Street Fighter 6/Dhalsim/Combos

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Combo Notation Guide

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SF6 Combo Notation Guide
Notation Meaning
> Cancel the previous move to the following move.
e.g. Normal into Special (2MK > 236P) or Special into Super (623P > 236236K)
~ Chain/Cancel the previous move into a followup.
e.g. Luke's target combo (LP~MP~HP) or Rising Uppercut into Slam Dunk (623PP~PP)
, Link the previous move to the following move.
e.g. 5MP, 2MP (requires manual timing)
An example with Ken that uses all three "connecting" symbols:
2LP, 5MP~HP > 623P > 236236P
2LP links into 5MP; 5MP chains into HP Target Combo; HP cancels into Shoryuken which cancels into Lv.3 Super
j.X Jumping action; for Neutral Jump, use 8j.X
e.g. Kimberly j.2MP (Elbow Drop) or Ryu j.214K (Aerial Tatsumaki Senpukyaku)
P or K Any Punch or Any Kick (when button strength does not matter)
PP or KK represents any two punches/kicks.
X/Y Do either X move or Y move.
e.g. end a combo with 214K/623P
[X] Hold the button input
e.g. Luke 214[LP] = charged LP Flash Knuckle
dl.X Briefly delay the action
e.g. Ken 236HK~dl.6LK (Jinrai Loop starter)
AA Anti-air; hit the opponent while they're mid-air.
May cause a different juggle state compared to a grounded opponent.
Y xN
{Y} xN
Repeat 'Y' input 'N' number of times.
A sequence of multiple inputs will be bundled into "{}".
e.g. 5LP x3 (5LP, 5LP, 5LP) or {2HP > Drive Rush} x3
Y > DR Button Y cancelled into Drive Rush (3-bar version)
e.g. 5HP > DR
DR~Y Drive Rush into Button Y (cancel the dash frames early into a followup attack)
This can be done from the 1-bar or 3-bar versions of Drive Rush
e.g. 236HP Launch, DR~5LP
An example for Ryu using both Drive Rush notations:
2MK > DR~5HP (cancel 2MK into Drive Rush, then immediately use 5HP during dash animation)

Starter Combos

Light Confirms
Very Easy

5LP/2LP/1LK > 2LP > 236MPHP
5LP/2LP/1LK > 2LP > 63214HK
5LP/2LP/1LK > 2LP > DR~5LP, 4MP > 63214HK

Dhalsim's bread and butter knockdowns off of light starters. When unsure if the opponent is standing or not it is safest to perform 2LP > 236MPHP or 2LP > DR~5LP. Only perform 2LP > 63214HK when close and sure the opponent is standing.

236MPHP will leave Dhalsim +49 on knockdown, which is enough time to put a yoga arch or yoga fire into play and recover with +4 or +2 frames to spare, respectively.

63214HK gives Dhalsim one of his most important knockdowns, leaving him +42 and far away from the opponent. Ground teleport will leave Dhalsim +3 and air teleport will allow him to strike a standing opponent with a meaty j.LP. If done in the corner Dhalsim can follow up with 2LK or 1HK to reset or sweep the opponent respectively.

OD Yoga Flame Extensions

63214PP!, 2MK


OD Yoga Flame Extensions

63214PP!, 2HK


OD Yoga Flame Extensions

63214PP!, 236236LP/236236MP/236236HP

Use 236236MP if close, 236236HP if further away, and 236236LP from max distance.

OD Yoga Flame Extensions

63214PP! > 214214K

SA2 can be canceled into and doesn't have to be linked.

Combo Enders

  • Any combo ender that leaves you +40 or higher will leave you plus if you teleport immediately afterward. For example, ending a combo with 63214HK leaves you +42, making an instant teleport after this ender leave you +3.
  • Any combo ending with 63214HK will whiff if the opponent was crouching as you started the combo, unless you use a move to force stand like 4MP.
Ender Position Damage Advantage Notes
...236HP Anywhere 600 ~-2 Meterless combo ender that doesn't require the opponent to be standing and can be comboed from lights. Frame advantage changes slightly based on spacing. -2 assumes point-blank range. Heavy version is preferred since it is faster and therefore more likely to combo.
...236MPHP Anywhere 1000 ~+49 Combo ender that doesn't require the opponent to be standing and can be comboed from lights. Frame advantage changes slightly based on spacing. +49 assumes point-blank range. MPHP version is preferred since it is faster and therefore more likely to combo.
236P, (Yoga Fire connects),
  • 5MK/5MP
  • 5HP
  • 5HK...
  • 1200/1300
  • 1600
  • 1400 + Ender
  • -2
  • -5/-6
  • Variable
Extra damage with a normal if a fireball connects. See "Heavy Starter" section in "All Combos" for enders from 5HK.

