Darkstalkers 3/Rikuo/Strategy

From SuperCombo Wiki


I started playing Aubath b/c 1. I thought he was cool, 2. ssbomberman said top tier Aubath couldn’t be done. Where do I believe he stands after learning him? mid top. This fool's got alot going for him... explaining what I do is the hardest part(mainly b/c this is my first attempt in trying to guide people).

Aulbath is best played as a rusher and the key to being a good Aulbath player is one word. Pressure. If you can keep pressure going, then you can force your opponent into mistakes and basically do whatevery you want to them. This also leads to the second thing that makes Aulbath shine, his game off the knockdown. Because what comes after a knock down and a stocked meter is the heart of Aulbath's pressure game and what makes many a new person to VS hate Aulbath. The Bubble. It’s your queen so to speak. When playing Aubath, the bubble trap is always going to be the heart of what you want to do... but as things happen more often than not, you're going to be landing damage plenty of other ways. We'll cover the bubble later

The home of the bubble trap: the corner.

it is where Aubath shines(when the opponent is in the corner that is). Once you have your opponent in the corner, you want to maintain pressure with lp rushdown, in hopes of netting a knockdown, via chain combo, or throw. Alternatively, you can stand a character away, and retaliate whatever they do. Use j.mp->j.hp empty links should they decide to jump at you, and tech should they try an offensive string at you.

There are many ways to pressure your opponent, but one of the best ways is through his dashing moves. A good string of dashing moves is hard for people to tech and it is even harder for people to stop if done right. You gain so many options when you lock someone down with the rush. Some pressure strings you can use include...

1)D.MP, C.Lp, C.Lp, Sonic Wave (HP version), d.LP, repeat

2)D lp, clp, clp, EX Sonic Wave, dash lp (lk, mp)

3)d lk, clp, clp, dash lp, Throw.

The list really goes on and on and on. As long as you know how to pressure and keep the pressure on, you can feel free to substitute anything in that you want.

Without the bubble, Aubath has two tools right off the bat, which makes him a pain in the ass:

  • sonic wave
  • poison gas.

They both have quite a bit of recovery, but if you trade hits with them, they go into whatever stun these moves do to them, preventing them from finishing a retaliation of any sort.

If you've got a level of meter(not hard to get...) and manage to sonic someone jumping in, you can land 68 pts of damage with an air juggle. Against all the priority jumping whores, the wave beats them all(i.e. lilith, qbee, bishamon...etc).

Poison gas shoots closer w/ the weaker kicks. with the range it comes at, you're generally looking for them to be jumping/dashing/walking/doing random shit into this.

The ES is ESPECIALLY effective, since it takes up the whole bottom portion of the screen. AND, you can of course walk forward for the slightest of seconds after a charge, and then press KK; which, if doing an ES, will reach the very far ends of the screen. Poisoning them within close proximity nets you a free combo->knockdown

Should you landing distant clouds, go for a dashing rk (as I said above earlier be careful).

Aubath, knockdown is a key game. Not like other characters, where you can jump up and down or walk back and forth playing mind games. Aubath's got the bubble so. taking this a step further, if you know where your opponent's going to roll upon knockdown, you could easily get them in the bubble at midscreen!

Bubble tactics

Ok, so you have the meter, you have the pressure going and you score the knockdown. GOOD JOB! Then you input the bubble command and your glorious bubble comes out and thennnnn....they escape it. >:( So what are we gonna do here? There are many ways to make sure your bubble doesn't go to waste and improve your chances of landing the bubble.

In the corner:

KD, Bubble, Meaty C.MK - This is almost a win-win for Aulbath. Your opponent can either A)Get hit by the Cmk and then get bubbled or B) Block it and get bubbled.

Pressure string, throw, bubble, dashing lk, lp or mp- If you land that throw, you can Bubble right after and put the pressure back on again with a dashing move. Even if they tech the throw, unless they are mashing hardcore, the dashing move will generally keep them locked down until the bubble arrives.

On opponents jump: A LOT of people are going to want to simply jump out of the bubble loop. There are a few options you can nail them with in the air that will keep them grounded/ or drop them into your bubble in mid-air.

Bubble, jump in chicken guard, (after block) j.lp- The chicken guard will keep you safe from accidently getting hit while in the air. After they attack, hit them with j.lp and you'll drop them right into the bubble. Then they're all yours.

KD, bubble then jump in lp or mp (maybe hp). People will want to jump out of that bubble on sight of it in the corner, so you want an attack to cover them while they're getting up and trying to jump out. lp comes out fast and beats a lot of attacks. Mp is even better since it has a nice hitbox and has a lot of priority.

Countering the Bubble

An aubath that properly knocks down in the corner distances himself so that if you try to strategically wake up away from the corner, you'll wakeup into the bubble. If the aubath had distanced himself improperly, then the bubble will likely miss; but more often than not, this is not the case. As such, I'll list the options(if any) for characters to counter, or get themselves out of the trap.

  • Anakaris - dark force, or end screen teleport
  • Aubath -dark force
  • BB Hood - double jump(tho more than likely, she'll get pressured & caught)
  • Bishamon - screwed
  • Demitri - bat spin
  • Felicia - wall cling->jump away(proper pressure deters this)
  • Gallon - screwed
  • Jedah - screwed
  • Lei Lei - dark force
  • Lilith - screwed
  • Morrigan - teleport
  • Q-Bee - fly(tho aubath will likely pressure, so it is difficult)
  • Sasquatch - screwed
  • Victor - screwed >.<
  • Zabel - teleport

Hitting or throwing aubath while the bubble is out will automatically remove the bubble.

And there you have it, proper counters for being cornered, and bubble looped/trapped. for those characters who I said were screwed; It's based on my experiences and observations both with aubath, and against capable aubath bubble-loopers.

Aubath Querks

  • Aubath's dash goes under "normal" projectiles(morrigan, demitri type)
  • he hopps back 3x.
  • you can follow up his hod super as soon as you see the guy falling back down(I dont think you can hit him if he gets too close to the ground)
  • tapping the opposite direction and an attack button after doing a mp or hp normal throw will result in another hit.

fuck... I'm confused as hell as to how this template works >.<

VSav Navigation

Game Data
B.B. Hood
Hsien Ko