Street Fighter 6/Chun-Li/Combos: Difference between revisions

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Line 194: Line 194:
| Anchor    =  
| Anchor    =  
| Youtube    =  
| Youtube    =  
| Recipe    = PC 6HK, 4HP > 214P~MK > 22HK/236236P/214214K
| Recipe    = PC 6HK, 4HP > 214P~MK > Ender
| content    =  
| content    = 6HK crumples on Punish Counter, which allows this link to work. Unfortunately, 4HP > 214P~MK eats up a lot of juggle potential which limits Chun's effective follow-ups. 236236K can be used here but loses out on a ton of potential damage.

Revision as of 13:21, 5 July 2023

Combo Notation Guide

Click "Expand" for information about combo notation in SF6:

SF6 Combo Notation Guide
Notation Meaning
> Cancel the previous move to the following move.
e.g. Normal into Special (2MK > 236P) or Special into Super (623P > 236236K)
~ Chain/Cancel the previous move into a followup.
e.g. Luke's target combo (LP~MP~HP) or Rising Uppercut into Slam Dunk (623PP~PP)
, Link the previous move to the following move.
e.g. 5MP, 2MP (requires manual timing)
An example with Ken that uses all three "connecting" symbols:
2LP, 5MP~HP > 623P > 236236P
2LP links into 5MP; 5MP chains into HP Target Combo; HP cancels into Shoryuken which cancels into Lv.3 Super
j.X Jumping action; for Neutral Jump, use 8j.X
e.g. Kimberly j.2MP (Elbow Drop) or Ryu j.214K (Aerial Tatsumaki Senpukyaku)
P or K Any Punch or Any Kick (when button strength does not matter)
PP or KK represents any two punches/kicks.
X/Y Do either X move or Y move.
e.g. end a combo with 214K/623P
[X] Hold the button input
e.g. Luke 214[LP] = charged LP Flash Knuckle
dl.X Briefly delay the action
e.g. Ken 236HK~dl.6LK (Jinrai Loop starter)
AA Anti-air; hit the opponent while they're mid-air.
May cause a different juggle state compared to a grounded opponent.
Y xN
{Y} xN
Repeat 'Y' input 'N' number of times.
A sequence of multiple inputs will be bundled into "{}".
e.g. 5LP x3 (5LP, 5LP, 5LP) or {2HP > Drive Rush} x3
Y > DR Button Y cancelled into Drive Rush (3-bar version)
e.g. 5HP > DR
DR~Y Drive Rush into Button Y (cancel the dash frames early into a followup attack)
This can be done from the 1-bar or 3-bar versions of Drive Rush
e.g. 236HP Launch, DR~5LP
An example for Ryu using both Drive Rush notations:
2MK > DR~5HP (cancel 2MK into Drive Rush, then immediately use 5HP during dash animation)

Day 1 BnBs

Max Damage Jump-In

j.HK, 2HP > 214P~LK > 28MK
j.MK, 5MP, 2MP > [2]8MK

The first combo may be easier to start with as you don't have to start charging during a standing move. That being said, 5MP 2MP is a very important link to learn. Both combos end with MK Spinning Bird Kick, which provides Chun with good okizeme and corner carry.

How do you actually do that second combo? Spinning Bird Kick will not have time to charge if you only hold down when you press 2MP. What you actually need to do is to is hold [2] right after 5MP is pressed. Doing that, you will discover it's actually pretty lenient.

Knockdowns from Pressure
Very Easy

2LK 2LP 2LP > [2]8LK

Pressuring with crouching normals has the strong benefit of naturally building charge for Spinning Bird Kick. If you hold [2] throughout the entire light chain, it becomes very easy to do the SBK on a confirm as you simply press 8LK on the third light if any of the previous ones connected.

Knockdowns from Pressure
Very Easy

5LP 5LP 5LP > 236LK
2LK 2LP 5LK > 236MK

Chun Li doesn't get knockdowns consistently if she doesn't have charge. If you can confirm fast enough and recognize the distance, she can end with Tenshokyaku instead of Lightning Kicks for a knockdown. Try to confirm into 5LK whenever possible, as it is her only light normal that combos into 236MK. 236MK is more consistent as an ender as it moves Chun Li forwards (as well as doing more damage).

Drive Impact

PC DI, 5HK > 214P~MK > 28MK

Easy, consistent, and good damage. Not much to say about this route. Can be extended somewhat easily with 28KK instead of 28MK at the cost of more Drive.

Drive Impact

DI, 4HP > 236HK, 22HK

Basic knockdown ender in the corner. 236HK can be extended in a multitude of different ways, but this is the best damage ender and also gives Chun decent okizeme.

