Former boss in MSH, now mostly screwed because of no gems.
He does amazing damage, but really needs super levels to be effective. His mobility is also very limited, and he cannot air throw.
First row: LP, HP, A1. Second row: LK, HK, A2.
Moves List
Normal Moves
Command normals
Shoulder dive (aironly): d + hk
High kick: b + hk
Dash doesn't end until you release f.
Special Moves
Super Moves
Assist Moves
Pick 'A' type.
The Basics
Thanos needs levels to be effective. You may be able to superjump and Titan Crush around for a while to build a little meter, but that doesn't build much. As such, consider having a battery first, and using Thanos-A to set up great combos.
Gauntlet Power, Gauntlet Soul
Death Sphere, Gauntlet Power, Gauntlet Soul
back + hk , lk Death Sphere, dash, repeat.
Advanced Strategy
Fun Stuff
Gauntlet Power glitch
Do the Gauntlet Power super but DHC out before it leaves his hand. It won't leave but will instead stick to him.