Street Fighter 6/Game Data: Difference between revisions

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(→‎Range Comparisons: updated Lily's 5f punish with new 5LP)
Line 834: Line 834:
| Dee Jay || style="text-align: center" | 5LK || style="text-align: center" | 1.24 ||  
| Dee Jay || style="text-align: center" | 5LK || style="text-align: center" | 1.24 ||  
| Lily || style="text-align: center" | 5LP || style="text-align: center" | 1.23 ||
| Jamie || style="text-align: center" | 5LP (DL1) || style="text-align: center" | 1.21 ||  
| Jamie || style="text-align: center" | 5LP (DL1) || style="text-align: center" | 1.21 ||  
Line 850: Line 852:
| Jamie || style="text-align: center" | 5LK || style="text-align: center" | 1.13 ||  
| Jamie || style="text-align: center" | 5LK || style="text-align: center" | 1.13 ||  
| ''Lily'' || style="text-align: center" | ''2LK'' || style="text-align: center" | ''1.13'' || ''Useless unless 2LK is the only thing that can reach at -5; 2LK can only chain into 5LP/2LP at a range where 5LK would already punish''
| JP || style="text-align: center" | 5LK || style="text-align: center" | 1.12 ||  
| JP || style="text-align: center" | 5LK || style="text-align: center" | 1.12 ||  

Revision as of 23:22, 12 September 2024

Frame data

The word "frame" is used to represent the smallest unit of time in the game. In SF6 and most fighting games, one frame is 1/60 of a second, since the game runs at 60 frames per second. Every action a character takes, like walking, jumping, attacking, or blocking, can be measured in terms of frames. Frames are often abbreviated with the letter "f", as in 60f = 60 frames.

As an example, if Chun-Li has a backdash with a duration of 25 frames, this is equal to 25/60 or 5/12 of a second in real time. If you have a 5 frame window to input a combo link, this is a timing window of 5/60 or 1/12 of a second to properly time the combo.

When one character makes contact with another, both will be "stuck" for some period of time. Usually, one character will be able to act again before the opponent has fully recovered; this situation is referred to as "Frame Advantage" (or more specifically Hit Advantage, Block Advantage, Knockdown Advantage, etc). Frame Advantage is represented with a plus or minus sign; +3 means the character can act 3 frames before the opponent, while -6 means the opponent can act 6 frames before you; 0 indicates a neutral advantage where both characters can act simultaneously.

Move Stages

Keeping in mind that all actions are measured in frames, moves can be further divided into phases called Startup, Active, and Recovery. Knowing the definition of each will make it much easier to interpret Frame Data.

  • Startup: The beginning portion of an attack before it can hit the opponent; think "winding up for a punch"
  • Active: The portion of an attack that can hit or grab the opponent
  • Recovery: The ending portion of an attack that can no longer connect with the opponent, and the attacker is unable to perform any other action such as blocking.

FAF Move Stages.png

It's important to note that in modern Street Fighter games, Startup is measured to also include the first Active frame (known as FAF or First Active Frame startup). This is done to make it easier to understand which moves can be used in combos and in punishes (e.g. a move with +5 Advantage combos into a move with 5 frame startup; a move with 7 frame startup can punish a move with -7 Disadvantage). This means that if you want to know the total frame count of an attack, you should add Startup + Active + Recovery frames and then subtract 1 to account for that overlap.

Many older games use "True Startup", in which Startup and Active frames are completely separate; an attack that hits on frame 3 is considered to have 2 frames of Startup. Keep this in mind if comparing frame data between different games.


When you land an attack, the opponent gets "stuck" for a fixed amount of time from the impact.

  • Hitstun - the opponent is stuck in a reeling animation from the hit. Any followup attack that connects while the opponent is stuck in hitstun results in a combo.
  • Blockstun - the opponent is stuck in a blocking pose. Causing the opponent to block a series of attacks is a blockstring; if the opponent never exits blockstun, it is a true blockstring.
  • Hitstop - also known as "Hit Freeze"; time essentially stops for both characters, making a move feel more impactful. Heavier attacks have longer hitstop, and some Punish Counters with special effects can have extra long hitstop. In addition to making the hits look more natural, hitstop helps to give players time to input a special move cancel and hitconfirm followup attacks.

Input Buffer

SF6 gives players some leniency to time their inputs on offense and defense. For most applications, any move can be buffered up to 4 frames early, meaning that there is a 5 frame window to get the follow-up input at the earliest possible timing. As an example, consider a common link for Chun-Li: 5MP (+6 on Hit) into 2MP (6f startup). While this appears to be a 1 frame link, the 4 buffer frames turn it into a 5 frame link, which is much more consistent. This also applies when timing your defensive inputs; if you want to interrupt your opponent's staggered block pressure with a quick jab, you have 5 frames to time the jab as early as possible. The same holds true when attempting an invincible reversal out of hitstun or blockstun.

Dashes and Wakeup Reversals have an increased buffer window of 7 frames (so, an 8 frame total window). Mashing a backdash to escape the opponent's tick throw pressure is much easier as a result of this increased window, and timing an invincible DP or Super on wakeup is easier than doing it out of hitstun or blockstun.

There are some exceptions to the universal input buffer rules, which may be unintended bugs. For example, after blocking Ryu's 5MP, the buffer for a dash is only 4f instead of the intended 7f. There are also some situations where the input buffer does not help execution. Some combos like Ken's Jinrai Loops must have their cancel delayed as late as possible to juggle properly; this late timing cannot be buffered early.

