Street Fighter (1987)/Eagle/Movelist

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Image Lp.png Framedata
boy why you so hitbox
An almost instant move with solid damage and range for its quick speed. It's not as active or large as some of his bigger buttons, but serves as a great zero-commitment poke that you can use without consequence. Can often be ducked by crouching hurtboxes. 3-4-4
Image Mp.png Framedata
SF1 Eagle MHP 1.png SF1 Eagle MHP 2.png SF1 Eagle MHP 3.png SF1 Eagle MHP 4.png
spin hard enough and you'll win a prize
Sometimes called the "light twirlie", this quick move does a lot of damage and has a ton of active frames. Great move to use, though it's got some commitment it's hard to contest due to its range and active frames. Can often be ducked by crouching hurtboxes. 3-17-5
Image Hp.png Framedata
SF1 Eagle MHP 1.png SF1 Eagle MHP 2.png SF1 Eagle MHP 3.png SF1 Eagle MHP 4.png The "heavy twirlie" is the same as MP, except that it has a lot more active frames and goes slightly further. It's higher commitment than MP, but the extra distance and active frames generally makes it better in punishes, a scenario quite common for Eagle. Can often be ducked by crouching hurtboxes. 3-32-5
Image Lk.png or Mk.png or Hk.png Framedata
femur breaker 6000
This move may seem mediocre compared to Eagle's other grounded pokes, but it's actually quite important because it's Eagle's only move that hits crouchers. This move sees a lot of use in matchups like Shotos or Mike where normally your pokes would be crouched under. In matchups where the opponent can't crouch, however, there isn't much reason to use this move. 7-4-13
Image Db.png or D.png or Df.png P.png Framedata
the eagle is really soaring now
Eagle's jumpkicks.

The neutral jumpkick is quite superb in air-to-air; you can often throw it out preemptively to stuff jump attacks. If it doesn't work, usually not a big deal. If it does work, the returns are quite good.

The forward jumpkick is mostly used as an approach tool if you need to go aggressive. Don't use it predictably.

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