Ender Position Damage Advantage Notes
...63214HK Anywhere 1200 +42 Meterless knockdown that leaves you plus enough for oki with an immediate teleport afterward. Requires the opponent to be hit while standing or for them to be hit with a move that forces stand (such as 4MP).
...63214HK > 236236K Anywhere 4800 +19 Level 3 cancel from 63214HK. Does a lot more damage but has worse frame advantage.
...63214HK, 2LK Corner 1400 +6-10 Reset with 2LK. Frame advantage decreases the later 2LK is performed. Corner only.
...63214HK, 1HK Corner 2100 +40 Free extra damage with 1HK. Sets up a frame kill with 2MK to be +4 if done immediately afterward. Corner only.
...63214HK, 214214K Corner 4000 +50 Level 2 ender that doesn't cost Drive Gauge but can only be done in the corner.
...63214KK > 214214K Anywhere 3800 +54 Level 2 ender that can be done anywhere but requires Drive Gauge. Requires using 63214KK instead of 63214HK. With the removal of the 20% scaling from 63214KK, this is actually a decent ender now. It does carry the opponent quite far and is very plus, too. Does more damage and has a faster startup compared to the 63214PP version, but has less range and frame advantage.

Ender Position Damage Advantage Notes
...63214LP Anywhere 800 +33 Usually done from certain lights or mediums.
...63214MP Anywhere 900 +33 Usually done from certain mediums or heavies.
...63214HP Anywhere 1200 +45 Meterless knockdown with enough frame advantage for oki with a teleport afterward. Teleport needs to be delayed slightly to prevent opponent from teching out of range after it.
  • ...63214LP > 236236K
  • 63214MP > 236236K
  • 63214HP > 236236K
  • 4400
  • 4500
  • 4800
+19 Level 3 cancel from 63214P. Does a lot more damage but has worse frame advantage. Has to be done close or else 236236K will whiff.
...63214PP, 2MK Anywhere 1300 +5-11 Meterless follow-up that leaves the opponent point-blank, allowing for a mixup. Can be useful for going on offense without switching sides with a 63214HK teleport setup. Frame advantage decreases the later 2MK is performed.
...63214PP, 5HK Anywhere 1600 +39 Meterless follow-up that leaves the opponent far away with good frame advantage. 5HK can be canceled into a charged fireball or a regular safe fireball.
...63214PP, 2HK Anywhere 1700 +31-33 Meterless follow-up that keeps the opponent close. Frame advantage varies slightly depending on when 2HK is performed. Doing forward dash or 2LK after is recommended to allow for a mixup even with back tech. Forward dash will leave you +6-8 and 2LK will leave you +5-7.
...63214PP, 5HP Anywhere 1800 +2 Highest damage meterless follow-up that leaves the opponent far away but has poor frame advantage.
  • 63214HK
  • 63214HK > 236236K
  • 631214HK, 2LK
  • Anywhere
  • Anywhere
  • Corner
  • 2000
  • 4800
  • 2160
  • +39
  • +19
  • +6-8
63214HK follow-ups. 63214HK can't link into 1HK or 214214K in the corner here.
  • 63214KK > 214214HK
  • 63214KK, 63214KK...
  • Anywhere
  • Corner
  • 4040
  • 2600
  • +57
  • +42
63214KK follow-ups. All 63214K follow-ups work after the second 63214KK in the corner except 2LK.
  • 236236LP
  • 236236MP
  • 236236HP
  • 2720
  • 2900
  • 2840
  • +27-30
  • +25-31
  • +28-35
Universal level 1 ender. Frame advantage varies depending on when the super is performed. 236236MP is the preferred ender due to it dealing the most damage. 236236HP is for further ranges where 236236MP would whiff. 236236LP is only useful if 63214PP connects from particularly far away.
...63214PP, 5HK > 236236HP Close 3232 +34 Higher damage level 1 ender, but requires the opponent to be close or else 236236HP will whiff. It is possible to end with 236236MP instead in the corner, but a single hit will whiff and it will deal less damage than 236236HP.
...63214PP > 214214K Anywhere 3600 +58 Level 2 ender that can be done anywhere but requires Drive Gauge. Requires using 63214PP instead of 63214P. Has more range and frame advantage compared to the 63214KK version, but does less damage and has a slower startup.