Screen Freeze Buffers

When the screen freezes during your Perfect Parry or during the opponent's Super activation, you can automatically buffer any attack by holding the button after performing the move input. For example, holding a medium button with 6f startup will guarantee a punish starter after any Perfect Parry, even against the fastest light normals or multi-hit attacks. If the opponent tries to chip you out with a Super that can't be jumped out of, you can buffer your own Super motion and hold the Punch/Kick button to make it come out at the earliest possible timing.

The game will choose your most recent input if you attempt multiple moves during a screen freeze. Letting go of the attack button will stop the buffer from occurring, so you can change your mind if you realize that you initially made the wrong decision.

Drive Rush screen freeze also allows your follow-up attack to be buffered, but you must wait until AFTER the freeze occurs before holding the button; nothing will come out if a button is held before the character starts glowing with a green aura.

Priority Systems

Hit Priority

Street Fighter 6 does not use a normal priority system for attacks like the one found in SFV. This means that any two attacks that collide on the same frame will cause a "trade", unless one of the attacks has invincibility frames. Both hits will be considered a Counterhit, and the usual effects (hitstun, knockdown) will apply depending on the attack. Unlike most previous SF titles, strikes actually have priority over throws when they collide on the same frame. This makes tick throw pressure slightly worse in situations where a character has very slight frame advantage.

Projectile Priority

In most Street Fighter games, projectiles have a specific number of hits, with EX moves or Supers usually having more hits than meterless ones. When they would collide, the projectiles would clash hits, and the fireball with more hits would continue onward after subtracting the number of clashed hits.

In Street Fighter 6, clashing projectiles are now subject to a priority system. The general rule is Super Art > OD Projectile > Meterless Projectile. Projectiles of the same priority will clash in the same way as previous games. When a higher priority projectile clashes with a lower priority projectile, it will still be slowed down by the clash, but will not lose any hits in the process.

As an example, Guile can create a meterless 2-hit projectile with Sonic Blade into Sonic Cross. If he uses this against Ryu's 2-hit OD Hadoken, the fireballs will clash twice before the Hadoken continues, retaining both of its hits. If Guile throws out five Sonic Break projectiles during his Lv.2 Super, Ryu's OD Hadoken would clash with each one individually with the same end result.

Luke's Flash Knuckle has the ability to clash with projectiles, and is considered to be at the lowest (meterless) priority. Against a meterless projectile, Luke can cancel the clash into his Lv.3 Super, but this cancel is impossible when clashing with a higher priority projectile.

Move Input Priority

When multiple inputs are entered on the same frame, the game will use this priority list to determine what move comes out. Moves that are higher on this list take precedence over moves below:


Standing/Crouching Hurtboxes

In some previous Street Fighter games, it took a few frames for a character's hurtbox to shift when transitioning from standing to crouching. It was possible to land meaty attacks on crouch blocking opponents that normally whiff on crouchers (e.g. Sagat's High Tiger Shot) due to the forced standing frames on wakeup, and the only way to circumvent this was to wake up with an immediate crouching attack to force a crouching state. Making an opponent stand block a jump-in attack could also make them vulnerable to an instant "fuzzy overhead" attack if they attempt to crouch block immediately, leading to crucial 50/50 guesses at the end of a round.

In Street Fighter 6, there is still technically a transition period between standing and crouching, with the hurtbox fully shifting on the 5th frame. However, entering proximity guard from an attack's startup allows the defender to skip these transition frames. As a result, it is no longer possible to meaty a crouch blocking opponent with attacks that whiff on crouchers, like Ryu 5HK or Cammy 4HK.

Note: SF6 Training Mode does not accurately reflect this scenario if you attempt instant overheads or meaty high attacks on a crouching dummy. This is because when the dummy is set to Crouch + Block All, it is not actually holding Down + Back; instead, it is holding straight Down, then automatically blocking on the final possible frame. Thus, it never enters proximity guard to shift its hurtbox.

Instant Overheads still exist, but they require the opponent to be stuck in blockstun long enough for the jump attack to connect. This is especially notable for Juri, as many people have labbed setups involving instant j.MP > j.214KK that do not actually work in practice. The only way to set up a fuzzy overhead into j.MP is to connect a deep heavy jump-in against a burned out opponent.

When attempting to Parry from a crouching state, the hurtbox remains in a crouching position for the first 2 frames. This means that you cannot automatically Perfect Parry an attack that whiffs on crouchers by simply tapping parry during the move's active frames; instead, you will stand on frame 3 and perform a normal Parry if the attack still has any remaining active frames. This also means that attempting to Perfect Parry certain air attacks (e.g. E. Honda's Sumo Smash) requires a different timing when input from a standing or crouching position.

Combo-Only Hitboxes

Some moves have hitboxes that only interact with an opponent that is already in hitstun. This is often used to make combos/juggles more consistent without making the hitbox too large in other contexts. For example, Luke and Cammy both have a large combo-only hitbox on their SA3, making the attack look like a taller anti-air than it actually is. At mid-range, Guile's SA1 is a combo-only hitbox; this makes it slower as a ranged punish while still allowing it to combo even from ranged whiff punish normals.

This "combo-only" state only applies when a strike causes the initial hitstun; hitstun from a projectile will not allow this type of hitbox to connect, whether the opponent is grounded or in a juggle state.

