- Great set of normals and a decent fireball
- Unique kick normals do heavy guard crush damage and have great speed/range/safety
- Medium DP has a huge amount of horizontal range on startup. Much larger than the other shotos
- Punch grab has a lot of corner carry
- Kick grab sets up juggles in the corner
- Hard to keep cornered due to roll and air tatsu trajectory
- Great cross-up loop that's difficult to block
- Fantastic air mobility with air tatsus. Can combo into DP on hit
- Great meter build like the other shotos with tatsu spam. Ground tatsu recovers slightly slower, so not quite as good as Ryu/Akuma's.
- Recent developments have made him more of a complete V-ISM character
- Has an infinite on P1 side
- Lacks reliable customs outside of the corner, instead relying on tricky strings and corner push strats
- Customs do relatively mediocre damage mid-screen and require Ken to be close to start them.
- Hadou rave is more difficult to setup/execute (requires constant kara cancels) and does less guard damage than Ryu's
- Is missing the hopkick Ryu and Akuma have access to
- Fireball doesn't knock down like Ryu or Akuma's
- Ground tatsu is unsafe on hit against many characters
- Cannot cancel into roll like he could in A2
- One of the hardest infinites to execute consistently