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Siely Wilner. シェリー・ウィルナー
This character was created by 柊らみ子 (Hiiragi rami ni(?)) of サイコロの森 (Forest of Dice).
Moves List
Move - Damage (special properties)
Normal Moves
A - 170
B - 300
C - 400
6_4+C (throw) - 100
A - 150
B - 280
C - 300, 100
A - 170
B - 280
C - 400
Air Dash
A - 150
B - 250
C - 300, 200, 200
Special Moves
[xxx] indicates an air version; All of Siely's specials can be done in the air except 236+C
- 41236+A - 595
(unblockable command grab)
- 214+A - 300 [450]
- 214+B - 100x4 [100x5]
- 623+B - 300 [400]
- 214+C - 592 [982], 1732 [2104], 3128
(Requires 1 level; can be repeated up to 3 times)
- 236+C - 1200, 1800, 2800
(Requires 1 level; consumes all levels up to 3)
Absurd Special
214214+D - 100xN / 300xP
(N is a hit, P is a blocked move)
This move doesn't do much damage at all if it hits due to low damage and scaling, however if it is blocked it can do A LOT of damage.
BnB, most characters:
2B 2C (1hit), 66C (land), 5B 2C (1hit), 66C xx 41236A into Shift Activation of your choice.
On some smaller characters like Aleksander you'll have to walk forward a bit after the first 66C.
Advanced BnB 2ABC (1hit), 66C, late 623B, walk forward, 5B 2C (1hit), 66C xx 41236A into Shift Activation
Characters siely can hit with Jumping A(while rising) While opponent is crouching: Information submitted by shardZ
* katze= yes * ryougen = yes, * rail =no * maya =no * othello= no * orju = no * siely = yes * aleks = yes * delga = Yes