All supers can be canceled into from all special-cancelable normals (including 5LP, but the timing is difficult) for extra damage without having to spend Drive Gauge or having to deal with combo scaling.

Ender Position Damage Advantage Notes
...236236LP Anywhere 1920 ~+24 Furthest reaching variant with the least damage. Use if the opponent is too far for the other two versions to connect. Can get more frame advantage depending on the combo.
...236236MP Anywhere 2100 ~+24 Highest damage variant with the least range. Generally the go-to level 1 ender. Can get more frame advantage depending on the combo.
...236236HP Anywhere 2040 ~+27 More range but less damage than 236236MP and more damage but less range than 236236LP. Can get more frame advantage depending on the combo.
...214214K Anywhere 2800 ~+50 Very plus ender that sends the opponent far. Can get even more frame advantage depending on the combo. Heavy version is preferred since it goes the furthest horizontally, making it more likely to connect (although it doesn't matter for some combos anyway). Tends to whiff or miss some hits if connected directly from a normal without being point-blank.
...236236K Anywhere 4000 +19 Frame advantage is always the same. Will only scale down to 50% damage at worst.

All Combos


  • Any combo ending with 63214HK will whiff if the opponent was crouching as you started the combo, unless you use a move to force stand like 4MP.
  • See "Combo Enders" section above for follow-ups from 63214HK and 63214PP.
Normal Hit
Combo Position Damage Difficulty Notes Video
5LP/1LK~2LP... Anywhere 540/440 + Ender Very Easy Light starter. Up to three lights can be chained if point blank. N/A
2LP/5LK > 236HP/236MPHP Close 960/1240 Very Easy Has to be point blank for 236HP to connect after 5LP > 2LP. 2LP can hit at almost max range for 236MPHP to connect. Both fireballs can connect from further away if starting with 5LK. Link
  • 2LP > 63214HK
  • 2LP > 63214KK > 214214HK
  • 1380
  • 2920
Easy Has to be done point blank if starting with 5LP~2LP, same as above. 63214HK can connect from slightly further if starting with just one 2LP. Link
2LP/5LK > 236236MP/236236K Anywhere ~2004/3340 Easy Super enders without spending Drive Gauge. Overall best light confirm route into level 3 - going from 63214HK requires the opponent to be standing, and going from a Drive Rush costs 3 bars of Drive Gauge along with dealing nearly identical damage to this combo. Ending with raw level 2 isn't quite worthwhile here - it does 2540 damage but requires you to be point blank and start with just one light. If going for a punish with a single light, then it's better to just link into 4MK/4MP unless you're a bit further from point-blank range. Stick to using 63214KK in the above combo if you want to use level 2. WIP
5LK > 63214LP Anywhere 940 Easy Has to be done somewhat close so that 63214LP can reach. Not a useful combo, especially since the light attack scaling nerf - just use 4MK or 1HP at this range. Link
2LP/5LK > DRC~5LP/2LP, 4MP/4MK... Anywhere ~1074 + Ender Medium Standard light confirm BnB. Does more damage, carries further, and doesn't have a range requirement like the other combos, but is meter-hungry. Up to three 2LPs can be linked to start this combo if done at point blank range. DRC~5LP is typically only used after a far range 5LK. This combo is typically ended with 4MP > 63214HK for good oki and to conserve meter. See "Medium Starter" section for other follow-ups. Link

