Fighter's History Dynamite/Samchay Tomyamkun

From SuperCombo Wiki

Fhd samchay.png



Samchay is the Fighter's History equivalent of Sagat (sort of) - he's a kickboxer, he has a fireball, he has "tiger kicks". Samchay is an easy character to pick up and play, but his simplicity ultimately limits his options a bit. He's a solid mid-tier character and can pull out a lot of wins, but expect to have some problems against the top tiers.

Samchay appears to be a bit of a fan favorite in Japan (or at least a running joke). The Great Grapple 2004 tournament held an all-Samchay side tournament that 48 players ended up entering. What is their infatuation with Samchay? The world may never know...

Weak Spot

FHD-samchay-neutral.png FHD-samchay-squat-1.png FHD-samchay-squat-2.png FHD-samchay-crouch.png
Frame count - 2 2 -

Color Options

Punch Kick
Fhd-samchay-color1.png Fhd-samchay-color2.png

Moves List

Quick Reference

Special move name Input Nickname Note
Matron Jusalop Qcf.png + P.png fireball
Ti-Kau Koun Qcf.png + K.png forward knee reversal
Ti-Kau Loi F.pngDb.pngDf.png + K.png vertical knee dp anti-air, reversal, better use LK version
Pap So Kau Snka.gifSnkc.gif / Snkb.gifSnkd.gif

Normal Moves

Light Punch Snka.gif

  • Standing (Close):
Damage 6 Startup FHD-samchay-stand-close-LP.png Recovery
Chain cancel no
Special cancel yes
On hit +5
On block +6
Frame count 6 3 4

Light hook punch. Damage for a jab is above average. Hits crouchers, but still not chainable and even don't comboes into itself. So it's pretty garbage. No real reason to use this when you're close.

  • Standing (Far):
Damage 6 Startup FHD-samchay-stand-far-LP.png Recovery
Chain cancel no
Special cancel yes
On hit +4
On block +5
Frame count 3 3 5

A high jab that whiffs crouchers. Not chainable into another attack, so you can't even do rapid standing LP's like most other characters. Don't use this.

  • Crouching:
Damage 6 Startup FHD-samchay-crouch-LP.png Recovery
Chain cancel no
Special cancel yes
On hit +3
On block +4
Frame count 2 3 6

An unchainable crouching jab, which makes it very bad for combos. Use Crouching LK instead.

  • Jumping (Diagonal/Neutral):
Damage 8 Startup FHD-samchay-jump-LP.png
Chain cancel no
Special cancel no
Frame count 4

Elbow drop. Not good for starting combos with, but good as an air-to-air attack. Usable as a tick...

Hard Punch Snkb.gif

  • Standing (Close):
Damage 18 Startup FHD-samchay-stand-close-HP.png Recovery
Chain cancel no
Special cancel yes
On hit -3
On block -8
Frame count 4 6 18

Elbow attack, no real reason to use this in combos when standing HK does more damage.

  • Standing (Far):
Damage 18 Startup FHD-samchay-stand-far-HP.png Recovery
Chain cancel no
Special cancel yes
On hit -2
On block -7
Frame count 5 5 18

High punch that whiffs most characters in crouch, but it does hit a few of them (I'll edit in which ones those are later). Too bad, as this does have decent range and great priority. Use it if you can.

  • Crouching:
Damage 18 Startup FHD-samchay-crouch-HP-1.png FHD-samchay-crouch-HP-2.png Recovery
Chain cancel no
Special cancel yes
On hit -3
On block -8
Frame count 4 3 3 18

Anti-air uppercut. Really nice priority for knocking people out of the air, but they have to be close (and it helps if you do it early).

  • Jumping (Diagonal/Neutral):
Damage 18 Startup FHD-samchay-jump-HP.png Recovery
Chain cancel no
Special cancel no
Frame count 4 6

A punch that doesn't hit very deep, not very good for starting combos.

