The ninja returns unmasked. He was betrayed by his own clan, the Lin Kuei. He broke sacred codes of honor by leaving his clan and is marked for death. But, unlike the ninja, his persurors come as machines. He must not only defend from the Outworld, but he must elude his souless assassins.
Auto Combos
1. HP, HP, B+HK 3 hits 18%, 27%, 29%
2. HP, HP, LP, B+HK 4 hits 22%, 31%, 33%
3. HK, HK, B+HK 3 hits 19%, 28%, 30%
4. HP, HP, LK, HK, B+HK 5 hits 26%, 28%, 30%
5. HP, HP, LP, LK, HK, B+HK 6 hits 23%, 33%, 34%
Basic Juggles
1. aaHP, freeze, aaHPHP, JK, slide, 5 hits 43%
2. freeze, cross up jump kick, freeze, aa (HP HP), JK, slide 5 hits 33%
3. aaHP, freeze, cross up JK, aaHK or JK 36 and 37% (works well on characters who are harder to aHPHP juggle)
Advanced Juggles
1. aa freeze, aaHP, freeze, aaHP freeze (using glitch cancel when available) aaHP,HP JK, slide, 6 hits 50% (BP)
2. aaHP, freeze, push corner, aaHP freeze (gc), aaHPHP, JK, HK, LK 7 hits 69%
(leave off the last LK sometimes if the HK doesn't hit high enough, but a lot of position can be done during freezes, and if you aren't good at glitch canceling (gc) leave out the extra HP and you still get 50%
Fun Juggles
1. throw into corner, freeze before opponent hits the ground, deep JK, freeze,RH, R+HK 3 hits 47%
2. throw into corner, freeze before opponent hits the ground, deep JK, freeze,jump over opponent, aa HP glitch cancel to freeze out of corner, jump over opponent again, aa (HP HP), JK, aa HP, Slide 7 hits 65%
3. throw into corner, freeze before opponent hits the ground, deep JK, freeze,jump over opponent, aa HP glitch cancel to freeze out of corner, jump over opponent again, aa (HP HP), JK, HK 6 hits 65%
Special Moves
Ice Freeze: D, DF, F, LP
Ice Shower: D, DF, F, HP
In Front of Ice Shower: D, DF, B, HP
Behind Ice Shower: D, DB, B, F, HP
Slide: B+LP+BL+LK
Ice Clone: D, DB, B, LP
Fatality 1 "Overhead Shatterer": BL, BL, RUN, BL, RUN (Next to)
Sub-Zero lifts his opponent overhead and shatters them into pieces of cold parts.
Fatality 2 "Statue fall": B, B, D, B, RUN (Sweep)
Sub-Zero freezes his opponent with a cold breath of wind, they fall over and crack to chunks of ice.
Friendship "Snowman": LK, RUN, RUN, U (Past Sweep)
Sub-Zero forms a snowman over himself.
Animality "Polar Bear": F, U, U (Next to)
Sub-Zero turns into a polar bear and feeds on his opponent.
Babality: D, B, B, HK (Past Sweep)
Stage: B, D, F, F, HK (Next to)
Brutality: HP, LK, HK, LP, HP, HK, HK, HP, HP, LP (Next to)