Recoverable HP

Being hit by a Drive Reversal or absorbing an attack with Armor causes the character to take recoverable damage (or "gray damage/gray life"). Upon taking recoverable damage, a cooldown timer of 120 frames begins, after which point the HP will be restored at a rate of 2HP per frame. For example, a 500 damage Drive Reversal would take 370f total to recover upon impact (120f cooldown + 250f recovery, or 6.17 seconds). Taking real damage will cause any accumulated recoverable HP to be lost. If the gray damage would cause the character's HP to reach 0, a KO will occur; this means that armor cannot be used defensively at low health.

Damage Scaling

As more hits are used in a combo, the damage of each successive attack is reduced. This system, known as "damage scaling", allows longer combos to exist without being overwhelmingly powerful. Most extended combo sequences require the use of Drive or Super meter. Because the marginal damage output of each additional hit is reduced, the decision to spend or save these resources adds complexity to your offensive decision making. Note that this scaling does not affect the amount of Drive/Super meter gained from each hit (outside of Perfect Parry and some SA2 follow-up combos), so long combos can still be useful even if the damage is low.

The main types of damage scaling in SF6 are:

  • Starter Scaling: When starting a combo with this move, the followup is scaled by x%
    • In frame data, written as "applies a x% damage scaling to next hit when beginning a combo"
  • Combo Scaling: When a move is comboed into, the followup is scaled by x%
    • In frame data, may be written as "counts as X hits for damage scaling when comboed into" or "applies an extra X% damage scaling to next attack when comboed into"
  • Immediate Scaling: When comboed into, the damage of this move is immediately scaled by x%
    • e.g. after a crumple, Throws (including most Command Throws) immediately have their damage reduced by an additional 20% when comboed into
    • Similar to Combo Scaling except that any follow-up moves continue scaling as usual

The general progression of damage scaling depends on how the combo is started:

SF6 Damage Scaling
Attack # General Scaling Light Normal Starter
Cancelable 2MK Starter
1st Attack 100% 100% 100%
2nd Attack 100% 80% 80%
3rd Attack 80% 70% 70%
4th Attack 70% 60% 60%
5th Attack 60% 50% 50%
6th Attack 50% 40% 40%
7th Attack 40% 30% 30%
8th Attack 30% 20% 20%
9th Attack 20% 10% 10%
10th + Attack 10% 10% 10%

For scaling purposes, an "attack" corresponds to each move that is input by the player, not the number of hits performed by the character. This means that a move like Chun-Li's Lightning Kicks only counts as one attack, while Jamie's 236P~6K~6K (Freeflow Kicks) sequence counts as 3 separate attacks unless otherwise stated. Target Combos like Kimberly's 5LP~MP~HP~HK sequence also count each hit separately for the purpose of damage scaling.

There are many exceptions to these general guidelines, which are documented below.

System-Wide Scaling

Super Arts
Will always do a set minimum amount of damage, even if the combo would normally be scaled to a lower percent.

  • The minimum is 30% (SA1), 40% (SA2), and 50% (SA3/CA)

Level 3 Super Arts:

  • Additional 10% damage scaling penalty when canceled from a special move
    • This means that a raw Special > SA3 will be scaled as 100% -> 90%
    • Outside of this scenario, it acts as if there is 1 additional hit of scaling (100% -> 100% -> 70%)
    • There are some exceptions to this noted in the character-specific sections

Health Bar References to calculate SA3/CA Damage at Minimum Scaling
Note: At minimum scaling, Akuma's Raging Demon deals ~24%; depending on Medal count, Manon's SA3 deals 20~23% and CA deals 23~26% SF6 Health Bars SA3 Scaling.png

Perfect Parry
Any punish after Perfect Parry multiplies the damage scaling by 50% (so a standard combo would look like 50 -> 50 -> 40 -> 35 -> 30...). There is no way to mitigate this by delaying the punish - if the followup is not scaled, then the opponent's move has recovered and it wasn't a true punish.

Perfect Parry also applies Drive/Super gauge scaling for all hits of a punish combo:

  • Super Gain (attacker/defender) reduced to 80%
  • Drive Gain (attacker) reduced to 50%
  • Drive Damage (defender) reduced to 50%
    • This includes the Drive Damage from a combo into a Super; for example, Critical Art would only deplete 1 Drive bar instead of the usual 2

Drive Rush
When used raw to start a combo:

  • No additional scaling penalty; (any other applicable scaling penalties, such as 2MK starters, still apply)

When used mid-combo (regardless of whether it was canceled into; also applies after Drive Impact Stun):

  • All remaining hits in the combo have an additional 15% scaling penalty (plus any other scaling that applies)
  • This scaling is rounded down to the nearest whole number (59.5 -> 59)
  • Using Drive Rush multiple times per combo does not stack an additional penalty
  • Example combo using Drive Rush cancel and standard scaling progression:
    • 100% -> 85% -> 68% -> 59% -> 51% -> 42% -> 34% -> 25% -> 17% -> 8%...

NOTE: Drive Rush and Perfect Parry scaling can stack with each other multiplicatively; so if you would normally be at 80% scaling on the 3rd hit, you would instead do 34% damage (80 * .5 PP * .85 DR). Both of these can also bring the minimum combo scaling below 10%, and as low as 4% when combined.

Drive Impact
If blocked for a corner wallsplat juggle (indicated by a "CRUSH" icon):

  • A 20% scaling multiplier is applied to the usual damage scaling formula (80% -> 80% -> 64% -> 56% -> 48% ...)
    • Because the DI was blocked, it does not count as the first hit of a combo
    • This means that the first attack after a wallsplat can inflict additional starter scaling

If DI hits the opponent for a crumple/wallsplat or causes a stun against an opponent in Burnout:

  • Incurs 20% starter scaling (follow-up: 80% -> 70% -> 60% ...)

