Bulleta's is the source of most of her mayhem. On the way up, will be an instant overhead, and will chain into Except against certain characters at certain ranges, it won't combo, but that's not really important. Chained has extremely short recovery on whiff, so you can toss out a move very shortly after the instant overhead. On some characters (particularly Sasquatch) you can to stop the forward momentum and hit on the incoming side. Mashing out another will allow you to crossover to hit on the far side.
On the way down, is difficult to anti-air and can lead into a very bizarre mixup that is completely unique to Bulleta. Following the, you can do to go for the simple high-high jump-in. However, if you hit and they block it high, the hitstop from the mine will disallow the opponent from blocking low, making a unblockable. This creates a completely invisible, impossible to react to mixup that can only be stopped by 1-hit tech hit or guesswork.
COMMAND THROW. If they aren't push blocking or mashing c.lp they should be getting snatched up. Train your opponent into being afraid of that jump in mixup and pinning them down with dash mps. Take note if they do not push block, tick throw them.
1) Dashing mp x n until you're inside, then do a dashing command throw. Don't be too linear. Mix-up your approach with jumpins -> -> cmd throw, etc. Works well against opponents who don't try to upback constantly. Against experienced players you will need to both condition them not to mash poke with counterpokes or to jump out (with dashing mp, mk, or lp. Matchup and even player dependent. If dashing mp doesn't knock them out of the air, move to dashing mk. If that still doesn't work, you have to take a risk and dashing lp if you read their jumpout. Be careful because dashing lp wiffs on all crouches save for Bishamon and Victor). Don't try to force this setup too hard. If your opponent refuses to adapt and continues to jumpout, continue to punish them for it.
2) Off a dashing lp or mk anti-air. The vsav tutorial videos demonstrate that this situation forces okizeme. So when you anti-air an opponent, you get a high/low/throw mixup. You can pressure them with missile/, go for a low, chain into instant overhead, or anti-air into a dashing command throw. In my experience, the lower to the ground you anti-air them, the more unpredictable a dashing cmd throw becomes (See 1:17 of the linked video. With Felicia but same idea). They have less time to think about the mixup they're getting put into. BTW, if you let the throw rip too early, you'll get basket. Play with it and you'll get a feel for the timing.
Basically, this setup is similar to the first except you're using a dash for oki and not as a reward for constant pressure. It's also similar to #1 in that your opponent can upback it, so you have to read your opponent/condition. Different ways to approach with the same result.
3-ish) (ES) Command throw punishes tech-hit attempts. If you can condition for a tech-hit scenario in which you've been previously tech-hitted out, the d.ES CMD throw should win. This is an extension of 1 and 2, but it deserves a mention. It also punishes reactionary GCs (but not if they're just gonna let the DP rip anyway. Need to read their playstyle and character.)
By the way, people are 3f throw invulnerable on wake-up from the ground. I think this applies to both neutral tech and rolling. Throw is not a part of the wakeup game mixup save for surprise buttsecks scenarios, so don't go for it. In fact, if you stand in throw range, they can use their throw protection to command throw YOU on wake-up. Save the command throw setups for the air-reset oki and use the wake-up oki for high/low/cross-up shenanigans.