World Heroes Perfect/Hanzou

From SuperCombo Wiki


Hanzou is just plain sick, though not the easiest to use to his full potential. The double-jump singlehandedly screws some characters. The DP cannot be air-blocked when it hits "deep" - a number of other anti-air specials can. His teleports can kill slower characters. And to top it off, his ABC is basically a free roman cancel, and it allows for great rushdown & infinites (dashing HK or dashing HP). In terms of matchups, I would compare him to ST Dhalsim: No disadvantages, but a good portion of the cast can hang with him. His ground pokes aren't the best, and his EX move & super are among the worst in the game.

Pros and Cons


+Simple to learn and not very hard to play +Amazing pressure, one of the strongest in the game due to his ABC special
+Great mobility, with a double jump and a teleport
+Good matchups against most of the cast
+Has a down-back throw (the only character in the game to have a down-back throw)


-Ground pokes aren't the best
-EX and Super aren't very good

Moves List

Normal Moves

WHP Hanzou 5A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Properties
- - -
Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit Adv. Block
- - - - -

Standard jab.

WHP Hanzou 5B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Properties
- - -
Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit Adv. Block
- - - - -

WHP Hanzou 5AB.png
Damage Guard Cancel Properties
- - -
Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit Adv. Block
- - - - -

One of Hanzou's primary buttons for pressure, especially when combined with 2D.

WHP Hanzou 5C.png
Damage Guard Cancel Properties
- - -
Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit Adv. Block
- - - - -

Kick that hits low.

WHP Hanzou 5D.png
Damage Guard Cancel Properties
- - -
Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit Adv. Block
- - - - -

WHP Hanzou 5CD.png
Damage Guard Cancel Properties
- - -
Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit Adv. Block
- - - - -

Close Normal Moves

WHP Hanzou cl.5A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Properties
- - -
Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit Adv. Block
- - - - -

WHP Hanzou cl.5B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Properties
- - -
Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit Adv. Block
- - - - -

WHP Hanzou cl5AB.png
Damage Guard Cancel Properties
- - -
Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit Adv. Block
- - - - -

WHP Hanzou cl.5D.png
Damage Guard Cancel Properties
- - -
Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit Adv. Block
- - - - -

WHP Hanzou cl.5CD.png
Damage Guard Cancel Properties
- - -
Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit Adv. Block
- - - - -

Crouching Normal Moves

WHP Hanzou 2A.png
Damage Guard Cancel Properties
- - -
Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit Adv. Block
- - - - -

WHP Hanzou 2B.png
Damage Guard Cancel Properties
- - -
Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit Adv. Block
- - - - -

WHP Hanzou 2AB.png
Damage Guard Cancel Properties
- - -
Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit Adv. Block
- - - - -

WHP Hanzou 2C.png
World's best crouching light kick
Damage Guard Cancel Properties
- - -
Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit Adv. Block
- - - - -

WHP Hanzou 2D.png
Damage Guard Cancel Properties
- - -
Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit Adv. Block
- - - - -

WHP Hanzou 2CD.png
Damage Guard Cancel Properties
- - -
Startup Active Recovery Adv. Hit Adv. Block
- - - - -

