Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike/Akuma/Combos

From SuperCombo Wiki


Target Combos

  • cl.MP>HP

Combo List

Akuma's combos heavily rely on your distance from the opponent and whether or not they're crouching. Generally, combos into 214HK Tatsu will always work, as the first hits won't whiff crouchers and even farther hits will land on a majority of crouching characters. It is your lowest damage option however, and if you can confirm standing, you would rather launch with a 214LK Tatsu for a followup combo with much higher reward. His only force stand normal is 5MP, which whiffs on crouchers at far ranges, so there isn't really a reliable way to land light Tatsu every time.

Basic Combos
Combo Position Damage Stun Difficulty Notes
cl.MK/2MK/cl.HP/2HP > 214HK Anywhere 43 25 Easy All of your medium normals will combo into Heavy Tatsu, giving you a reliable knockdown and some corner carry. Close normals will always combo into the first hit, but farther out hits may not, which can lead to Tatsu whiffing on crouching characters.
(...) > 623LP/HP Anywhere 46 29 Easy At point blank range, any of your cancellable normals will combo into Light or Heavy DP. Heavy DP is higher damage, but Light will connect at farther ranges without falling out. You are left very punishable on hit if these fall out, so be sure to confirm your range!
(...) > 214LK, 623HP Anywhere Standing 59 34 Medium The signature Akuma BnB. Light Tatsu launches for a damaging Heavy DP followup, which gives tons of damage and stun plus a great knockdown to set up air fireball mixups. The catch is that you can only do Light Tatsu on a standing opponent, so making sure to confirm they're standing is key. NOTE - at absolute max range, Heavy DP can miss the first hit or even fall out. Heavy Tatsu is a more reliable ender - it's worth learning when you should go for it instead.
(...) > 214LK, cl.LP > 623HP Anywhere Standing 62 35 Hard Slightly more damaging version of the HP Shoryuken combo. Be sure to delay the cl.LP, otherwise the DP will whiff. While this combo is technically more damaging than the DP ender on its own, it's a lot easier to mess up and put yourself at a serious disadvantage. For when you want to be flashy.
(...) > 214LK, 214HK Anywhere Standing 52 29 Easy An alternate juggle after Light Tatsu that gives much more corner carry in exchange for less damage. Useful when you want to rushdown more, as Akuma's corner pressure is scary enough that sacrificing the damage is generally worth it.
(...) > 214LK, cl.LP > 214HK Anywhere Standing 55 30 Medium Slightly more damaging version of the HK Tatsu combo.
(...) > 214MK, 623HP Anywhere (Character Specific) 56 35 Medium Medium Tatsu works on crouching and standing opponents, and is easier to combo into than Light Tatsu because of its faster startup. Learning this combo is very beneficial - you deal higher damage per combo, get to combo crouching opponents, and don't have to worry about confirming crouch or stand, leaving your brain free to focus on more important things. However, Medium Tatsu only launches when it hits point blank, so beware. Works on Chun-Li, Makoto, Q, Alex, Necro, Twelve, and Elena.
(...) > 214MK, 623MP Anywhere (Character Specific) 58 33 Hard The alternate Medium Tatsu followup, which reliably works on all characters except Oro, Hugo and Dudley.

