Seth is actually one of many bodies produced by the Living Incubator program, but was giving the assignment of overseeing the S.I.N. corporation by M. Bison. Seth developed the Tanden Engine, which allowed Seth to instantly mimic the fighting techniques of opponents he has fought. Ever ambitious, Seth decided to rebel against Shadaloo and took S.I.N. for himself. He has no intention of stopping there, however, and plans to defeat Shadaloo's leader, M. Bison, and take over everything M. Bison has created utilizing the ultimate weapon he has created within S.I.N.: the device known as BLECE.
In a nutshell
The ultimate glass cannon, Seth's offense is unparalelled in the history of usable characters in Street Fighter. And what makes him even scarier is that his defense is also incredible, with great keepaway jump attacks, a quality anti-air DP, easy ways to run away. However, he's incredibly brittle, and one mistake can easily cost you the entire round. He also does very damage compared to most characters. Thus, the key to using Seth is to be flawless and play almost perfectly. But when you do, your opponent oftentimes is as helpless as the Training Mode dummy, falling prey to Seth's incredible lockdown game.
Unique Attacks


Special Moves

Super Combo

Ultra Combos

Frame Data
Move Analysis
Normal Moves
Unique Attacks
Normal Throws
Focus Attack
Special Moves
Super Combos
Ultra Combos
The Basics
- Strengths
Seth is a versatile character with the ability to switch his play style at any given time. He has arguably the best mix-ups in the game: a command grab, a deep j.HK, a dive kick, and an instant air overhead to name a few. Seth also has some of the best space controlling tools available to him. Among these are his nj.HP and fst.HP which are essentially Dhalsim's long reaching limbs, a Hadouken-like Sonic Boom, an amazing nj.HK, projectile-invincible EX Hyakuretsukyaku, an above-average Shoryuken, and an incredibly safe (and relatively fast) Ultra 1 which can punish full screen fireballs. In addition, Seth has one of the best focus attacks in the game, with fast LV2 access and very nice range. Seth can force you to come to him and then make you guess what he's going to do to you once you finally close the distance.
- Weaknesses
Seth has a few glaring weaknesses that prevent him from outright dominating the rest of the cast. To begin with, Seth has the worst health and stun in the game. One mistake can and often will cost Seth a match. He also deals little damage. Seth has terribly slow walk speed and terrible footsies. In addition, Seth does not have solid wake-up options. The best action for Seth is usually just to block, as his Shoryuken can be safe jumped and his teleports have awful recovery.
- Basic plan
Seth can be played in a variety of ways. Keep that in mind.
At full screen, Seth will want to chip at his foes with Sonic Boom. As they advance, Seth will want to AA them with nj.HP, nj.HK, and MP/HP Shoryuken. He can push opponents back with fst.HP as well. If Seth cannot match or overpower a foe in a fireball war, sparingly use fst.HP to punish fireballs. Or you can opt to use a well-timed EX Hyakuretsukyaku to go through their fireball and push them back. Alternatively, shut down their fireball game by absorbing projectiles and stocking Ultra 1.Do not get predictable with Seth's limbs, they can be cleanly beat by many moves.
At close range, Seth has a couple of options. His primary goal should be one of two things. The first is to knock your opponent back out with Hyakuretsukyaku. The other is to score a knock down to begin Seth's sick mix-up game. Once your opponent is knocked down, Seth has a number of even the most basic options. He can dive kick into a Shoryuken or Hyakuretsukyaku. He can empty jump into a command grab. He can cross up his foe with j.HK and go into Shoryuken or Hyakuretsukyaku. Or he can opt to do nothing and punish a mash-happy opponent for trying to reversal him.
Advanced Strategy
Bread and Butters
- cr.LK, cr.LP, cr.MP xx MK Hyakuretsukyaku
Seth's basic hit confirm combo that will knock the opponent a fair distance away from him. Best used when you need a fast punish or want some quick damage.
- (Mid-screen) cr.HP, LP Shoryuken (1 hit), Yosokyaku (3 times), Tenmakujinkyaku
- (Corner) cr.HP, HK Hyakuretsukyaku, Yosokyaku (3 times), Tenmakujinkyaku
- (Alternate) cr.HP, LP Shoryuken (2 hits), Yosokyaku (2 times), Tenmakujinkyaku
The go to combo for punishing your opponents' mistakes which ends up in a reset. The mid-screen version of this combo does not work on Guile, Adon, Dudley, Hakan, or Cody. You will have to use the third version of this combo on them.
