Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection

From SuperCombo Wiki


This strategy guide section includes all strategy for previous iterations of the Tekken 5 series. Differences will be mentioned in detail in the relevant character pages, Including all differences that are noticed between the various ports of the game.

Game Versions

  • Tekken 5
    • Arcade
    • Playstation 2
  • Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection
    • Arcade
    • Playstation Portable
    • Playstation 3


Joystick Notation

  • F - Forward - Tilt stick forward/towards the opponent. (X-axis)
  • B - Backward/Back - Tilt stick backward/away from the opponent. (X-axis)
  • U - Up - Tilt stick upwards. (Y-axis)
  • D - Down - Tilt stick downwards. (Y-axis)

X-axis functions can be used interchangeably with Y-axis functions and vice versa. X-axis functions cannot be used in conjunction with another X-axis function and vice versa.

Four Button Notation

  • 1 - Left punch
  • 2 - Right punch
  • 3 - Left kick
  • 4 - Right kick



  • [ ] - Optional command

e.g. 1, 1, [1], EWGF

  • , - Followed by

e.g. 2, 3

  • ~ - Immediately after

e.g. 1, 2, 3 - EWGF

  • - At the same time

e.g. 1 2

  • ( _ ) - Or

e.g. 1, 2, (3_4)

  • < - Delayed input

e.g. 1, 1, < 1

  • = - Next in sequence

e.g. 1 = 2

  • ° - Push and hold button

e.g. 1°, 2, 3

  • - Requires just frame input

e.g. 2, D 3, DEWGF:

State Modifiers

  • PLD - Play dead position
  • KND - Knockdown position
  • SLD - Slide position
  • FCD - Face down position

Miscellaneous Notation

  • BT your back turned to the opponent
  • FF face forward towards opponent
  • OB forces opponent's back to face you
  • OC forces opponent into crouch
  • OS forces opponent's side to face you
  • JG juggle starter
  • BN bounce juggle starter
  • RC recover crouching after a move
  • RCj joystick modifier, need to hold D during the move to RC
  • CH requires a counter hit
  • DS double over stun (ex. Kazuya WS 2 counter hit)

tap f to escape in most cases, you can usually launch opponent

  • FS fall back stun (ex. Kazuya WS 2)

tap f to escape in most cases, you can usually launch opponent

  • MS minor stun (ex. Kazuya d/f 1, Paul SS 3)

in most cases doesn't lead to guaranteed hits

  • KS kneel stun (ex. Kuma d/f 1 2, Kazuya f 4)

in some cases you get a free launcher

  • CS crumple stun (ex. Bryan b 2,1, Kazuya b 4)

animations vary, a jab will usually start a combo

  • CF crumple fall (ex. Craig u/f 1 2, Yoshimitsu b 1 4)

opponent slowly falls to KND position

  • CFS crumple fall stun (ex. Kazuya f 1 2, Law f 2~1)

slow crumple stun to the ground, combo possible at time

  • BS block stun (to attacking character, ex. Law d/b 4)
  • SH stagger hit (ex. Devil d/f 2)
  • GB guard break (usually one or two hands go up in the air)
  • TS throw shift (moves to throw animation on hit)
  • TC technically crouching during the move
  • TJ technically jumping during the move
    1. see corresponding footnote
  • [2] hit modifier (eg RC[2] property applies to 2nd hit)
  • b Block modifier (eg. OCb opponent crouch on block)
  • c CH modifier (eg. JGc is a juggle starter on counter hit)
  • co crouching opponent modifier (eg. KSco)
  • cco CH on crouching opponent modifier (eg. FScco)

Hit Section

  • l hits low (block d/b)
  • m hits mid (block b)
  • h hits high (block b or duck)
  • L hits low and grounded opponents (block d/b)
  • M hits mid and grounded opponents (block b)
  • H hits high and grounded opponents (block b or duck)
  • Sm hits special mid (block d/b or b)
  • ! unblockable hit
  • (!) unblockable hit which can be ducked
  • [!] unblockable hits grounded opponents
  • T throw
  • " indicates block point in string hits

Combo Conventions

cc crouch cancel tap u or f,f while crouching cd crouch dash f,N,d,d/f (usually) iWS instant while standing d,d/b,N_d,d/f,N (usually) wgf wind godfist f,N,d,d/f 2 ewgf electric wind godfist f,N,d~d/f 2 tgf thunder godfist f,N,d,d/f 1 big big character combo only works on big characters ( ) missing hit is required for the next hit

Character Specific

BDS bad stomach Dr. Bosconovitch FB fall back Dr. Bosconovitch EFB electric fall back Dr. Bosconovitch EFF electric fall fake Dr. Bosconovitch HSP handstand position Eddy Gordo RLX relaxed position Eddy Gordo AOP art of phoenix Ling Xiaoyu - Lei Wulong RDS rain dance stance Ling Xiaoyu LFF left foot forward Hwoarang RFF right foot forward Hwoarang LFS left flamingo stance Hwoarang RFS right flamingo stance Hwoarang VTS vale tudo stance Craig Marduk DSS dragon sign stance Marshall Law DFS dragon fake step Marshall Law HMS hit man stance Lee Chaolan - Violet HBS hunting bear stance Kuma - Panda ROL prowling grizzly roll Kuma - Panda CRA art of crane Lei Wulong SNA art of snake Lei Wulong TGR art of tiger Lei Wulong DGN art of dragon Lei Wulong PAN art of panther Lei Wulong DRU drunken master Lei Wulong INS indian sit Yoshimitsu FLE flea stance Yoshimitsu DGF dragonfly stance Yoshimitsu MED meditation Yoshimitsu CES clockwise evasive spin Julia Chang KNP kenpo step Feng Wei SDW shadow stance Raven CDS crouching demon stance Jin Kazama ALB albatross spin Steve Fox DCK ducking Steve Fox SWY sway Steve Fox, Paul Phoenix LWV left weave Steve Fox RWV right weave Steve Fox FLK flicker Steve Fox SIT sit down Ganryu - Kuma - Panda CJM chaos judgment Anna HPF haze palm fist Asuka LCT leg cutter Asuka

Game Mechanics




Top Tier:


Devil Jin





Upper Tier:







Middle Tier:




Roger Jr.
Armor King



Low Tier


The Characters
