UMVC3/Game Data

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Character Health
Character Health
Akuma 750,000
Amaterasu 800,000
Arthur 850,000
C. Viper 900,000
Captain America 1,050,000
Chris 1,100,000
Chun-Li 850,000
Dante 900,000
Deadpool 900,000
Doctor Doom 1,000,000
Doctor Strange 850,000
Dormammu 1,000,000
Felicia 880,000
Firebrand 850,000
Frank West 1,050,000
Ghost Rider 1,000,000
Haggar 1,200,000
Hawkeye 900,000
Hsien-Ko 900,000
Hulk 1,200,000
Iron Fist 1,000,000
Iron Man 950,000
Jill 850,000
M.O.D.O.K. 950,000
Magneto 850,000
Morrigan 950,000
Nemesis T-Type 1,150,000
Nova 900,000
Phoenix 375,000
Phoenix Wright 1,000,000
Rocket Raccoon 750,000
Ryu 1,000,000
Sentinel 900,000
She-Hulk 1,150,000
Shuma-Gorath 950,000
Spencer 1,050,000
Spider-Man 900,000
Storm 850,000
Strider Hiryu 750,000
Super-Skrull 1,000,000
Taskmaster 1,100,000
Thor 1,250,000
Trish 850,000
Tron 1,200,000
Vergil 850,000
Viewtiful Joe 950,000
Wesker 1,000,000
Wolverine 950,000
X-23 830,000
Zero 830,000

Magic Series/Normal Chain Info (WIP)

Name Chain Limit Magic Series Type Air Chain Combo Limit Rapid Fire Light Normals Notes
Akuma 2 Simple Three 5L, 2L
Amaterasu 2 Simple Three 5L, 2L
Arthur 2 Simple Three 5L, 2L
C. Viper 2 Simple None 2L
Captain America 2 Simple None 5L
Chris 2 Simple Three -
Chun-Li 3 Simple None 5L, 2L
Dante 2 Unique None 2L
Deadpool 6 Full None 5L, 2L
Doctor Doom 2 Simple Three 2L
Doctor Strange 2 Simple Three 2L
Dormammu 2 Simple Three -
Felicia 6 Full None 5L, 2L
Firebrand 5 Full None 5L, 2L
Frank West 6 Full None -
Ghost Rider 1 Short Three -
Haggar 2 Simple Three -
Hawkeye 1 Short Three -
Hsien-Ko 6 Full None 5L, 2L
Hulk 1 Short Three -
Iron Fist 5 Full None 5L, 2L
Iron Man 6 Full None 5L, 2L
Jill 6 Full None 5L, 2L
Magneto 2 Simple Three 5L, 2L
M.O.D.O.K 2 Simple Three 5L, 2L
Morrigan 6 Full None 2L
Nemesis 2 Simple Three -
Nova 2 Simple Three 5L
Phoenix 6 Full None 5L, 2L
Phoenix Wright 2 Simple Three -
Rocket Raccoon 6 Full None 5L, 2L
Ryu 2 Simple Three 5L, 2L
Sentinel 1 Short Three 2L
She-Hulk 2 Simple Three -
Shuma-Gorath 6 Full None 5L, 2L
Spencer 2 Simple Three 5L
Spider-Man 2 Simple None 5L, 2L
Storm 6 Full None 2L
Strider 6 Full None 5L, 2L
Super-Skrull 6 Full None 5L, 2L
Taskmaster 2 Simple Three -
Thor 1 Short Three -
Trish 2 Unique None 5L, 2L
Tron 2 Simple Three -
Vergil 2 Simple Three -
Viewtiful Joe 6 Full None 5L, 2L
Wesker 2 Simple Three -
Wolverine 6 Full None 2L
X-23 6 Full None 5L, 2L
Zero 2 Simple None -

Grounded Dash Frames

Forward Dash

The total length of the dash in frames if not cancelled.
Inital Speed
The initial forced applied to the character moving them forward after the startup of the dash. In units of distance used internally in the game.
The force applied against the character every frame of the dash slowing them gradually until the end of the duration of the dash.
The amount of frames until the initial speed of the dash is applied after the dash is input. Effectively how long until the character begins to move.
Cancel Delay
The amount of frames until the dash can be cancelled into an attack

Name Duration Initial Speed Deceleration Startup Cancel Delay Notes
Akuma 28 20 1.00 1 4 -
Amaterasu 73 11 0.00 1 4 -
Arthur - - - - - Cannot dash
C. Viper 15 18 1.00 1 4 -
Captain America 40 18 0.80 1 4 -
Chris 39 13 0.50 1 4 -
Chun-Li 22 19 0.75 1 4 -
Dante 19 20 1.00 1 4 -
Deadpool 31 20 0.80 1 4 -
Doctor Doom 35 22 1.00 6 24 Cannot cancel dash into normals or crouch, but can cancel into specials
Doctor Strange 35 13 0.30 1 4 -
Dormammu 19 13 0.50 1 18 Cannot cancel dash into attacks or crouch
Felicia 25 21 0.90 1 5 -
Firebrand 22 20 1.00 1 4 -
Frank 30 10 1.00 1 4 -
Ghost Rider 20 13 0.50 1 4 -
Haggar 30 13 0.45 1 4 -
Hawkeye 30 15 0.60 1 4 -
Hsien-Ko 20 33 1.00 16 31 Forward dash frames 16-30 are invulnerable; can dash through opponents
Hulk 40 18 0.60 1 24 Cannot cancel dash into attacks or crouch but can cancel into jump; can pass over small opponents or opponents in HKD on frames 5-24, can special cancel starting on frame 23
Iron Fist 30 25 1.50 1 4 -
Iron Man 35 18 0.50 6 11 -
Jill 19 22 1.00 1 4 -
Magneto 45 19 0.50 1 4 -
M.O.D.O.K 19 18 1.00 1 4 -
Morrigan 46 9.5 0.00 1 6 Dash takes her airborne; Hold input to dash for longer
Nemesis 45 19 1.00 1 10 -
Nova 35 21 1.00 1 4 -
Phoenix 38 20 1.00 1 4 -
Phoenix Wright 35 13 0.50 1 4 -
Rocket Raccoon 15 15 1.00 1 4 -
Ryu 20 19 1.00 1 4 -
Sentinel 30 13 0.30 1 4 -
She-Hulk 19 20 1.00 1 4 -
Shuma-Gorath 45 13 0.30 1 4 -
Spencer 30 13 0.20 2 4 Has a unique bug that makes his Plink Dash faster than it otherwise would be.
Spider-Man 41 20 0.75 1 4 -
Storm 19 17 0.30 1 4 -
Strider 54 20 0.50 1 4 -
Super-Skrull 32 22 1.00 1 4 -
Taskmaster 35 23 1.00 6 7 -
Thor 19 11 0.30 1 4 -
Trish 25 16 0.70 1 4 -
Tron 34 20 1.00 1 11 -
Vergil 21 23 1.20 1 4 -
Viewtiful Joe 26 13 0.50 1 4 -
Wesker 18 22 1.00 1 4 -
Wolverine 20 22 0.85 1 4 -
X-23 16 23 1.00 1 4 -
Zero 41 11 0.00 1 4 -

