Fighting Layer/Tetsuo Kato

From SuperCombo Wiki
FTL Tetsuo Art.png
Life Points ??
Ground Movement
Forward Dash duration/distance ??
Back Dash duration/distance ??
Back Jump duration ??
Neutral Jump duration ??
Forward Jump duration ??
Back Super Jump duration ??
Neutral Super Jump duration ??
Forward Super Jump duration ??
Wake up
Wake up duration ??


Hailing from an unnamed island, Tetsuo stands on the shoreline. Feeling lost after besting all on said island. He then reads from a scroll in his hand which seems to clear his head. He then declares that he's tired of this island and wishes to go and fight people around the world.

Despite looking the part of a shoto character. Tetsuo lacks any projectile or DP like attacks. Instead he wants to get close to his opponent so he can use his great one-shot power. A single combo is all it takes melt health bars up to 50%. Tetsuo has tools that let him get in and stay there. Moves like Maki Kudaki and Mukuro Wari let him close the gap between his opponent with little problem. Mukuro Wari is a relatively safe (not un punishable) way to keep the pressure going. Being a protagonist Tetsuo is easier to use then other characters in the cast. If you have played fighting games in the past he isn't too hard to pick up and use.

As with most characters of this typing, Tetsuo can struggle to grow out of this simplicity. His simple nature can put him in a disadvantage with experienced opponents. Especially against higher tier characters. Though he has some decent pressure Tetsuo struggles a bit with opening the opponent up. All of his attacks besides his hard attack and Aragyougi can be blocked low. A experienced player with solid defense can keep Tetsuo stuck in neutral. If you're looking for an easier to use character, with big damage, nice combos, and cool looking moves. Tetsuo is a great character to get into Fighting Layer, and is fun to keep playing.

Move List

Standing Normals

Light Punch
Damage Startup Active Recovery
? ? ? ?
Guard Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard
HL ?? ? ?

Your standard jab. Like most character this starts his EC.

Medium Punch
Damage Startup Active Recovery
? ? ? ?
Guard Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard
HL ?? ? ?

A simple body blow. This move has decent priority and is good for checking your opponent.

Heavy Punch
Damage Startup Active Recovery
? ? ? ?
Guard Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard
HL ?? ? ?

Straight fist thrust.

Light Kick
Damage Startup Active Recovery
? ? ? ?
Guard Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard
HL ?? ? ?

Average low kick. Not used too often.

Medium Kick
Damage Startup Active Recovery
? ? ? ?
Guard Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard
HL ?? ? ?

Can dodge other kick attacks(?), and also can be cancelled.

Heavy Kick
Damage Startup Active Recovery
? ? ? ?
Guard Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard
HL ?? ? ?

High kick that leads to a medium kick if timed correctly.

Crouching Normals

Crouching Light Punch
D.png + Lp.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
? ? ? ?
Guard Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard
HL ?? ? ?

Easier to land then 2LK. If used on a wider opponent this can attack can lead into EC.

Crouching Medium Punch
D.png + Mp.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
? ? ? ?
Guard Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard
HL ?? ? ?

Can link into 2MP.

Crouching Heavy Punch
D.png + Hp.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
? ? ? ?
Guard Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard
HL ?? ? ?

A uppercut with mediocre anti-air ability.

Crouching Light Kick
D.png + Lk.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
? ? ? ?
Guard Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard
HL ?? ? ?

A little harder to land then 2LP. Can be used as a confirm for Otoko Matsuri by cancelling into itself.

Crouching Medium Kick
D.png + Mk.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
? ? ? ?
Guard Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard
HL ?? ? ?

Basic combo tool. Combos into a LV.2 Mukuro Wari.

Crouching Heavy Kick
D.png + Hk.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
? ? ? ?
Guard Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard
HL ?? ? ?

Longest normal in Tetsuo's arsenal.

Vertical Jump Normals

Jumping Light Punch
U.png + Lp.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
? ? ? ?
Guard Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard
HL ?? ? ?

Elbow drop with nothing too fancy going on.

Jumping Medium Punch
U.png + Mp.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
? ? ? ?
Guard Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard
HL ?? ? ?

A two hitting hook punch.

Jumping Heavy Punch
U.png + Hp.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
? ? ? ?
Guard Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard
HL ?? ? ?

Basic straight punch.

Jumping Light Kick
U.png + Lk.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
? ? ? ?
Guard Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard
HL ?? ? ?

Basic front kick.

Jumping Medium Kick
U.png + Mk.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
? ? ? ?
Guard Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard
HL ?? ? ?

Another basic front kick.

Jumping Heavy Kick
U.png + Hk.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
? ? ? ?
Guard Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard
HL ?? ? ?

A spinning heel drop. Good air counterattack(?)

Diagonal Jump Normals

Except for the ones below, all Vertical and Diagonal jump normals are the same.

Diagonal Jumping Small Kick
Uf.png + Lk.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
? ? ? ?
Guard Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard
HL ?? ? ?

Knee strike.

