Directional Inputs
Thrill Kill uses the D-Pad for moving your character. Thill Kill does not having jumping, so pressing up or down moves you away from or towards the camera.
- Move Forward - Move Backwards - Move Outwards - Move Inwards
You can also perform a dash by double-tapping a directional input. For more in-depth information, visit the section about dashing on the System page.
- Dash Forward - Dash Backwards - Dash Outwards - Dash Inwards
Special Motions
Directional inputs are also required for special move inputs. Thrill Kill is a little weird compared to other fighting games in that it's not looking for specific directions of motions (for example, a specific 236 or 214 motion for a quarter-circle special); just the basic motions themselves. 236, 214, and even 789 will all register as a input. This applies to Back Forward, Half Circle, and Full Circle inputs as well. This is to simplify input motions when things get messy in a 4-player brawl and each player is at a different direction relative to the camera. Common special inputs include:
- Back Forward - Quarter Circle - Half Cirlce - Full Circle
Button Inputs
If you have played either a Netherrealm Studios fighting game or Tekken, then you'll be right at home with Thrill Kill's 4-button layout. There are 2 punches and 2 kicks, with chord inputs performing a grabbing, parrying, or taunting.
- Forward Punch (1) - Back Punch (2) - Forward Kick (3) - Back Kick (4) L1 - Block - Crouch
Chord Inputs
Each character has access to at least three different grabs, whose damage and usefulness vary considerably. Each character's Side-Switch Grab is fairly universal, swapping positions with their target and sporting an average 11f of stun in the form of a "HUH?" animation.
- Grab 1 - Grab 2 - Side-Switch Grab - Taunt
Thill Kill also has two types of counters. These fuction as both parries and combo breakers. Visit the counters section on the System page for a more in-depth explanation into this mechanic.
- High Counter - Low Counter