Backward Dash

The total length of the dash in frames if not cancelled.
Inital Speed
The initial forced applied to the character moving them backward after the startup of the dash. In units of distance used internally in the game.
The force applied against the character every frame of the dash slowing them gradually until the end of the duration of the dash.
The amount of frames until the initial speed of the dash is applied after the dash is input. Effectively how long until the character begins to move.
Cancel Delay
The amount of frames until the dash can be cancelled into an attack

Name Duration Initial Speed Deceleration Startup Cancel Delay Notes
Akuma 28 18 1.00 1 4 -
Amaterasu 32 18 1.00 1 4 -
Arthur - - - - - Cannot dash
C. Viper 23 15 0.80 1 4 -
Captain America 33 15 0.70 1 4 -
Chris 40 17 0.90 1 4 -
Chun-Li 29 18 1.00 3 4 -
Dante 31 15 0.60 1 4 -
Deadpool 35 18 0.70 7 4 -
Doctor Doom 33 22 1.00 6 25 Cannot cancel dash into normals or crouch, but can cancel into specials
Doctor Strange 35 16 1.00 3 4 -
Dormammu 33 18 0.60 1 26 Cannot cancel dash into attacks or crouch
Felicia 24 21 1.00 1 5 -
Firebrand 22 18 1.00 3 4 -
Frank 20 18 1.00 1 6 -
Ghost Rider 25 16 1.00 3 4 -
Haggar 31 16 0.70 1 4 -
Hawkeye 30 15 0.60 3 4 -
Hsien-Ko 33 18 1.00 1 4 -
Hulk 40 18 0.60 1 36 Cannot cancel dash into attacks or crouch
Iron Fist 33 25 1.50 3 4 -
Iron Man 35 18 0.55 6 11 -
Jill 23 22 1.00 1 4 -
Magneto 45 19 0.50 1 4 -
M.O.D.O.K 33 18 1.00 1 4 -
Morrigan 23 9.5 0.00 1 7 Dash takes her airborne; Hold input to dash for longer;
Nemesis 37 16 1.00 3 10 -
Nova 25 21 1.00 3 5 -
Phoenix 39 18 1.00 1 4 -
Phoenix Wright 35 13 0.50 3 4 -
Rocket Raccoon 15 13 0.50 1 4 -
Ryu 25 16 1.00 3 4 -
Sentinel 27 13 0.40 1 4 -
She-Hulk 33 18 1.00 1 4 -
Shuma-Gorath 54 22 1.00 1 4 Backdash frames 12-31 are invulnerable
Spencer 35 18 0.80 1 4 Has a unique bug that makes his Plink Dash faster than it otherwise would be.
Spider-Man 40 20 0.75 3 4 -
Storm 33 15 0.50 1 4 -
Strider 38 16 0.50 1 4 -
Super-Skrull 32 21 1.00 1 4 -
Taskmaster 35 18 1.00 7 8 -
Thor 39 17 0.60 1 4 -
Trish 25 16 0.70 1 4 -
Tron 32 18 1.00 1 11 -
Vergil 39 16 0.70 3 4 -
Viewtiful Joe 26 16.80 1.00 1 4 -
Wesker 24 19 1.00 1 4 -
Wolverine 34 20 1.00 1 4 -
X-23 21 25 1.00 1 4 -
Zero 35 23 1.10 1 4 -

Walk Speed

Name Forward Speed Backward Speed
Akuma 5.0 3.0
Amaterasu 3.5 3.0
Arthur 3.0 3.0
C. Viper 3.1 3.1
Captain America 2.8 2.6
Chris 2.3 2.3
Chun-Li 3.3 3.2
Dante 2.8 2.6
Deadpool 3.1 3.3
Doctor Doom 2.3 2.3
Doctor Strange 2.5 2.5
Dormammu 2.3 2.3
Felicia 3.53 3.5
Firebrand 3.7 3.7
Frank 2.5 2.2
Ghost Rider 2.45 2.45
Haggar 2.3 2.3
Hawkeye 2.5 2.5
Hsien-Ko 2.8 2.8
Hulk 2.93 2.85
Iron Fist 3.3 3.3
Iron Man 2.8 2.8
Jill 3.5 3.5
Magneto 3.5 3.5
M.O.D.O.K 3.0 3.0
Morrigan 3.5 3.5
Nemesis 2.3 2.5
Nova 3.5 3.5
Phoenix 3.3 3.3
Phoenix Wright 2.65 2.5
Rocket Raccoon 2.4 2.2
Ryu 2.65 2.5
Sentinel 3.5 3.5
She-Hulk 2.9 2.9
Shuma-Gorath 3.0 3.0
Spencer 2.7 2.7
Spider-Man 3.3 3.25
Storm 3.3 3.3
Strider 4.0 4.0
Super-Skrull 2.6 2.6
Taskmaster 2.5 2.3
Thor 2.3 2.3
Trish 3.0 3.0
Tron 2.5 2.5
Vergil 2.8 2.8
Viewtiful Joe 3.0 3.0
Wesker 2.8 2.8
Wolverine 3.3 3.3
X-23 3.6 3.6
Zero 3.1 3.1

