Kid Buu
In a nutshell
Kid Buu is a very fast character with strong midrange pokes. He has the fastest and longest hop in the game, easily clearing half the screen in one leap, and the biggest jump arc. Kid Buu has some very unique air mobility options with his parachute special, which allows him to control the angle and timing of his aerial assaults. This coupled with his air fireballs round off what is undeniably the best keep-away game out of any character in Hyper Dimension. The trade off for having such great aerial mobility is that Kid Buu has no overheads; all of his jumping normals can be blocked low. This doesn't make him harmless on offense though, as he has some very legit tick-throw tactics. Good choice for players who love speed.
Moves List
Normal Moves
Close st.Y - Kid Buu performs a standing double punch. Hits twice. Very strange normal, this one has short range and a very awkward animation that's hard to put to use anywhere but as a close range hitconfirm into launcher.
Close st.B - Swiping overhead kick. Slow startup but can be quite useful for specific combo routes. Cannot combo into launcher.
Far st.Y - Kid Buu does a 3 sequence marching punch. Probably the worst far st.Y in the game, you pretty much never want this move to come out. Slow and obvious with terrible range, steer clear.
Far st.B - Forward moving roundhouse kick. Not useful at all, Kid Buu has midrange pokes that are a thousand times better than this.
cr.Y - Kid Buu hammers downwards with both fists. Can't be special cancelled. Hits twice and has decent range, making it a great hitconfirm tool for comboing into Kid Buu's alternate Earth Stab launchers, but not for a too much else.
cr.B - Low kick to the shins. Hits low. Can be special cancelled but not normal cancelled. Lows don't really mean much to Kid Buu considering he has no overheads, so this is mostly a combo tool for the Earth Stab route.
Y - Kid Buu slides forward with an enlarged, outstretched fist. Excellent midrange poke; fast, long range and covers the perfect angle to stuff hops and anything else the opponent might throw out. Deals quite a bit of stun too.
j.Y - Kid Buu hammers downwards with both fists. By far the slowest j.Y in the game. Identical animation to cr.Y, but this attack only becomes active once the fists are extended all the way down. Mostly used for tick throw shenanigans; because the animation is long and deceptive, you can very easily whiff this move in the opponent's face, land, then throw.
j.B - Extendo leg. Not a good jumping normal by any definition, slowest j.B in the game in fact, but it's the best Kid Buu has, which makes it his go-to for jump-ins.
Special Moves
Tassel Whip - Y - Kid Buu whips his head extension cord straight forward. Fast and long range, one of the best midrange pokes in the game.
Rolling Disk Tackle - Y - Buu rolls himself into a disc and throws himself forward. Has a strong tendency to either beat or trade with jumping attacks, the latter of which is better for you since you will always do more damage and recover before they do. Unpunishable on block and very safe on whiff too, so this is a pretty safe move to just throw out whenever.
Close Earth Stab - Y - Buu stabs the earth with his foot, causing it to come up out of the ground. Hits low. Launches on hit. All Earth Stab specials can be chained into each other, just input any other Earth Stab special as the foot starts retracting back down. Close version is mainly used for corner combos.
Mid Earth Stab - B - Buu stabs the earth with his foot, causing it to come up out of the ground. Hits low. Launches on hit. All Earth Stab specials can be chained into each other, just input any other Earth Stab special as the foot starts retracting back down. Mid version is mainly used for midscreen combos.
Far Earth Stab - A - Buu stabs the earth with his foot, causing it to come up out of the ground. Hits low. Launches on hit. All Earth Stab specials can be chained into each other, just input any other Earth Stab special as the foot starts retracting back down. Far version can be used for both combos and footsies. Surprise, far-reaching low.
Buu Floater - Y while in the air - Kid Buu molds himself into a parachute. Staple tool for Kid Buu's air mobility. This move lasts for as long as you want and can be cancelled to fall in 3 directions by simply hitting B or Y with left, right or neutral. Kid Buu will fall down with the air normal you pressed in the direction you designated. Buu Floater can also be used for close range mixups by TKing it; from that low to the ground, cancelling it into j.B will hit the opponent but cancelling into j.Y, being too slow, will whiff, allowing you to land and throw instead. Keep an eye out for generic anti-air projectiles when using this move.
Horizontal Tri-Blast - Y while in the air - Kid Buu fires 3 horizontal generic fireballs from his mouth. Fast and recovers relatively quickly. Very strong keep-away tool. Try to mix up the timing and spacing between this, Diagonal Tri-Blast, jumps, hops and Buu Floater and ground pokes for maximum unpredictability.
Diagonal Tri-Blast - B while in the air - Kid Buu fires 3 horizontal generic fireballs from his mouth. Fast and recovers relatively quickly. Very strong keep-away tool. Try to mix up the timing and spacing between this, Horizontal Tri-Blast, jumps, hops and Buu Floater and ground pokes for maximum unpredictability.
Kantsu Energy Dan - A - Kid Buu fires a dense energy blast from his hand. Level 3 projectile. Costs 5 health to use. Very strong fireball, as it will plow through all level 1 and 2 projectiles, trade with level 3 projectiles, and has faster recovery than the generic fireball. Also unlike generic fireballs, this one travels fullscreen without fizzing out. Well timed hops will go over it, but if spaced right it is quite safe to throw out. You will get the most mileage out of it against zoners though, as not many other projectiles can compete with it. Because Kid Buu is so short, his fireballs go under most other character's without trading, so you can still be hit by regular projectiles even after firing this.
Buu Burn - A - Kid Buu throws a powerful energy blast diagonally up-forward. Generic anti-air projectile attack. Costs 10 health to perform. Does its job for the most part, and because Kid Buu is so small, you get far more time to react to jump-ins with it compared to most characters. May find it too slow to use on reaction to hops but is still useful as a preemptive anti-air or on reaction to full jumps.
Energy Sphere - A - Kid Buu gathers energy above him then releases it forwards. Standard chargeable projectile attack that most characters have in some form. Costs 10 health to perform. Hold down A while performing in order to charge it up to a maximum of 3 power values. No charge will quickly release a level 2 projectile. Medium charge will release a level 3 projectile. Maximum charge will release a highly damaging level 4 projectile. One of the best "Kamehameha" type projectiles in the game because unlike other similar attacks, not only is this one way bigger and harder to jump over, this one puts a hostile hitbox above Buu which can protect him from jump-ins as he is charging it. The trade off is that it has longer recovery than other Kamehameha type attacks. Strong long range attack regardless. This attack counts as 3 separate projectiles appearing one over the other, so in the corner, you can combo into all 3 hits from a regular launcher for huge damage.
Desperation Attack: Explosive Putty Uppercut - Y - Kid Buu extends his Tassel Whip and on hit, catches and punches the opponent so hard his fist explodes and flies off. Same animation as Tassel Whip, but not as fast or active. Lowest damage desperation in the game, but has more utility than most others due to its speed and relative safety. Can be used as a poke or comboed into from any launcher.