Counter Hit
Combo Position Damage Difficulty Notes Video
5LP/2LP > 63214LP Anywhere 1000 Very Easy Counter hit allows for a meterless knockdown from jab. WIP
5LK > 63214PP... Anywhere 1000 + Ender Medium The buff to 63214PP's range makes this combo more practical, but hit confirming 5LK is still hard, and 63214PP is quite minus on block. WIP

Punish Counter
Combo Position Damage Difficulty Notes Video
5LP, 4MK/4MP... Anywhere 840/920 + Ender Easy Starting with 2LP is pointless since the rest of the combo will whiff when started outside of 5LP range anyway. 4MK/4MP will whiff if 5LP connects from max range. WIP
5LK > 63214MP Anywhere 1080 Very Easy WIP

Normal Hit
Combo Position Damage Difficulty Notes Video
2MP > 236HP/236MPHP Anywhere 1200/1600 Very Easy Has to be close enough so that 236HP can hit, further away they will be forced to block. 2MP can hit from slightly further away if ending with 236MPHP. Link
  • 2MP > 236HP/236MPHP
  • 2MP > 63214LP
  • 2MP > 63214PP...
  • 2MP > 236236LP/236236MP
  • 2MP > DRC~4MK/4MP...
  • 1200/1600
  • 1400
  • 1400 + Ender
  • 2520/2700
  • 1110/1195 + Ender
Easy 2MP follow-ups. 63214LP has to be done slightly closer than 236HP/236MPHP/63214PP or else it will whiff. Use 236236LP if 2MP connects around max range. Don't bother using 214214K/2362326K since they will whiff unless in 1HP range. Tricky (but possible) to get 4MK after a nearly max range 2MP. Link
  • 4MP > 63214HK
  • 4MP > 63214PP...
  • 4MP > 236236MP
  • 4MP > 214214K
  • 4MP > 236236K
  • 4MP > DRC~1HP...
  • 1900
  • 1500 + Ender
  • 2800
  • 3500
  • 4700
  • 1380 + Ender
Easy 4MP follow-ups. There's little reason to end with 63214MP since it only allows you to convert from *very* slightly further, 4MP forces stand, and 63214HK does more damage along with granting enough frame advantage for teleport oki. WIP
  • 4MK > 63214MP
  • 4MK > 63214HK
  • 4MK > 63214PP...
  • 4MK > 236236MP
  • 4MK > 214214K
  • 4MK > 236236K
  • 4MK > DRC~1HP/4HP...
  • 4MK > DRC~4HK, 5LP~2LP > 63214HK
  • 1500
  • 1800
  • 1400 + Ender
  • 2700
  • 3400
  • 4600
  • 1280/1365 + Ender
  • 2443
Easy 4MK follow-ups. Uniquely has enough advantage on hit to Drive Rush into 4HP/4HK, unlike Dhalsim's other medium normals. WIP
  • DR~4MK > 63214HP
  • DR~4MK, 4MK...
  • 1800
  • 1200 + Ender
Easy Follow-ups from Drive Rush 4MK. WIP
  • 1MK > 63214LP
  • 1MK > 63214HK
  • 1MK > 63214PP...
  • 1MK > 236236MP
  • 1MK > 214214K
  • 1MK > 236236K
  • 1MK > DRC~4MK...
  • 1140
  • 1460
  • 1140 + Ender
  • 2180
  • 2740
  • 3700
  • 908 + Ender
Easy 1MK follow-ups. Needs to opt for 63214LP instead of 63214MP, can only Drive Rush into 4MK instead of 1HP, and overall does less damage compared to Dhalsim's other mediums. WIP
  • 2MK, 5LP/2LP...
  • 2MK, 4MK...
  • DR~2MK, 1HP...
  • 740 + Ender
  • 980 + Ender
  • 1140 + Ender
Medium/Hard Links from slide. 5LP tends to whiff if slide was done from far away enough, so 2LP can be used for range at the cost of being a frame slower. 4MK requires slide to connect from almost max range. DR~2MK can link into 1HP from a bit closer since it can be up to +13 on hit. WIP

