Street Fighter 6/Jamie/Combos: Difference between revisions

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Line 1,217: Line 1,217:
   | Difficulty = {{clr|2|Medium}}
   | Difficulty = {{clr|2|Medium}}
   | Notes      = An extension of the 3 bar combo.
   | Notes      = An extension of the 3 bar combo.
  | Video      =
  | Combo      = DR~6MK, 2LP > DR~2LP, 2HP > 236KK > 214214PP, 2HP > 214HP~P
  | Position  = Anywhere
  | Damage    = 3238
  | Drive      = 5
  | Super      = 2
  | Difficulty = {{clr|3|Hard}}
  | Notes      = High damage from an overhead, although difficult and costly. Useful to close out a round where you don't want to spend SA3.
   | Video      =  
   | Video      =  

Revision as of 18:00, 21 March 2024

Combo Notation Guide

Click "Expand" for information about combo notation in SF6:

SF6 Combo Notation Guide
Notation Meaning
> Cancel the previous move to the following move.
e.g. Normal into Special (2MK > 236P) or Special into Super (623P > 236236K)
~ Chain/Cancel the previous move into a followup.
e.g. Luke's target combo (LP~MP~HP) or Rising Uppercut into Slam Dunk (623PP~PP)
, Link the previous move to the following move.
e.g. 5MP, 2MP (requires manual timing)
An example with Ken that uses all three "connecting" symbols:
2LP, 5MP~HP > 623P > 236236P
2LP links into 5MP; 5MP chains into HP Target Combo; HP cancels into Shoryuken which cancels into Lv.3 Super
j.X Jumping action; for Neutral Jump, use 8j.X
e.g. Kimberly j.2MP (Elbow Drop) or Ryu j.214K (Aerial Tatsumaki Senpukyaku)
P or K Any Punch or Any Kick (when button strength does not matter)
PP or KK represents any two punches/kicks.
X/Y Do either X move or Y move.
e.g. end a combo with 214K/623P
[X] Hold the button input
e.g. Luke 214[LP] = charged LP Flash Knuckle
dl.X Briefly delay the action
e.g. Ken 236HK~dl.6LK (Jinrai Loop starter)
AA Anti-air; hit the opponent while they're mid-air.
May cause a different juggle state compared to a grounded opponent.
Y xN
{Y} xN
Repeat 'Y' input 'N' number of times.
A sequence of multiple inputs will be bundled into "{}".
e.g. 5LP x3 (5LP, 5LP, 5LP) or {2HP > Drive Rush} x3
Y > DR Button Y cancelled into Drive Rush (3-bar version)
e.g. 5HP > DR
DR~Y Drive Rush into Button Y (cancel the dash frames early into a followup attack)
This can be done from the 1-bar or 3-bar versions of Drive Rush
e.g. 236HP Launch, DR~5LP
An example for Ryu using both Drive Rush notations:
2MK > DR~5HP (cancel 2MK into Drive Rush, then immediately use 5HP during dash animation)

Combo Theory

Drink Levels

As Jamie continues to increase his Drink Level (Either by using The Devil Inside (22P) or by using his various specials and target combos to do so), several changes occur:

  • With each new drink level, he obtains one new special move and one new target combo.
  • At level 2, Jamie gains Bakkai (236K) an anti projectile move that also doubles as your strongest combo ender.
  • At level 4, his Freeflow Strikes (236P) become safe on the first hit (-3), and due to being a multi-hit, can self-hit-confirm into the next part of the special.
  • Jamie's attack damage and combo damage increase as he drinks.
    Specifically, the scaling on his attacks begin at 90% at Level 0, and increase by 5% with each drink level up to 110% at Level 4. This scaling also affects attacks deeper into combos.

At Drink Level 0

While at drink level 0, your combos should always be structured around getting a drink at the end. Here are some common ways to obtain that first drink:

  • Hit confirming 5MK or 2MK into Freeflow Kicks
  • Ending a combo with Phantom Sway (2HK~HK~P}
  • Ending a combo with OD Swagger Step will allow for 1 or 2 drinks depending on the opponents character
  • After a back throw, most opponents are too far to punish a drink attempt

At Drink Level 1

At Drink Level 1, you gain access to Bitter Strikes (5LP~LK~MP). This is Jamie's most important target combo as it is special cancelable at the end and only requires 5 frames to start up to land the first hit.
Jamie also gains access to his Luminous Dive Kick special move. This gives him access to extended combos routes after Tensei Kick (2KK) as well as a good tool for mixing up.

