Starter |
Route |
Damage |
Regalia |
(6AA)A |
66BB, 6B+K |
xx |
Requires SWR |
66BB, CB5 |
xx |
Requires SWR, Grants SPR |
SA B |
xx |
Requires SWR, Grants SPR |
CE |
xx |
Requires SWR |
CA6A+B |
CB5 |
xx |
Requires SWR, Grants SPR |
3B |
66BB, 6B+K |
xx |
Main combo
66BB, CB5 |
xx |
Grants SPR |
FM, CB6, BT B+KA, 6B+K |
xx |
Requires SPR |
High damage combo that can be performed from a buffered 3B
CA6A+B, BT B+KA, 6B+K |
xx |
Requires SWR |
High damage combo that requires SWR and A charge
SA B |
xx |
Grants SPR |
CE |
xx |
6B+K |
xx |
CB5 |
xx |
Grants SPR |
CB6 |
BT B+KA, 6B+K |
xx |
Grants SPR |
CA6 |
xx |
Grants SPR, Grants SWR |
Does not require previous A charge
CA6A+B, BT B+KA, 6B+K |
xx |
Grants SPR, Requires SWR |
Does not require previous A charge
SA B |
xx |
Grants SPR |
CE |
xx |
Grants SPR |
CB6B+K (FM) |
CB6, BT B+KA, 6B+K |
xx |
Requires SPR, Grants SPR |
CA6A+B, BT B+KA, 6B+K |
xx |
Requires SPR, Requires SWR |
Requires previous A charge. Drops at very close ranged hits
CB6, SA B |
xx |
Requires SPR, Grants SPR |
microstep? CE |
xx |
Grants SPR |
FM, CB6, CE does more damage but is character-specific
66BB, 6B+K |
xx |
Grants SPR |
CA6A+B, BT B+KA, 6B+K |
xx |
Grants SPR, Requires SWR |
Does not require previous A charge. Drops at very close ranged hits
FM, CB6, BT B+KA, 6B+K |
xx |
Grants SPR |
Extraordinarily difficult. Requires double just frame for applying charge B and connecting FM before opponent hits the ground
SA B |
xx |
Grants SPR |
CE |
xx |
Grants SPR |
FM, CB6, CE does more damage but is character-specific
6K |
CB6, BT B+KA, 6B+K |
xx |
Grants SPR |
Main combo. Requires previous B charge
6B+K |
xx |
Charge-less combo
CB6, CE |
xx |
Grants SPR |
Requires previous B charge
FC 3K |
9K |
xx |
Can be avoided by side ukemi. Use WR CA or RCC CA6 to ukemi trap
xx |
Grants SPR |
Requires previous B charge. Can be avoided by side ukemi
6B+K |
xx |
Can be avoided by side ukemi. very unsafe when side ukemi'd
2A+B |
1KB |
xx |
Can be avoided by side ukemi. Use CA or 3A to ukemi trap
2K |
xx |
Grants SPR |
Can be avoided by back ukemi. Leaves Hilde at minus if opponent side ukemis
4[B+K] |
2A |
xx |
8B+K |
CB5 |
xx |
4A+BA |
66BB, 6B+K |
xx |
Requires SWR |
66BB, CB5 |
xx |
Requires SWR, Grants SPR |
SA B |
xx |
Requires SWR, Grants SPR |
CE |
xx |
Requires SWR |
66BB |
6, CB5 |
xx |
Grants SPR |
Dead trap only, use 66B+K to ukemi trap against front, back, and some side ukemis
22BB |
3KA |
xx |
Requires SWR |
66B+K |
2B+KK |
xx |
May leave Hilde facing opponent or facing away
6B+K |
xx |
delay, FM, CB6, BT B+KA, 6B+K |
xx |
Requires SPR, Grants SPR |
Range and character dependent
22B+K |
66BB, 6B+K |
xx |
CB6, BT B+KA, 6B+K |
xx |
Grants SPR |
66B, FM, CB6, BT B+KA, 6B+K |
xx |
Requires SPR, Grants SPR |
66B, 3KA |
xx |
Requires SWR |
CA6A+B, CB5 |
xx |
Requires SWR, Grants SPR |
CA6, SA B |
xx |
Grants SWR, Grants SPR |
CE |
xx |
1KB |
xx |
3B |
xx |
214A+G |
66K |
xx |
BB |
xx |
SA B |
xx |
Grants SPR |
CE |
xx |