Counter Hit
Combo Position Damage Difficulty Notes Video
2MP > DRC~1HP... Anywhere 1400 + Ender Easy Counter hit allows 1HP to be comboed into for better reward. WIP
  • 1MK > 63214MP
  • 1MK > DRC~1HP...
  • 1320
  • 1144 + Ender
Easy New follow-ups for 1MK on counter hit. WIP
4MK, 2LP > 63214HK Close 1980 Medium Counter hit allows for a light to be linked from 4MK for a little more damage. This link is only worthwhile if ending with 63214HK with nothing else afterward, otherwise ignoring the light and going straight into the ender gives more damage. 4MP as a starter has too much pushback on hit and only leaves you +4, so don't try that. WIP
2MK, 1HP... Anywhere 1240 Hard Counter hit allows for 1HP to be linked into at max range without needing Drive Rush. N/A
j.2KK (instant), j.MP, 236236LP/236236MP Anywhere 2376/2520 Easy Use 236236LP if j.MP connects at max range, otherwise use 236236MP for more damage. N/A

Punish Counter
Combo Position Damage Difficulty Notes Video
  • 4MK > 63214HP
  • 4MK, 4MK...
  • 1920
  • 1320 + Ender
Easy N/A
j.2KK (instant), j.MP, 2MP... Anywhere 1320 + Ender Easy Usually done when punishing a close fireball. N/A

Normal Hit
Combo Position Damage Difficulty Notes Video
  • 1HP > 63214MP
  • 1HP (close) > 63214HP
  • 1HP > 63214PP...
  • 1HP > 236236MP
  • 1HP > 214214K
  • 1HP > DRC~1HP/4HP...
  • 1HP > DRC~4HK, 5LP~2LP > 63214HK
  • 1700
  • 2000
  • 1600 + Ender
  • 2900
  • 3600
  • 1480/1565 + Ender
  • 2643
Easy 1HP follow-ups. All of these follow-ups also work with 4HP, which does slightly more damage than 1HP if it's not the first move in the combo. If 1HP hits at further ranges then you'll have to do 63214MP. 63214HP will always connect after 4HP, though (except at the very tip). 214214K requires being point blank. WIP
  • DR~1HP (max range) > 63214HP
  • DR~1HP, 4MK...
  • 2000
  • 1400 + Ender
Easy New follow-ups with Drive Rush 1HP. Neither of these enders apply to 4HP, unlike the above combo - 63214HP always connects and DR~4HP is -5 on hit if not canceled. WIP
...DRC~4HK, 5LP~2LP > 63214HK Anywhere 2380 Easy Slightly higher damage if going for a Drive Rush and not spending any more meter afterward compared to DR~1HP, 4MK > 63214HK. This combo is only worth using if ending with 63214HK - scaling makes any other ender inferior to DR~1HP, 4MK... WIP
  • 5HK > 236236LP/236236MP
  • 5HK > DRC~5MK
  • 5HK > DRC~2HK
  • 5HK > DRC~2MP/1HP...
  • 2720/2900
  • 1310
  • 1565
  • 1310/1480 + Ender
Easy 5HK has to connect from fairly close for 1HP to combo - just about outside of 2MP range. 2MP can be used from further away, but still requires being decently close. 5MK should only be used from around max range for extra damage. This isn't worth spending the resources on normally but can be useful for securing a KO. WIP
  • j.2KK (instant), j.HK, 4MK/4MP...
  • j.2KK (instant), j.HK (far), 2MP/1HP...
  • 1280/1360 + Ender
  • 1280/1440 + Ender
Easy Confirm from j.HK at instant air Yoga Float height. 2MP and 1HP will only combo if j.HK connects from further away. Performing j.HK early and drifting forward as Yoga Float ends is a good way to make this more consistent. Use 2MP if j.HK connects around max range - around Dhalsim's knee during j.HK. WIP
j.2KK (instant), j.HP, 2MP/1HP... Anywhere 1280/1440 + Ender Easy Confirm from j.HP at instant air Yoga Float height. Use 2MP if j.HP connects from further away. More hitstun means no need to use 4MK/4MP, but you should opt for those if j.HP connects from higher up. WIP

