All scenarios assume the opponent is grounded when hit.
Knockdown | KD Adv. | Oki/Notes |
Forward Throw | +17 | MIDSCREEN: => Parry Drive Rush, 5HP !TRADE! (vs 4-frame normals); can link 5HP after trade vs every character (frame advantage dependent on hitstun of opponent's 4-frame normal). => LP Hadoken -> HP Hadoken fireball trap vs back-rise (opponent can be anti-aired if they forward jump before/after blocking LP Hadoken); meaty on in-place rise, beats Level 1 Supers and JP's OD Amnesia: (+3oH/+5cH/-3oB) |
CORNER: => Easy corner throw loops; framekill 5LP to auto-time, or manually time to threaten a shimmy. => framekill 5LP, Counter-Hit 5MP: (+5oH/+7cH/+0oB) => counter-hit 6HP: (+6oH/+8cH/+3oB) | ||
Back Throw | +11 | No effective pressure immediately after back throw on opponent anywhere on screen |
Drive Impact (No Crumple) |
+35 | MIDSCREEN: => No effective oki midscreen due to knockback |
CORNER: => framekill 5LP, meaty 6MP: (+5oH/+7cH/+1oB) => framekill 2MP, meaty 5HP: (+8oH/+10cH/+2oB) => forward dash, LP Hashogeki: (+7oH/LAUNCHcH/+2) => forward dash, framekill 5LP, counter-hit 5MP/throw: (5MP: +7oH/+9cH/-1oB) | ||
Drive Reversal | +23 | MIDSCREEN: => [-] |
CORNER: => framekill 5LK, meaty throw/safejab 5LP (safejab against 9-frame reversals): (+6oH/+8cH/+1oB) => meaty LP Hadoken: (+9oH/+11cH/+3oB) => meaty 6HP: (+8oH/+10cH/+5oB) | ||
2HK | HKD +32 | ANYWHERE: => dash, meaty 5HP: (+8oH/+10cH/+2oB) => PDR, meaty 6MP: : (+8oH/+10cH/+4oB) => meaty HP Hashogeki (DI-safe): (LAUNCHoH/LAUNCHcH/+2oB) |
CH/PC 2HK | HKD +47 | ANYWHERE: => framekill LP Hashogeki, meaty 5HP: (+7oH/+9cH/+1oB) => framekill 5HP, meaty LP Hashogeki: (+6oH/LAUNCHcH/+1oB) => framekill 6HK, meaty 5MP: (+10oH/+12cH/+2oB) => corpse-hop LK Tatsu (+1) => framekill 2LP, meaty HP Hashogeki (DI-safe): (LAUNCHoH/LAUNCHcH/+2oB) |
5HP~HK (High Double Strike) 5MP~LK~HK (Fuwa Triple Strike) |
+36 (+7 w/ Denjin Cancel) | MIDSCREEN: => can use Parry Drive Rush to chase, no auto-timed oki |
CORNER: => (5HP~HK/5MP~LK~HK), Denjin Charge, meaty 5MP: (+9oH/+11cH/+1oB) | ||
236P Hadoken |
+52 HP (w/ Denjin) +54 (OD) +57 (OD w/ Denjin) |
MIDSCREEN: All versions allow for a safe Denjin Charge
CORNER: => 236HP w/ Denjin [NEAR CORNER] --> forward dash, meaty 236HK: (LAUNCHoH/LAUNCHcH/+4)
| ||
623P (Shoryuken) |
+38/34/29/29 (L/M/H/OD) |
MIDSCREEN: => 623HP --> Parry Drive Rush, counter-hit 6MP: (+7oH/+9cH/+3oB}}) |
CORNER: => 623HP --> framekill 5LP, meaty LP Hashogeki: +7/LAUNCHcH/+2oB) --> framekill 2LK, meaty 5HP: (+8oH/+10cH/+2oB) --> counter-hit 214HP: (LAUNCHoH/LAUNCHcH/+2) | ||
214K (Tatsumaki Senpu-kyaku) |
+35 (LK) +23/38 (MK 1st/2nd) +20/35/50 (HK 1st/2nd/3rd) +57 (OD) |
MIDSCREEN: => 214LK --> forward dash, LP Hashogeki: (+7oH/LAUNCHcH/+2oB)
CORNER: => 214LK --> framekill 5LP, meaty 6MP: (+5oH/+7cH/+1oB) --> framekill 2MP, meaty 5HP: (+8oH/+10cH/+2oB) --> forward dash, framekill 5LP, counter-hit 5MP/throw: (5MP: +7oH/+9cH/-1oB)
| ||
236K (High Blade Kick) |
+42/40/45 (L/M/H) +45~65 Wall Bounce (OD) |
MIDSCREEN: => All non-OD versions allow for a safe Denjin Charge |
CORNER: => 236LK --> safejump
| ||
SA1 - 236236P (Shinku Hadoken) |
+26 +27 (Denjin) |
MIDSCREEN: => [-] |
CORNER: => (On grounded opponents) forward dash > 5MP: (+9oH/+11cH/+1oB); w/ Denjin: (+10oH/+12cH/+2oB) | ||
SA2 - 214214P (Shin Hashogeki) |
+20 (Lv.1/2) +78 Tumble (Lv.3) |
MIDSCREEN: => [-] |
CORNER: => 6HP: (+6oH/+8cH/+3oB) => meaty 214PP: (+6oH/+8cH/+6oB) | ||
SA3/CA 236236K (Shin Shoryuken) |
HKD +8 | MIDSCREEN: => [-] |
CORNER: => No follow-up oki on the cinematic version. On a non-cinematic high connect, the exact KD advantage varies but Ryu can get corner oki or Drive Rush if slightly out of the corner |