Street Fighter (1987)/System

From SuperCombo Wiki


Walking is done by holding F.png or B.png while on the ground. There are two types of walks, and each character has varying properties on their walks, such as speed. The two types of walks are;

  • Straight Walks: Walks where the character doesn’t leave the ground, and can cancel their walk at any time.
  • Hop Walks: Walks where the character “hops” off the ground to move. Usually, only the first frame is cancelable, though there are exceptions.
  • Uncancellable Walk: Walks that cannot be cancelled at any point.
  • Characters with a straight walk: Retsu, Eagle, Gen, Sagat, Geki
  • Characters with a hop walk: Joe, Adon, Shotos, Mike
  • Characters with uncancellable walks: Lee, Birdie


Jumping is done by doing Ub.png, U.png, or Uf.png while on the ground. Jump arcs and speeds vary by character and which direction you jump. Note that while shotos can attack while jumping, the CPUs cannot, and their jump attacks are tied to another command (usually Db.png/D.png/Df.png + P.png). The jump arcs for these attacks are usually also different. Every character has a 1 frame postjump, save for shotos, who have 3.

Sagat is the only character that cannot jump.


Blocking is done by holding B.png or Db.png on the ground when an opponent is attacking. This will negate most damage from blockable attacks, but fireballs (Shoto Qcf.png P.png and Sagat Qcf.png P.png) will do chip damage. Attacks will also not knock back on block. Block properties vary depending on character. The block animation will activate if you’re holding B.png whenever the enemy does on attack, even if you’re out of range.

Special Blocks

Geki’s “block” is in the form of a teleport, where whenever it’s triggered, it’ll make him disappear briefly then reappear in a random spot. Teleport can still trigger from unblockables and will avoid them, though for unknown reasons Birdie LK can hit geki in teleport anyway. Read Geki’s Misc. Page for more info.

Adon and Lee have a unique block, often dubbed the “Omni Block”; they avoid all moves, unblockables included, and will not take chip from unblockables. It does have a catch, which is they can only block for a limited time, and after that time, the block will automatically deactivate and they will be vulnerable until they let go of B.png and block again. Adon can omni block for 11 frames, and Lee can for 16 frames.

Negative Edge and Buffering

Street Fighter has a unique input system in that buttons will only register when released, called negative edge. For example, if you hold the Mp.png button, Mp.png will not come out until you stop holding the button. This does not apply to directional inputs.

Move Buffers

Inputs will be buffered in some situations. For example, if you get hit, and press a button while in hitstun, you will do the corresponding move once you get out of hitstun. It’s good to be aware of this so you don’t accidentally use an unsafe move after being hit, and it also allows you to counterattack more easily against moves you can punish on hit.

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