Killer Instinct (2013)/Fulgore/Character Intro

From SuperCombo Wiki




Strengths Weaknesses
  • Runaway Robot: While it takes a lot of prep, Fulgore can run circles around his opponent with teleport while vexing them with Energy Bolts and heavy Eye Lasers.
  • Enter the Vortex: Fulgore can follow up any hard knockdown with a 6-way mixup that's safe if blocked and loops back into itself via throw or Energy Bolt ender.
  • Execution Intensive: Fulgore has 5 special moves and the ability to cancel between them, requiring a lot of successive motion inputs.
  • Starved for Shadow Counters: While Fulgore is blessed with an invincible DP, sometimes you need a shadow counter, and Fulgore gets fewer opportunities to use his than the rest of the roster. His meter gain is the slowest when on the backfoot, so he may be taking your pressure for a while if you can lock him down.
  • I'm gonna be honest, you really gotta nitpick for weaknesses on this character.

Universal Mechanics


Blast Core: Fulgore can cancel his special moves into other special moves without spending a pip, and can build a pip by pressing HP+HK.

Combat Traits

Auto-Triples: Fulgore can follow up an auto-double with a manual of the same strength. These manuals increase Fulgore's spin speed.

Reactor Gauge: Fulgore's shadow meter is uniquely divided into 10 pips that fill up over time. Fulgore gains pips faster by using physical hits, and gains pips slower by using projectiles or suffering a knockdown. Fulgore can use these pips to chain together special moves. Shadow moves cost 4 pips.