Double Dragon/Burnov

From SuperCombo Wiki


Birthplace - Detroit

Height - 6' 3" Weight - 495 lbs

Fighting Style - Wrestling

Interests - Guitar, Cooking

POW: 5

SPD: 1

DEF: 4

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Overwhelming Pressure: Burnov deals an immense amount of chip damage, and his mixups are better than one might expect at first glance.

  • Explosive Damage: When he can find an opening, Burnov deals incredible single-hit damage with his projectiles, throws, and super moves.

  • Sluggish: Burnov has next to no mobility, especially in the air, making him very easy to run away from and zone out.

  • Worst-In-Class Defense: Burnov has the worst defensive options in the entire game. He has virtually no consistent anti-airs and no reversals of any kind to speak of.

Move List Showcase

Normal Attacks

Standing Normals

Far 5A
Input Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel On Hit On Block
5A 1900 3 - - H/L Yes +8 +12

Burnov stabs at the opponent with his hand. A pretty fantastic standing jab, is fast and goes very far while dealing good damage.

Close 5A
Input Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel On Hit On Block
5A 1900 3 - - L Yes +7 +11

An extraordinarily rare standing low. Not super remarkable beyond that, but still pretty good for grounded blockstrings and whatnot. Can end up as something of a hindrance, as attempting to anti-air with Far 5A while too close will give you this button instead.

Far 5B
Input Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel On Hit On Block
5B 3800 7 - - H/L Yes +5 +9

A solid mid poke, though slightly slower than most 5Bs. Useful as an essential link in Burnov's combos, can be canceled into 236X for a cheeky frametrap or 46X to score a knockdown if you've been charging.

Close 5B
Input Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel On Hit On Block
5B 3800 7 - - H/L Yes +3 +7

A fairly unremarkable Close B, basically the exact same button as Far 5B but with worse recovery.

Far 5C
Input Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel On Hit On Block
5C 5700 18 - - H/L Yes +5 +7

Burnov advances while performing a spinning backfist. Whiffs on most crouchers. One of the slowest 5Cs in the game, but good range and combos into A and B Cannonball pretty consistently. Best used for counterpoking and punish scenarios.

Close 5C
Input Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel On Hit On Block
5C 5700 10 - - H/L Yes +7 +9

Burnov hops forward whilst bumping the opponent with his belly. Most useful as a combo extender for Burnov, can be linked into 2B on hit. Particularly good after jump-ins.

Far 5D
Input Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel On Hit On Block
5D 7600 22 - - H No -2 (point blank) -2 (point blank)

Burnov jumps and performs a heavy tumbling kick. Slow to start but highly active, later frames allow Burnov to combo into 5B on hit. Useful for okizeme or grounded mixups, though fairly easy to block on reaction. Can perform serviceably as an anti-air, but must be inputted preemptively due to its slow startup.

Close 5D
Input Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel On Hit On Block
5D 5700 12 - - H/L Yes -5 -3

Burnov bashes the opponent with his shoulder. Deals the same damage as Close 5C, with worse startup/recovery and very high pushback. Not particularly practical, though it does have a command normal extension.

Crouching Normals

Input Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel On Hit On Block
2A 1900 3 - - H/L Yes +8 +12

Essentially a crouching variant of 5A. A phenomenal defense and abare tool that significantly helps Burnov's very poor wakeup game. Useful for shutting down all kinds offense and can be linked into 5B for limited combo conversions.

Input Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel On Hit On Block
2B 3800 4 - - L Yes +9 +13

Burnov pokes at the opponent's foot with his own. This is Burnov's only crouching low poke, and one of only two lows in his moveset. The frame data and damage are actually stellar for a button of this kind, and it can be linked into 5B on hit, but it is held back significantly by its tiny range. Still a very useful tool overall.

Input Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel On Hit On Block
2C 5700 10 - - H/L Yes -3 -1

Burnov stretches forward for a low-angled uppercut. This button vaguely resembles an anti-air, but is only really effective for that purpose at mid-long range. What it does have is cancellability and great horizontal range, far enough to hit at round start.

Input Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel On Hit On Block
2D 8120 (3800+4320) 10 - - H/L, H/L No KD -7

Burnov rolls forward while kicking his opponent twice. A pretty bad 2D; doesn't hit low, non-cancelleable, and easily punishable on block. Avoid this button for the most part.

Aerial Normals

J. A
Input Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel On Hit On Block
7/8/9A 1900 6 - - H N/A Variable Variable

A flying cross chop. Small hitbox, but starts quick and remains active for a while. Useful for aerial scrambles due to Burnov's other aerial buttons being quite slow.

J. B
Input Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel On Hit On Block
7/8/9B 3800 8 - - H N/A Variable Variable

The traditional grappler flying body splash. Limited horizontal range, but a very consistent crossup that can be easily converted into a combo.

J. C
Input Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel On Hit On Block
7/8/9C 5700 12 - - H N/A Variable Variable

A flying dropkick. Like most J. Cs, a well-rounded jump-in which has good range and solid damage, as well as a small crossup hitbox.

J. D
Input Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel On Hit On Block
7/8/9D 7600 15 - - H N/A Variable Variable

An aerial version of Burnov's 5D. A slow but extremely strong jump-in with very high hitstun/blockstun. Can be looped on some characters in the corner for a near-infinite blockstring.