SAI Combos
Combo Position Damage Stun Difficulty Notes
cl.MK, 236236P Anywhere 59 9 Medium Link confirm into SA1. Loads of time to confirm, and very easy to execute if you piano. Very useful when bullying the opponent with cl.MK, and when you think they've been low-parrying too much.
2LK > 2LK > 236236P Anywhere 44 5 Medium Low confirm into SA1, useful during offense to confirm big damage from a fast low. You only get two hits to confirm it, but this works on everyone. To execute it more easily, you can input 2LK, 36, 2LK, 36, P
2LK > 2LP > 2LK > 236236P Anywhere (Character Specific) 45 7 Medium Longer confirm that lets you react to the hit easier, but drops on Q, Necro, and Urien, forcing you to use the 2 hit version.
2MK > 236236P Anywhere 49 3 Easy Low poke into SAI, great for punishing long range things or after a parry for more damage.
... > 623LP > 236236P Anywhere 59 25 Easy Punish combo into super. Cancelling a Light DP into SA1 does more damage than cancelling Medium or Heavy, so you'll always use that for SAI combos.
... > 214MK, 236236P Anywhere 49 23 Medium Point-blank Medium Tatsu conversion into SA1. Easier than linking into a Medium DP, and also works reliably on the entire cast. Useful for hitting crouchers.
... > 214MK, 623MP > 236236P Anywhere 57 31 Hard More damaging version of the above combo, but requires a tight Medium DP link. Does not reliably work on Oro, Hugo or Dudley.
MP+MK, 236236P Anywhere 63 3 Medium Overhead link confirm into SA1. Requires a meaty or max-range Universal Overhead (max-range requiring very precise spacing). As with the cl.MK link, piano your super buttons for an easier link.
... > 214LK, 623LP > 236236P Anywhere 64 30 Medium High damage punish combo after a Light Tatsu launch. You can also cancel any of the DP's after a Medium Tatsu combo into SAI for more damage if needed. You will need to delay Light DP to ensure all hits of SAI connect: if you have trouble with that, cancelling after 2 hits of Heavy is easier and more consistent.
... > 214LK, 623LP > 236236P, 623LP Corner 69 34 Medium Extra corner damage after an SA1 cancel. Can be done after any cornered 623LP > SAI, even if the combo started on the ground! Heavy DP only gets 2 hits here, which does one less damage, but it is slightly more forgiving.
... > 214LK, 623LP > 236236P, 623LP > 236236P, 623LP Corner 80 36 Hard The max damage corner combo, does almost 10 more damage than a raw Raging Demon for the same price. Quite difficult, as the Light DPs require slight delays in order to hit them low to the ground. You can replace any Light DP with a Heavy for a much more forgiving combo, though you'll come out lower than a Raging Demon would've been.

Super Art 2


1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move 4th Move Damage Stun Damage
Gou Shoryuken (Hp.png) Super Art 2 - - 334 (29%) 22
Crouch Lk.png Crouch Lk.png Super Art 2 - 414 (36%) 14
Crouch Mk.png Super Art 2 - - 449 (39%) 14
Closemp Super Art 2 - - 460 (40%) 18
CrouchHp.png Gou Shoryuken (Mp.png) Super Art 2 - ??? (??%) ??
Crouch Mk.png Gou Shoryuken (Mp.png) Super Art 2 - ??? (??%) ??

Super Art 3


1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move 4th Move Damage Stun Damage
Crouch Mk.png Super Art 3 (Ground) - - ??? (??%) ?
Crouch Lk.png Crouch Lk.png Super Art 3 (Ground) - ??? (??%) ?
Crouch Mk.png Tatsumaki Zankuukyaku (Lk.png) Super Art 3 (Ground) - 449 (39%) 5
Crouch Mk.png Gou Shoryuken (Mp.png) (1hit) Super Art 3 (Ground) - ??? (??%) ?
CloseHp.png Gou Shoryuken (Mp.png) (1hit) Super Art 3 (Ground) - ??? (??%) ?

Shun Goku Satsu

Specific to:

Yun, Akuma, Remy, Ryu, Q, Oro, Necro, Chun-Li, Dudley, Ibuki, Makoto, Sean, Twelve, Hugo, Alex, Yun and Ken

1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move 4th Move Damage Stun Damage
Far Hk.png Shun Goku Satsu - - 598 (52%) 5

Kongou Kokuretzu Zan


1st Move 2nd Move 3rd Move 4th Move Damage Stun Damage
Tatsumaki Zankuukyaku (Lk.png) CloseLp.png Kongou Kokuretzu Zan - ??? (??%) ?
Crouch Mk.png Tatsumaki Zankuukyaku (Lk.png) CloseLp.png Kongou Kokuretzu Zan ??? (??%) ?


You can add Akuma's dive kick or a J+Hp.png before these combos for more damage.

  • C+Mk.png, Tatsu, Shoryu xx SA1, Shoryu
  • C+Mk.png, Tatsu, Shoryu xx SA1, SA1, Shoryu