World Heroes Perfect/Fuuma

From SuperCombo Wiki


Fuuma may end up #2, honestly - he has NO truly bad matchups as far as we can tell. We thought he was trash when starting out, because he does no real damage, but his strengths don't become apparent until you play a variety of matchups with him. He has the same double jump as Hanzou, plus a wall jump, so he mainly wants to fight you in the air. His DP is better than Hanzou's, as it hits behind him and thus can stop crossups. His ABC moves are feints, too slow to be useful as cancels but noticeable enough to actually fake people out. His EX isn't particularly good, but his supers sure are; the giant fireball does nice chip, and the dive can cross you up while you're blocking it. The final bit of goodness is his air-to-ground throw, performed with a shortened HCB motion (stop at d/b) and HP. This basically makes every single jump of his into a souped-up Akuma demon flip, which forces the opponent into a difficult guessing game - one they can't even DP out of, thanks to the double-jump!

Moves List

Normal Moves

Command Normals

Normal Throws

Special Moves

Reppu Zan qcf + P

Double Reppu qcf, qcf + P

Kou Ryuu Ha f, d, df + P Kou Ryuu Ha Follow Up f, d, df + P Air Kou Ryuu Ha f, d, df + P in air

Dragon Flight Drop hcb + HP when in air

Nin Pou Hou Rin Kyaku qcb + K

Kou Ryuu Ha Follow Up f, d, df + P

Super Moves

Exploding Atomic Crash hcb, ub + HP

Fireball Slug Trick qcb, qcb, qcb + HP+LK


Frame Data

Far LP: 4f, +6 on standing block, +7 on crouch block, +6 on standing hit, +8 on crouching hit

Far MP: 7f, +6 on standing block, +7 on crouching block, +6 on standing hit, +7 on crouching hit

Far HP: 6f, -3 on standing block, -1 on crouch block, +2 on standing hit, +3 on crouching hit

Standing LK: 6f, +6 on block, +5 on standing hit, +4 on crouching hit

Far MK: 7f, +1 on standing block, +2 on crouch block, +4 on standing hit, +2 on crouching hit

Far HK: 7f, -2 on standing block, +0 on crouch block, +3 on standing hit, +4 on crouching hit

Close LP: 4f, +5 on standing block, +6 on crouch block, +5 on standing hit, +7 on crouching hit

Close MP: 5f, +2 on standing hit, +3 on crouching hit

Close HP: 4f, +0 on standing block, +2 on crouch block, +1 on standing hit, -2 on crouching hit

Close MK: 5f, +1 on standing block, +2 on crouch block, +4 on standing hit, +2 on crouching hit

Close HK: 11f, +3 on standing block, +5 on crouch block, +8 on standing hit, +9 on crouching hit

Close f/b+HK: 7f, -11 on standing block, -9 on crouch block, -6 on standing hit, -5 on crouching hit

Crouching LP: 4f, +5 on standing block, +6 on crouch block, +5 on standing hit, +4 on crouching hit Crouching MP: 7f, +2 on standing block, +3 on crouch block, +5 on standing hit, +3 on crouching hit Crouching HP: 9f, -3 on standing block, -1 on crouch block, +5 on hit Crouching LK: 4f, +7 on block, +6 on standing hit, +5 on crouching hit Crouching MK: 4f, +3 on block, +5 on standing hit, +3 on crouching hit Crouching HK: 6f, -2 on block

Jumping LP: 5f Neutral Jumping LP: 5f Jumping MP: 4f Neutral Jumping MP: 5f Jumping HP: 5f Neutral Jumping HP: 5f Jumping LK: 7f Jumping MK: 4f Neutral Jumping MK: 7f Jumping HK: 4-5f Neutral Jumping HK: 6f

