Street Fighter 2: Champion Edition/Chun-li: Difference between revisions

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(→‎Aerial Normals: Fixed nj.HK description to mention kd on hit)
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Knocks down on hit.
*<b>Diagonal Jumping HK:</b>
*<b>Diagonal Jumping HK:</b>
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Revision as of 15:29, 16 January 2023

Street Fighter 2: Champion EditionSf2ce-logo.png
Street Fighter 2: Champion Edition#Game ElementsStreet Fighter 2: Champion Edition#Game ElementsStreet Fighter 2: Champion Edition#CharactersStreet Fighter 2: Champion Edition#System InfoStreet Fighter 2: Champion Edition#MiscellaneousStreet Fighter 2: Champion Edition#Basic StrategyMvC3HeaderButtons.png

Sf2ceChun-li.gif I'm the strongest woman in the world.


Chun Li is an Interpol agent on a quest for vengeance against the man who murdered her father (on a tuesday): M. Bison. For this mission, she entered the World Warrior tournament once she learned that Bison is behind its organization, through his Shadaloo crime sindicate. Chun Li saw the opportunity to not only have her revenge but also to dismantle the organization and save the world from their evil intentions.

Compared to her WW counterpart, Chun Li was heavily toned down in CE. She does less damage than the other chars and even than her old self and have less priority in some of her attacks. This and the fact that she has no Fireball move nor an efficient anti air attack makes her a low tier for most of the match ups. Fortunately, she got some new tricks (as her Neck Break mixup attack) that makes things a little better and her throws have great priority. Allied to her speed (only Vega is faster) these features must be used wisely and timed right, if Chun Li wants to win the tournament and get her vengeance.

Color Options

Start Default
Chunli-mp.gif Chunli-old1.gif

Moves List

Normal Moves

  • Heel Stomp: d + MK in the air
  • Throw: close, b or f + MP or HP
  • Air Throw: close, b or f + MP or HP in the air
  • Chest Flip Kick: f + MK (close)
  • Flipping Neck Breaker: f + HK (close)

Special Moves

  • Lightning Kick: Kick button rapidly
  • Spinning Bird Kick (a.k.a. SBK): d~u + Kick

The Basics

  • Anti-Air: standing MK or HK (very limited)
  • High Pokes: standing MP
  • Low Pokes: crounching MK


  • Great Air Game and Sweep
  • Lightning Kick Buff


  • Worst Anti Air Options
  • Spinning Bird Kick bad recovery


  • j.HK, s.MP, s.HP or cr.HK or cr.MK
  • j.MK, MK Lightning Kicks
  • j.HP, HK Lightning Kicks
  • j.MK/HP, cr.MK, s.MP


Standing Normals

  • Standing LP:
Damage 4 Sf2ce-chunli-lp-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-lp-a.png Sf2ce-chunli-lp-r1.png Sf2ce-chunli-lp-r2.png Sf2ce-chunli-lp-s1.png
Stun 1~7
Stun Timer 40
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel Yes
Frame Advantage +7
Frame Count 2 2 4 3 1
Simplified 1+4 4 4
  • Standing MP:
Damage 12 Sf2ce-chunli-mp-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-mp-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-mp-a.png Sf2ce-chunli-mp-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-mp-s1.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 60
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage +11
Frame Count 2 2 4 3 1
Simplified 1+4 4 4
  • Standing HP:
Damage 16 Sf2ce-chunli-hp-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-hp-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-hp-a.png Sf2ce-chunli-hp-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-hp-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-hp-r1.png
Stun 11~17
Stun Timer 80
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage -1
Frame Count 2 3 6 10 7 1
Simplified 1+5 6 18
  • Standing LK:
Damage 8 Sf2ce-chunli-lk-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-lk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-lk-a.png Sf2ce-chunli-lk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-lk-s1.png
Stun 1~7
Stun Timer 40
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel Yes
Frame Advantage +5
Frame Count 3 3 5 4 1
Simplified 1+6 5 5
  • Standing MK:
Damage 12 Sf2ce-chunli-lk-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-mk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-mk-a.png Sf2ce-chunli-mk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-lk-s1.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 60
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage +7
Frame Count 3 3 5 4 4
Simplified 1+6 5 8
  • Standing HK:
Damage 16 Sf2ce-chunli-hk-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-hk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-hk-s3.png Sf2ce-chunli-hk-a.png Sf2ce-chunli-hk-r1.png Sf2ce-chunli-hk-r2.png
Stun 11~17
Stun Timer 80
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage +3
Frame Count 3 3 4 8 7 7
Simplified 1+10 8 14