Command Normals

In air, d + B -

Normal Throws

f + AB -

b + AB -

ABC / Personal Action

Special Moves

Rekko Zan

  • Quarter Circle Forward + Punch

Double Rekko Zan

  • Double Quarter Circle Forward + Punch

Koh Ryu Ha

  • Forward, Down, Down-Forward + Punch
    • EX Special

Ninpo Koh Rin Kazan

  • Quarter Circle Back + Kick

Ninja Leg Lariat

  • Quarter Circle Forward + Kick

Ninja Teleport

  • Down, Up + Any attack

Super Moves

Slice The Shimmering Light

  • Forward, Half Circle Forward + AC


Frame Data

Normal Moves

Command Frames Standing Block Crouch Block Standing Hit Crouch Hit
Far LP 4 +6 +7 +6 +8
Far MP 8 +8 +9 +8 +9
Far HP 6 -3 -1 +2 +3
Standing LK 5 +7 +6 +5
Far MK 6 +5 +7 +5 +3
Far HK 7 -2 +0 +3 +4
Close LP 4 +5 +6 +5 +7
Close MP 6 +5 +6
Close HP 5 +2 +4 +2 +0
Close MK 4 +5 +7 +5 +3
Close HK 8 -6 -6
Close Forward or Back + HK 8 -6 -8 -5 -4
Crouching LP 4 +5 +6 +5 +4
Crouching MP 7 +2 +3 +5 +3
Crouching HP 7 +0 +2 +5 +6
Crouching LK 4 +7 +6 +5
Crouching MK 4 +3 +5 +3
Crouching HK 6 -1
Jumping LP 5
Neutral Jumping LP 5
Jumping MP 4
Neutral Jumping MP 5
Jumping HP 4
Neutral Jumping Hp 5
Jumping LK 4
Jumping MK 3
Jumping HK 7
Neutral Jumping HK 6
Jumping Down + MP 9 -34 -34
Dashing LP 4 +4 +5 +4 +6
Dashing MP 8 +7 +8 +7 +8
Dashing HP 6 -4 -2 +1 +2
Dashing LK 5 +5 +4 +3
Dashing MK 6 +4 +6 +4 +2
Dashing HK -3 -1 +2 +3
Dashing Down + LP 4 +3 +4 +3 +2
Dashing Down + MP 7 -1 +0 +2 +0
Dashing Down + HP 7 -1 +1 +4 +5
Dashing Down + LK 4 +5 +4 +3
Dashing Down + MK 4 +2 +4 +2
Dashing Down + HK 6 -2

ABC Moves

Command Frames Notes
ABC 10 Before You Can Move N/A
Down + ABC 10 Before You Can Move N/A

Special Moves

Command Frames Standing Block Crouch Block Standing Hit Crouching Hit
Quarter Circle Forward + LP 12 -14 or better -13 or better -14 or better -13 or better
Quarter Circle Forward + MP 14 -11 or better -10 or better -11 or better -10 or better
Quarter Circle Forward + HP 18 -8 or better -7 or better -8 or better -8 or better
Quarter Circle Forward + LP 12 -14 or better -13 or better -14 or better -13 or better
Double Quarter Circle Forward + LP 32 -11 or better -10 or better -11 or better -10 or better
Double Quarter Circle Forward + MP 30 -9 or better -8 or better -9 or better -8 or better
Double Quarter Circle Forward + HP 35 -6 or better -5 or better -6 or better -5 or better
Forward, Down, Down-Forward + LP 8 -24 -24
Forward, Down, Down-Forward + MP 10 -32 -32
Forward, Down, Down-Forward + HP 10 -47 -47
Quarter Circle Back + LK 19-38 depending on distance -6 -6 -12 -12
Quarter Circle Back + MK 28 depending on distance -6 -6 -12 -12
Quarter Circle Back + HK 30-50 dependind on distance -14 -14 -18 -18
Quarter Circle Forward + LK 14-21 depending on distance -3 to +0 -3 to +0
Quarter Circle Forward + MK 17-28 depending on distance -5 to +1 -5 to +1
Quarter Circle Forward + HK 20-32 depending on distance -25 to -20 -25 to -20
Down, Up + LP 55
Down, Up + MP 55
Down, Up + HP 55
Down, Up + LK 45 before you can attack
Down, Up + MK 45 before you can attack
Down, Up + HK 45 before you can attack
(With Full Meter)Forward, Down, Down-Forward + LP 7 -6 -9
(With Full Meter)Forward, Down, Down-Forward MP 7 -14 -17
(With Full Meter)Forward, Down, Down-Forward + HP 7 -22 -25

Super Move

Command Frames Standing Block Crouch Block
Forward, Half Circle Forward + LP+LK 26-38 depending on distance -16 to -11 -16 to -11
(With Full Meter)Forward, Half Circle Forward + LP+LK 26-38 depending on distance -16 to -11 -16 to -11

NOTES: Hanzou's ABC is incredible, as you can cancel any normal into it (even when it whiffs!). It reduces the recovery of his heavy attacks by around 10-16 frames, creating strong pressure & even infinites with his dashing HP and HK.



Game Navigation

Controls and Notation
Game Mechanics
Captain Kidd
Johnny Maximum
Muscle Power
Son Gokuu