Command Normals

Close 5DD
Input Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel On Hit On Block
5DD 7600 7 - - H No -2 -2

A command normal with very niche utility. A much faster version of Burnov's Far 5D, this still maintains the overhead property and as such can be used as a mixup tool as well. If this attack connects after a successful Close 5D, it will always knock down, but if it connects on its own, it will leave the opponent standing. This allows combo conversions if you've got fast hands, but getting an opponent into this scenario in the first place is a big ask.

2X when opponent is stunned (KD)
Input Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel On Hit On Block
2X 9880 82 - - N/A No KD N/A

Burnov's universal Pursuit attack. Slightly slower than average, but with higher damage.


Input Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel On Hit On Block
4/6B 8360 1 - 0 N/A No KD N/A

Burnov lifts his opponent before slamming them down with a powerbomb. Deals the least damage of his throws but keeps the same side and gives very good oki.

High Drop Suplex
Input Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel On Hit On Block
4/6C 9120 1 - 0 N/A No KD N/A

Burnov performs a standing suplex on his opponent. Swaps sides, gives slightly worse oki than Powerbomb but still good.

Jumping Powerbomb
Input Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel On Hit On Block
4/6D 9880 1 - 0 N/A No KD N/A

Burnov leaps and slams his opponent to the ground with a fierce powerbomb. Keeps same side, leaves the opponent midscreen.

Air Jumping Powerbomb
4/6D in air
Input Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel On Hit On Block
4/6D 9880 1 - 0 N/A No KD N/A

Identical to the grounded version.

Special Moves

Nitro Slime
Version Input Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel On Hit On Block
A 236A 6460 12 - - H/L Into KD -17 (point blank)
Version Input Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel On Hit On Block
B 236B 6840 14 - - H/L Into KD -20 (point blank)
Version Input Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel On Hit On Block
C 236C 7220 16 - - H/L Into KD -26 (point blank)
Version Input Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel On Hit On Block
D 236D 7600 18 - - H/L Into KD -29 (point blank)

Burnov spits out a fireball which travels in a small arc and explodes on impact with the opponent or the ground. Deals very high damage for a projectile and knocks down on hit. Useful for ending blockstrings and midrange zoning. Stronger versions slightly increase damage, change the angle which the ball travels, and increases startup and recovery time.

Hold 4~6X
Version Input Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel On Hit On Block
A 46A 8360 13 - - H/L Into KD -29
Version Input Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel On Hit On Block
B 46B 9120 17 - - H/L Into KD -28
Version Input Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel On Hit On Block
C 46C 9880 21 - - H/L Into KD -28
Version Input Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel On Hit On Block
D 46D 10640 25 - - H/L Into KD -27

Burnov sprints forward at full speed, recoiling off of whatever he runs into. Stronger versions take longer to wind up, but travel much faster and deal higher damage. All versions deal sizeable chip damage and remain active even after Burnov bounces backwards, making them difficult to completely avoid, especially near the corner. A version is Burnov's standard combo ender, while the rest are primarily useful for pressure. Despite the frame disadvantage, this move is usually safe on block due to its extremely high pushback.

Destroyed Hell Dive
Version Input Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel On Hit On Block
A 41236/63214A 7600 1 - 0 N/A Into KD N/A
Version Input Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel On Hit On Block
B 41236/63214B 8640 1 - 0 N/A Into KD N/A
Version Input Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel On Hit On Block
C 41236/63214C 9910 1 - 0 N/A Into KD N/A
Version Input Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel On Hit On Block
D 41236/63214D 11190 1 - 0 N/A Into KD N/A

Burnov grabs the opponent and performs a sequence of wrestling moves on them. A version has him perform a german suplex. B version adds an atomic drop before the suplex. C and D versions add a jumping splash to the end of the previous two moves. The move's versions decrease in range as their strength increases, A will combo off of virtually any button at and range while D requires Burnov to be point blank. This move deals extraordinarily high damage, though is slightly difficult to cancel into as it requires a half circle motion. Great for combo purposes, particularly during a stun and after Close 5C.

Super Moves

Nitro Splash
Input Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel On Hit On Block
236XX 15120 22 - - H/L Into KD -33

Burnov spits out a massive fireball that explodes multiple times and deals heavy damage. Always lands in the same spot regardless of what buttons are used. Slow startup and recovery limit its use, though it does deal incredibly high damage on hit and creates a large screen presence the opponent is forced to maneuver around. Chip damage is solid too, though Heavy Crash deals slightly more.

Heavy Crash
Hold 4~6XX
Input Damage Startup Active Recovery Guard Cancel On Hit On Block
46XX 14768 20 - - H/L Into KD -29

Burnov engulfs himself in flames and charges towards his opponent. Completely invincible once Burnov starts running, literally nothing can beat this attack head-on. If this attack hits or is blocked, the opponent will be carried with Burnov all the way to the end of the stage. An incredible anti-zoning and general "neutral skip" tool that is basically essential for Burnov's kit. This attack can easily turn a round in his favor, even on block he receives great stage positioning, very high chip damage, and dodges punishes by retreating backwards.

The Basics


Color List


Game Navigation

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