Jump Frames

Name Jump Duration Superjump Duration Air Jump Duration Air Actions Walljump Duration Notes
Akuma 42 81 - 0 - -
Amaterasu 46 81 - 1 - -
Arthur 58 81 25 1 - -
C. Viper 49 81 22 1 - -
Captain America 44 81 17 1 - -
Chris 40 81 - 0 - -
Chun-Li 46 82 22 2 ? -
Dante 44 81 20 1(2) - Gains a second air action in Devil Trigger
Deadpool 37 81 19 1 ? -
Doctor Doom 44 81 - 1 - -
Doctor Strange 43 81 - 0 - -
Dormammu 42 81 - 1 - -
Felicia 44 85 - 0 - Has Wall cling
Firebrand 40 81 - 0 - Has Wall cling
Frank 44 81 - 0 - -
Ghost Rider 40 81 - 0 - -
Haggar 36 81 - 0 - -
Hawkeye 49 81 - 0 - -
Hsien-Ko 46 81 - 1 - -
Hulk 40 81 - 0 - -
Iron Fist 40 81 - 0 ? -
Iron Man 46 79 - 1 - -
Jill 40 81 - 0 - -
Magneto 48 81 - 1 - -
M.O.D.O.K 5 81 - 1 - Normal Jump enters Flight on frame 5.
Morrigan 43 80 - 1 - -
Nemesis 44 81 - 0 - -
Nova 40 81 - 1 - -
Phoenix 42 81 - 1 - -
Phoenix Wright 40 81 - 0 - -
Rocket Raccoon 40 81 - 0 - Can hold up during jump to float
Ryu 40 81 - 0 - -
Sentinel 47 81 24 1 - -
She-Hulk 40 81 - 0 ? -
Shuma-Gorath 46 81 - 1 - -
Spencer 40 81 - 0 - -
Spider-Man 52 81 - 1 ? -
Storm 43 81 - 1 - Can hold up during jump to float
Strider 43 81 13 1 ? Has Wall cling
Super-Skrull 40 81 - 1 - -
Taskmaster 46 81 - 0 - -
Thor 43 81 - 1 - -
Trish 45 81 20 1 - -
Tron 43 81 - 1 ? -
Vergil 41 81 (16) (1) ? Gains air jump and an air action (effectively a double jump) in Devil Trigger
Viewtiful Joe 50 81 21 2 - -
Wesker 41 81 - 0 - -
Wolverine 39 80 - 0 ? -
X-23 45 80 - 0 ? -
Zero 46 81 - 1 - -

Airdash Frames


  • Earliest Airdash after jump does not include prejump frames.
  • The Number in () is the earliest frame an airdash can be cancelled.
Name Airdash Type Minimum Airdash Height Earliest Airdash after Jump Earliest Airdash after Superjump Duration Notes
Up Up-Forward Forward Down-Forward Down Down-Back Back Up-Back
Amaterasu 3-Way 100 7 3 - 40(7) 40(7) 40(7) - - - - Forward airdash movement starts on frame 13
Chun-Li 1-Way 100 6 3 - - 20(7) - - - - - Forward airdash travels at slight downward angle.
C. Viper 8-Way 120 8 4 38(5) 30(9) 38(7) Until grounded(9) 38(5) Until grounded(9) 37(7) 30(9) Diagonal airdash movement starts on frame 9
Dante 2-Way 100 6 3 - - 38(4) - - - 37(4) - Gains double airdash in Devil Trigger
Doctor Doom 8-Way 100 / 120 6 3 30(5) 30(5) 38(7) 30(5) 30(5) 30(5) 37(7) 30(5) Down-Back airdash has minimum height of 120 units.
Dormammu 8-Way 120 10 5 30(5) 30(5) 38(4) 20(5) 30(5) 20(7) 37(4) 30(5) Down-back airdash movement starts on frame 6
Hsien-Ko 2-Way 70 4 2 - - 60(7) - - - 60(7) - -
Iron Man 8-Way 60 3 3 40(5) 25(11) 38(11) 35(11) 34(5) 25(11) 38(7) 25(11) Diagonal and lateral airdash movement starts on frame 10; up and down airdashes move instantly but hover at finish
Magneto 8-Way 120 7 4 24(3) 24(3) 40(7) 24(4) 24(3) 24(7) 42(7) 24(3) Down-back airdash movement starts on frame 6
M.O.D.O.K 8-Way 70 / 0 1 1 30(5) 30(5) 38(5) 30(4) 30(5) 30(5) 37(4) 30(5) Airdashing ends flight; Up airdash can be done instantly off the ground.
Morrigan 4-Way 120 7 4 34(9) - 23(9) - 34(9) - 23(7) - Upward and downward airdashes have non-standard arcs
Nova 120 8-Way 8 4 24(3) 24(9) 30(7) 29(10) 24(3) 24(10) 37(7) 20(7) Forward and backward airdash movement starts on frame 6; diagonal airdash movement starts on frame 9
Phoenix 8-Way 120 9 4 20(7) 20(7) 38(7) 37(7) 20(7) 20(7) 37(7) 20(7) -
Shuma-Gorath 2-Way 100 7 3 - - 38(7) - - - 38(7) - -
Spider-Man 1-Way 100 6 3 - - 38(7) - - - - - Forward airdash movement starts on frame 6
Storm 8-Way 100 / 120 7 3 40(5) 22(7) 26(4) 23(7) 23(7) 23(7) 25(4) 23(7) Down-Back airdash has minimum height of 120 units.
Super-Skrull 1-Way 70 4 1 - - 38(7) - - - - - Forward airdash movement starts on frame 6
Thor 8-Way 120 10 4 40(7) 38(7) 38(7) 30(7) 40(7) 38(11) 37(7) 38(7) -
Trish 8-Way 120 8 4 30(7) 25(7) 38(4) 20(7) 30(7) 20(7) 37(4) 30(7) -
Tron 2-Way 120 8 4 - - 30(7) - - - 30(7) - -
Vergil None/2-Way 70 3 2 - - 33(5) - - - 29(7) - Gains 2-Way air dash in Devil Trigger
Viewtiful Joe 2-Way 100 7 3 - - 38(7) - - - 37(7) - -
Zero 2-Way 120 8 4 - - 29(7) - - - 29(7) - Airdash movement starts on frame 9

Flight Frames

Name Flight Startup Flight Duration Flight Recovery (Unfly) Notes
Dante 11 170 0 Only available in Devil Trigger
Doctor Doom 15 106 0 -
Doctor Strange 22 99 0 -
Dormammu 21 100 0 -
Iron Man 12 108 0 -
Magneto 15 106 1 -
M.O.D.O.K 5/7 300 0 5 if entered by jumping, 7 (or 8?) with 214S input
Morrigan 11 111 0 Can cancel the recovery of special moves with 214S
Nova 10 110 0 -
Phoenix 19 102 0 -
Sentinel 17 104 0 -
Storm 22 99 0 -
Thor 30 90 ? -
Trish 21 100 0 -