Counter Hit
Combo Position Damage Difficulty Notes Video
1HP (max range) > 63214HP Anywhere 2160 Easy Counter hit allows 63214HP to connect from max range instead of having to opt for 63214MP. WIP
1HP, 2LP > 63214HK Close 2220 Easy Counter hit allows for a light to be linked from 1HP for a little more damage. This link is only worthwhile if ending with 63214HK with nothing else afterward, otherwise ignoring the light deals better damage due to scaling. WIP
5HK > DRC~4HK, 5LP~2LP > 63214HK Close 2803 Medium Counter hit allows for DRC~4HK to combo, which does a bit more damage than DRC~1HP, 4MK > 63214HK. 5HK has to connect from fairly close for this to work - around 2MP range. This combo is much more practical if 5HK punishes, but is still technically possible off of a counter hit. WIP

Punish Counter
Combo Position Damage Difficulty Notes Video
1HP, 4MK... Close 1560 + Ender Easy WIP
  • 5HK (close), 1HP/4HP...
  • 5HK (far), 2HK/5HP
  • 5HK (far), 5HK...
  • 5HK (far) > 6PPP
  • 1760/1860 + Ender
  • 1860/1960
  • 1760 + Ender
  • 960 + Mixup
Easy Main punish starter for stuff like baited DPs. 4HP grants a bit more damage if really close to opponent. Cancel into Drive Rush to link the 1HP/4HP if further away. DR~1HP can hit from a max range 5HK if the attack is delayed during the Drive Rush. DR~4HP can hit from decently far away if timed well - a little less than 5HK's max range. 2HK without a DRC will require you to be a bit closer to the opponent - slightly closer than a 5MK. Opting for teleport will leave you point blank and +3. WIP
j.2KK (instant), j.LP (whiff), 5HK, 1HP/4HP... Anywhere 1760/1860 + Ender Easy Same combo as above but used as a punish for command throws. Command throws have enough whiff recovery to cancel out of the float and go for 5HK. Starting with j.HK/j.HP will do less damage due to jump-in scaling. WIP
DR~4HK, 4MK/4MP... Anywhere 1800/1900 + Ender Easy DP punish that gets a bit more damage than 5HK, 1HP... but costs 1 bar of Drive Gauge. WIP
DR~5HK > 6PPP/6KKK, 4MK... Anywhere 1560 + Ender Easy Can now opt for 4MK instead of 5LP after the buff to 5HK hitstun. This also means that front teleport (6KKK) works now, since 4MK has enough range to combo regardless. WIP
j.2KK (instant), j.HK (close), 1HP... Anywhere 1600 + Ender Easy Yoga Float punish starter. j.HK can now link into 1HP even if it was done close. Typically used as a shimmy. WIP

Normal Hit
Combo Position Damage Difficulty Notes Video
  • 63214K, 5MP/5HK/2HK/5HP
  • 63214K, 236236LP/236236MP/236236HP
  • 63214K, 236236K
  • 63214KK, 214214K
  • 1900/2000/2100/2200
  • 3120/3300/3240
  • 5200
  • 3800
Medium/Hard Combos off of Yoga Blast.
  • Any version of Yoga Blast works here, but keep in mind that the light and overdrive versions are 3 frames faster but deal 200 less damage. The light version additionally suffers from 3 extra frames of recovery, making links more difficult.
  • Linking into 5MP/5HK/2HK/5HP requires Yoga Blast to be performed very early. Using the overdrive version can help with this, but it deals 200 less damage.
  • 236236LP is only used if you did Yoga Blast late and the opponent is far.
  • 236236HP will whiff if you did Yoga Blast too late.
  • Note that 236236K has to be linked from Yoga Blast, not canceled. This link requires Yoga Blast to be done fairly early.
  • 236K, (Yoga Arch connects), DR~4MP > 63214HK
  • 236K, (Yoga Arch connects), DR~4MP > 63214HK, 5MP/5HK/2HK/5HP
  • 236K, (Yoga Arch connects), DR~4MP > 63214HK, 236236LP/236236MP/236236HP
  • 236K, (Yoga Arch connects), DR~4MP > 63214HK, 236236K
  • 236K, (Yoga Arch connects), DR~4MP > 63214KK, 214214K
  • 2131
  • 2544/2603/2662/2721
  • 3259/3367/3331
  • 4487
  • 3525
Medium/Hard Combos off of Yoga Arch.
  • Linking into 5MP/5HK/2HK/5HP requires the opponent to be fairly high up. Using 63214KK instead of 63214HK can help with this, but it deals 200 less damage.
  • 236236LP is only used if you did 4MP late and the opponent is far.
  • 236236HP will whiff if you did 4MP too late.
  • Note that 236236K has to be linked from 63214HK, not canceled.
Counter Hit
Combo Position Damage Difficulty Notes Video
Punish Counter
Combo Position Damage Difficulty Notes Video

