Street Fighter 2: The World Warrior/FAQ

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Chun Li



E. Honda



Online Play

Street Fighter 2: The World Warrior is supported by FightCade and RedGGPO; multiplayer services for classic arcade games. FightCade requires Windows XP or later to run, but can be used on other operating systems through Windows compatibility layers such as Wine

Game Versions

CPS1 (arcade)
This the original release of World Warrior.

Super Nintendo

The initial home release. Derezzed sprites/simpler graphics (very little parallax scrolling) and much weaker sound effects than the arcade release. Also some nitpicky game engine changes - CPS1 combos don't work, and the game certainly 'feels' different - probably some frame data and timing changes. Check out E.Honda's LP headbutt for instance.

Also, no intro movie! OMG!


Direct-to-Arcade alike,but not perfect

Sega Saturn

PlayStation 2


PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Microsoft Windows (Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection)
This is a compilation that includes an emulated version of World Warrior. The emulation appears to be 100% accurate.

Regional Differences

Please note that the Japanese versions are not the same as the American versions:

American Version
Japanese Version
Boxer character = Balrog Boxer character = M.Bison
Claw character = Vega Claw character = Balrog
Dictator character = M.Bison Dictator character = Vega

All known revisions of the US region arcade ROMs have a "Winners don't use drugs" screen during the attract mode, which is not shown for other regions.

Arcade glitches/revisions

In all arcade revisions (currently known), the following glitches and tricks are known to exist:

  • Konami code during attract
While watching the CPU vs CPU gameplay during the attract sequence, input UUDDLRLR Strong Jab on the 2p side.
The top row of numbers displayed correspond to coins inserted into the game: <unknown> <player one coin total> <unknown> <player two coin total>
The bottom row of numbers indicate the number of times each character has been selected: <Ryu> <E. Honda> <Blanka> <Guile> <Ken> <Chun-Li> <Zangief> <Dhalsim>
(taken from ilitirit's description
  • Car bonus stage glitch
By breaking one side of the car during the car bonus stage, several characters can get stuck by backwards-jumping and hitting the top corner of the car. This includes Ryu, Ken, and E.Honda.
If the character is not hit out of this glitch and the stage times-out, the game is hard locked and needs to be reset.
See Error1's Car Bonus Glitch video for a demonstration.
  • Guile free sonic boom
After throwing an opponent with MP, Guile can continue holding the same direction (towards the opponent), and fire a Sonic Boom by pressing any Punch button soon after recovery. Waiting too long will squander this 'free sonic boom'.
  • Dhalsim game reset
By performing a Yoga Fire with Roundhouse, and pressing Fierce immediately afterwards, Dhalsim can reset the machine.
  • 512 Glitch
With every button press (?), there is a 1-in-512 chance for a special move to come out instead. This was used by the developers as a method to show players moves that are possible, but it's actually frustrating when they come out when you don't want them.
Revision Guile Free Flash Kick Guile Scroller Dhalsim invisible
910129 Resets Works Resets
910204 Resets Resets Resets
910206 Resets Resets Resets
910214 Resets Resets Works
910228 Resets Resets Works
910306 Works Resets Works
910318 Works Resets Works
910411 Works Resets Works
910522 Works Resets Works
911101 No No Works
911210 No No Works
920312 No No Works


  • None of Guile's "main" glitches work from 911101 revision onwards - this includes Handcuffs, Magic Throws, etc. Only the "Free Sonic Boom" still works.
  • The 911101 revision has an additional quirk - all of Guile's Sonic Booms are LP (slow) versions, and all Guile's Flash Kicks are LK (lowest) versions.
  • No revision exhibits the behaviour of E.Honda's jumping neutral Roundhouse kick as documented at Derek Daniel's SF2 Glitch FAQ


Port Comparisons

Technical Details

SF2 Dizzies
Dizzy durations and limits and update
SF2 Hitboxes
SF2 Throwboxes
SF2 Random damage
Cheat codes & findings

Game Navigation

E. Honda