At Drink Level 2

At Drink Level 3

At Drink Level 4

Combo Enders

Jamie has various ways to end his combos depending on the situation and position he is in.

Freeflow Strikes/Kicks

A good special move for hit confirming off of pokes due to it being relatively safe (-6) if spaced correctly and being able to easily hit confirmed into the rekka sequence.

  • Can be confirmed into with light attacks


  • Can be confirmed into off of medium pokes


  • Mainly useful after a 2HP to end a combo


  • The OD version of the kicks sequence is +1 in the corner instead of being -1
  • Use this version in the corner to maintain you pressure.

Arrow Kick

Aside from being a good reversal and decent anti-air, ending combos in Arrow Kick can work very well. 623LK

  • Sets up an auto timed safe jump in the corner
  • +4 after a double dash.


  • Mainly used to setup a meaty DRP~6MP.


  • Deals the most damage
  • Leaves enough frame advantage / distance to increase your drink level.

Swagger Step

A decent move to end combos in, at most levels it is more worthwhile to use Bakkai or Arrow kick but Swagger Step does have some practicality as an ender.

  • Can be used after bitter strikes for decent damage and oki but is more worthwhile to use Arrow Kick


  • Most commonly use to end combos after the Ransui Haze headbutt due to its damage being higher than Bakkai at drink level 4 with the follow up hit.


  • The most common Swagger Step ender.
  • Does good damage and allows for a drink level at the cost of oki.


  • A special mention goes out to the OD Swagger Step, due to its high amount of KD advantage it is a great option when going to drink levels as most of the time you are able to get two drinks off before the opponent can properly punish.


After reaching drink level 2, Bakkai becomes Jamie's best combo ender for most situations due to its high damage and better scaling than other options 236LK

  • Similarly to Light Arrow Kick, ending a combo with this move leaves you +42 and automatically times a safe jump.


  • Not much use for this version of the special move other than some niche setups.


  • The best option for damage while at drink levels 2 and 3.

Combo List

Light Confirms

Confirms off of light normals, useful for interrupting an opponent's pressure or punishing a fast poke.

Drink Level 0
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
2LP , 5LK~LK > 623HK Anywhere 1566 0 0 Easy Useful for beating out block strings with big gaps. +39 KD, use to get a drink in.
2LP , 5LK~LK > 623LK Anywhere 1314 0 0 Easy A 5LK might need to be removed based on distance. +42 KD safe jump in the corner, or +5 anywhere after 2 dashes.
2LP , 2LK , 5LK > 623LK Anywhere 1233 0 0 Easy The light portion is useful as a block string due to it pushing further than other light strings.
Drink Level 1
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
2LP , 5LP~LK~MP > 623LK Anywhere 1544 0 0 Easy Easy link that is great for squeezing in extra damage after DRP~5HP
5LK , 2LP , 5LP~LK~MP > 623LK Anywhere 1612 0 0 Easy Only possible at very close distances but does lead to some extra damage.

Medium Confirms

Confirms off of medium normals, useful for starting combos off of pokes in neutral.

Drink Level 0
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
5MP , 5LK > 236LP~LK~LK Anywhere 1462 0 0 Easy Easy link that leads to a drink.
5MP , 5LK > 623LK Anywhere 1530 0 0 Easy Easy link that leads to a safe jump.
2MP > 236MP~MK~MK Anywhere 1431 0 0 Easy Low-hitting confirm into drink level
Drink Level 1
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
5MP , 5LP~LK~MP > 623LK Anywhere 1907 0 0 Easy Easy link that leads to safe jump and more damage as well as a more lenient input window.
5MP , 5LP~LK~MP > 236LP~LK~LK Anywhere 1824 0 0 Easy Slightly less damage but increases drink level.
Drink Level 2
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
5MP , 5LP~LK~MP > 236LK Anywhere 2250 0 0 Easy More damage and safe jump