Links and Starters

Normal Hit

Links and Chains
Combo Notes
5MP, 2MP Important combo piece, as it lets Chun build charge for Spinning Bird Kick. Unfortunately, not very good for pressure as the gap is big enough that 4f normals will beat 2MP clean.
5MP, 5LP/5LK Doesn't give Chun a knockdown anywhere near as easily, but is a lot better when it comes to pressure and still links on normal hit.
5LP, 5LK 5LK will not link from 5LP if it's used as a link after a three-hit light chain. 5LP will link into itself but there's no real benefit to doing so.
5LP/2LP/2LK > 5LP/2LP/2LK > 5LP/2LP/2LK Chun's light chains are incredibly open-ended, but both 2LP and 2LK will whiff as the third part of a chain if it's not started at absolutely point-blank range.
5LP, 5MP Only works at point blank range.
3HK, 5MP
4HP Conversions

4HP > 214P~LK
4HP > 214P~HK

Shows some basic uses for 4HP in combos. Routing into 4HP will appear later on, as it requires situational awareness or Drive meter to be used effectively. 4HP > 214P~HK can lead to a safejump or a super depending on routing, but going into SBK from 214P~LK is usually easier and more consistent.

Counter Hit

Counterhit Links
Combo Notes
CH 5LP/5MP, 2MK/6MP Useful for converting 5LP pressure or a meaty 5MP into a smidge more damage. 2MK has more reach than 2MP which makes this combo more consistent at longer ranges. Otherwise, there’s never a reason to go for this if it can be avoided. Swift Thrust also works here but does not lead to a knockdown without spending Drive. 2MP is not listed here as it always links from 5MP, but CH 5LP, 2MP is a unique, CH only combo.
CH 2LP/2MP, 2MP 2LP links into 2MP on counterhit, which is useful after her previously mentioned 3-hit light chain. 2MP also links into itself on counterhit. These combos also naturally build down charge for Spinning Bird.
CH 5LP > 4HP 4HP is an excellent source of damage, especially early on in a combo. Serenity Stream also helps it convert into good damage without relying on having charge.
CH Lightning Legs

CH 236LK/236MK, 2LP/5LP/5LK/5MP

Lightning Legs hits at least thrice, which can blow through Drive Impact armor if timed correctly. This is usually a happy accident, but the resulting counterhit gives Chun a combo. She'll have to pick her follow-up carefully though, as distance is very important. Learning how to buffer charge specials from standing normals will go a long way when it comes to consistently converting this counterhit into damage.

CH Hazanshu

CH 214MK, 5LP/2LP/2LK > ...
CH 214HK, 4HP/2MK

Not as likely to happen as a Punish Counter, but good to know regardless. 5LP is the most consistent option after 214LK, but requires a buffered SBK to get a knockdown which can be difficult. 2MK is a lot more consistent after 214MK due to its reach.

Punish Counter/Drive Rush

-4 Punishes
Combo Notes

-5 Punishes
Combo Notes

-6 Punishes
Combo Notes
PC 2MP > 214P~MK > ...

-7 Punishes
Combo Notes
PC 6MP/2MK > 236HK

-8 Punishes
Combo Notes
PC 4HP > 214P~MK > ...
PC 236LK, 5MP/2MK > ... The same links work from 236MK, which is slower in exchange for more damage.

Reversal Punish

PC 6HK, 4HP > 214P~MK > Ender

6HK crumples on Punish Counter, which allows this link to work. Unfortunately, 4HP > 214P~MK eats up a lot of juggle potential which limits Chun's effective follow-ups. 236236K can be used here but loses out on a ton of potential damage.

Raw DR Reversal Punish

PC DR 4HP > 214HK, 2MP > Ender

Using a Drive Rush from a parry and the already extended hitstun from a Punish Counter lets Chun significantly frontload her damage by comboing into HK Hazanshu. This combo is only realistic as a DP punish, as she needs at least 17 frames for the Drive Rush 4HP to connect. This combo can also be extended somewhat easily with OD SBK.

Drive Rush Cancel

light buttons > DRC 5LP, 4HP > 214P~LK > Ender
medium/heavy buttons > DRC 5MP, 4HP > 214P~LK > Ender
medium/heavy buttons > DRC 5MP, 4HP > 236HK > Ender (corner)

Chun Li gets excellent conversions out of Drive Rush. She can convert out of both lights and medium/heavy buttons, although heavier buttons tend to be more rewarding (especially near the corner).

This combo, while it looks simple, is surprisingly difficult. 4HP > 214P~LK is very easy to mess up. If you get Hazanshu instead of Serenity Stream, you most likely missed the P input or simply input it too fast.

Raw Drive Rush

DR 5MP, 4HP > ...
DR 3HP, 5MP, 2MP > ...
DR 2MK, 214P~LK > ...
Punish Counter Hazanshu

PC 214LK, 2LP/5LP > ...
PC 214MK, 4HP/2MK > ...
PC 214HK, 4HP/2MK/2HK > ...

Picking an Ender

Spinning Bird Kick

light normals/214P~LP > [2]8LK
medium normals/214P~LK/214P~MK > [2]8MK
heavy normals/Punish Counter mediums > [2]8HK

Each version of SBK offers about the same okizeme, where they differ is in corner carry and damage output. HK SBK is the hardest to combo into by far, with only 2HP being able to combo into it consistently without requiring a counterhit or punish counter beforehand.