Close Standing Normals

  • Close Standing LP:
Damage 8 Sf2ce-chunli-cllp-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-cllp-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-cllp-a1.png Sf2ce-chunli-cllp-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-cllp-s1.png
Stun 1~7
Stun Timer 40
Chain Cancel Yes
Special Cancel Yes
Frame Advantage +7
Frame Count 3 2 3 4 3
Simplified 1+2 3 7
  • Close Standing MP:
Damage 12 Sf2ce-chunli-clmp-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-clmp-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-clmp-a.png Sf2ce-chunli-clmp-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-clmp-s1.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 60
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage +13
Frame Count 2 2 4 3 1
Simplified 1+4 4 4
  • Close Standing HP:
Damage 16 Sf2ce-chunli-clhp-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-clhp-a.png Sf2ce-chunli-clhp-s1.png
Stun 11~17
Stun Timer 80
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel Yes
Frame Advantage -8
Frame Count 3 20 11
  • Close Standing LK:
Damage 8 Sf2ce-chunli-cllk-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-cllk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-cllk-a.png Sf2ce-chunli-cllk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-cllk-s1.png
Stun 1~7
Stun Timer 40
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage +5
Frame Count 3 3 5 4 1
Simplified 1+6 4 5
  • Close Standing MK:
Damage 12 Sf2ce-chunli-cllk-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-clmk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-clmk-a.png Sf2ce-chunli-clmk-a2.png Sf2ce-chunli-clmk-r1.png Sf2ce-chunli-clmk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-cllk-s1.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 60
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage +6
Frame Count 3 3 3 6 3 4 1
Simplified 1+6 9 8
  • Close Standing HK:
Damage 16 Sf2ce-chunli-lk-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-mk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-clhk-a.png Sf2ce-chunli-mk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-lk-s1.png
Stun 11~17
Stun Timer 80
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage -2
Frame Count 3 3 6 8 11
Simplified 1+6 6 19

Crouching Normals

  • Crouching LP:
Damage 6 Sf2ce-chunli-crlp-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-crlp-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-crlp-a.png Sf2ce-chunli-crlp-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-crlp-s1.png
Stun 1~7
Stun Timer 40
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage +6
Frame Count 2 2 4 4 1
Simplified 1+4 4 5
  • Crouching MP:
Damage 10 Sf2ce-chunli-crmp-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-crmp-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-crmp-a.png Sf2ce-chunli-crmp-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-crmp-s1.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 60
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage +11
Frame Count 2 2 4 4 1
Simplified 1+4 4 5
  • Crouching HP:
Damage 16 Sf2ce-chunli-crhp-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-crhp-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-crhp-a.png Sf2ce-chunli-crhp-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-crhp-s1.png
Stun 11~17
Stun Timer 80
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage -2/-1
Frame Count 3 3 6 8 11
Simplified 1+6 6 19
  • Crouching LK:
Damage 8 Sf2ce-chunli-crlk-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-crlk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-crlk-a.png Sf2ce-chunli-crlk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-crlk-s1.png
Stun 1~7
Stun Timer 40
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage +7
Frame Count 3 3 4 4 1
Simplified 6 4 5
  • Crouching MK:
Damage 10 Sf2ce-chunli-crmk-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-crmk-a.png Sf2ce-chunli-crmk-s2.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 60
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel Yes
Frame Advantage +12
Frame Count 1+4 5 4
  • Crouching HK:
Damage 14 Sf2ce-chunli-crhk-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-crhk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-crhk-a.png Sf2ce-chunli-crhk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-crhk-s1.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 130
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage -2
Frame Count 3 3 6 8 11
Simplified 1+6 6 19