Heavy Confirms

Confirms off of heavy normals, useful for punishing very unsafe moves in neutral

Drink Level 0
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
2HP > 214HP Anywhere ? 0 0 Easy Simple combo but pretty damaging
2HP > 236HP~HK~HK Anywhere ? 0 0 Easy Simple combo that leads into drink
Drink Level 2
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
2HP > 236HK Anywhere ? 0 0 Easy Simple combo that is more damaging than ending in palm
Drink Level 4
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
2HP > 214HP~6HP Anywhere ? 0 0 Easy Extension to DL1 combo

Punish Counter

Punishers by range, shortest to longest, tested on DL0: 5HP, 2LP, 2MP, 5HP(2 hits), 5LK, 5MP, 2MK, 5MK, 5HP(1 hit), 5HK, 6HK, DI.

Drink Level 0
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
2LP, 2HP > 623HK Anywhere 2007 0 0 Easy
2LP, 2HP > 236HP~K~K Anywhere 1809 0 0 Easy +1 drink.
2LP, 2MK > 236MP~P~P Anywhere 1539 0 0 Very Easy Ranged option.
2LP, 2MK > 236MP~K~K Anywhere 1422 0 0 Very Easy +1 drink. Ranged option.

Drink Level 0
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
5HP, 5LK~LK > 623HK Anywhere 2340 0 0 Easy
5HP, 5LK~LK > 236LP~K~K Anywhere 2015 0 0 Easy +1 drink.
5LK, 2MK > 236MP~K~K Anywhere 1476 0 0 Easy +1 drink. Ranged option. 2MK may still whiff on max range.

Drink Level 0
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
2MP, 2MP > 236MP~K~K Anywhere 1935 0 0 Easy +1 drink.
2MP, 2MK > 236MP~K~K Anywhere 1845 0 0 Easy +1 drink. Ranged option.

Drink Level 0
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
5MP, 2HP > 623HK Anywhere 2466 0 0 Easy
5MP, 2HP > 236HP~K~K Anywhere 2268 0 0 Easy +1 drink.
5MP, 2MK > 236MP~K~K Anywhere 1845 0 0 Easy +1 drink. Ranged option. 2MK may still whiff on max range.

Drink Level 0
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
5HP, 5LK > 623HK Anywhere 2034 0 0 Easy Less damage than faster DL0 meterless options, but has more range.
5HP, 5LK > 236LP~K~K Anywhere 1678 0 0 Easy +1 drink. Less damage than faster DL0 meterless options, but has more range.

Drink Level 0
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
5HK, Dash, 2HP > 623HK Anywhere 2682 0 0 Easy
5HK, Dash, 5MK > 214HP Anywhere 2268 0 0 Easy Ranged option.
5HK, Dash, 5MK > 214PP Anywhere 2196 0 0 Easy +1~2 drinks. Ranged option.
Drink Level 1
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
5HK, Dash, 2HP > 623LK Anywhere 2527 0 0 Easy Simple and leads to a safe jump.
5HK, DR~2KK > j.HK, 5HP, 2HK-K-P Anywhere 2936 1 0 Hard Generally would do this midscreen. 5HP into Sweep is hard but doable with practice!
5HK, Dash, 2HP > 214PP, 2HK-K-P Corner 3416 2 0 Easy Resource efficient damage and a drink with plus frames. Can do 623HK (3527) or SA1 (3989) for more damage.

Drink Level 0
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
6HK, 2MP > 236MP~K~K Anywhere 2259 0 0 Easy +1 drink
6HK, 2MK > 236MP~K~K Anywhere 2169 0 0 Easy +1 drink. Ranged option.
6HK, 2MP > 236236K Anywhere 3024 0 1 Medium
6HK, 2MP > 236236K[2] Anywhere 2772 0 1 Medium +1 drink.
Drink Level 1
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
DR~5HP, 2HP > 236236P, DR~2KK > dl.j.HK, j.MP > j.214HK Anywhere 4929 2 3 Medium Universal SA3 route that leads to good damage. Dash after the divekick to be +7. JB's Jamie Guide
DR~5HP, 2HP > 214PP, 5HP > DR~2HP > 214PP, 623HK Corner 4103 8 0 Medium 1st DR~5HP gains some Drive, so 8 Drive is spent total. Burnout -> Corner damage dump. SA1 = 4327
DR~5HP, 2HP > 236236P, DR~2HP, 623HK, 623KK Corner 5329 4 3 Easy Super Art 3 for lots of damage.