Dashing LP: 4f, +3 on standing block, +4 on crouch block, +3 on standing hit, +5 on crouching hit Dashing MP: 7f, +6 on standing block, +7 on crouch block, +6 on standing hit, +7 on crouching hit Dashing HP: 6f, -1 on standing block, +1 on crouch block, +4 on standing hit, +5 on crouching hit Dashing LK: 6f, +3 on block, +2 on standing hit, +1 on crouching hit Dashing MK: 7f, +0 on standing block, +1 on crouch block, +3 on standing hit, +1 on crouching hit Dashing HK: 11f, -1 on standing block, +1 on crouch block, +4 on standing hit, +5 on crouching hit Dashing d+LP: 4f, +2 on standing block, +3 on crouching block, +2 on standing hit, +1 on crouching hit Dashing d+MP: 7f, +2 on standing block, +3 on crouch block, +5 on standing hit, +3 on crouching hit Dashing d+HP: 9f, -3 on standing block, -1 on crouch block, +5 on standing hit, +3 on crouching hit Dashing d+LK: 4f, +4 on block, +3 on standing hit, +2 on crouching hit Dashing d+MK: 4f, +2 on block, +4 on standing hit, +2 on crouching hit Dashing d+HK: 6f, -2 on block

ABC: 20f f+ABC: 20f b+ABC: 22f d+ABC: 32f

qcf+LP: 10f, -16 or better on standing block, -15 or better on crouch block, -16 or better on standing hit, -15 or better on crouching hit qcf+MP: 12f, -13 or better on standing block, -12 or better on crouch block, -13 or better on standing hit, -12 or better on crouching hit qcf+HP: 16f, -10 or better on standing block, -9 or better on crouch block, -10 or better on standing hit, -9 or better on crouching hit

qcfx2+LP: 30f, -12 or better on standing block, -11 or better on crouch block, -12 or better on standing hit, -11 or better on crouching hit qcfx2+MP: 30f, -10 or better on standing block, -9 or better on crouch block, -10 or better on standing hit, -9 or better on crouching hit qcfx2+HP: 33f, -7 or better on standing block, -6 or better on crouch block, -7 or better on standing hit, -6 or better on crouching hit

dp+LP: 10f, -30 on standing block, -29 on crouch block dp+MP: 10f, -38 on standing block, -37 on crouch block dp+HP: 10f, -51 on standing block, -50 on crouch block

dp+LP in air: 2f, -29 to -26 on block dp+MP in air: 2f, -41 to -38 on block dp+HP in air: 2f, -54 to -51 on block

qcb+LK: 21-65f depending on distance, -9 or worse on standing block, -8 or worse on crouch block, -17 or worse on standing hit, -15 or worse on crouching hit qcb+MK: 21-65f depending on distance, -9 or worse on standing block, -8 or worse on crouch block, -17 or worse on standing hit, -15 or worse on crouching hit qcb+HK: 16-56f depending on distance, -9 or worse on standing block, -8 or worse on crouch block, -17 or worse on standing hit, -15 or worse on crouching hit

d/f,d,d/b+HP in air: 1f

qcf+LP w/ full meter: 10f, -5 or better on standing block, -4 or better on crouch block, -5 or better on standing hit, -4 or better on crouching hit qcf+MP w/ full meter: 12f, -3 or better on standing block, -2 or better on crouch block, -3 or better on standing hit, -2 or better on crouching hit qcf+HP w/ full meter: 15f, -2 or better on standing block, -1 or better on crouch block, -2 or better on standing hit, -1 or better on crouching hit

qcfx2+LP w/ full meter: 14f, -8 or better on standing block, -7 or better on crouch block, -8 or better on standing hit, -7 or better on crouching hit qcfx2+MP w/ full meter: 18f, -7 or better on standing block, -6 or better on crouch block, -7 or better on standing hit, -6 or better on crouching hit qcfx2+HP w/ full meter: 22f, -6 or better on standing block, -5 or better on crouch block, -6 or better on standing hit, -5 or better on crouching hit

hcb,u/b+HP: 56f, -26 on standing block, -24 on crouch block qcbx3+ABC: 30f, -13 or better on standing block, -12 or better on crouch block

hcb,u/b+HP w/ full meter: 56f, -26 on standing block, -24 on crouch block qcbx3+ABC w/ full meter: 29f, +27 or better on standing block, +28 or better on crouch block



Game Navigation

Controls and Notation
Game Mechanics
Captain Kidd
Johnny Maximum
Muscle Power
Son Gokuu