Comboing into a throw (like after a Stun, Drive Impact crumple, or a rare grounded Wall Splat) will apply an immediate 20% damage scaling to the throw. This often applies to command throws as well, but this is not universal. This is also separate from the damage scaling that applies to throws that can start a combo (such as Kimberly with Spray Can, JP with Amnesia/SA2, or Blanka with Blanka-chan Bomb).

Character-Specific Scaling
Move Damage Scaling Notes
A.K.I. 2MK 10% scaling when beginning a combo
  • Not a standard cancelable 2MK
6HK 20% scaling when beginning a combo
j.HP 20% scaling when beginning a combo
214PP~6P 2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
214HP 15% immediate scaling when comboed into
236PP 20% scaling [Toxic Blossom: 10%] when beginning a combo
2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
214K 20% scaling when beginning a combo (meterless versions)
2PP~LPLK 20% immediate scaling when comboed into (Stun, DI Crumple, etc.)
Akuma 5HK 2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
4HK 20% scaling when beginning a combo
j.2MK 20% scaling when beginning a combo
2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
5MP~MP 2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
5MK~HK 2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
236[P] (Lv.2/Lv.3 Charge)
236[PP] (Full Charge)
20% scaling when beginning a combo
2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
j.236P 20% scaling when beginning a combo
2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
  • Also applies to Shin Akuma j.214PP (Double Zanku Hadoken)
623P 20% scaling when beginning a combo
  • 30% total when combined with SA3 cancel scaling
2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
j.214K 30% scaling when beginning a combo
j.214KK 2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
214PP 20% scaling when beginning a combo
214HP~6P 3 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
20% scaling when beginning a combo
2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
236KK~214K 2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
Air SA1 10% scaling when beginning a combo
5% extra scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
SA2 40% scaling when beginning a combo
4 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
Blanka 6HP 20% scaling when beginning a combo
[4]6LP (during SA2)
[4]6MP (during SA2)
10% scaling when beginning a combo
10% immediate scaling when comboed into
[4]6HP 20% scaling when beginning a combo
[4]6HP (during SA2) 20% scaling when beginning a combo
10% immediate scaling when comboed into
[4]6PP (during SA2)
20% scaling when beginning a combo
[2]8K (during SA2) 10% scaling when beginning a combo
10% immediate scaling when comboed into
[2]8KK (during SA2) 40% scaling when beginning a combo
10% immediate scaling when comboed into
63214K (during SA2)
63214KK (during SA2)
10% scaling when beginning a combo
10% immediate scaling when comboed into
j.[4]6P (during SA2)
j.[4]6PP (during SA2)
10% scaling when beginning a combo
10% immediate scaling when comboed into
22P (Blanka-Chan) 20% scaling when beginning a combo
2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
Forward Throw 20% scaling when beginning a combo into Blanka-chan Bomb (applies to 3rd hit of combo)
  • e.g. Throw 100% -> Blanka-chan 100% (2-hit scaling) -> Follow-up 50%
  • 3rd combo hit (usually 80%) is reduced 20% from Throw and another 10% by Blanka-chan
Cammy 4HK 20% scaling when beginning a combo
6HK 20% scaling when beginning a combo
5HP~HK Each hit of HK counts as a separate attack for scaling
2nd hit applies 2 hits of combo scaling to follow-up when comboed into
236KK 5% extra scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
214MP 20% scaling when beginning a combo
214HP/PP 20% scaling when beginning a combo
2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
j.214K 20% scaling when beginning a combo
j.214KK 20% scaling when beginning a combo
10% immediate scaling when comboed into
  • Also applies to OD Hooligan Divekick
20% scaling when beginning a combo
236P~K Divekick 20% scaling when beginning a combo
236[HP]~K Divekick
236PP~K Divekick
20% scaling when beginning a combo
10% immediate scaling when comboed into
236P~2K Overhead
236[HP]~2K Overhead
236PP~2K Overhead
20% scaling when beginning a combo