2KK Anti-Air

Counter hit unless stated otherwise

Drink Level 0
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
2KK, 2HK~K~P Anywhere 1539 0 0 Easy +1 drink, +4 oki in the corner.
Drink Level 1
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
2KK > dl.j.MP > j.214HK Anywhere 1876 0 0 Medium +25 oki.
2KK > dl.j.MP > j.214KK, dl.2HK~K~P Anywhere 2050 2 0 Medium +1 drink, +4 oki in the corner.
Drink Level 2
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
2KK > dl.j.MP > j.214KK, 236LK Anywhere 2460 2 0 Medium

Command Grab

Routes tested at DRINK LEVEL 3. Tested various routes to try and find optimal damage under different conditions. If you find something better for a given scenario, feel free to update!

Drink Level 3
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
63124K 5MP, 5LP~5LK~5MP > 236LK Anywhere 1565 0 0 Easy
63214K 2MP > DR~5MP, 2HP>236HK Anywhere 1971 3 0 Easy
63214K 2MP > DR~5MP, 2HP > DR~5MP, 2HP > 236HK Anywhere 2091 6 0 Easy
63214K 2MP > DR~5MP, 2HP > 214PP, DR~5LK > 236HK Corner 2110 6 0 Medium
63214K 2MP > 236236K Anywhere 1947 0 1 Easy Conserves drive meter while using SA1 for damage
63214K 5MP, 5LP~5LK~5MP > DR~5HP, 5LK > 2LP > 5LP~5LK~5MP > 236236K Anywhere 2148 3 1 Medium Optimal damage for SA1 when you only want to spend 3 Drive bars
63214K 2MP > DR~5MP, 2HP > DR~5MP, 2HP > 236236K Anywhere 2418 6 1 Medium Optimal damage for SA1 when you want to dump everything
63214K 2MP > DR~5MP, 2HP > 236HK > 236236P, DR~2HP > 623HK, 623KK Anywhere 3575 6 3 Medium I believe this is optimal SA3 damage at Drink Level 3. The combo after SA3 can be changed up to match your screen position. Here is Hatson's Drink Level 4 Route
63214KK 2HP, 236HK Anywhere 2758 0 0 Easy
63214KK DR~2KK > j.HK, 5HP, 2HK-K-P Anywhere 2402 1 0 Hard Generally would do this midscreen. 5HP into Sweep is hard but doable with practice!
63214KK 2HP > DR~5MP, 2HP > 236HK Anywhere 2968 3 0 Easy
63214KK 2HP > DR~5MP, 2HP > DR~5MP, 2HP > 236HK Midscreen 3088 6 0 Medium Burnout -> Midscreen damage dump. 2HP SA1 = 2944, one DR extension into SA1 = 3070, the full thing into SA1 = 3415.
63214KK 2HP > 214PP, 5HP > DR~2HP > 236HK Corner 3155 5 0 Medium Burnout -> Corner damage dump
63214KK 2HP > 214PP, 236236K Corner 3412 2 1 Easy Easy SA1 combo in the corner. Lots of damage.
63214KK <Ender> Anywhere Depends on the Ender Depends on the Ender 3 Medium Raw SA3 after OD-Grab is the most damage. Example enders from Hatson. Credit to DaFeetLee on Twitter.
Drink Level 4
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
63214KK (CA)236236P Anywhere 2 3 Easy Insane damage off a grab, Critical Art is unscaled at 110%

Drive Impact

Tested from DRINK LEVEL 1. All routes are from a Punish Counter unless the notes say otherwise.

Drink Level 1
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
DI DR~2KK > j.HK, 5HP, 2HK-K-P Anywhere 2608 1 0 Hard Check the Midscreen Launcher section for notes on the 5HP to Sweep. JB's Jamie Guide
DI 2HP > 214PP, 2HK-K-P Corner 3013 2 0 Easy Resource efficient damage, +1 drink, and +4 oki
DI 2HP > 214PP, 5HP > DR~2HP > 214PP, 623HK Corner 3427 7 0 Medium Max damage, full drive dump.
DI 5LK, 5HP, 2HK-K-P Corner 2330 0 0 Easy WALL SPLAT ONLY. Meterless, +1 drink, +4 oki.
Drink Level 4
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
DI dl.6HK~4HK~P > 214PP , 2HK~HK~P Corner 3773 1 0 Medium On punish counter the 6HK needs to be delayed so it pops the opponent in the air. On wall splat, it can be done as soon as possible.