Light Kick Snkc.gif

  • Standing (Close):
Damage 8 Startup FHD-samchay-stand-close-LK.png Recovery
Chain cancel no
Special cancel yes
On hit +6
On block +7
Frame count 2 3 3

Looks and works exactly like Ray's far LK, but with lesser recovery and insane damage for a Light attack. But it's not chainable, so you'll not use this much.

  • Standing (Far):
Damage 8 Startup FHD-samchay-stand-far-LK.png Recovery
Chain cancel no
Special cancel yes
On hit +3
On block +4
Frame count 4 3 6

Mid-level kick, not chainable but half-decent in terms of range.

  • Crouching:
Damage 4 Startup FHD-samchay-crouch-LK.png Recovery
Chain cancel yes
Special cancel yes
On hit +6
On block +7
Frame count 2 3 3

Samchay's THE ONLY CHAINABLE normal. Abuse the hell out of this on the ground, you'll need it!

  • Jumping (Diagonal):
Damage 8 Startup FHD-samchay-diagonal-jump-LK.png
Chain cancel no
Special cancel no
Frame count 4

Knee attack. Samchay's best crossup attack.

  • Jumping (Neutral):
Damage 8 Startup FHD-samchay-neutral-jump-LK.png
Chain cancel no
Special cancel no
Frame count 4

A weird kick that sticks out. I never know what to say about these neutral jumping light attacks!

Hard Kick Snkd.gif

  • Standing (Close):
Damage 13/13 Startup FHD-samchay-stand-close-HK-1.png FHD-samchay-stand-close-HK-2.png Recovery
Chain cancel no/no
Special cancel yes/yes
On hit 0
On block -5
Frame count 4 2 1 3 18

Pretty much the same animation as the far version, but when close it hits twice. It's his most damaging normal attack, and best combo starter.

  • Standing (Far):
Damage 20 Startup FHD-samchay-stand-far-HK.png Recovery
Chain cancel no
Special cancel yes
On hit -3
On block -8
Frame count 4 6 18

High kick, decent anti-air because of great horizontal priority. Hits crouchers, so it's an attack that's actually worth using.

  • Crouching:
Damage 18 Startup FHD-samchay-crouch-HK.png Recovery
Chain cancel no
Special cancel yes
On hit kd
On block -8
Frame count 4 6 18

Standard-issue sweep, pretty good range.

  • Jumping (Diagonal):
Damage 18 Startup FHD-samchay-diagonal-jump-HK.png Recovery
Chain cancel no
Special cancel no
Frame count 4 6

Samchay's all-around best jumping attack, excellent for starting combos and can even crossup on occasion

  • Jumping (Neutral):
Damage 18 Startup FHD-samchay-neutral-jump-HK.png Recovery
Chain cancel no
Special cancel no
Frame count 4 6

An odd "hook kick". Has ok horizontal range.

Special Normals

  • Ma Lan: F.png + Snkb.gif
Damage 18 Startup FHD-samchay-F+HP-1.png FHD-samchay-F+HP.png Recovery
Chain cancel no
Special cancel no
On hit -3
On block -8
Frame count 4 2 4 18

Low blow to the nuts. Not bufferable when fully extended, but if you hit with it when his fist is about halfway extended, it's bufferable. This move has great range so it's worth using even if you can't buffer off it.

  • Tiip: F.png + Snkd.gif
Damage 18 Startup FHD-samchay-F+HK.png Recovery
Chain cancel no
Special cancel no
On hit -3
On block -8
Frame count 6 4 20

Kick to the knees, has even more range than F+HP! Unfortunately it's never bufferable. Still a solid poke, but you're kinda screwed if they jump.


Damage Tick/Final
(From pushbox)
  • Got Ko Ti-Sok: B.png/F.png + Snkb.gif

Samchay grabs his opponent and begins elbowing them in the top of the head. Mash joystick + buttons for more hits, opponent can counter-mash to break out of the grab faster. This grab can do more damage than most character's throws, so be sure to mash those extra hits out. On the last hit Samchay punches his opponent away.

