1 - Life Bar - Red will indicate damage being taken.
2 - Meter - Grows gradually on its own or while being hit or hitting your opponent. Maximum is 3 Bars.
3 - Round Counter - First to 2 wins. Will also give you unique icons depending on how you won each round. (i.e. Clock = Won by Timeout)
4 - Timer - Starts at 60. Round will end once it reaches 0.
5 - Combo Counter - Indicates the lenght of a combo.
6 - Beast Force! - Bar that you can go trought to select diferent supers from the other characters in the game.
7 - Beast Force activation - Appears when hitting 3 buttons, it will summon your animal spirit that will grant you with different buffs and nerfs depending on character, bar will deplete with time or by using a specific special or Beast force super.