236[HP]~LPLK Throw 20% scaling when beginning a combo
236PP~LPLK Throw 30% scaling when beginning a combo
Chun-Li 5HK 20% scaling when beginning a combo
j.2MK 15% scaling when beginning a combo
[4]6PP 20% scaling when beginning a combo
j.236K 20% scaling when beginning a combo
  • Weaker when used as a counter to throw loops
20% scaling when beginning a combo
214MK 30% scaling when beginning a combo
214KK 20% scaling when beginning a combo
2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
SA2 40% scaling when beginning a combo
3 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
Dee Jay 5HP 20% scaling when beginning a combo
5HK 20% scaling when beginning a combo
[4]6PP 20% scaling when beginning a combo
236HK 25% scaling when beginning a combo
236KK 20% scaling when beginning a combo
2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
214PP 2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
214K~LK 20% scaling when beginning a combo
214KK~HK 2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
SA1 40% scaling when beginning a combo (Counter-Hit/Punish Counter crumple follow-ups)
SA2 25% scaling when beginning a combo
3 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
  • Follow-up rhythm hits do not add additional scaling
Dhalsim 2LK Does not have the usual light normal scaling
  • 1LK acts as a standard 2LK with 20% starter scaling
2MK 20% scaling when beginning a combo (after well-spaced slide)
  • 1MK acts as a standard cancelable 2MK with 20% starter scaling
4HP 20% scaling when beginning a combo
j.MP / j.MK
j.HP / j.HK
20% scaling when beginning a combo
j.2K 20% scaling when beginning a combo
236KK 20% scaling when beginning a combo
2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
j.63214PP 20% scaling when beginning a combo
Ed 2MP Acts as a standard cancelable 2MK with 20% starter scaling
5[HP] (Lv.1)
5[HP] (Lv.2)
20% scaling when beginning a combo
5MP~HP 2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
2HK~HP 3 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
623LP 30% scaling when beginning a combo
2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
214PP 2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
(Charged LK/MK/HK version)
20% scaling when beginning a combo
15% extra scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
236[KK] 20% scaling when beginning a combo
5% extra scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
5KK~6P (Early) 20% scaling when beginning a combo
2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
5KK~6P (Late) 20% scaling when beginning a combo
SA3 / CA 30% immediate scaling when canceled into from 236LK/236MK
E. Honda Enhanced 214P
(Sumo Spirit)
2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
  • Meterless versions only
[4]6P 30% scaling when beginning a combo
  • 40% total when combined with SA3 cancel scaling
25% scaling when beginning a combo (Punish Counter OTG bounce)
20% immediate scaling when comboed into (Stun, DI Crumple, etc.)
Guile 5HP 20% scaling when beginning a combo
2MK 20% scaling when beginning a combo (includes 2MK~6MP Target Combo)
  • Not a standard cancelable 2MK
2HK 20% scaling when beginning a combo (2HK~3HK Punish or Drive Rush starter)
(Double Shot)
10% immediate scaling on the 2nd attack
  • Starting a combo (2MP~2MP > Special): 100% -> 90% -> 70%
  • Comboed into (e.g. j.HK, 2MP~2MP > Special): 100% -> 100% -> 70% -> 60%
[4]6PP 20% scaling when beginning a combo
[2]8K 30% scaling when beginning a combo
  • 40% total when combined with SA3 cancel scaling
Jamie Drink Levels
(DL0 - DL4)
90/95/100/105/110% scaling for DL0/1/2/3/4 respectively
  • Reaching DL4 with SA2 install only gives 105% scaling
(DL4 Headbutt)
2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
2KK 20% scaling when beginning a combo
All 6P follow-ups do not count as separate attacks for damage scaling
  • 6K follow-ups and meterless 6P follow-ups still count separately
623LK 30% scaling when beginning a combo
214PP 20% scaling when beginning a combo
214P~6P (DL4)
214PP~6P (DL4)
20% scaling when beginning a combo
  • e.g. blocked palm + frame trap into 6P follow-up
j.214KK (DL1+) 20% scaling when beginning a combo
10% immediate scaling when comboed into (e.g. j.MP > 214KK)
63214K (DL3+) 20% scaling when beginning a combo, applied to the 3rd hit of combo
  • e.g. 63214K (100%), 2MP (100%) > 623K (60%)