Name Weight Minimum Launch Height Speed Received
Akuma 0.9799 107 1
Amaterasu 0.645 100 0.97
Arthur 0.6099 100 1
C. Viper 1.084 107 1
Captain America 1.0829 115 0.989011
Chris 1.0262 110 1
Chun-Li 1.0395 110 1
Dante 1.0914 120 0.993109
Deadpool 1.064 120 1
Doctor Doom 1.1409 120 0.986532
Doctor Strange 1.0964 110 0.975968
Dormammu 1.3283 140 0.968729
Felicia 0.9916 107 1
Firebrand 0.8131 105 1.005144
Frank 0.9418 100 1.010288
Ghost Rider 1.1267 115 0.994709
Haggar 1.1461 125 0.989011
Hawkeye 1.0943 115 0.994709
Hsien-Ko 0.978 105 1
Hulk 1.2559 140 0.978022
Iron Fist 1.054 108 1.002058
Iron Man 1.12 120 0.983517
Jill 1.0473 120 1
Jill (Mad Beast) 1.0473 100 1
Magneto 1.0704 125 0.97307
M.O.D.O.K 0.6119 100 1.008
Morrigan 0.9672 107 1
Morrigan (Astral Vision) 0.9672 100 0.9734
Nemesis 1.4291 150 0.957267
Nova 1.0497 115 0.991515
Phoenix 1.0173 107 0.999205
Phoenix Wright 0.9604 108 1.002058
Rocket Raccoon 0.3804 100 1.010288
Ryu 0.9836 110 1
Sentinel 1.6606 160 0.94
She-Hulk 1.2084 120 0.980144
Shuma-Gorath 0.9921 95 0.985
Spencer 1.0469 110 1
Spider-Man 1.0024 107 1
Storm 1.0633 120 0.968
Strider 0.9831 110 1
Super-Skrull 1.0426 120 0.998896
Taskmaster 1.0997 120 1
Thor 1.1361 130 0.989011
Trish 1.0799 107 0.995663
Tron 0.7076 110 1
Vergil 1.0249 115 0.994709
Viewtiful Joe 0.4946 90 1.010684
Wesker 1.079 120 0.993601
Wolverine 0.8999 110 1
X-23 0.9727 105 1
Zero 0.8889 100 1.03179

X-Factor Data

  • At each level percentages add to 40%, 70%, and 100% respectively (with a few exceptions).

Name Damage Boost Speed Boost
Lvl 1 % Lvl 2 % Lvl 3 % Lvl 1 % Lvl 2 % Lvl 3 %
Akuma 32.5 55 77.5 7.5 15 22.5
Amaterasu 20 40 60 20 30 40
Arthur 25 45 65 15 25 35
Arthur (Gold Armor) 35 70 100 20 35 50
Arthur (Boxers) 10 30 50 30 40 50
C. Viper 25 47.5 70 15 22.5 30
Captain America 35 60 85 5 10 15
Chris 40 65 90 0 5 10
Chun-Li 20 35 50 20 35 50
Dante 30 50 70 10 20 30
Deadpool 25 45 65 15 25 35
Doctor Doom 30 50 70 10 20 30
Doctor Strange 20 45 70 20 25 30
Dormammu 30 55 80 10 15 20
Felicia 15 35 55 25 35 45
Firebrand 15 35 55 25 35 45
Frank 35 60 85 5 10 15
Ghost Rider 35 60 85 5 10 15
Haggar 40 65 90 0 5 10
Hawkeye 20 40 60 20 30 40
Hsien-Ko 25 45 65 15 25 35
Hulk 40 70 100 0 0 0
Iron Fist 30 50 70 10 20 30
Iron Man 25 50 75 15 20 25
Jill 25 45 55 15 25 45
Magneto 25 47.5 70 15 12.5 30
M.O.D.O.K 35 60 85 5 10 15
Morrigan 20 37.5 55 20 32.5 45
Nemesis 40 65 90 0 5 10
Nova 30 50 70 10 20 30
Phoenix 20 35 50 10 20 30
Phoenix (Dark) 35 70 100 15 30 45
Phoenix Wright 35 60 85 5 10 15
Phoenix Wright (Turnabout) 100 100 100 10 20 30
Rocket Raccoon 20 40 60 20 30 40
Ryu 35 60 85 5 10 15
Sentinel 30 50 70 10 20 30
She-Hulk 30 50 70 10 20 30
Shuma-Gorath 27.5 45 62.5 12.5 25 37.5
Spencer 35 60 85 5 10 15
Spider-Man 25 45 65 15 25 35
Storm 25 40 55 15 30 45
Strider 20 35 55 20 35 45
Super-Skrull 30 47.5 65 10 22.5 35
Taskmaster 30 55 80 10 15 20
Thor 40 70 100 0 0 0
Trish 20 40 60 20 30 40
Tron 35 60 85 5 10 15
Vergil 25 50 75 15 20 25
Viewtiful Joe 20 40 60 20 30 40
Wesker 30 50 70 10 20 30
Wolverine 25 45 65 15 25 35
X-23 20 40 60 20 30 40
Zero 20 40 60 20 30 40

Scaling Data

Name Minimum Damage Scaling
Normals % Specials % Hypers %
Akuma 10 20 33
Amaterasu 10 20 30
Arthur 20 30 40
C. Viper 20 30 60
Captain America 20 20 55
Chris 5 15 40
Chun-Li 10 20 45
Dante 5 5 40
Deadpool 10 10 40
Doctor Doom 20 20 25
Doctor Strange 15 20 45
Dormammu 20 20 40
Felicia 20 20 50
Firebrand 10 10 35
Frank West 20 20 30
Ghost Rider 15 15 35
Haggar 15 15 30
Hawkeye 10 15 30
Hsien-Ko 20 20 50
Hulk 30 30 50
Iron Fist 5 10 35
Iron Man 10 30 45
Jill 20 20 30
Magneto 10 10 40
M.O.D.O.K 20 20 50
Morrigan 10 20 50
Nemesis 10 10 30
Nova 5 10 35
Phoenix 10 10 35
Phoenix (Dark) 30 30 50
Phoenix Wright (Investigation) 10 10 35
Phoenix Wright (Trial) 15 15 35
Phoenix Wright (Turnabout) 30 30 35
Rocket Raccoon 10 15 35
Ryu 10 10 35
Sentinel 10 10 40
She-Hulk 10 10 50
Shuma-Gorath 25 25 35
Spencer 10 10 50
Spider-Man 20 20 40
Storm 10 10 38
Strider 3 7 30
Super-Skrull 10 10 35
Taskmaster 10 20 33
Thor 10 20 35
Trish 20 20 40
Tron 15 30 40
Vergil 5 20 35
Viewtiful Joe 10 20 60
Wesker 5 10 40
Wolverine 10 10 35
X-23 20 20 40
Zero 20 30 40