Combo Position Damage Difficulty Notes Video
DI (Punish Counter),
  • 4HP > 63214MP
  • 4HP > 63214HK
  • 4HP > 63214PP...
  • 4HP > 236236MP
  • (microwalk) 4HP > 214214K
  • 4HP > 236236K
  • 4HP > DRC~1HP/4HP...
  • 4HP > DRC~4HK, 5LP~2LP > 63214HK
  • 2310
  • 2520
  • 2240 + Ender
  • 3144
  • 3640
  • 4480
  • 2152/2211 + Ender
  • 2957
Easy Main Drive Impact punish starter. 4HP normally isn't a good starter despite its higher damage due to scaling, but Drive Impact negates the scaling penalty. Use 63214MP if 4HP connects from further away (63214HP only combos from a tiny bit further than 63214HK). 214214K requires Drive Impact to connect at point-blank range. No microwalk is required for it if in the corner. WIP
DI (Punish Counter), 6PPP,
  • 4MK > 63214MP
  • 4MK > 236236MP
  • 4MK > 236236K
  • 2070
  • 2904
  • 4240
Easy Side switch after a Drive Impact. Only the first hit of 63214PP will connect and it won't lead into anything else so don't do that. WIP
DI (Punish Counter), 6PPP,
  • 4MK > DRC~1HP > 63214HP
  • 4MK > DRC~1HP (delayed) > 63214HK
  • 4MK > DRC~1HP > 236236HP
  • 4MK > DRC~1HP (delayed) > 214214K
  • 2524
  • 2524
  • 2944
  • 3338
Medium 63214HP has more corner carry but less consistent oki compared to 63214HK. Level 3 ender without the second Drive Rush cancel will do less damage than the above combo so avoid that. Compared to the above combo, ending with 63214HP/63214HK can be worthwhile for oki and more damage, but all other options are just for squeezing out a bit more damage and generally aren't recommended. WIP
DI (Punish Counter), 6PPP, 4MK > DRC~1HP >
  • DRC~1HP (delayed) > 63214HP
  • DRC~1HP (delayed) > 63214HK
  • DRC~1HP (delayed) > 236236HP
  • DRC~1HP (delayed) > 214214K
  • DRC~1HP (delayed) > 236236K
  • 2824
  • 2824
  • 3172
  • 3496
  • 4320
Medium Meter dump variant of the above combo. WIP
DI (Punish Counter), j.6PPP, j.LK, 2HK (, 66) Anywhere 1830 Medium Forward dash after 2HK will leave you +10 and in range for strike/throw. WIP
DI (Punish Counter), j.6PPP, j.LK, 5HK > 236MK/236HK, 6KKK Anywhere 1760 Medium Side switch combo that does less damage but sets up a gimmicky offense with Yoga Arch. Use 236MK if the opponent is in the corner. Use 236HK otherwise. 5HK can cancel into 236236LP but some of the hits will whiff and it will do overall less damage than the above combos. This combo can be used for setting up offense, but there's a decent amount of time for the opponent to hit you before the Yoga Arch lands if you try to get close. WIP
DI, (DI stun), 236LK, j.2KK (instant), (Yoga Arch connects), j.HP (while moving forward), 1HP > 236HK, 4MP... Corner 2880 + Ender Medium DI stun combo. Don't go into DR~1HP unless trying to squeeze out as much damage as possible with a Level 3 ender - the scaling makes it inferior to other enders. WIP

Teleport Openers

Basic Teleport Combo

9PPP/KKK (instant), j.LP, 4MP/4MK/1HP...

Teleport approximately one frame above jump - the air jab provides 7-9 frames of advantage if instantly done after a teleport. Delaying the jab slightly can give 11-12 frames of advantage, allowing a link into 1HP for better damage.