20% immediate scaling when comboed into (e.g. after corner PC 214PP)

63214KK (DL3+) 30% scaling when beginning a combo
SA3 (Launch) 2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
JP 5HP 20% scaling when beginning a combo
4MP~MP 2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
Forward Throw 40% scaling when beginning a combo (juggle into SA2 or Amnesia bomb)
  • Back Throw can also juggle before Throw damage is applied, causing no additional scaling
214P (Portal Spike)
214PP (Portal Spike)
20% scaling when beginning a combo
  • Also applies to manual activation with 214HP
22PP 20% scaling when beginning a combo
236KK 20% scaling when beginning a combo
25% immediate scaling when comboed into
22K (Bomb Explosion)
22KK (Bomb Explosion)
50% scaling when beginning a combo
60% immediate scaling when comboed into
  • Canceling a move into SA3 immediately detonates bombs to prevent JP from bypassing this scaling
SA2 25% scaling when beginning a combo, applied to the 3rd hit of combo
25% immediate scaling when comboed into
Juri 5HK
20% scaling when beginning a combo
236LK (1-Stock) 20% scaling when beginning a combo
2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
236MK (1-Stock)
20% scaling when beginning a combo
2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
236MK+HK 20% scaling when beginning a combo
Ken 5MK 20% scaling when beginning a combo
  • Applies to 5MK~MK~HK Target Combo or links after CH/PC/DR 5MK
5HK 30% scaling when beginning a combo
  • Applies to Punish Counter juggle follow-ups
5MP~HP 2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack after HP)
236PP 20% scaling when beginning a combo
623P 20% scaling when beginning a combo
  • 30% total when combined with SA3 cancel scaling
30% scaling when beginning a combo
623LK 30% scaling when beginning a combo
30% scaling when beginning a combo
3 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
5% extra scaling when comboed into
Each hit counts separately for scaling when juggled into
236K~6LK 20% scaling when beginning a combo
5% extra scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
236KK~6MK 20% scaling when beginning a combo
2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
KK~214K 15% scaling when beginning a combo
Kimberly 5MK 15% scaling when beginning a combo
2MK 15% scaling when beginning a combo
  • Not a standard cancelable 2MK
3MK 15% scaling when beginning a combo
4HK 25% scaling when beginning a combo
6HK 20% scaling when beginning a combo
214KK 30% scaling when beginning a combo
j.214K 20% scaling when beginning a combo
j.214KK 20% scaling when beginning a combo
2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
236LP 20% scaling when beginning a combo
  • Mostly relevant after spaced +5 starter or when Light > Light > 236LP breaks DI armor as a Counter-hit
20% scaling when beginning a combo
(OD Arc Step > Throw)
20% scaling when beginning a combo (OTG bounce)
j.236PP 20% scaling when beginning a combo (OTG bounce)
2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
20% scaling when beginning a combo
Explosion counts as 2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
  • No difference between single/double spraycan detonation
Forward Throw 20% scaling when beginning a combo into Spraycan explosion
  • Total scaling will be: 100% (Throw) -> 80% (Bomb) -> 60% (Follow-up Juggle) ...
SA3 / CA Upon activation, base damage scaling increased to 111% for the rest of the match
  • Effectively brings Kimberly's damage values in line with the rest of the cast
Lily 214PP 20% scaling when beginning a combo
2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
20% scaling when beginning a combo
2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
20% scaling when beginning a combo
2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
10% immediate scaling when comboed into (e.g. canceled from 623PP on hit)
20% immediate scaling when comboed into (Stun, DI Crumple, etc.)
SA3 / CA 10% immediate scaling when comboed into
  • Unlike most SA3 scaling, this applies to any combo, not just from special moves
Luke 2MP 15% scaling when beginning a combo
2HP 5% extra scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
5LP~MP 10% immediate scaling when comboed into (applies directly to the MP)
  • Stacks with the standard 20% Light starter penalty
6HP~6HP 2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
236PP 20% scaling when beginning a combo
2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
Each hit counts as a separate attack for scaling
50% scaling when beginning a combo
M. Bison 5HP 20% scaling when beginning a combo
Psycho Mine Acts as 1 standard hit of damage scaling at the beginning or middle of combo
  • Does not add extra scaling when automatically triggered by special moves
30% scaling when beginning a combo
  • 40% total when combined with SA3 cancel scaling
  • Also applies with automatic Psycho Mine detonation
236LK 30% scaling when beginning a combo
236MK 20% scaling when beginning a combo
Manon 214KK 20% scaling when beginning a combo
10% immediate scaling when comboed into
SA3 / CA 5% immediate scaling when comboed into
15% when canceled from 236HK 1st hit
  • Unlike most SA3 scaling, this applies to any combo, not just from special moves
Marisa 5HP / 5[HP] 10% scaling when beginning a combo
  • Applies to 5HP~HP Target Combo or after PC/DR 5HP links
5HK / 5[HK] 10% scaling when beginning a combo
  • Mostly relevant for Punish Counter 5HK juggles
5LP~LP 10% scaling when beginning a combo with the second 5LP
5% extra scaling when 2nd hit is comboed into (applies to next attack)
  • 5LP~LP has a 3f gap on block, allowing the 2nd hit to frame trap and begin a combo
  • The initial 5LP requires CH/PC/DR to combo into the 2nd hit of the TC
(MP/HP/PP versions)
2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
30% scaling when beginning a combo
623PP 20% scaling when beginning a combo
2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
SA2 15% immediate scaling when comboed into
Rashid 2HP 20% scaling when beginning a combo
6HK 20% scaling when beginning a combo
j.2HP 15% scaling when beginning a combo
5MP~HK 2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
Run~6K 15% scaling when beginning a combo
(Air Current)
20% scaling when beginning a combo
2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
30% scaling when beginning a combo
(Air Current)
20% scaling when beginning a combo
2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
10% scaling when beginning a combo
(Regular/Air Current)
20% scaling when beginning a combo
2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
25% scaling when beginning a combo
15% extra scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
20% scaling when beginning a combo
2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
214PP 20% scaling when beginning a combo
2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
(Nail Assault)
20% scaling when beginning a combo
SA2 2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
Ryu 236PP
Denjin 236HP
Denjin 236PP
20% scaling when beginning a combo
2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
623P 30% scaling when beginning a combo
  • 40% total when combined with SA3 cancel scaling
j.214K 30% scaling when beginning a combo
j.214KK 15% extra scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
236KK 5% extra scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
214PP (Regular) 2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
Zangief j.2HP 2 hits of scaling when comboed into (applies to next attack)
  • e.g. Drive Impact crumple, j.2HP, juggle SA1
10% immediate scaling when comboed into (Stun, DI Crumple, corner PC 3HK)
j.360+K 20% immediate scaling when comboed into
j.360+KK 10% immediate scaling when comboed into
63214K (Close)
10% immediate scaling when comboed into (Stun, DI Crumple, corner PC 3HK)
SA1 10% immediate scaling when comboed into
SA3 / CA 10% immediate scaling when comboed into (Stun, DI Crumple, corner PC 3HK)

System data

General Data

name hp throwRange
Juri 10000 0.8
Manon 10000 0.8
Marisa 10500 0.9
M.Bison 10000 0.8
Chun-Li 10000 0.8
Jamie 10000 0.8
Akuma 9000 0.8
Blanka 10000 0.9
Cammy 10000 0.8
Dee Jay 10000 0.8
Dhalsim 10000 0.8
Ed 10000 0.8
E. Honda 10500 0.9
Guile 10000 0.8
Luke 10000 0.8
Mai 10000 0.80
Terry 10000 0.8
Kimberly 10000 0.8
A.K.I. 10000 0.8
Lily 10000 0.8
Rashid 10000 0.8
Zangief 11000 1.02
Ryu 10000 0.8
Ken 10000 0.8
JP 10000 0.8