Maximum Super Damage at Minimum Scaling

  • Damage values that are approximate are listed as they require mashed inputs which may be impossible for humans or have some element of randomness involved.
  • Many characters regularly do not reach maximum scaling as the point character so values listed here are not always consistent with what you will see in gameplay.
Character Name Super Name Super Input Maximum Damage Scaling Factor Notes
Akuma Messatsu Gohado Agyo 236XX or j.236XX 206,400 approx. 0.97 -
Messatsu Gohado Ungyo 236XX, [H] or j.236XX, [H] 177,500 0.95 -
Messatsu Goshoryu 623XX 155,100 0.9 -
Amaterasu Okami Shuffle 236XX 187,800 approx. 0.98 21,000 for fire; 3,000 per ice; 2,100 per thunder; 24,000 for final bolt.
Arthur Goddess Bracelet 236XX 210,000 0.95 -
C. Viper Burst Time 214XX 186,000 0.95 -
Emergency Combination 236XX 180,000 0.95 -
Captain America Hyper Charging Star 214XX 198,000 0.98 -
Hyper Stars and Stripes 623XX 176,000 0.95 -
Chris Sweep Combo 623XX 192,000 First two hits 0.95, remainder 0.96 160,000 damage if ground bounce is already used.
Grenade Launcher 236XX 160,000 0.9 -
Chun-Li Kikosho 236XX 208,900 0.95 -
Hoyokusen 214XX 148,500 0.95 -
Dante Million Dollars 236XX 214,400 approx. 0.95 244,400 approx. damage in Devil Trigger
Deadpool Happy-Happy Trigger 236XXX or j.236XX 192,000 0.97 -
Cuttin' Time 214XX 172,000 0.9 -
Doctor Doom Sphere Flame 623XX 185,000 approx. 0.95 -
Photon Array 214XX or j.214XX 150,000 approx. 0.95 Grounded version does this damage on both sides of Doom, in some circumstances characters can be hit by both sides for 200K+ damage.
Doctor Strange Spell of Vishanti 236XX or j.236XX 158,000 0.95 -
Dormammu Chaotic Flame 236XX 216,000 0.965 -
Stalking Flare 214XX 160,000 0.95 -
Felicia Dancing Flash 236XX 195,000 0.95 -
Firebrand Dark Fire 236XX or j.236XX 192,000 approx. 0.95 -
Frank West Survival Techniques 214XX 176,500 0.95 Damage from Lv. 4 to Lv. 1: 160,500 / 114,000 / 90,000 / 90,000
Blue Light Special 236XX 111,600 0.95 122,100 at Lv. 5
Ghost Rider Hellfire Maelstrom 236XX 172,200 0.95 -
Spirit of Vengeance 623XX 169,400 approx. 0.95 Assuming S follow-up, the most damaging.
Haggar Rapid Fire Fist 236XX 168,000 approx. 0.95 -
Giant Haggar Press 623XX 144,000 approx. Second-to-last hit unscaled, remainder 0.95 9,000 damage per hit while going down; 30,000 + 60,000 explosion damage.
Hawkeye Kiss of Fire 623XX 105,000 approx. 0.95 15,000 damage per hit.
Gimlet 236XX or j.236XX 75,000 0.95 -
Hsien-Ko Tenrai Ha 214XX 193,000 approx. 0.95 25,000 for weight-drop; 21,000 per mashed ball.
Chireitou 236XX 180,000 approx. 0.95 30,000 damage per hit.
Hulk Gamma Crush 214XX 240,000 0.95 -
Gamma Quake 623XX 192,500 approx. 0.95 -
Gamma Tsunami 236XX 160,000 approx. 0.9 40,000 damage per hit.
Iron Fist Volcanic Roar 623XX 187,500 0.95 -
Iron Rage 236XX 137,400 0.95 -
Iron Man Proton Cannon 236XX or 623XX 202,500 0.98 -
Jill Raven Spike 623XX 135,000 Initial 0.9, last hit 0.85 -
Machine Gun Spray 236XX 112,200 approx. 0.98 Very random; 3,300 damage per hit.
Magneto Magnetic Tempest 214XX 192,000 approx. 0.98 4,800 damage per mashed two hits.
Magnetic Shockwave 236XX 168,000 approx. 0.9 28,000 damage per hit.
M.O.D.O.K Hyper Psionic Blaster 236XX 400,000 approx. 0.97 4,000 per hit; #Hits at each level of understanding (0 - 9): 22, 26, 34, 40, 50, 58, 68, 76, 85, 100.
Hyper Battering Ram 214XX 187,500 approx. 0.97 -
Morrigan Finishing Shower 236XX or j.236XX 210,000 approx. 0.98 Assuming every rocket hits; 6,000 damage per mashed two hits.
Shadow Servant 623XX 150,000 approx. 0.95 30,000 damage per hit.
Nemesis Biohazard Rush 623XX 108,000 0.95 -
Bioweapon Assault 236XX 96,000 0.95 -
Nova Gravimetric Blaster 236XX or j.236XX 230,000 0.95 187,500 at <200K Red Health, 157,500 at no Red Health.
Super Nova 623XX or j.623XX 199,200 0.95 -
Human Rocket 214XX 105,000 approx. 0.9 35,000 damage per hit.
Phoenix Phoenix Rage 236XX or j.236XX 140,000 0.95 -
Phoenix (Dark) Phoenix Rage 236XX or j.236XX 240,000 0.95 -
Phoenix Wright (Investigation + Trial) Steel Samurai Maya Smelting! 236XX 122,500 approx. 0.95 -
Order in the Court! 214XX 87,500 0.975 -
Phoenix Wright (Turnabout) Steel Samurai Maya Smelting! 236XX 147,000 approx. 0.95 -
Order in the Court! 214XX 105,000 0.975 -
Rocket Raccoon Rock 'n' Roll 236XX 205,000 0.95 -
Mad Hopper 214XX 77,000 0.9 -
Ryu Shin Tatsumaki Senpukyaku 214XX 212,600 approx. 0.96 -
Shinku Hadoken 236XX or j.236XX 187,500 0.95 -
Ryu (Denjin) Shin Tatsumaki Senpukyaku 214XX 264,600 approx. 0.96 -
Shin Hadoken 236XX or j.236XX 210,000 0.95 -
Sentinel Plasma Storm 236XX 207,500 Initial 0.95, final hit 0.96 -
Hyper Sentinel Force 214XX 180,000 approx. 0.9 20,000 damage per drone.
Hard Drive j.236XX 144,000 0.95 Sometimes the damage may be less if not all of it hits, depends on position/enemy size.
She-Hulk Emerald Cannon 236XX > 236S > 236S 180,000 0.95 Requires Wall Bounce
Shuma-Gorath Hyper Mystic Smash 623XX 189,000 approx. 0.97 -
Hyper Mystic Ray 214XX 174,000 approx. 0.93 -
Spencer Bionic Maneuvers 236XX 191,500 First hit unscaled, remainder 0.95 -
Bionic Lancer 214XX 125,000 0.95 -
Spider-Man Crawler Assault 623XX 206,400 0.91 -
Maximum Spider 236XX or j.236XX 166,000 0.95 -
Storm Hail Storm 214XX 205,500 0.97 -
Lighting Storm 236XX or j.236XX 182,400 0.95 -
Elemental Rage 623XX 149,700 First hit unscaled, remainder 0.97 -
Strider Legion 236XX 112,500 approx. 0.95 Very random; 7,500 damage per hit.
Super-Skrull Skrull Torch 236XX or j.236XX 189,000 approx. 0.95 -
Inferno 214XX or j.214XX 184,400 0.98 -
Taskmaster Legion Arrow 236XX or j.236XX 197,500 0.95 -
Thor Mighty Tornado 236XX or j.236XX 186,900 0.95 -
Mighty Thunder 623XX 182,000 approx. 0.8 45,500 damage per hit.
Trish Maximum Voltage 236XX or j.236XX 216,000 approx. 0.96 -
Round Harvest 214XX 163,200 approx. 0.95 -
Tron Servbot Suprise 623XX 197,000 0.95 -
Servbot Takeout 236XX 180,000 0.95 -
Vergil Dimension Slash 236XX 177,000 approx. 0.95 Not Maximum, average on average body characters; 5,900 per hit; 7,100 per hit in Devil Trigger. On big bodies it gets around 15 more hits.
Viewtiful Joe Desperado 236XX or j.236XX 150,000 0.95 -
Mach Speed 623XX 132,000 approx. 0.98 -
Viewtiful God Hand 214XX 90,000 0.95 -
Wesker Phantom Dance 236XX or j.236XX 209,100 approx. 0.96 13,800 per mashed two hits l 11,500 for final hit.
Wolverine Fatal Claw 214XX or j.214XX 218,400 0.9 -
Berserker Barrage X 236XX 193,200 0.95 -
X-23 Weapon X Prime 623XX 180,000 0.95 -
Rage Trigger 236XX 168,000 0.95 -
Zero Rekkoha 236XX 180,000 0.96 -

