Capcom vs SNK 2/Blanka/Combos

From SuperCombo Wiki


All health values tested using C-Groove Ratio 2 against a C-Groove Ratio 2 Ryu at full health

All combos are written in Numpad Notation, refer to this visual aide if you need help reading it.

Meterless Combos
Combo Position Damage Stun Difficulty Notes
Notation Here Position Damage Stun Difficulty Notes
Notation Here Position Damage Stun Difficulty Notes

Custom Combos

Blanka's Custom Combo Slide by GunterJPN

Old Combo Table

2 cr. shorts, st. jab, fierce Rolling Attack

Cross-up forward, cr. short, st. jab, fierce Rolling Attack

Jump in RH, cr. forward, fierce Rolling Attack

Super Combos

Direct Lightning

  • Charge back, forward, back, forward + P

Ground Shave Rolling

  • Charge back, forward, back, forward + K

Shout of Earth

  • Charge down+back, down+forward, down+back, Up+forward + P

Level 1

  • Jump-in RH, s.fierce, Direct Lightning

Level 2/3

  • Cross-up forward, cr. short x2, st. jab, Direct Lightning
  • Cr. short (x4), Direct Lightning (very hard and inconsistent, not practical for match play)
  • Jump-in RH, cr. short, st. jab, Direct Lightning

Custom Combos

  • Basic Custom Combo

Activate, slide, st. jab, [superjump, fierce x2, RH]until corner. In corner:[superjump fierce x5]x2, back,forward,back,forward+kick.(kick super.) Damage:6700

  • Other variations

-Roll Cancel Electricity, activate, [st. fierce, whiff jab Blanka Ball]x2, st. jab,[superjump, fierce x2, RH]until corner. In corner: [superjump fierce x5]x3, st. RH kick super. (Doesn't work on Bison aka dictator) Damage:8492

-Activate, cr. forward, st. fierce x3, slide, st. fierce, whiff jab Blanka Ball, cr. fierce, st. fierce, whiff jab Blanka Ball, cr. fierce, st. fierce, whiff jab Blanka Ball, st. jab In corner: superjump fierce x5, st. RH, kick super. Damage:7532

-After a knockdown: close meaty st. strong, if it hits, activate, cr. forward, st. fierce x2, slide, st. fierce, whiff jab Blanka Ball, cr. fierce, st. fierce, whiff jab Blanka Ball, st. jab, superjump fierce, super jump RH. In corner: superjump fierce x5, st. RH, kick super.

-Counter hit cr. short, activate, cr. forward, st. fierce x2, slide, st. fierce, jab Blanka Ball, [cr. fierce, st. fierce, jab Blanka Ball]x2. (note: setup isn't practical) In corner: st. fierce, super jump fierce x5, st. RH, kick super.

  • Blocked Blanka Ball setup

Block it high, activate, slide, [st. fierce,kkk hop]x3, st. jab In corner: superjump fierce x5, st. RH, kick super. Damage:7436

  • Guard Crush Custom Combo

Activate, slide x3, fierce Electricity, kick super note: This variation does the most blocked damage and knocks off the most guard bar but will not actually break the guard if the opponent had full guard bar at the beginning of the custom combo.