Aerial Normals

  • Neutral Jumping LP:
Damage 10 Sf2ce-chunli-njlp-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-njlp-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-njlp-s3.png Sf2ce-chunli-njlp-a.png
Stun 1~7
Stun Timer 40
Frame Count 3 3 2
Simplified 8
  • Diagonal Jumping LP:
Damage 10 Sf2ce-chunli-djlp-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-djlp-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-djlp-a.png
Stun 1~7
Stun Timer 40
Frame Count 3 3
Simplified 6
  • Neutral Jumping MP:
Damage 14 Sf2ce-chunli-njlp-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-njlp-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-njlp-s3.png Sf2ce-chunli-njmp-a.png Sf2ce-chunli-njlp-s3.png Sf2ce-chunli-njlp-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-njlp-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-j-r.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 50
Frame Count 3 3 2 16 2 3 4
Simplified 8 16
  • Diagonal Jumping MP:
Damage 14 Sf2ce-chunli-djlp-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-djlp-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-djmp-a.png Sf2ce-chunli-djlp-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-djlp-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-j-r.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 50
Frame Count 3 3 8 3 4
Simplified 6 8
  • Neutral Jumping HP:
Damage 16 Sf2ce-chunli-njlp-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-njlp-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-njlp-s3.png Sf2ce-chunli-njhp-a.png Sf2ce-chunli-njlp-s3.png Sf2ce-chunli-njlp-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-njlp-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-j-r.png
Stun 11~17
Stun Timer 60
Frame Count 3 3 2 8 2 3 4
Simplified 8 8
  • Diagonal Jumping HP:
Damage 16 Sf2ce-chunli-djlp-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-djlp-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-djhp-a.png Sf2ce-chunli-djlp-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-djlp-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-j-r.png
Stun 11~17
Stun Timer 60
Frame Count 3 3 8 3 4
Simplified 6 8

  • Neutral Jumping LK:
Damage 10 Sf2ce-chunli-njlk-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-njlk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-njlk-a.png
Stun 1~7
Stun Timer 40
Frame Count 3 3
5 6
  • Diagonal Jumping LK:
Damage 10 Sf2ce-chunli-djlk-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-djlk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-djlk-a.png
Stun 1~7
Stun Timer 40
Frame Count 3 3
5 6
  • Neutral Jumping MK:
Damage 12 Sf2ce-chunli-njlk-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-njlk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-njmk-a.png Sf2ce-chunli-njlk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-njlk-s1.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 50
Frame Count 3 3 16 3
Simplified 6 16
  • Diagonal Jumping MK:
Damage 12 Sf2ce-chunli-djlk-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-djlk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-djmk-a.png Sf2ce-chunli-djlk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-djlk-s1.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 50
Frame Count 3 3 16 3
Simplified 6 16
  • Neutral Jumping HK:
Damage 16 Sf2ce-chunli-njhk-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-njhk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-njhk-a1.png Sf2ce-chunli-njhk-a2.png Sf2ce-chunli-njhk-a3.png Sf2ce-chunli-njhk-r1.png Sf2ce-chunli-njhk-r2.png Sf2ce-chunli-njhk-r3.png
Stun 11~17
Stun Timer 60
Frame Count 1 2 5 4 4 4 6
Simplified 3 13

Knocks down on hit.

  • Diagonal Jumping HK:
Damage 16 Sf2ce-chunli-njlk-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-njlk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-djhk-a1.png Sf2ce-chunli-djhk-s3.png Sf2ce-chunli-djhk-a2.png Sf2ce-chunli-djhk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-djhk-s1.png
Stun 11~17
Stun Timer 60
Frame Count 3 3 6 4 6 6
Simplified 6 6 4 6

Unique Moves

  • Flip Kick: (On ground and close, ←/→ + MK)
Damage 14 Sf2ce-chunli-clfmk-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-clfmk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-clfmk-a1.png Sf2ce-chunli-clfmk-a2.png Sf2ce-chunli-clfmk-a3.png Sf2ce-chunli-clfmk-r1.png Sf2ce-chunli-clfmk-r2.png Sf2ce-chunli-clfmk-r3.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 40
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage ?
Frame Count 2 2 5 4 4 4 6 29
Simplified 1+4 13 39

  • Neck Breaker: (Close, ←/→ + HK)
Damage 14 Sf2ce-chunli-clfhk-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-clfhk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-clfhk-s3.png Sf2ce-chunli-clfhk-s4.png Sf2ce-chunli-clfhk-s5.png Sf2ce-chunli-clfhk-s6.png Sf2ce-chunli-clfhk-s7.png Sf2ce-chunli-clfhk-a.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 40
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage ?
Frame Count 4 4 5 6 7 8 2 14
Simplified 1+36 14
  • Head Stomp: (On air, ↙/↓/↘ + MK)
Damage ? Sf2ce-chunli-dmk-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-dmk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-dmk-a.png Sf2ce-chunli-dmk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-dmk-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-dmk-r1.png Sf2ce-chunli-dmk-r2.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 40
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel ?
Frame Advantage ?
Frame Count 1 2 16 8 4 5
Simplified 3 16