  • Got Ko Ti-Cau: B.png/F.png + Snkd.gif

Samchay knees his opponent in the stomach repeatedly. Mash joystick + buttons for more hits, opponent can counter-mash to break out of the grab faster. Damage-wise it is a bit stronger the Hard Punch grab and the last hit leaves the opponent fairly close to Samchay. For that reason you'll want to stick with this throw whenever possible.

Special Moves

  • Matron Jusalop: Qcf.png + P.png
Damage 10 Startup ... Recovery
On hit 0
On block -5
Frame count 14 1 21

It's a fireball. Actually, it's one of the best fireballs in the game - it comes out quickly, and doesn't have too much recovery either. It's actually possible to combo after one of these in the corner if you're quick. The only problem with this fireball is that Samchay kind of leans forward when he does it, which makes him more susceptible to getting hit out of it (or trading).

  • Ti-Kau Koun: Qcf.png + K.png
Damage Light
FHD-samchay-tikaukoun-1.png FHD-samchay-tikaukoun-2.png FHD-samchay-tikaukoun-3.png FHD-samchay-tikaukoun-4.png Recovery Landing
On hit Light
On block Light
Frame count Light 2 2 3 2 7 4 6
Hard 2 2 3 2 9 4 6

*Frame advantage is measured from the second hit

Samchay's signature move, which looks a lot like Sagat's Tiger Knee. The LK version hits once and knocks down. The HK version hits twice, knocks down on second hit. This move makes up a lot of Samchay's bread 'n butter combos, and it's often great to toss out randomly to see if it hits. Beware of doing it to someone too close though, an opponent who blocks it can throw you when you're recovering if you wind up too close to them.

  • Ti-Kau Loi: F.pngDb.pngDf.png + K.png
Damage Light
FHD-samchay-tikaukoun-1.png FHD-samchay-tikaukoun-2.png FHD-samchay-tikaukoun-3.png FHD-samchay-tikauloi-1.png FHD-samchay-tikauloi-2.png Hard version only FHD-samchay-tikauloi-4.png Recovery Landing
On hit Light
On block Light
Frame count Light 2 2 2 2 4 2 - 6 10 6
Hard 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 2 8 9 6

*Frame advantage is measured from the second hitbox

"Vertical" version of the Ti-Kau Koun. Most players do not use this move as much because of the weird motion - note that you MUST end the motion at Down-Forward. If you accidentally continue through to Forward, you'll get the Ti-Kau Koun instead.

The LK version will knock down on the ground. The HK version goes higher up into the air, but beware - it knocks down only on second hit that rarely connects. Both versions are great for going through fireballs unharmed, and unlike the Ti-Kau Koun, Samchay has a lot of invincibility when he performs this, which makes it perfect for anti-air or wakeup purposes. The LK version also pushes them back pretty far on block. Try to master the joystick motion for this if you intend on playing Samchay seriously.

  • Pap So Kau: Snka.gifSnkc.gif / Snkb.gifSnkd.gif
Damage 16/7 Startup,
dash frames
FHD-samchay-papsokau-1.png FHD-samchay-papsokau-2.png Recovery
On hit +2/+5
On block -3/0
Frame count Light 10 2 1 4 12
Hard 12 2 1 4 12

Samchay charges forward and does a elbow + knee attack. This move is great for combos off his standing HK, but unfortunately does not combo off of any light attack. Active frames appears only after dash is over and both hits' hitboxes are identical horizontally. That means that the second hit may not connect if done too far. Hard version goes farther, light version comes out a bit earlier.


  • s. HK (2 hits) xx HK Ti-Kau Koun
  • s. HK (2 hits) xx HP+HK Pap So Kau
  • c. LK, s. HK (2 hits) xx HK Ti-Kau Koun
  • c. LK, Standing HK (2 hits) xx HP+HK Pap So Kau
  • c. LK, c. LK, c. LK, s. LK xx HK Ti-Kau Koun
  • s. HP xx HP Matron Jusalop, F+HP xx HK Ti-Kau Koun [corner only]

The Basics

The most important thing to learn when playing Samchay is to know the range of his Ti-Kau Kouns. While it's a great move, if you use it when you're too close to the opponent and they block, you'll end up getting thrown, or even worse, comboed. So don't overuse it.