Install Super Data

  • The Duration starts from when the install properties begin not necessarily when the character is actionable after the install.
Character Name Super Name Meter Gain? Duration(frames) Notes
Arthur Golden Armor Y 1200 Upgrades Arthur's specials and XF bonuses. Decreases damage taken by 20%. Causes hard knockdown on Arthur when timer expires.
Dante Devil Trigger N 600 Increases damage by 15%. Regenerates red health. Gains an extra air action. Gains access to Air Raid(flight), Vortex, and Thunder Bolt.
Felicia Kitty Helper Y 600 Summons a smaller catgirl assist, which does an overhead body splash when pressing any attack button. Ends if Felicia does another super or is removed from the playing field.
Firebrand Luminous Body Y 600 Increases speed by 25%.
Chaos Tide Y 600 Summons a smaller Arremer, which performs additional attacks when L, M, or H is pressed - L results in Hell Spitfire M, M results in Demon Missile M, H results in Demon Missile H. Ends if Firebrand is removed from the playing field.
Hsien-Ko Rimoukon N 300 Gains Hyper Armor for the duration.
Jill Mad Beast Y 600 Directional inputs will result in teleport(including in the air). Normals and specials can be cancelled with teleport. Can only block crouching.
Morrigan Astral Vision Y 600 Summons a clone on the opposite side of the opponent, which stays at equal distance and mimics Morrigan's actions. Ends if Morrigan does another super or is removed from the playing field.
Phoenix Healing Field Y 600 Regains red health rapidly if opponent is within range(including during hitstun/blockstun). Effect timer is not displayed.
Dark Phoenix Y - Triggers automatically when KO'd with 5 bars, consuming all meter and reviving Phoenix with full health. Increases damage & meter gain by 20%(these compound, overall meter gain increase is 44%). Adds feathers to all normal attacks, upgrades special attacks. Increases XF boosts and minimum scaling. Health is gradually converted to red health. Does not expire.
Ryu Hado Kakusei(Denjin) Y 300 Increases speed by 15%. Gains access to upgraded Hadoken and Tatsu supers.
Shuma-Gorath Chaos Dimension Y 300 Gains access to unblockable attack.
Strider Hiryu Ouroboros N 420 Summons 2 satellites that orbit Strider and damage opponents near him. Pressing L, M, or H causes the satellites to each shoot a projectile forward. Satellites are temporarily inactive during hitstun/guardstun. Ends if Strider is removed from the playing field.
Vergil Devil Trigger N 600 Increases damage by 20% and speed by 15%. Regenerates red health. Gains air dash and double jump. Gains the ability to special cancel whiffed normals. Upgrades special attacks(mostly in the form of larger hitboxes). Gains access to Dark Angel(Level 3 Hyper).
Wolverine Berserker Charge N 400 Increases speed by 30%.
X-23 Silent Kill(Dirt Nap) Y 300 X-23 turns invisible. Gains access to unblockable attack.
Zero Sougenmu N 300 Summons a clone, which mimics Zero's actions 16 frames later. Ends if Zero does another super(but NOT when removed from the playing field - clone will also affect Zero's assists).

Attack Level Hitstun / Blockstun Values

  • These are only base values, there are move specific modifiers that can reduce hitstun and blockstun.

