
Template page


This template allows you to invoke universal motion icons in replacement of the old {{#motion}} parser functions used around the wiki pre-upgrade.

Template:SmallMotion supports both 6-button and numpad notation; i.e.: qcf and 236 will render the icon.

Based on Template:Motion using alternate, smaller graphics

Argument Table

Argument Result
{{SmallMotion|1}} Downleft.gif
{{SmallMotion|db}} Downleft.gif
{{SmallMotion|2}} Down.gif
{{SmallMotion|d}} Down.gif
{{SmallMotion|3}} Downright.gif
{{SmallMotion|df}} Downright.gif
{{SmallMotion|4}} Left.gif
{{SmallMotion|b}} Left.gif
{{SmallMotion|6}} Right.gif
{{SmallMotion|f}} Right.gif
{{SmallMotion|7}} Upleft.gif
{{SmallMotion|ub}} Upleft.gif
{{SmallMotion|8}} Up.gif
{{SmallMotion|u}} Up.gif
{{SmallMotion|9}} Upright.gif
{{SmallMotion|uf}} Upright.gif
{{SmallMotion|236}} Qcf.gif
{{SmallMotion|qcf}} Qcf.gif
{{SmallMotion|214}} Qcb.gif
{{SmallMotion|qcb}} Qcb.gif
{{SmallMotion|623}} Dp.gif
{{SmallMotion|dp}} Dp.gif
{{SmallMotion|421}} Rdp.gif
{{SmallMotion|rdp}} Rdp.gif
{{SmallMotion|41236}} Hcf.gif
{{SmallMotion|hcf}} Hcf.gif
{{SmallMotion|63214}} Hcb.gif
{{SmallMotion|hcb}} Hcb.gif