name fwdWalkSpd bwdWalkSpd fwdDashSpd bwdDashSpd fwdDashDist bwdDashDist
Juri 0.047 0.032 22 23 1.903 1.114
Manon 0.0452 0.031 21 25 1.499 1.254
Marisa 0.039 0.027 22 25 1.40 0.90
M.Bison 0.048 0.0312 19 23 1.54 0.754
Chun-Li 0.050 0.035 19 25 1.508 1.211
Jamie 0.048 0.035 19 23 1.50 0.85
Akuma 0.052 0.035 19 23 1.352 0.923
Blanka 0.047 0.032 19 23 1.578 1.169
Cammy 0.0505 0.033 18 23 1.32 1.002
Dee Jay 0.043 0.032 19 23 1.50 0.90
Dhalsim 0.028 0.025 25 23 1.467 1.00
Ed 0.0475 0.032 19 23 1.348 0.803
E. Honda 0.045 0.025 19 23 1.058 0.601
Guile 0.043 0.032 21 23 1.567 0.74
Luke 0.047 0.032 19 23 1.467 0.751
Mai 0.050 0.035 18 23 1.450 0.900
Terry 0.048 0.032 19 23 1.50 0.985
Kimberly 0.0505 (0.0561) 0.033 (0.0366) 18 23 1.409 0.893
A.K.I. 0.0452 0.032 19 23 1.300 1.079
Lily 0.042 0.027 21 24 1.154 0.939
Rashid 0.045 0.032 18 25 1.20 (1.86) 1.10 (1.91)
Zangief 0.0364 0.025 22 25 1.007 0.712
Ryu 0.047 0.032 19 23 1.252 0.923
Ken 0.047 0.032 19 23 1.322 0.923
JP 0.037 0.025 22 23 1.454 1.003

Jump Data

name jumpSpd fwdJumpDist bwdJumpDist jumpApex
Juri 4+38+3 1.90 1.52 2.115
Manon 4+38+3 1.90 1.52 2.115
Marisa 4+38+3 1.90 1.52 2.115
M.Bison 4+38+3 1.90 1.52 2.115
Chun-Li 4+42+3 2.10 1.68 2.247
Jamie 4+38+3 1.90 1.52 2.115
Akuma 4+38+3 1.90 1.52 2.115
Blanka 4+38+3 1.90 1.52 2.115
Cammy 4+38+3 1.90 1.52 2.115
Dee Jay 4+38+3 1.90 1.52 2.115
Dhalsim 4+68+3 2.04 1.768 2.178
Ed 4+38+3 1.90 1.52 2.115
E. Honda 4+38+3 1.90 1.52 2.115
Guile 4+38+3 1.90 1.52 2.115
Luke 4+38+3 1.90 1.52 2.115
Mai 4+38+3 1.90 1.52 2.115
Terry 4+38+3 1.90 1.52 2.115
Kimberly 4+38+3 1.90 1.52 2.115
A.K.I. 4+40+3 2.00 1.60 2.176
Lily 5+39+3 1.95 1.56 2.139
Rashid 4+38+3 1.90 (5.07) 1.52 (3.63) 2.115
Zangief 5+38+3 1.725 1.406 2.115
Ryu 4+38+3 1.90 1.52 2.115
Ken 4+38+3 1.90 1.52 2.115
JP 4+38+3 1.90 1.52 2.115


Range Comparisons

Character Startup
Range Notes
Juri 8 1.517 1st active frame: 1.446
Cammy 8 1.49
Ryu 8 1.482
Luke 8 1.482 1st active frame: 1.44
M. Bison 8 1.482
Blanka 8 1.48 Wide hurtbox (outpoked by shorter 2MKs)
Chun-Li 7 1.477
Akuma 8 1.473
Ken 7 1.46
Jamie 7 1.42
Ed 8 1.41 2MP (functions as a 2MK)
Rashid 7 1.405
Lily 9 1.364
A.K.I. 7 1.34 Super Cancel only
Dhalsim* 8 1.19 1MK (2MK input is Slide)

Character Button Range Pushback
Zangief 2LK 1.39 0.373 0.433
E. Honda 2LP 1.23 0.402 0.412
Marisa 2LP 1.17 0.363 0.389
Luke 2LP 1.14 0.404 0.385
E. Honda 5LK 1.12 0.531 0.550
Blanka 5LK 1.11 0.499 0.522
Rashid 5LP 1.11 0.405 0.418
M. Bison 5LK 1.10 0.213 0.218
Manon 2LP 1.09 0.427 0.436
JP 2LP 1.07 0.371 0.325
M. Bison 2LP 1.06 0.404 0.385
Cammy 5LP 1.05 0.352 0.304
Cammy 2LP 1.05 0.352 0.304
Chun-Li 5LP 1.05 0.320 0.343
A.K.I. 5LK 1.04 0.211 0.379
Dee Jay 5LP 1.04 0.409 0.428
Guile 2LP 1.03 0.468 0.389
Akuma 5LP 1.02 0.364 0.378
Ed 2LP 1.02 0.361 0.338
Ken 5LP 1.01 0.375 0.333
Kimberly 2LP 1.01 0.289 0.259
Manon 5LP 1.01 0.424 0.433
Rashid 5LK 1.01 0.266 0.271
Ryu 5LP 1.01 0.289 0.378
Akuma 2LP 1.00 0.383 0.341
Jamie 2LP 0.98 0.361 0.374
A.K.I. 2LP 0.96 0.277 0.286
Ryu 2LP 0.94 0.277 0.330
Ed 5LP 0.92 0.289 0.278
Juri 2LP 0.92 0.320 0.330
Chun-Li 2LP 0.91 0.321 0.338
Ken 2LP 0.89 0.351 0.330
Dhalsim 5LP 0.88 0.373 0.385
Chun-Li 2LK 0.85 0.325 0.330
Juri 5LP 0.85 0.319 0.333
Lily 5LK 0.82 0.425 0.436
Dhalsim* 2LK* 0.81 0.422 0.431

Note: Dhalsim 2LK is an unsafe, uncancelable slide; 1.44 range on final active frame

Note: This table lists cancelable 5-frame buttons that are useful for ranged punishes.
Some non-cancelable buttons may also be included if they link into a consistent punish at max range, or if the character has no other useful 5f options near max range.
These less useful options are listed in italics.

