Street Fighter (1987)/Joe/Movelist

From SuperCombo Wiki


Image Lp.png Framedata
bog standard jab
Quick jab. Not especially useful when compared to LK, which is roughly the same speed and damage but will also reliably hit crouchers. ?-?-?
Image Mp.png Framedata
not much to say here
A fairly solid punch, good for anti air or poking sometimes. Not used as much as his other moves though. 10-?-?
Image Hp.png or Hk.png Framedata
ok baby! this is the move!
This is Joe's furthest reaching move, as well as his most damaging one excluding jumpkick, making it quite useful, but this move definitely has its quirks. The move will always start with a low kick with properties identical to LK. After that comes a much more useful long punch. The LK at the beginning does make it a bit safer to use up close, though, and sometimes both hits will connect and do pretty meaty damage. Definitely a move you'll want to use, but be careful with it. 10-?-?
Image Lk.png Unblockable.png Framedata
get booped idiot
Tiny kick; great framedata, unblockable, very solid move, but very little damage. Very useful for defense but this alone probably won't win you rounds. ?-?-?
Image Mk.png Framedata
Great anti air, as it can deal with normally very annoying moves like Adon jumpkick. Also a pretty solid ground poke, though it can be crouched. You may need to experiment to find out what it works on best pertaining to anti-air, but its a very strong move when used right. ?-?-?
Image D.png Lk.png or Mk.png Framedata
why does this hit overhead WHY
A crouching punch. Poor range, but ok damage. Not super useful, but it does lower your hitbox a bit, so it can serve as an okay counterpoke VS. some characters. It also hits overhead for some ungodly reason, technically making Joe the only CPU in this game with a standing overhead! ?-?-?
Image D.png Hk.png Framedata
the same move but a little safer i guess
It's the same move as your other 2Ks, but the active frames are cut in half and it launches. I mean, you do get to knock your opponent away, granted if it hits, and you do get to act sooner. Use this over your other 2Ks, maybe. ?-?-?
Image D.png or Df.png P.png Framedata
This move's actually pretty damn good. For starters, it's a functioning jumpkick, and it's got some range to it. Not to mention the fact that it also deals a good amount of damage. Arguably Joe's best move. Don't go nuts with it, however, as Joe does struggle with winning trades... ?-?-?

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