Waku Waku 7/Politank Z/Introduction

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Politank Z is an armored tank developed by the head of the WakuWaku Central Police Department. To maintain global peace and further his own ambition. Politank-Z is maintained by the dog Hamusuke.

Politank Z has a huge amount of zoning tools, can use his bombs as great okizeme tools, but can also handle his own close with bomb and Wakuwaku setups. When Politank Z find themselves in the corner, their 412C/D is an amazing escape tool for go back to the mid stages and start their zoning game again. with B having a deceptive range with variety of uses.

Politank Z
Strengths Weaknesses
  • Long limbs normals and command attacks that make their control of space a danger deal
  • Can juggle the opponent with j.D
  • Throws can't be softened
  • The universal command grab have a long range, but can be blocked
  • 236A/B is able to hit twice at more close ranges
  • 236C/D causes instant Dizzy
  • There's little to no counterplay against 412C/D
  • Unable to cancel their long range moves, can easily be punished if those are avoided or jumped
  • DokiDoki and HaraHara have a really long startup time, being more of a situational supers
  • 412C/D can initially seem like a move with little to no counterplay, however it's one of the larger knowledge checks of facing Politank and when knowing what to do, it can lead to taking large amount of damage coming Politank's way