Tatsunoko vs Capcom: Ultimate All Stars/Glossary

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Revision as of 14:26, 2 November 2021 by Cce2955 (talk | contribs) (Filling out some TvC Specific terms)
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Brief overview of terms that will get thrown around

  • Baroque/BBQ - The Roman Cancel of TvC, if you have any red life stocked on your character, you can cancel any non-super move by pressing an attack button and a partner button (For example, Light + Partner), doing so will reset your character back to neutral and you can perform a brand new action. Also Refreshes your double jump and air dash. (Also referred to as BBQ)
  • VAR - Variable Air Raid, with one meter stocked, if you are air borne you can input 236P which will turn your character blue, if the hitbox of your character touches the opponent (blocking or not), you will tag with a new character, until the tagged in character touches the ground you will receive a damage and meter boost
  • Giants/Gigantes- Giant Characters, this is exclusive to TvC, there are currently only two giant characters (PTX and Gold Lightan), picking them will have you fly solo and unable to tag out, however you will have perpetual giant armor
  • Burst/Megacrash - With two bars, press all four buttons and you will burst and push your opponent away from you
  • Burst Bait - Using baroque or a burst safe move to block or avoid the burst and punish