Character Grounded Opponent Hitstun Blockstun Airborne Opponent Hitstun
Light Medium Heavy Light Medium Heavy Light Medium Heavy
Akuma 14 19 24 13 17 22 13 18 23
Amaterasu 11 16 21 11 16 21 10 15 20
Arthur 13 20 23 12 18 21 13 18 23
C. Viper 12 17 22 11 16 21 12 17 22
Captain America 14 19 23 12 17 21 13 18 23
Chris 12 17 22 11 16 21 10 15 20
Chun-Li 12 17 22 11 16 21 10 15 20
Dante 13 18 22 12 17 21 11 16 21
Deadpool 12 17 22 11 16 21 11 16 21
Doctor Doom 15 22 25 13 20 23 16 23 26
Doctor Strange 12 17 22 11 16 21 12 17 22
Dormammu 15 18 23 12 17 22 15 20 25
Felicia 12 15 22 10 15 20 10 15 20
Firebrand 13 18 23 12 17 22 11 16 21
Frank West 15 20 25 13 17 22 15 20 25
Ghost Rider 15 20 25 13 18 23 15 20 25
Haggar 16 21 26 15 20 25 15 20 25
Hawkeye 12 17 22 11 16 21 11 16 21
Hsien-Ko 12 17 22 12 17 22 12 17 22
Hulk 18 23 29 15 19 25 17 22 27
Iron Fist 15 20 25 13 18 23 10 15 20
Iron Man 12 16 22 11 15 20 12 17 22
Jill 13 18 23 12 16 21 12 17 22
Jill (Mad Beast) 15 20 25 15 20 25 15 20 25
Magneto 13 18 25 12 16 23 15 20 25
M.O.D.O.K 15 20 25 15 20 25 15 20 30
Morrigan 12 17 22 10 15 20 11 16 21
Nemesis 17 22 27 15 20 25 17 22 27
Nova 14 19 24 12 17 22 13 18 23
Phoenix 13 18 23 12 17 22 11 16 21
Phoenix (Dark) 17 22 27 15 20 25 15 20 25
Phoenix Wright 13 18 23 12 17 22 12 17 22
Phoenix Wright (Turnabout) 15 20 25 14 19 24 15 20 25
Rocket Raccoon 10 15 20 10 15 20 11 16 21
Ryu 15 20 27 13 28 25 12 17 22
Sentinel 18 23 29 15 19 25 17 22 27
She-Hulk 15 20 25 12 16 21 14 18 22
Shuma-Gorath 13 18 23 13 18 23 13 18 25
Spencer 13 18 23 12 17 22 14 19 24
Spider-Man 13 18 23 12 16 21 12 17 22
Storm 13 18 23 12 16 21 12 17 24
Strider 12 17 22 10 15 20 10 15 20
Super-Skrull 13 18 23 12 17 22 12 17 22
Taskmaster 14 19 24 13 17 22 13 18 23
Thor 17 22 28 15 19 25 15 20 25
Trish 12 16 22 12 16 22 12 17 22
Tron 15 20 25 13 17 22 15 20 25
Vergil 13 18 23 11 17 22 12 17 22
Viewtiful Joe 11 16 22 10 15 20 11 16 21
Wesker 14 19 24 13 17 22 13 18 23
Wolverine 13 18 23 12 16 21 11 16 21
X-23 12 17 22 12 16 21 11 16 21
Zero 12 17 22 11 16 21 12 17 22

Air Combo Ender HKD Frames

  • "0" represents the default amount of HKD Time for j.S air combo ender and any difference is in frames(?).

Name HKD Frames
Akuma 0
Amaterasu 0
Arthur 0
C. Viper -50
Captain America -50
Chris -50
Chun-Li -50
Dante -50
Deadpool -50
Doctor Doom -50
Doctor Strange -50
Dormammu -50
Felicia -50
Firebrand -50
Frank 0
Ghost Rider -50
Haggar -50
Hawkeye -50
Hsien-Ko 0
Hulk 0
Iron Fist -50
Iron Man -50
Jill -50
Magneto -50
M.O.D.O.K -50
Morrigan -50
Nemesis -50
Nova -20
Phoenix 0
Phoenix Wright -50
Rocket Raccoon -50
Ryu -50
Sentinel -50
She-Hulk -50
Shuma-Gorath -50
Spencer -50
Spider-Man 0
Storm 0
Strider -50
Super-Skrull -50
Taskmaster -50
Thor 0
Trish -50
Tron 0
Vergil 0
Viewtiful Joe 0
Wesker -50
Wolverine -50
X-23 -50
Zero -50

