HP L Hands is autotimed - only the last hit of L Hands will connect which will enable the juggle into M Headbutt.
PC 5HP DR 5HP 236K~2P DR 5HP DRC 5HP 214LP(1) [4]6MP 214214P Corner 6023 5 3 Hard Timing for 5HP L Hands is autotimed - only the last hit of L Hands will connect which will enable the juggle into M Headbutt.
PC 5HP DR 5HP 236K~2P DR dl.5HP DRC dl.5HP 214HP [4]6PP Corner 4420 6 0 Hard Burns you out. First DRC 5HP needs to be delayed a slight amount. Second DRC 5HP needs to be delayed heavily. The opponent should be almost at the ground before they are hit by 5HP.
PC 5HP DR 5HP 236K~2P DR 5HP DRC dl.5HP DRC dl.5HP 214HP 236236P Corner 4735 6 1 Medium Burns you out. First DRC 5HP needs to be delayed a slight amount. Second DRC 5HP needs to be delayed heavily. The opponent should be almost at the ground before they are hit by 5HP.
PC 5HP DR 5HP 236K~2P DR 5HP DRC dl.5HP 214PP [4]646K Any 4830 6 2 Medium Burns you out. First DRC 5HP needs to be delayed a slight amount. Second DRC 5HP needs to be delayed heavily. The opponent should be almost at the ground before they are hit by 5HP.
PC 5HP DR 5HP 236K~2P DR 5HP DRC dl.5HP DRC dl.5HP 214HP 214214P Any 6162 6 3 Medium Burns you out. First DRC 5HP needs to be delayed a slight amount. Second DRC 5HP needs to be delayed heavily. The opponent should be almost at the ground before they are hit by 5HP.

Drive Impact Blocked
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
22K j.HP 5HK(1) 236K~2P 214HP [4]6HP Corner 2676 0 0 Easy
22K j.HP 5HK(1) 236K~2P [4]6LP 236236P Corner 3100 0 1 Medium Sumo Spirit is installed as we have enough time to, but unused for the actual combo.
22K j.HP 5HK(1) 236K~2P 214HP [4]646K Corner 3365 0 2 Medium
22K j.HP 5HK(1) 236K~2P 214HP [4]6HP 214214P Corner 4675 0 3 Medium
22K j.HP 5HK(1) 236K~2P DR 5HP 214HP 214LP 236236P Corner 3107 1 1 Medium Only marginally (7) more damage than the 0 Drive, 1 Super route.
22K j.HP 5HK(1) 236K~2P DR 5HP 214HP [4]646K Corner 3514 1 2 Medium
22K j.HP 5HP 236KK~2P 214HP [4]6HP Corner 3145 2 0 Easy
22K j.HP 5HP 236KK~2P [4]6LP 236236P Corner 3570 2 1 Medium Sumo Spirit is installed as we have enough time to, but unused for the actual combo.
22K j.HP 5HP 236KK~2P 214HP [4]646K Corner 3835 2 2 Medium
22K j.HP 5HP 236KK~2P 214HP [4]6HP 214214P Corner 5145 2 3 Medium
22K j.HP 5HP 236KK~2P DR 5HP 214HP 214LP 236236P Corner 3577 3 1 Medium Only marginally (7) more damage than the 2 Drive, 1 Super route.
22K j.HP 5HP 236KK~2P DR 5HP 214HP [4]646K Corner 3984 3 2 Medium
22K j.HP 5HP 236KK~2P DR 5HP 214HP 214PP [4]646K Corner 4115 4 2 Medium
22K j.HP 5HP 236KK~2P DR 5HP DRC dl.5HP 214HP [4]6HP Corner 3186 5 0 Medium Burns you out. DRC 5HP needs to be slightly delayed to ensure all of H Hands's hits connect. Combo will still work even if poorly delayed, but it's less damage.
22K j.HP 5HP 236KK~2P DR 5HP DRC dl.5HP 214HP 214LP 236236P Corner 3708 5 1 Medium Burns you out. DRC 5HP needs to be slightly delayed to ensure all of H Hands's hits connect. Combo will still work even if poorly delayed, but it's less damage.
22K j.HP 5HP 236KK~2P DR 5HP DRC dl.5HP 214HP [4]646K Corner 4206 5 2 Medium Burns you out. DRC 5HP needs to be slightly delayed to ensure all of H Hands's hits connect. Combo will still work even if poorly delayed, but it's less damage.
22K j.HP 5HP 236KK~2P DR 5HP DRC dl.5HP 214HP [4]6HP 214214P Corner 5166 5 3 Medium Burns you out. DRC 5HP needs to be slightly delayed to ensure all of H Hands's hits connect. Combo will still work even if poorly delayed, but it's less damage. Only marginally (21) more damage than the 2 Drive, 3 Super route.

Drive Impact Blocked
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
DI (W!) 5HP [4]6HP Corner 1920 0 0 Easy 5HK(1) 236K~2P dl.[4]6HP does the same damage.
DI (W!) 5HK(1) 236K~2P dl.[4]6LP 236236P Corner 2976 0 1 Very Hard Delay on L Headbutt is very precise. Replace it with H Hands for an Easy combo for 2960.
DI (W!) 5HP [4]646K Corner 3000 0 2 Easy Use 4HP to charge for Level 2.
DI (W!) 5HP [4]6HP 214214P Corner 4144 0 3 Easy
DI (W!) 5HK(1) 236K~2P DR 5HP 236K~P P Corner 2062 1 0 Easy
DI (W!) DR 5HP 236K~2P DR 5HP 236K~P P Corner 2258 2 0 Easy
DI (W!) 236KK~2P 214HP 236236P Corner 3040 2 1 Easy
DI (W!) 5HP 214PP [4]646K Corner 3184 2 2 Easy
DI (W!) 5HK(1) 236K~2P 214PP [4]6MP 214214P Corner 4254 2 3 Medium
DI (W!) 5HK(1) 236KK~2P 214PP [4]6MP Corner 2414 4 0 Medium
DI (W!) DR 5HP 236KK~2P DR dl.5HP 214HP [4]6MP 236236P Corner 3061 4 1 Medium Delay 5HP slightly for maximum damage. Combo still works if undelayed, but does less damage.
DI (W!) 236KK~2P 214PP [4]646K Corner 3232 4 2 Easy
DI (W!) 5HK(1) 236KK~2P 214PP [4]6MP 214214P Corner 4414 4 3 Medium
DI (W!) 5HK(1) 236KK~2P 214PP [4]6MP 214214P Corner 4414 4 3 Medium
DI (W!) DR 5HP 236KK~2P DR 5HP DRC 5HP 236K~dl.P P Corner 2725 6 0 Medium Either delaying the P after Sumo Walk or delaying the 5HP after the DRC will work.
DI (W!) DR 5HP 236KK~2P DR 5HP DRC dl.5HP 214HP 236236P Corner 3361 6 1 Medium Not delaying the 5HP will still work, but does less damage.
DI (W!) DR 5HP 236KK~2P DR 5HP DRC dl.5HP 214HP 214214P Corner 4681 6 3 Medium Not delaying the 5HP will still work, but does less damage.

SF6 Navigation

Dee Jay
E. Honda
M. Bison