Teen Gohan (DBZ:B3)

From SuperCombo Wiki

P reach:15 speed:3 -=-=-=-=-=-=- ppppe [Kamehameha] 5 hits! 523 dmg. NR ppp>P 4 hits! 178 dmg. AR pp>P*pP 5 hits! 223 dmg. AR pp<pP* 4 hits! 148 dmg. ppkkkK *6 hits! 327 dmg. NRS ppkk>k 5 hits! 270 dmg. NRS ppk>k 4 hits! 187 dmg. GR pk 2 hits! 84 dmg. NRR

>P reach:25 speed:9

-=-=-=-=-=-=- >pppP*p 5 hits! 185 dmg. GR >pppP*(>P) 5 hits! 194 dmg. NRS >pppk 4 hits! 217 dmg. AR

 -note- k changes in the air, *4 hits! 205 dmg.

>pp<P!* 3 hits! 113 dmg. NRS

 -note- <P!* doesn't guard break in the air

>pkkk 4 hits! 231 dmg. NRS

<P reach:20 speed:4

-=-=-=-=-=-=- <p^(P) 2 hits! 84 dmg. GR <p^>P 2 hits! 116 dmg. AR <p^<P^ 2 hits! 98 dmg.

 -note- <p^<P^ is an infinite, air only, 906 dmg.

<p^k 2 hits! 158 dmg. AR

 -note- k changes in the air, 2 hits! 135 dmg.

<p^>k! 2 hits! 139 dmg. NRS <p^<k^ 2 hits! 102 dmg.

 -note- <p^<k^ is an infinite, air only, 953 dmg.

K reach:15 speed:6

-=-=-=-=-=-=- kk(k*)(K-) 5 hits! 216 dmg. GR kk>kkE- [Soaring Dragon Strike] 6 hits! 911 dmg. AR kk>kkk 5 hits! 267 dmg. GR *NRS kk<k 4 hits! 188 dmg. AR k>k 2 hits! 103 dmg. GR k(<k*)p^ 3 hits! 156 dmg.

>K reach:15 speed:5

-=-=-=-=-=-=- >k*kkE- [Soaring Dragon Strike] 5 hits! 854 dmg. AR >k*kkk 4 hits! 207 dmg. AR >k*kk(>K-) 5 hits! 219 dmg. NR >k*k<kk 4 hits! 231 dmg. GR >k*pP^e [Kamehameha] 4 hits! 527 dmg. AR *NR >k*pP^K 4 hits! 230 dmg. GR *NRS

 -note- >k*pP^ is an infinite, 961 dmg.
<K reach:15 speed:5

-=-=-=-=-=-=- <k*k 2 hits! 130 dmg. AR <k*(>K-) 3 hits! 151 dmg. GR


-=-=-=-=-=-=- >e [Kamehameha] 375 dmg. NR

 -note- Consumes 1 ki

<E- [Soaring Dragon Strike] 2 hits! 690 dmg. AR

 -note- Consumes 2 ki, Super Saiyan 2

eeee 4 hits! 200 dmg.


-=-=-=-=-=-=- P+K 62 dmg. NRR

 -note- (P+K) changes in the air, 67 dmg.

(>P+K) 48 dmg. NRS <P+K^ 62 dmg. k+g 124 dmg. AR

 -note- k+g changes in the air, 95 dmg.   

>K+G 86 dmg. NRS <k+g 2 hits! 112 dmg. AR p+g^ 2 hits! 200 dmg.


-=-=-=-=-=-=- >>p! 57 dmg. NRS

 -note- >>p! changes in the air, 62 dmg.

>>k! 71 dmg. NRR >>p+k! 57 dmg. GR

 -note- >>p+k! changes in the air

>>e 50 dmg.


-=-=-=-=-=-=- p+k+g! [Super Saiyan] +10% attack - Base Ki 4

 -note- Requires 4 ki 

p+k+g! [Super Saiyan 2] +15% attack - Base Ki 4

 -note- Requires 5 ki

-=-=-=-=-=-=- P+K+G+E!! [Father-Son Kamehameha] 2415 dmg.

 -note- Consumes 5 ki, Super Saiyan 2
Dragon Rush

-=-=-=-=-=-=- Dragon Rush 2 15 hits! 730 dmg.

 -note- Base, Super Saiyain

Dragon Rush 3 29 hits! 852 dmg.

 -note- Super Saiyan 2