Diagonal Jumping Small Kick
Uf.png + Mk.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
? ? ? ?
Guard Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard
HL ?? ? ?

Flying kick that is good at crossing up.

Diagonal Jumping Small Kick
Uf.png + Hk.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
? ? ? ?
Guard Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard
HL ?? ? ?

Jumping Kick

Command Normals

Ura Senken
B.png + Hp.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
? ? ? ?
Guard Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard
HL ?? ? ?

A slow on startup spinning backfist. Brief window where you can combo into EC. Good to close the gap between your opponent.

Sougeki Kyaku
F.png + Mk.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
? ? ? ?
Guard Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard
HL ?? ? ?

Tetsuo lightly jumps forward with his knee and finishing by kicking up with his other leg. Seemingly not that useful. Combos into 5MK, and creates a decent combo when used after a Hard Attack

Haigeki Kyaku
B.png + Hk.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
? ? ? ?
Guard Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard
HL ?? ? ?

Tetsuo delivers a high kick that causes him to shift his axis back a small amount. If timed very precisely you can dodge attacks. Can combo into a barrage blow if timed even more precisely.

Universal Mechanics

Punch Throw
B.png or F.png + Mp.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
? ? ? ?
Guard Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard
HL ?? ? ?

Tetsuo throws the opponent over his shoulder and hits them with a strike on the ground. This switches sides with your opponent.

Kick Throw
B.png or F.png + Mk.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
? ? ? ?
Guard Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard
HL ?? ? ?

Tetsuo knees the opponent in the face. This doesn't swap sides unlike the punch throw.

Hard Attack
P.png + K.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
? ? ? ?
Guard Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard
HL ?? ? ?

Standard hard attack. Tetsuo crouches first then thrusts a kick forward.

Hard Reversal
P.png + K.png (When knocked down)
Damage Startup Active Recovery
? ? ? ?
Guard Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard
HL ?? ? ?

Tetsuo does his Tsurigane Wari.

Special Moves

Mukuro Wari
Qcf.png + P.png (Pressing attack buttons 1 to 6 simultaneously, increases power)
Damage Startup Active Recovery
? ? ? ?
Guard Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard
HL ?? ? ?

Tetsuo thrusts his fist forward. Generally a quick attack that isn't all that minus. The defining factor to this move is its different levels. By pressing more buttons when performing the motion (1 to 6 attack buttons) the attack gets slower, but stronger as well. Referred to as LV's (ex. LV.4 Mukoro Wari) each version has its own uses. The LV.2 is guaranteed after a medium kick, with the LV.4 version able to be used after a EC. LV.6 is very slow, but does have damage somewhat comparable to a barrage blow. (To-do add version different sections)

Tsurigane Wari
Dp.png + P.png (Tap punch to get more hits)
Damage Startup Active Recovery
? ? ? ?
Guard Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard
HL ?? ? ?

Tetsuo uppercuts the opponent into the air. After which you tap the punch button to add extra hits. The light and medium versions have some invisibility on startup. Technically could be used as a counter or anti-air. But don't count on it by any means. Be mindful that the range of this attack is quite poor.

Tsurigane Wari
Qcb.png + P.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
? ? ? ?
Guard Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard
HL ?? ? ?

Tetsuo hops forward and slams on the ground with his fist and bounces the opponent off the ground. This attack can be followed up by inputting (LP > MP > HP > LK > MK). Though it looks like it this attack isn't a overhead and can be blocked low. This move is hard to combo into, with medium kick not working at all. But it will combo off of a EC. It has potential use in closing the distance between your opponent.

Barrage Blows

Tsurigane Wari > Chikara Tame
Qcb.pngQcb.png + P.png (Hold punch to go into Chikara Tame)
Damage Startup Active Recovery
? ? ? ?
Guard Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard
HL ?? ? ?

Tetsuo steps forward and grabs the opponent, and then head-butts them. This grab is out for a while with some decent invincibility. So its not a bad idea for using as a counterattack. This a useful way to break down your opponents guard. Something that Tetsuo struggles with. Try to be a bit erratic with the use of this barrage blow. You really wanna keep the surprise factor of this move.

By holding down the punch button after the throw Tetsuo charges up a punch. The longer its held the more powerful it is. You're opponents will be stunned from the throw so you have some time to charge. A good indicator of when to release the punch is when the opponents head shakes. Be mindful that the opponent can mash buttons to break the stun faster.

Otoko Matsuri
Qcf.pngQcf.png + P.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery
? ? ? ?
Guard Cancel Adv. Hit Adv. Guard
HL ?? ? ?

Tetsuo trusts five punches that resemble the Mukuro Wari, then finishes with a final punch. This the only super that Tetsuo is able to combo into, making it far more practical then Tsurigane Wari. This move travels decently far with some invincibility. This is your all around versatile super that can be used in just about any combo. Be mindful that if blocked the opponent can interrupt the barrage in-between the fifth punch and the final large punch. While you can technically cancel into Tsurigane Wari its almost never worth it. As its not a true combo and your opponent can just escape

Game Navigation

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Tetsuo Kato
Boss Characters
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