Ryofu is the definitive easy-mode character...noobs always think he rapes the game, as we used to. He lives off of his godlike priority & damage and fantastic air game. Air ABC is great, as he can cling to the ceiling for a while or drop in any direction to attack with j.HK. The EX flame breath is invincible and safe on block, but there are a number of ways to avoid it, and his super does nice chip but is easy to avoid. One of his main problems is that just about all of his good moves have HUGE recovery when whiffed. Additionally, he only has one good anti-air move, s.HP, and it is rather slow and does not hit right above him. And due to his lack of overheads or even good throw setups, opponents can run out the clock once they get a lead on him. He gets killed by ninjas & Kidd, and other annoying fast characters (e.g. Dragon, Ryoko) match up very well with him.
Moves List
Normal Moves
Command Normals
Normal Throws
Special Moves
Fists Of Flame qcf + P absorbs regular projectiles but does NOT absorb Max projectiles
Spear Head Boogie qcb + P
Psychic Kick hcf + K in air
Spear Of Destruction tap P rapidly
Super Moves
The Giraffe Bomber hcb, ub + HK
Frame Data
Standing LP: 8f, +5 on standing block, +6 on crouch block, +5 on standing hit, +4 on crouching hit
Standing MP: 7f, +2 on standing block, +3 on crouch block, +5 on standing hit, +3 on crouching hit
Standing HP: 12f, +5 on standing hit, +6 on crouching hit
Standing LK: 6f, +5 on standing block, +6 on crouch block, +5 on standing hit, +4 on crouching hit
Standing MK: 12f, +2 on standing block, +3 on crouch block, +5 on standing hit, +3 on crouching hit
Standing HK: 6-8f, -4 on standing block, -2 on crouch block, +1 on standing hit, +2 on crouching hit
f+HP: 12f, -3 on standing block, -1 on crouch block, +5 on standing hit, +3 on crouching hit
f+HK: 17f, -6 on standing block, -4 on crouch block
Crouching LP: 7f, +7 on standing block, +8 on crouch block, +7 on standing hit, +6 on crouching hit
Crouching MP: 13f, +2 on standing block, +3 on crouch block, +5 on standing hit, +3 on crouching hit
Crouching HP: 12f, -3 on standing block, -1 on crouch block
Crouching LK: 5f, +6 on block, +5 on standing hit, +4 on crouching hit
Crouching MK: 11f, +3 on block, +5 on standing hit, +4 on crouching hit
Crouching HK: 14f, +5 on block, +11 on standing hit, +9 on crouching hit
Jumping LP: 7f
Jumping MP: 7f
Jumping HP: 8f
Jumping LK: 4f
Jumping MK: 6f
Jumping HK: 7f
Dashing LP: 8f, +1 on standing block, +2 on crouch block, +1 on standing hit, +0 on crouching hit
Dashing MP: 7f, -2 on standing block, -1 on crouch block, +1 on standing hit, -1 on crouching hit
Dashing HP: 12f, +4 on standing hit, +5 on crouching hit
Dashing LK: 6f, +1 on standing block, +2 on crouch block, +1 on standing hit, +0 on crouching hit
Dashing MK: 12f, -2 on standing block, -1 on crouch block, +1 on standing hit, -1 on crouching hit
Dashing HK: 6-8f, -5 on standing block, -3 on crouch block, +0 on standing hit, +1 on crouching hit
Dashing d+LP: 7f, +2 on standing block, +3 on crouch block, +2 on standing hit, +1 on crouching hit
Dashing d+MP: 13f, +1 on standing block, +2 on crouch block, +4 on standing hit, +2 on crouching hit
Dashing d+HP: 12f, -10 on standing block, -8 on crouch block
Dashing d+LK: 5f, +9 on block, +8 on standing hit, +7 on crouching hit
Dashing d+MK: 11f, -2 on block, +0 on standing hit, -1 on crouching hit
Dashing d+HK: 14f, +4 on block, +10 on standing hit, +8 on crouching hit
ABC: Gives 2x damage bonus to Ryofu’s next attack on frame 87, has additional 2f recovery
ABC in air: Can be used 13f after jumping, has 4f startup before you can drop downward and additional 2f after dropping before you can attack
f/d/b+ABC in air: Can be used 13f after jumping, has 6f startup before you can attack
Mash LP: 4f, generally -6 on hit or block, but there are gaps in the middle of the move
Mash MP: 4f, generally -9 on hit or block, but there are gaps in the middle of the move
Mash HP: 4f, last hit is -16 on standing block and -14 on crouch block, but there are gaps in the middle of the move
qcf+LP:: 37f, -2 on standing block, +0 on crouch block, +3 on hit
qcf+MP: 41f, -7 on standing block, -5 on crouch block, -2 on hit
qcf+HP: 45f, -7 on standing block, -5 on crouch block, -2 on hit
qcb+LP: 20f, -4 on standing block, -2 on crouch block
qcb+MP: 20f, -10 on standing block, -8 on crouch block
qcb+HP: 20f, -16 on standing block, -14 on crouch block
hcf+LK in air: 9f, -27 to -6 on standing block, -23 to -5 on crouch block
hcf+MK in air: 14f, -27 to -6 on standing block, -23 to -5 on crouch block
hcf+HK in air: 18f, -27 to -6 on standing block, -23 to -5 on crouch block
qcf+LP w/ full meter: 37f, -3 on standing block, -1 on crouch block
qcf+MP w/ full meter: 41f, -8 on standing block, -6 on crouch block
qcf+HP w/ full meter: 45f, -11 on standing block, -9 on crouch block
hcb,u/b+HK: 50f, -51 or better on standing block, -49 or better on crouch block
hcb,u/b+HK w/ full meter: 49f, -11 or better on standing block, -9 or better on crouch block
NOTES: Ryofu's mash P move almost always leaves small gaps even when it hits; the opponent can DP or use an autoguard move or such. Just as with Dragon's equivalent, only combo it if you know it will win the round.
To get the shortest recovery from the hcf+K in the air, you must connect with your opponent as low as possible so that Ryofu will just land instead of bouncing backwards.
I had no idea his low HK and the dashing low short were that good...