Pap So Kau, on the other hand, is always safe on block, but of course there's a delay before the attack actually comes out. If you manage to make somebody block one though, they'll usually immediately retaliate with a sweep (or similar move). That is a good time to use a Ti-Kau Koun, to beat whatever move they have sticking out and knock them down. Of course this won't work every time...

Samchay can dizzy a lot of opponents very quickly, thanks to his 2-hit standing HK and special moves that hit twice, usually to the mid-section (which is the most common weak point). Unfortunately, finding those openings can sometimes be tricky. You may instead have to rely on his crouching LK x3, qcf + HK combo. This is an extremely useful combo as it allows you to do half-decent damage off a light attack, and you have plenty of time to hit confirm. If the opponent is blocking, end the chain instead with a crouching HK into a QCF+P to push them back.

Samchay's fireball is most excellent, against some characters you can spam it without any fear of instant retaliation. A lot of characters do have moves that let them pass through/under/over fireballs though, it's them you have to watch out for. Against anyone else, fireball trapping them in the corner is always a viable strategy. Throw a few fireballs, try to get them to jump, and if they do you can knock them out of the air every time with a Ti-KauRoi (the vertical one).

Advanced Strategy

Pap So Kau, Ti-Kau Kou if the character is projectile or not.


Ray Lee Zaz Kar Jea Miz Sam Yun Mat Clo Fei Mar Ryo
Samchay - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Vs. Clown:

Dead even. You both will have tools to hit each others' weak spots. A key thing to remember is Clown's handplant because he will attempt to punish your fireballs. If you see the hand plant coming, Teakoukoun to safety then Teakoukon him whilst he is recovering. Clown has a strong anti air regiment so don't expect to score many jump ins against him.

Vs. Jean:

You're in for a world of hurt. Jean's damage glitch hits your weak spot, giving a 1.5x bonus to his already spectacular damage. Throwing fireballs is effective, but you have to correctly space them so Jean cannot slide under them. If you catch a sliding Jean off guard, punish him with Teakoukoun.

Vs. Ryoko:

Use your projectile to keepaway her, if she is close to you or evade your projectile Tikakou it

Vs. Karnov:

Balanced matchup, Karnov don't had a good projectile like you so far combat is your option, trade hits of 100 Kick rush with Tikai Rou

Vs. Lee:

VERY bad for Samchay. Lee is so fast. If you can time dp Teakoukoun then you can counter zetsu, but it is risky to predict. Lee will capitalize on the fact that he can hit your weak spot and will abuse his standing and low HP to hit confirm into zestu. If he whiffs, Teakoukon him.

Vs. Feilin:

Good matchup, Feilin can counter you with her overhead projectile ,try to get close to her with Tikakou or Pap Sokap to ruin her meta game

Vs. Yungmie:

Fair Matchup, air projectile spams can be your main problem, try to get close to her with Tikakou or Pap Sokap.

Vs. Marstorius:

This match definitely goes to Samchay. Throw fireballs, and throw out standing light punches. His only choice is to jump over fireballs and get hit by light punches. Poor Marstorius has no way to deal with your standing light punch.

Vs. Matlok:

Balanced matchup,only get away of Overhead Kick

Vs. Mizoguchi:

Samchay little advantage its thanks to specials recovery and Pap Sokap him makes stun damage in her headband

Vs. Ray:

Wheel Kick is the main menace in the game, try to wait if he fails a Dynamite Tackle and Pap Sokap him.

Vs. Samchay (self):

Tikakou, Pap Sokaps, repeat

Vs. Zazie:

Another easy matchup, Zazie have a big hitbox and also if he ducks you use your Knee or Pap Sokap him.

Game Navigation

Liu Feilin
Jean Pierre
Lee Diendo
Matlok Jade
Makoto Mizoguchi
Ray McDougall
Ryoko Kano
Samchay Tomyamkun
Liu Yungmie
Zazie Muhaba