TTT2 is a Tekken game and therefore is similar to previous games in the series. However, it has it's own nuances. For the purpose of helping newer players, this guide will feature a lot of information that may be familiar to higher level players.
- Notation in this Guide
- Movement
- Basic Offense
- Basic Defense
- Tag Elements
- Team Composition
- Environment
Damage scaling-
While Standing- This state is achieved when a character is transitioning from a crounching to standing. Certain moves can only be done in this state.
Sidestep- Done by tapping Down/Up and returning to Neutral. A quick evasive maneuver that allows opponents to dodge linear moves. Cannot avoid certain moves that track towards one direction or Homing moves.
Sidewalk- Perform a Sidestep (d_u,n) and continue to hold the direction you want to walk. An exetension of a Sidestep that is more evasive but is slower to activate. Cannot avoid Homing moves.
Dashing- Done by pressing back or forward twice and returning to neutral. Creates horizontal space between you and your opponent allowing short ranged moves to whiff. 1)Running: Done by pressing forward three times,or by forward dashing, and holding forward. Opens up both universal moves and character specific moves.
a) Ultimate Tackle- Done by pressing 1+2 while running. A running grab that leads the opponent into a small chain grab that differs between characters. b) Jumping Slash Kick- Done by pressing 3 while running. A leaping jump kick that hits MID and has huge frame advantage on block, KD's on hit. Can be Sidestepped/walked. c) Slide- Done by pressing 4 while running. A sliding LOW kick that is unsafe on block and KD's on hit. Leaves player in fuht(hit) fuft(block) and the opponent fuft(hit). Can be sidestepped/walked. d) Shoulder Tackle- Done by Running and holding forward. An UNBLOCKABLE attack. e) Foot stomp- Done by holding forward on a downward opponent. Stops on their floored body.
Parries: Reversal throws that capture opponents strikes.
1)Special counters- Some counters are special and character specific. Heihachi's is a universal counter but sacrafices a portion of his own stamina. Jin's is a high and mid counter that does no damage but Jin also recieves no damage and essentialy causes the opponents move to whiff.
Back Turn- A universal state in which a characters back is facing his opponent. Certain characters have moves accessible when in this state.
Grabs- Grabs are performed by pressing punch and/or kick buttons together. They can be breaked according the the limb that grabs you. There are also chain grabs that link together.
Homing- A special property that is given to certain moves that make it impossible to sidestep or sidewalk. Every character has a least one Homing move.
Crush- A special property that is given to certain moves that causes low or high moves to whiff during the active frames of these moves. A HIGH crushing move will cause high hits and a LOW crushing move will cause low hit to whiff. Can be used to punish or beat out some attack strings.
Bind/Bound- A special property given to certain moves that binds your opponent to the ground perventing them from rising off the floor. A Bind is used to generally extend combos and can only be done once. A floor break counts as a bind.
Floor Break-
Wall/Balcony Break-
Wall Splash/Splat-
1)Hard Tag-
2)Tag Assault-
3)Tag Crash-
4)Special Tags-
a)fuft- b)fuht- c)fdft- d)fdht- e)fult- f)furt- g)fdlt- h)fdrt-
2)Wakeup options:
a)Low- b)Mid- c)Stand- d)Roll- e)Quick rise- f)Hand Spring- g)Foot Tap- h)Tackle- i)Spring Kick-