  • Koshuu Tou: (←/→ + MP or HP)
Damage 20+(4*n) Sf2ce-chunli-throw.png
Duration 130
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 100
Range (from axis) 48
Range advantage 23
  • Ryuusei Raku: (On Air ←/→ + MP or HP)
Damage 20+(4*n) Sf2ce-chunli-athrow.png
Duration 130
Stun 7~13
Stun Timer 100
Range (from axis) 58
Range advantage 33

Special Moves

  • Hyakurretsu Kyaku: press any single Kick repeatedly


Sf2ce-chunli-hkk-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-hkk-s2.png
Short 1 3
Foward 3 4
Roundhouse 4 6


Damage 22/24/26 Sf2ce-chunli-hkk-a1.png Sf2ce-chunli-hkk-a2.png Sf2ce-chunli-hkk-a3.png Sf2ce-chunli-hkk-a4.png Sf2ce-chunli-hkk-a5.png Sf2ce-chunli-hkk-a6.png Sf2ce-chunli-hkk-a7.png Sf2ce-chunli-hkk-a4.png
Stun 13~19
Stun Timer 120
Frame Advantage -7/-5/-6
Short 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Foward 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Roundhouse 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


Sf2ce-chunli-hkk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-hkk-s1.png
Short 2 2
Foward 4 4
Roundhouse 6 6

+9 on block if is blocked 3 times (point blank). +4 for 2 blocks.

Your close combat option pressure...a buffered move from World Warrior and easier to execute with mashing button, use piano inputs for a better installment...

  • Spinning Bird Kick: charge ↓, ↑ + Kick (charge 60f)


Damage 24 Sf2ce-chunli-ssbk-a1.png Sf2ce-chunli-ssbk-a2.png Sf2ce-chunli-ssbk-a3.png Sf2ce-chunli-ssbk-a4.png Sf2ce-chunli-ssbk-a5.png Sf2ce-chunli-ssbk-a6.png Sf2ce-chunli-ssbk-a5.png
Stun 13~19
Stun Timer 120
Frame Advantage -6/-9/-11
Frame Count 1 4 3 2 3 4 6


LK version :

Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s3.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-a1.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s4.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s5.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s6.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-a2.png
4 3 2 1 1 1 1 1
Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s3.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-a1.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s4.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s5.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s6.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-a2.png
2 1 2 2 3 4 4 2

MK version :

Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s3.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-a1.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s4.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s5.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s6.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-a2.png
4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1
Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s3.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-a1.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s4.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s5.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s6.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-a2.png
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s3.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-a1.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s4.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s5.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s6.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-a2.png
2 1 1 2 2 3 3 4

HK version :

Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s3.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-a1.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s4.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s5.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s6.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-a2.png
5 4 4 3 3 2 2 2
Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s3.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-a1.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s4.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s5.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s6.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-a2.png
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s3.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-a1.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s4.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s5.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s6.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-a2.png
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s3.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-a1.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s4.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s5.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s6.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-a2.png
1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s1.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s2.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s3.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-a1.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s4.png Sf2ce-chunli-sbk-s5.png
2 2 3 3 3 3



Sf2ce-chunli-rsbk-1.png Sf2ce-chunli-rsbk-s.png Sf2ce-chunli-rsbk-1.png Sf2ce-chunli-rsbk-3.png Sf2ce-chunli-rsbk-4.png Sf2ce-chunli-rsbk-5.png Sf2ce-chunli-rsbk-6.png
2 3 2 2 3 3 1


Sf2ce-chunli-rsbk-1.png Sf2ce-chunli-rsbk-s.png Sf2ce-chunli-rsbk-1.png Sf2ce-chunli-rsbk-3.png Sf2ce-chunli-rsbk-4.png Sf2ce-chunli-rsbk-5.png Sf2ce-chunli-rsbk-6.png
2 3 2 2 3 3 1


Sf2ce-chunli-rsbk-1.png Sf2ce-chunli-rsbk-s.png Sf2ce-chunli-rsbk-1.png Sf2ce-chunli-rsbk-3.png Sf2ce-chunli-rsbk-4.png Sf2ce-chunli-rsbk-5.png Sf2ce-chunli-rsbk-6.png
2 3 2 2 3 3 1

Chun Li's far or medium distance option, a riskful one but useful for corner traps or anti cross ups , it useful after a knockdown mixup too to trade damage with your opponent.