Character Button Range Notes
Blanka 5LP 1.36
Manon 5LK 1.35
Marisa 2LK 1.34 Useless unless 2LK is the only thing that can reach at -5
Ken 5LK 1.32
Akuma 5LK 1.30
Ed 2LK 1.30
Ryu 5LK 1.30
E. Honda 5LP 1.28
Cammy 5LK 1.27
Guile 5LK 1.27
Luke 5LK 1.26
M. Bison 5LP 1.26
Dee Jay 5LK 1.24
Lily 5LP 1.23
Jamie 5LP (DL1) 1.21
Kimberly 5LK 1.20
A.K.I. 2LK 1.19 Only useful as max range punish linked into 2MK
Dee Jay 2LP 1.18
Juri 5LK 1.16
Dhalsim 2LP 1.14
Chun-Li 5LK 1.13
Jamie 5LK 1.13
JP 5LK 1.12
Guile 5LP 1.07
Dhalsim 1LK 1.05
Rashid 2LP 1.02 Less range than 5LP, which has 4f startup
Jamie 5LP (DL0) 0.97
Kimberly 5LP 0.97 Kimberly's shortest light punish, but links into 5HP on Punish Counter for stronger conversions
Ken 5MP 0.91 Short range but strong 5f punish starter if it reaches
A.K.I. 5LP 0.90 Short range but useful punish into 5LP~LP Target Combo
Cammy 4MP 0.83 Short range but strong 5f punish starter if it reaches
Chun-Li 5MP 0.80 Short range but strong 5f punish starter if it reaches
Zangief -- -- No 5f punish options (must use 2LK for -4 and -5 punishes)

Note: Sweep refers to any low-hitting normal or command normal that knocks down.

Character Button Range Notes
M. Bison 3HK 3.47 Slides forward; Range 1.75 on 1st active frame
Blanka 3HP 3.10 Slides forward
Dhalsim 2HK 3.06 Slides forward; Range 1.50 on 1st active frame
JP 3HP 2.41
Chun-Li 214P~MP 2.30 Slides forward; Range 1.89 on 1st active frame
Dee Jay 2HK 2.19 Slides forward; Range 1.62 on 1st active frame
E. Honda 6HK* 2.11 Only knocks down on Punish Counter
Guile 2HK 2.04 / 1.76 2 hits (2nd / 1st); Range 1.74 on 1st active frame of 1st hit
Jamie 2HK 2.02 / 1.67 2 hits (2nd / 1st)
Manon 2HK 2.01
Marisa 2[HK] 1.96
M. Bison 2HK 1.99
Zangief 2HK 1.96
Lily 2HK 1.93 / 1.70 2 hits; Range 1.67 on 1st active frame of 1st hit
A.K.I. 2HP 1.92 Does not actually slide forward during the active frames like the animation suggests
Blanka 2HK 1.87
Marisa 2HK 1.86
Juri 2HK 1.79
Ryu 2HK 1.79
Akuma 2HK 1.78 Moves forward during animation
Ed 2HP 1.78
Cammy 2HK 1.73
Rashid 2HK 1.71
Luke 2HK 1.66
Ken 2HK 1.65
E. Honda 2HK 1.61
Chun-Li 2HK 1.52
Dee Jay 2MK 1.52 Fast and safe, but no Hard Knockdown on regular hit
Kimberly 2HK 1.52 Less range on active frames 2-3
JP 2HK 1.38 Short range but very safe when spaced
Dhalsim 1HK 1.29

Counterhit Trade Chart

Tested with Juri's 5MP,5MP frame trap. Accounting for 4 frame normals only. Values with an * note that it is highly unlikely the defending player would press this button.
Can use this chart as a comparison for other characters using it as a baseline to know what will and will not counter hit trade.

Character Move Advantage
Dhalsim 2LK +5*
Manon 5LP +6
JP 2LP +6
E.Honda 2LP +6
Luke 2LP +7
Jamie 2LP +7
Lily 5LK +7
E.Honda 5LK +7
Blanka 5LK +7
Guile 2LP +7
Ken 2LP +7
Rashid 5LK +7
Rashid 5LP +8
A.K.I. 2LP +8
Manon 2LP +8
Marisa 2LP +8
Juri 2LP +8
Juri 5LP +8*
Cammy 5LP +8
Cammy 2LP +8
Ryu 2LP +8
Chun-Li 5LP +8
Zangief 2LK +8
Dhalsim 5LP +8
Kimberly 2LP +9
Ryu 5LP +9
Ken 5LP +9
Chun-Li 2LP +9
Deejay 5LP +10
Chun-Li 2LK +11*

SF6 Navigation

Dee Jay
E. Honda
M. Bison