The damage scales depending on if the dummy blocks or gets hit by the Drive Impact.

Drink Level 0
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
22[P](2), 2HP > 214PP, 2HK-K-P Corner 2940 2 0 Easy 22[P](2) means to hold the punch button in order to drink twice. Easy combo that nets you three total drinks!
22[P](2), 2HP > 214PP, 5HP > DR~2HP > 214PP, 623HK Corner 3372 7 0 Medium Full drive meter dump.
22[P](2), 2HP > 214PP, 236236K Corner 3470 2 1 Easy SA1 confirm.
22[P](2), 2HP > 236236P, DR, 623HK, 623KK Corner 4488 3 3 Easy SA3 confirm.

Super Art 2 Extensions

SA2 is a strong extension tool that gives you a combo reset and immediate access to your full kit. If used in punish scenarios, SA2 can net more high damage and corner carry and should be considered over SA3, especially if you are below Drink Level 2. Many combo routes follow similar structures, but large damage upgrades are possible at Drink Level 2 and 4.

Note: There is no Drive Level 1 section because there are no useful routes that become unlocked with Luminous Dive Kick and Bitter Strikes.

Drink Level 0
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
2HP > 214214P, 2HP > 214HP ~ 6HP Anywhere 3420 0 2 Easy Easy and optimal that minimizes scaling.
[PC] DR~5HP, 2HP > 214214P, 2HP > 214HP~6HP Anywhere 3981 1 2 Medium Requires a Punish Counter and Drive Rush, leaving this more as a hard punish.
2HP > 236PP > 214214P, 2HP > 214HP ~ 6HP Anywhere 3414 2 2 Medium The most economical hit-confirmable and safe on block route that also keeps them grounded.
2HP > 214PP > 214214P, DR~2HP > 214HP~6HP Anywhere 3660 3 2 Easy Easy and optimal go-to that works anywhere.
2HP > 214214P, 2HP > DR~5MP, 2HP > 214HP~6HP Anywhere 3771 3 2 Medium Not hit-confirmable, but nets more damage.
2HP > 214PP > 214214P, 214PP~6P Anywhere 3454 4 2 Easy Suboptimal but works anywhere with very easy execution.
2HP > 214214P, 2HP > DR~6HK~4HK~6P > 214PP~6P Anywhere 3851 5 2 Hard Difficult and expensive route, but works from anywhere. Only gains ~100 extra damage over similar 3 bar routes.
2HP > 214214P, 2HP > DR~2HP > DR~2HP > 214HP~6P Anywhere 3984 6 2 Easy For those that do not want to worry about links and still do good damage.
2HP > 214214P, 2HP > DR~5MP, 2HP > DR~5MP, 2HP > 214HP~6P Anywhere 4107 6 2 Medium An extension of the 3 bar combo.
2HP > 214214P, 2HP > DR~6HK~4HK~6P > DR~2HP > 214HP~6P Anywhere 4148 6 2 Hard Difficult, but optimized scaling for damage.
Drink Level 2
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
2HP > 236KK > 214214P, 2HP > 214HP ~ 6HP Anywhere 4359 2 2 Easy OD Bakkai unlocks huge damage and keeps opponent grounded, allowing for high-damage and economical enders.
2HP > 236KK > 214214P, 2HP > DR~5MP, 2HP > DR~5MP, 2HP > 214HP~6P Anywhere 4809 6 2 Medium An extension of the 3 bar combo.
DR~6MK, 2LP > DR~2LP, 2HP > 236KK > 214214PP, 2HP > 214HP~P Anywhere 3238 5 2 Hard High damage from an overhead, although difficult and costly. Useful to close out a round where you don't want to spend SA3.
2HP > 236KK > 214214P, 2HP > DR~6HK~4HK~6P > DR~2HP > 214HP~6P Anywhere 4895 6 2 Hard Difficult, but optimized scaling for damage.