Misc Animations

Walk back Neutral Walk Fwd Crouch
Sf2ce-chunli-bwd.png Sf2ce-chunli-cllp-n.png Sf2ce-chunli-fwd.png Sf2ce-chunli-cr-n.png
  • Standing reel:
Sf2ce-chunli-reel1.png Sf2ce-chunli-reel2.png Sf2ce-chunli-reel3.png Sf2ce-chunli-reel4.png
  • Standing gut reel:
Sf2ce-chunli-gutreel1.png Sf2ce-chunli-gutreel2.png Sf2ce-chunli-gutreel3.png Sf2ce-chunli-gutreel4.png
  • Crouching reel:
Sf2ce-chunli-creel1.png Sf2ce-chunli-creel2.png Sf2ce-chunli-creel3.png Sf2ce-chunli-creel4.png
  • Dizzy:
Sf2ce-chunli-dizzy1.png Sf2ce-chunli-dizzy2.png Sf2ce-chunli-dizzy3.png Sf2ce-chunli-dizzy4.png

Advanced Strategy

Chun Li's gameplan is about ground poking and air pressure. She doesn't have any knockdown combo nor high damage moves so the best strategy for her is picking away the enemy lifebar bit by bit and wait for the opponent's whiffs. To make things worse, Chun Li's design has some critical flaws like the lack of efficient anti-air normal moves or specials (to the point of her standing close MK missing a critical hitbox) and most of her moves have ridiculous randomic damage. Example: the crouching HK sweep can inflict "normal" roundhouse damage or can barely scrap the opponent's lifebar. Finally, Chun Li doesn't have a zoning tool like a fireball or even long range attacks, and must rely only on her speed in order to get closer to the adversaries.

Her throw is relatively good and has average to long reach. And like Guile and Vega, she has an aerial version of the move, that can be used to surprise airborne enemies. Chun Li has one of the higher jumps in the game and this gives her an edge in air battles, not to mention she can bounce on the screen corner, a move that, if used wisely, can free her from corner traps. On the ground, her best bet is using medium attacks, specially cr.MK as a rudimentary zoning tool. This works against some foes, specially fireballers, because when timed right, the sweep can interrupt the fireball move. Same for cr.HK, altough it exposes her to trades or counter attacks since it's a slow move and have a huge hurtbox. Both moves allows "buffering" the Lightning Kicks and it's a good option select case. Her jumps are also a good way to surprise fireball chars because Chun Li can be really fast in her hops and may easily fall behind enemies which prompts a free throw most of times. And speaking about this: whiffs must absolutely be punished with throws. Trust Chun Li's speed and there you go. And since you're feeling confident, why not just walk up and throw your opponent point blank? (but don't abuse it!)

The Lightning Kicks can be used to disuade body attacks like Honda's Sumo Torpedo and Blanka's Rolling Ball Attack. Strangely, it can't reliably counter M.Bison's Psycho Crusher and trading hits are not rare. Also, the move can be used to inflict chip damage to the opponents, specially when they're low on energy, and even as a kind of reversal to avoid tick throws, altough this would be a lucky case most of times.

Chun Li's air arsenal is something to remark. Her j.LK and j.MK have very good priority and can be used for feints, combos, crossups and throw loops. Same for the j.HP which has a great hitbox and is excellent as a combo starter. Her Head Stomp is efficient as a poke move but also as anti-body attacks (when timed right) and even as an overhead attack (not officialy present in Street Fighter games until Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo), altough it's somewhat tricky to use the move as it. And since Chun Li is able to high jumps and crossups, don't be ashamed to abuse the corner bugs for an easy free dizzy. As always, avoid repetitive patterns and trick your opponent about your sequences.

Close combat is the most effective (unique?) strategy for Chun Li simply because she doesn't have any means to get closer to an opponent. Her only option is just walk up and try to reduce the opponent's playfield, poking with s.MP or cr.MK and sometimes suprising the adversary with a crossup jump. This can be very difficult, according the opponent and specially according the life lead. Once you knockdown your foe, a good trick is to get closer and apply a sucession of Flipping Neck Breakers. If timed right, it becomes a crossup attack and can fool most enemies into guessing which direction to block. And when blocked, you have an array of options like throwing, poking cr.MK+throwing, st.LP+throwing, etc. It's cheap but, again, there aren't many choices.

