Killer Instinct (2013)/Aganos/Character Intro

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Strengths Weaknesses
  • Big Fat Normals: Aganos' MP and heavy buttons have spectacular range with pushback to keep opponents out.
  • Power Armor: With chunks, Aganos can bully his way through jump-ins and other offense.
  • Unbreakable Combos: With walls up, Aganos can convert a stray hit or anti-air into Ruin for huge, inescapable damage.
  • Tall Tall Mountain: With a hurtbox that's both high and wide, there is very little that will whiff against Aganos.
  • Not so rock-solid defense: With no fully invulnerable move, Aganos has to take a 50/50 risk to escape oki when chunk-less.

Universal Mechanics


Peacetime: Peacemaker clubs start spawning in Aganos' hand every few seconds.

Combat Traits

Payload Chunks:Aganos' armor is powered by his chunks, with each chunk taking one hit before being removed. Aganos can rebuild his chunks through Fortify Chunk (←HP) or his Payload Assault ender. Chunks make Aganos slower in movement and frame data.

Cyclopean Walls: Aganos can spend a chunk to set up a wall behind him or his opponent. Walls cannot be passed through, but can be destroyed by wall splats, knocking Aganos down, or suffering a wall crash.

Peacemakers: By pressing ←LMHP near a wall, Aganos will turn it into a club. Aganos can hit the opponent 3 times with a Peacemaker club before it crumbles. Before that happens, he can convert it into a chunk with ←HP, or convert it back into a wall with LMHP.