{{SF6-ComboTable | Header = Drink Level 3 | Items =

[CH] 4HP~4HP > 214214P, 2HP > 214HP~P Anywhere 3837 0 2 Easy Hit-confirmable for very good meterless damage. [CH] 4HP~4HP > 214214P, 2HP > DR~5MP, 2HP > 214HP~P Anywhere 4086 3 2 Medium An extension of the meterless combo.

Drink Level 4
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
[CH] 6HK~4HK~6P > DR~2HP > 214214P, 5HK > 214HP~P Anywhere 4230 3 2 Medium Less damage than other 3 bar options, but doing Drive Rush Cancel off of the target combo allows gapless pressure on block.
[CH] 6HK~4HK~6P > 214PP > 214214P, DR > 2HP > 214HP~P Anywhere 4597 3 2 Medium Better damage and better use for a hit confirm than other options.

Super Art 3 Extensions

Damage is calculated when super is used raw and at the lowest possible drink level.

Drink Level 0
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
... > 236236P, DR~2HP > 623HK, 623KK Corner 4672 3 3 Easy Most optimal damage. Easier to input the 623HK after 2HP if 3HP is held instead. Hatson
... > 236236P, DR~2HP > 214LP, 5HP, 623LK Corner 4447 1 3 Easy Optimal damage for 1 Drive bar. Hatson
... > 236236P, DR~2HP > 214LP, 5HP > 623LK Corner 4076 1 3 Easy +41 KD safe-jump Hatson
... > 236236P, DR~2HP > 214PP, DR~2HP > 623LK Corner 4622 4 3 Medium +42 KD safe-jump Hatson
... > 236236P, DR~2HP > 214LP, 5HP > 22P Corner 3626 1 3 Medium +1 drink with +12 mix. Hatson
... > 236236P, DR~2HP > 214MP, 5HP > 22P Corner 3687 1 3 Medium +1 drink with +9 mix. Hatson
... > 236236P, DR~2HP > 214LP, 2HK-K-P Corner 4222 1 3 Easy +4 in corner
... > 236236P, DR~2KK > j.HK, 2HK-K-P Anywhere 1 3 Easy Very easy combo for drink and is +4 if done in the corner.
... > 236236P, DR~2KK > j.HK, 5HK, 2HK-K-P Anywhere 1 3 Medium Slightly more difficult variation of previous combo. Delay the j.HK.
... > 236236P, DR~2KK > j.HK, DRP~236LK Anywhere 3814 2 3 Hard Side Switch combo, input the DP in the same direction you inputted the super.
... > 236236P, 2HK-K-P Anywhere 3060 0 3 Medium Use in burnout. Requires a micro-walk after the super animation to connect.
... > 236236P, 214HP Anywhere 3060 0 3 Easy Use in burnout. Use 214MP for a drink as it is +42.
... > 236236P, DR~2HP, 5LK > DI Corner 3176 2 3 Easy Gimmick air reset into a Drive Impact. Catch them sleeping! DI combo notes are in another section. Sajam
... > 236236P, DR~2HP, 2LP > DI Corner 3176 2 3 Easy Similar reset into DI but easier to time as 2LP is 1 frame faster.
5HK, Dash, 2HP > 236236P, DR~5MP, 5MK, 63214K Corner 1 3 Easy Saw this on Twitter. Haven't tested but seems cheeky. @SZNdaDON
Drink Level 1
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
... > 236236P, DR~2KK > j.HK, j.MP > j.214KK, 623HK Anywhere 4621 3 3 Hard Great combo route when used outside of the corner with a lot of corner carry. The j.HK needs to be slightly delayed so the opponent is knocked high enough in the air for the j.MP to connect. 623LK can be used instead of 623HK in the corner for a safe jump.
Drink Level 2
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
... > 236236P, DR~2KK > j.HK, j.MP > j.214KK, 236LK Anywhere 4879 3 3 Hard
... > 236236P, 236MK Anywhere 3950 0 3 Easy Use in burnout. Deals more damage than 214HP.
Drink Level 4
Combo Position Damage Drive Gauge Super Gauge Difficulty Notes Video
... > 236236P, DR~2KK > j.HK, j.MP > j.214KK, 214LP~6LP Anywhere 5418 3 3 Hard

SF6 Navigation

Dee Jay
E. Honda
M. Bison