Finally, the Spinning Bird Kick is a powerful move but must be used very carefully, since it's easy to counter and leaves Chun Li wide open (literally :P ) to punishment. The move is invincible (and harmless) on the first frames and it may be good for evading corner traps, airborne enemies and pass through fireballs, being the LK variant the most recommended. If two hits connect, a dizzy is almost guarantee. Timing is the key word here.


Chun Li's match-ups according the "official" SF2CE Tier List:

  • against Ryu: 3
  • against Ken: 3
  • against Chun Li: 5
  • against E. Honda: 4
  • against Zangief: 4
  • against Blanka: 3
  • against Dhalsim: 6
  • against Guile: 2
  • against Balrog: 6
  • against Vega: 5
  • against Sagat: 6
  • against M. Bison: 4

Vs. Ryu

The best way to fight this opponent is a very consistent ground game. Use lots of ducking forward sweeps for they are very fast and hard to react to, not to mention they will knock Ryu out of a spiritball if it hasn't yet left his hands. Another good technique is to jump over his spiritball and combo him, but beware due to how high Chun jumps she is easy to uppercut if she jumps to late so time your jump just as Ryu starts to make the spiritball motion not after the projectile is visible or you'll be the one getting hit. Another good attack is to jump in and jab kick then start the lighting kick. This will take off some energy even if blocked. Another good way to counter his spiritballs is the roundhouse sweep. Time your attack just as he starts the motion. You will both get hit but he will be knocked down and probably lose more. Finally if you jump in just as Ryu starts to stand up you can knock him out of his dragonpunch. Use a Fierce Punch and time your jump so your fist hits his head just as he starts to stand, then finish combo #1 leaving out the Jumping Fierce for it was just used. (If your opponent is going for an uppercut you'll hit him).

Air Slam can be used in two very effective ways.

1- When your opponent jumps in from a distance wait for them to start to decline then jump toward them and use the strong button right after you have left the ground.

2- If your opponent jumps over you at close range wait until they are right above you the jump straight up and come right up into them, use the strong button for an easy air slam. (to get the timing for these techniques takes some time but is well worth it.

Vs. Ken

Fighting him is similar to Ryu,his main differences is that his Hadoken is worst along his Shoryuken that is more dangerous than Ryu's one.

Try to poke him with crouching Foward and Roundhouse and beign more careful about jumping and stomping,Air Throw can punish him strong after you crouch an evaded Shoryuken at recovery

Vs. E.Honda

Your forward foot sweep is your main poke against Honda.

Being an air attacking character Honda's invincible headbutt can create problems. There is however a simple way around it. Jump in so that you fall through the back of him. As you fall through execute your jumping combo, this will knock him out of his super air defense for you are attacking from behind. Also any time he uses a fierce flying headbutt simply jump straight up and then throw him.

Vs. Chun Li

The key to fighting Chun is to neutralize your opponents ability to throw. This can be done by walking under them when they jump over you and simple hit the fierce button, the computer will turn you around automatically. Another good way to out throw her is to walk under and throw in the same direction you are already walking in, this saves you the time of trying to switch directions and throw. Finally if your opponent uses a lot of Chun's new neck kick, wait until she starts to flip over you then jump straight up and air slam her. (vega can also do this)

Vs. Blanka

Use lots of jab punches to keep his ball at bay. When attacking time your jumps so your foot (jab is best) barely hits him or he will fierce punch you out of the air. After your jab kick hits (even if he blocks) use the lighting kick to take off some energy. Your head stomp attack is best against Blanka for it will hit him out of anything. When you plan on using this move don't do it to soon our he can jump up and strike you. Finally when you use lots of head stomps your opponent may start blocking them. Don't worry you can still head stomp them out of a block. What you do is jump in and wait, you will start to fall through them, then right before you hit the ground head stomp, then hit the button again, and again. if you time it right you will staircase up your opponents body hitting them three or four times. A good way counter his jump attacks and get an almost guaranteed throw is to walk under him and as he goes over but before the computer turns you around use the flip kick (forward kick button), this will flip you backwards and land you right behind Blanka, then simply throw. Most players will be surprised by this to say the least. This can also be done to other characters but it works best on Blanka.