- AA Shoryuken, Yosokyaku (3 times), Tenmakujinkyaku
This combo will often be available to you off of any anti-air Shoryuken, but landing it is not always realistic.
- j.MP, Yosokyaku (3 times), Tenmakujinkyaku
Primary air to air combo that leads into a reset.
Hit Confirm Combos
- cr.LK, cr.LP, cr.MP xx MK Hyakuretsukyaku
Seth's basic hit confirm combo that will knock the opponent a fair distance away from him. Best used when you need a fast punish or want some quick damage.
- cr.LP, cr.LP, cr.LP, st.LP xx LK Hyakuretsukyaku
Easier hit confirm combo, but less damaging.
- cr.LP, st.HP xx HK Hyakuretsukyaku
Harder but more damaging hit confirm combo.
Dizzy / Focus Crumple Combos
- Focus Attack Lv. 3, LP Tanden Engine, BnB
The go-to combo for Seth when the opponent is dizzied. Engine helps set the opponent up and can reduce damage dampening to an extent.
FADC Combos
- j.HK, st.HP, Sonic Boom FADC, BnB
Basic FADC combo. If the opponent blocks, substitute BnB for cr.LP, Piledriver or attempt a Yosokyaku to keep the opponent guessing.
Advanced Combos
- (Corner) st.HK, cr.MP xx MK Hyakuretsukyaku, Yosokyaku (3 times), Tenmakujinkyaku
More damaging version of Seth's primary punish BnB. st.HK, cr.MP is a one frame link which must be hit consistently or Seth's 750HP will be given quite a dent.
- Tenmakujinkyaku, cr.LP, st.HP xx HK Hyakuretsukyaku
- Tenmakujinkyaku, cr.LP, st.HP xx HP Shoryuken
You will need to hit your opponent when they are crouching or as they stand up in order for this to connect. Use the first variation of this combo if you want your opponent away from you; the second if you want to go for mix-ups.
Combos Into Supers
- N/A
Combos Into Ultras
- j.HK, cr.HP, Ultra 1
- (cr.HP, EX Tanden Engine x2), cr.HP, Ultra 1
- Any BnB ending in Hyakuretsu, Ultra 2
- EX Shoryuken, Ultra 2
- Vs. Abel
To Be Written (TBW)
- Vs. Adon
- Vs. Akuma
Suggested Ultra: 1
- Vs. Balrog
- Vs. Blanka
- Vs. C. Viper
- Vs. Cammy
- Vs. Chun Li
- Vs. Cody
Suggested Ultra: 1
- Vs. Dan
- Vs. Dee Jay
- Vs. Dhalsim
- Vs. Dudley
- Vs. E. Honda
- Vs. El Fuerte
- Vs. Fei Long
- Vs. Gen
- Vs. Gouken
Suggested Ultra: 1
- Vs. Guile
Suggested Ultra: 1
- Vs. Guy
- Vs. Hakan
- Vs. Ibuki
- Vs. Juri
- Vs. Ken
- Vs. M. Bison
- Vs. Makoto
- Vs. Rose
- Vs. Rufus
Suggested Ultra: 1
Seth can do whatever he wants in this match-up as long as Rufus doesn't have meter. Once Rufus has meter, Seth should start playing keep away. EX Messiah Kick is a problematic move in that it will beat most of Seth's mix-ups and allow Rufus to start making Seth play guessing games. If Rufus has U2, be extremely careful as he can punish any Sonic Booms and catch predictable limbs.
- Vs. Ryu
Suggested Ultra: 1
- Vs. Sagat
Suggested Ultra: 1
This is a fairly even matchup for Seth, but it is one that must be played very patiently. Many Sagat players will attempt to wear Seth down by playing Projectile War. Any attempts to wall jump or escape can end in a very hard-hitting Tiger Uppercut. However, this is where Ultra 1 comes in. As soon as you build up meter for Ultra 1, your opponent will start getting scared to throw out Tiger Shots lest they themselves be punished by Tanden Stream. This is Seth's chance to go on the offensive. Players must still be very careful in getting in, though. One mistake and half or more of Seth's health will disappear before your eyes.
- Vs. Sakura
- Vs. Seth
Suggested Ultra: 1
- Vs. T. Hawk
- Vs. Vega
- Vs. Zangief
Suggested Ultra: 1
This is a match where patience is key. Zangief will be looking to get in as usual and Seth will have to keep him out. Zangief's headbutt is an instant stun on counter hit and Zangief will usually be looking to hit this if Seth gets too predictable with his nj.HP. Make no mistake, limbs are incredibly important in this match-up. Only throw Sonic Booms at Zangief if he is nearly full screen and AA him with Shoryuken or nj.HP. Green hand makes Sonic Booms unwise anywhere else. Otherwise, it is important to remain unpredictable with nj.HP and fst.HP. Empty jump often and don't be afraid to mix in nj.HK when Zangief is closer. If Zangief has U2, you will have to be extremely careful when he has it stocked otherwise Seth will probably end up dead. If Seth doesn't play perfectly, he will eventually end up in the corner. Look for an opening to wall jump - do not try to do so instantly as Zangief will be looking for it. Do not be tempted to rush Zangief down - lame is the way to go.