Assist Hitstun Decay Immunity

  • Assists colored Green will always combo fully through all hits and the final hit is some form of fixed hitstun.
    • The type of fixed hitstun the final hit has is listed in parenthesis. If nothing is present the assist simply has a fixed amount of hitstun and no other property like Wallbounce, Forced SKD, etc.
  • Assists colored Yellow will always combo full through all hits but the final hit lacks any form of fixed hitstun meaning opponents will likely tech out very quickly after the last hit.
  • Multi-hit assists can sometimes juggle the opponent weirdly so despite having fixed hitstun each hit may not always be guarenteed to combo into the next.
Character Alpha Beta Gamma Notes
Akuma No Yes - Tatsumaki Zankukyaku Yes - Hyakki Gojin (Groundbounce; Forced SKD if Groundbounce is used)
Amaterasu N/A No N/A
Arthur Yes - Heavenly Slash (Forced SKD) No Yes - Fire Bottle Toss Fire Bottle is NOT immune to HSD if in Gold Armor
C. Viper Yes - Thunder Knuckle No Yes - Burning Kick (Forced SKD)
Captain America No Yes - Stars and Stripes Yes - Charging Star (Forced SKD)
Chris Yes - Combination Punch (HKD) Yes - Gun Fire (All but the final hit) No
Chun-Li No ??? Yes - Hyakuretsukyaku (???)
Dante Yes - Jam Session No Yes - Weasel Shot (???)
Deadpool Yes - Quick Work (Forced SKD) Yes - Katanarama (Forced Groundbounce) Yes - Trigger Happy (???)
Doctor Doom Yes - Plasma Beam (All but the final hit) Yes - Hidden Missiles Yes - Molecular Shield (All but the final hit)
Doctor Strange Yes - Daggars of Denak Yes - Eye of Agamotto (???) No
Dormammu Yes - Dark Hole (All but the final hit) No Yes - Liberation (Varies) Liberation spells work the same as on point
Felicia Yes - Rolling Buckler + Rolling Slide (All but the final hit) No Yes - Cat Spike (Groundbounce; Forced SKD if Groundbounce is used)
Firebrand No Yes - Demon Missile Charge (Forced SKD) Yes - Demon Missile Swoop
Frank No No N/A
Ghost Rider Yes - Chain Rebuttal (Wallbounce; Forced SKD if Wallbounce is used) No No
Haggar Yes - Double Lariat (Forced SKD) No Yes - Steel Pipe (Groundbounce; HDK if Groundbounce is used)
Hawkeye No No Yes - Ragtime Shot Kamikaze (Forced SKD)
Hsien-Ko No Yes - Henkyo Ki Yes - Anki-Hou (Varies) Due to the random nature of Hsien-Ko's Anki-Hou it is not reliable as a Fixed Hitstun assist.
Hulk Yes - Gamma Wave (Forced SKD) Yes - Anti-Air Gamma Charge No
Iron Fist Yes - Dragon's Touch (HKD; Crumple vs Grounded Opponents) Yes - Crescent Heel (Groundbounce; Forced SKD if Groundbounce is used) Yes - Rising Fang (Wallbounce; Forced SKD if Wallbounce is used) Crescent Heel Groundbounce is very small.
Iron Man Yes - Unibeam (All but the final hit) Yes - Repulsor Blast (All but the final hit) Yes - Smart Bomb (All but the final hit)
Jill Yes - Cartwheel Kick (Groundbounce; Forced SKD if Groundbounce is used) Yes - Arrow Kick (Wallbounce; Forced SKD if Wallbounce is used) No
Magneto No Yes - Hyper Gravitation Yes - Force Field (Forced SKD) Force Field only works as a counter, so generally not useful in combos.
M.O.D.O.K N/A No Yes - Psionic Blast (All but the final hit)
Morrigan Yes - Shadow Blade No N/A
Nemesis Yes - Clothesline Rocket 1st Hit (Wallbounce; Forced SKD if Wallbounce is used), 2nd Hit (Forced SKD) Yes - Launcher Slam (Groundbounce; Forced SKD if Groundbounce is used) Yes - Rocket Launcher (Forced SKD)
Nova Yes - Gravimetric Pulse H (Varies) Yes - Centurion Rush (Forced Groundbounce vs Airborne) No Gravimetric Pulse H Varies with Nova's Red Health, see the normal version of the move for details; Despite having Wallbounce on the final hit Nova Gamma assist will fail to combo into the last hit in high HSD.
Phoenix No No Yes - Dark Phoenix TK Trap (Wallbounce; Forced SKD if Wallbounce is used) TK Trap only ignores HSD when Phoenix is in Dark mode, limiting its usefulness.
Phoenix Wright No No Yes - Get'em Missile! Despite having Wallbounce on the final hit in Turnabout, PW's Beta assist will fail to combo into the last hit in high HSD.
Rocket Raccoon No Yes - Claymore (All but the final hit) Yes - Pendulum (Wallbounce; Fixed Hitstun if Wallbounce is used)
Ryu Yes - Shoryuken Yes - Hadoken No
Sentinel Yes - Sentinel Force Charge No No
She-Hulk No No No She-Hulk's Beta assist crumples grounded opponents but this is so limited in application it's not worth considering.
Shuma-Gorath Yes - Mystic Ray (All but the final hit) Yes - Mystic Stare (All but the final hit) Yes - Mystic Smash (Forced SKD) Mystic Ray has very low fixed hitstun
Spencer Yes - Wire Grapple H. Shot (HKD) Yes - Wire Grapple Slant Shot Yes - Armor Piercer (Wallbounce; Forced SKD if Wallbounce is used)
Spider-Man No No Yes - Spider Sting
Storm No No No
Strider Yes - Ame-no-Murakumo (Groundbounce; Forced SKD if Groundbounce is used) Yes - Gram (Wallbounce; Forced SKD if Wallbounce is used) Yes - Vajra (HKD)
Super-Skrull Yes - Stone Smite (Wallbounce; Forced SKD if Wallbounce is used) No No
Taskmaster No No No
Thor Yes - Mighty Spark (All but the final hit) Yes - Might Smash (Groundbounce; Forced SKD if Groundbounce is used) No
Trish No No No
Tron Yes - Bonne Strike (All but the final hit) No No
Vergil No Yes - Rising Sun (All but the final hit) Yes - Rapid Slash (All but the final hit) Final hit of Rapid Slash does not have fixed hitstun but has a lot of hitstun.
Viewtiful Joe Yes - Voomerang No Yes - Shocking Pink (Forced SKD) Voomerang has very little hitstun even though it is fixed.
Wesker Yes - Ghost Butterfly (Wallbounce; Forced SKD if Wallbounce is used) No Yes - Jaguar Dash (Forced SKD)
Wolverine Yes - Tornado Claw Yes - Berserker Barrage (All but the final hit) No
X-23 No No No
Zero No No No

Crossover Counter Invulnerability

Character Alpha Beta Gamma Notes
Akuma No No Yes - Hyakki Gojin (3f)
Amaterasu No No No
Arthur Yes - Heavenly Slash (9f) No No
C. Viper Yes - Thunder Knuckle (7f) No No
Captain America No Yes - Stars and Stripes (8f) No
Chris Yes - Combination Punch (10f) No No
Chun-Li No Yes - Tenshokyaku (3f) No
Dante No Yes - Crystal (5f) No
Deadpool Yes - Quick Work (13f) No No
Doctor Doom
Doctor Strange No No ???
Dormammu No No No
Felicia Yes - Rolling Buckler + Rolling Slide (5f) No No
Firebrand Yes - Hell Spitfire (8f) Yes - Demon Missile M (8f) Yes - Demon Missile H (8f)
Frank ??? Yes - Tools of Survival L (8f) No
Ghost Rider Yes - Chain Rebuttal (8f) No No
Haggar Yes - Double Lariat (?f) No No Lariat lacks typical CC invulnerability but is invuln on it's own
Hawkeye Yes - Quick Shot Greyhound (8f) No No
Hsien-Ko No No No
Hulk No No No
Iron Fist No No No
Iron Man No Yes - Repulsor Blast (15f) No
Jill No No Yes - Somersault Kick (13f)
Magneto No No No
M.O.D.O.K No No No
Morrigan Yes - Shadow Blade (6f) No No
Nemesis Yes - Clothesline Rocket (8f) No No
Nova ??? ??? ???
Phoenix No No No
Phoenix Wright Yes - Paperwork High (8f) No No
Rocket Raccoon Yes - Spitfire (8f) No No
Ryu Yes - Shoryuken (8f) No No
Sentinel No No No
She-Hulk No No Yes - Somersault Kick (7f)
Shuma-Gorath No No No
Spencer No No No
Spider-Man No No Yes - Spider Sting (13f)
Storm No No No
Strider No Yes - Gram (8f) No
Super-Skrull Yes - Stone Smite (10f) No No
Taskmaster No No No
Thor No Yes - Mighty Smash (13f) No
Trish No No No
Tron No Yes - Gustaff Fire (13f) ???
Vergil Yes - Judgement Cut (8f) No No
Viewtiful Joe No Yes - Groovy Uppercut (7f) No
Wesker Yes - Ghost Butterfly (11f) No No
Wolverine Yes - Tornado Claw (11f) No No
X-23 No No Yes - Crescent Scythe (8f)
Zero Yes - Ryuenjin (5f) No No