A fun skill to learn for comboing into SBK is charge buffering. While not absolutely vital, it will let you combo into SBK for a knockdown and good corner carry in places that would otherwise look impossible. A simple example would be comboing 5MP > [2]8MK. While this looks impossible on the surface, it's really not as scary as it looks. To do so, you simply need to look at the input of the [2]8 charge. She needs to charge [2] for 30 frames, but going from [2] to 8K goes through 5, or neutral. All you're functionally doing is an input that looks like [2]~5MP~8MK. This will take practice, but the reward is worth it. Or you can just use 22K.

Hundred Lightning Kicks
Very Easy

light buttons > 236LK/236KK~K
medium buttons > 236MK
heavy buttons > 236HK > juggle

LK and MK Legs are enders that should be avoided if possible. However, there are certain times where Chun has no charge and Tenshokyaku is out of range where this is her only option. Conversely, HK Legs needs a cancelable heavy button or a punish counter to be comboed into, but in exchange allows for a juggle afterwards.

236HK Specifics

... > 236HK, 22HK
... > 236HK, 236LK (can be extended with 22KK)
... > 236HK, 236236P
... > 236HK, 214214K

HK Legs gives Chun quite a few options when it comes to extending a combo. Her two main meterless enders are 22HK for damage and 236LK for a safejump, but these only work in the corner. If she wants any kind of extension midscreen, she has to use her super meter.

An important thing to note is that juggling into lvl3 will almost always do more damage in a combo then cancelling into it if the combo consisted of less than 4 moves before the super.



OD Spinning Bird Kick

anything that combos into [2]8LK > [2]8KK > 22HK

LK SBK technically works here but deals less damage and has the same amount of corner carry. 236LK can be inserted before 22HK in the corner, and [2]8KK can link into a super of Chun's choice. If possible, it's better to use 236LK before going into lvl1 or lvl3 in the corner.

OD SBK Extension

... > [2]8KK, 5MPMK~66 5LP/2LP > 214P~MK (midscreen) or 236HK (corner), 22HK/lvl1/lvl3

Looks damn cool and gives a lot more corner carry while maintaining okizeme.

Hyoko-Sen ExtensionThese juggles also work from 214P~HK.

... > 236236K > jc.2MK~2MK > j.236HK
... > 236236K > jc, delay j.MP(1) > [2]8HK/236HK
... > 236236K > sjc.2MK delay 2MK, j.HP~HP

Given how common it is for Chun to confirm into 236KK, it's relatively easy to extend that into more damage. Unfortunately for Chun, common juggles that work into her lvl1 or lvl3 don't actually juggle into her lvl2, meaning she'll have to spend Drive to get this unless cancelled directly from a normal. Alongside 236KK, it's easy to link this super after [2]8KK, although doing so will limit her follow-up options afterwards.

Chun can opt to spend more meter to secure a KO after 236236K by using her air lvl1 after stomps or landing and using the ground version, but keep in mind that spending 3 meter on CA will take more Drive meter from the opponent and deal slightly more damage. Lvl2 > lvl1 takes the same amount of Drive meter via supers as a normal level 3 but looks way cooler while doing so.


OD KikokenGet a feel for it.

... > [4]6PP, 5MP, 2MP (ideal)
... > [4]6PP, 5LK (poor)
2LK 5LP 5LK > [4]6PP, 2MK (spaced)

OD Kikoken is +5 on hit at close range and heavily spacing sensitive, even if the links themselves aren't all that difficult. However, they're very good for extending combos wherever possible as Chun gets much more on grounded hits than she does from juggles. It's also very helpful when converting from Serenity Stream as she doesn't have to worry about charging.

Using Serenity Stream

Serenity Stream acts a little differently for each button it's cancelled into, but there are some common threads between buttons. 214P~LP is the most common button that will combo as a cancel, but also has the shortest reach. 214P~LK is typically more situational, but will combo on counterhit or normal hit with a gap on block. 214P~MK is the most difficult and usually requires a Punish Counter or juggle to combo properly. Buttons with especially important uses with Serenity Stream will be listed below, but it has at least niche uses from most if not all of Chun's buttons.

5HP > Serenity StreamConfirm 5HP into damage.

5HP > 214P~LP
CH 5HP > 214P~LK
PC 5HP > 214P~MK
2MK > Serenity StreamPokes and pressure, all in one.

2MK > 214P~LP
PC/DR 2MK > 214P~LK
2HP > Serenity StreamSerenity Stream as a pressure tool.

2HP > 214P~LP
2HP > 214P~LK
CH/PC 2HP > 214P~MK
4HP > Serenity StreamSerenity Stream as a combo tool.

4HP > 214P~LK
CH/PC/meaty 4HP > 214P~MK

SF6 Navigation

Dee Jay
E. Honda
M. Bison