Vs. Zangief

Try to stay as ground based as possible when fighting Zan. Your forward and roundhouse sweeps are you best attacks. When jumping in try to hit him in the middle top of his head otherwise he may airplane punch you out of whatever you use. A good attack to use is jump in roundhouse him in the head, whether he blocks or not keep hitting the roundhouse button until the lightning feet appear, these will take off a good amount of damage. When going for this move Ôof your foot, if you get closer or hit above the belt he will most likely 360 you.

Vs. Guile

Just like Ryu use lots of forward sweeps to keep him on his toes. One good technique is when you see a sonic boom start to form roundhouse sweep him, he will get knocked down while you receive nothing. You can knock him out of his axe-kick following the same guidelines as knocking Ryu out of his dragonpunch. Or if you don't have the time you can jump in and if your above him can head stomp him out of the axe (good in corners). If he uses lots of forward sweeps and axes you when you jump try going for head stomps. The key to headstomping him out of the axe is to get within his forward sweep range before jumping. This will get you above his head and allow you to counter his move. If for some reason his misses and goes behind you just run in and throw him. Finally a good way to get out of his sonic boom run in behind it sweep, sweep pattern(or run in throw if your playing cheepers) is to roundhouse him when he gets in range. You'll both get hit but he will lose both more damage and his pattern.

Vs. Dhalsim

Constant non stop attack is best against this yoga master. Your jump in jab kick is one of your best attacks especially when followed by the lighting kick. Beware if you use it to much he may start sliding on you and tripping you as you hit the ground. To get out of this you can either wait until your very close to the ground before you strike or more reliably head stomp. Also if you are to close for him to have time to throw a fireball execute a helicopter kick, he will have no choice but to duck.(if you use short ones you can lightning kick him after you land)

Vs. Boxer

Your roundhouse footsweep will knock him out of almost everything.

Be careful of jumping in to much against a defensive Balrog because he can charging uppercut you almost all the time.

All in all play him as you would Zangief. Also your neck kick is very hard for him to get out of.

Vs. Claw

Fight him much as you would another Chun. Watch out for his fake range and when you jump in try to land on his forward shoulder(anything further and you'll be stabbed, anything closer an he may walk under and throw you.) Pay close attention when he starts a wall attack if he tries to go off the wall behind you jump up and intercept him with an airslam. Don't use the neck kick to often for he can air throw you out of it.

Throws- the key to executing Chun's unrivaled ability to throw is timing the button. Wait until you are just about to land then hit the button and push the joystick back towards your opponent at the same time, time your button just as the joystick makes contact with the side of the joystick hole rarely will you lose.

Vs. Sagat

Like Dhalsim a constant attack is best against Sagat.

Your head stomp will knock him out of anything as will most of you other attacks if you time them right. An experienced and aggressive Chun Li shouldn't have much trouble with Sagat.

Your crouch Forward and Roundhouse are nice punishers against High shots, and the stomp for the Low ones,jump in attack only when you are in a medium distance and he shots you,Tiger Uppercut is the main risk if not.

Vs. Dictador

If you want to avenge your father,start the round with a jumping attack or throw him if the uses the Stomp and then play defensive against him, if you can for his air attacks almost always overpower yours. Chun Li only can be defeated easily with a Psycho Crusher wis spam.(She can S.B. Kick him through a fast on but this doesn't always work). Use lighting kicks after you attack to take as much extra damage as possible. And if he Psycho Crush you into a corner and jumps to avoid being thrown.

Scicross Kicks must be block and then punished with fast standing jab or strong,Air throw is useful against his Stomp,if you jumps try to attack with Roundhouse or Forward and if it blocked do a crouching Roundhouse to keep distance of him,and then block any of his special.

You can only do this if you jump in just as they start to stand up from being knocked down. You must time your jump so that as you come down your attack (a fierce punch) strikes them in the top of the head just as soon as he is graphically half way up. In other words you hit him in the top of the head just as he starts to STAND back up (make sure you wait for him to start to stand or your attack may go throw him and he will throw you). Use the standing fierce punch to knock him out of the DP and then follow it with a ducking strong punch, and a ducking forward sweep.

YES this will knock him out of a DP if you get the timing right and he is going for one..........!

Game Navigation

Balrog (boxer)
E Honda
M. Bison (dictator)
Vega (claw)