Street Fighter 2: Hyper Fighting/E. Honda

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Street Fighter 2: Hyper FightingSf2hf-logo.png
Street Fighter 2: Hyper Fighting#Game ElementsStreet Fighter 2: Hyper Fighting#Game ElementsStreet Fighter 2: Hyper Fighting#CharactersStreet Fighter 2: Hyper Fighting#System InfoStreet Fighter 2: Hyper Fighting#MiscellaneousStreet Fighter 2: Hyper Fighting#Basic StrategyMvC3HeaderButtons.png

E. Honda


While growing up in Japan he always admired the art of sumo wrestling and he hoped to one day become the greatest sumo wrestler of all time. He spent the rest of his life dedicated to sumo, and eventually received the second-highest title of Ōzeki (the highest title is Yokozuna). He also acquires his own dojo where he teaches his students about discipline and respect for your opponent, which Honda believes are the marks of a true sumo wrestler. At some point, he went searching for worthy opponents of other fighting disciplines to prove that sumo wrestlers are the greatest fighters in the world. During this quest he was challenged by Sodom to join Mad Gear. Honda fought Sodom, won, and declined his invitation. He also fought Ryu at least once, and told Sakura (and maybe Juni found out from him, too) where to find Ryu. It is rumored that he teamed-up with Zangief to help take down the Shadaloo. He found some of the Dolls in the wake of Shadaloo's destruction that had amnesia due to the explosion and couldn't even remember their own names. He took pity on them, and brought them to his dojo, where they could be taken care of. He told them that they could leave if they wished once they regained their memory. Some time later he resumed his quest to prove the superiority of sumo in the fighting arts. It was at this time that he began actively competing in the World Warrior tournament. His star pupils at the time were Hatonoyama, Marunoumi, Yasuhanada, and Nishinofuji. He's still a sumo wrestler, as always. And training his students, of course.

In a nutshell

E.Honda is a decent character in Hyper Fighting based on turtling and poking strategies, with some good matches, but also some bad ones, particularly against characters with projectiles (the Ryu matchup is very bad). His gameplay is generally defensive, although his throws set him up for some good pressure and a new anti-air to overhead special move useful against projectiles.

Character Specific Information

Character Data
Damage Scaling Factor:
Pre-Jump Frames:
Jump duration (b/u/f):

Color Options

Default Start
Sf2hf-ehonda-1p.png Sf2hf-ehonda-2p.png

Moves List

Normal Moves

  • Standing Normal Moves (st.)
Base Damage
Random damage table
Stun Timer
Adv On Hit/Block
Standing Light Punch
{{#motion: lp }}
{{#motion: }}
Standing Medium Punch
{{#motion: mp }}
{{#motion: }}
Standing Hard Punch
{{#motion: hp }}
{{#motion: }}
Standing Light Kick
{{#motion: lk }}
{{#motion: low knockdown }}
Standing Medium Kick
{{#motion: mk }}
{{#motion: low knockdown }}
Standing Hard Kick
{{#motion: hk }}
{{#motion: low knockdown }}
  • Close Standing Normal Moves (cl.)
Base Damage
Random damage table
Stun Timer
Adv On Hit/Block
Close Light Kick
{{#motion: (near opponent) lk }}
{{#motion: }}
Close Medium Kick
{{#motion: (near opponent) mk }}
{{#motion: }}
Close Hard Kick
{{#motion: (near opponent) hk }}
{{#motion: }}
  • Crouching Normal Moves (cr.)
Base Damage
Random damage table
Stun Timer
Adv On Hit/Block
Crouching Light Punch
{{#motion: any d + lp }}
{{#motion: }}
Crouching Medium Punch
{{#motion: any d + mp }}
{{#motion: }}
Crouching Hard Punch
{{#motion: any d + hp }}
{{#motion: low knockdown }}
Crouching Light Kick
{{#motion: any d + lk }}
{{#motion: }}
Crouching Medium Kick
{{#motion: any d + mk }}
{{#motion: }}
Crouching Hard Kick
{{#motion: any d + hk }}
{{#motion: low knockdown }}
  • Jumping Normal Moves (nj.)
Base Damage
Random damage table
Stun Timer
Adv On Hit/Block
Neutral Jumping Light Punch
{{#motion: u + lp }}
{{#motion: high }}
Neutral Jumping Medium Punch
{{#motion: u + mp }}
{{#motion: high }}
Neutral Jumping Hard Punch
{{#motion: u + hp }}
{{#motion: high }}
Neutral Jumping Light Kick
{{#motion: u + lk }}
{{#motion: high }}
Neutral Jumping Medium Kick
{{#motion: u + mk }}
{{#motion: high }}
Neutral Jumping Hard Kick
{{#motion: u + hk }}
{{#motion: high }}
  • Diagonal Jumping Normal Moves (j.)
Base Damage
Random damage table
Stun Timer
Adv On Hit/Block
Diagonal Jumping Light Punch
{{#motion: ub / uf + lp }}
{{#motion: high }}
Diagonal Jumping Medium Punch
{{#motion: ub / uf + mp }}
{{#motion: high }}
Diagonal Jumping Hard Punch
{{#motion: ub / uf + hp }}
{{#motion: high }}
Diagonal Jumping Light Kick
{{#motion: ub / uf + lk }}
{{#motion: high }}
Diagonal Jumping Medium Kick
{{#motion: ub / uf + mk }}
{{#motion: high }}
Diagonal Jumping Hard Kick
{{#motion: ub / uf + hk }}
{{#motion: high }}

Unique Moves

Base Damage
Random damage table
Stun Timer
Adv On Hit/Block
Hiza Geri
{{#motion: b / f + mk }}
{{#motion: }}


Base Damage
Random damage table
Stun Timer
Adv On Hit/Block
Tawara Nage
{{#motion: b / f + mp }}
{{#motion: throw }}
Saba Ori (Bear Hug)
{{#motion: b / f + hp }}
22 + (4*n)
{{#motion: Grab.png }}
Sekkan Kyaku (Knee Bash)
{{#motion: b / f + hk }}
22 + (4*n)
{{#motion: Grab.png }}

Special Moves

Base Damage
Random damage table
Stun Timer
Adv On Hit/Block
Hundred Hand Slap
{{#motion: press lp repeatedly }}
{{#motion: b or f to move during HHS
Requires 5 button presses }}
Hundred Hand Slap
{{#motion: press mp repeatedly }}
{{#motion: b or f to move during HHS
Requires 5 button presses }}
Hundred Hand Slap
{{#motion: press hp repeatedly }}
{{#motion: b or f to move during HHS
Requires 5 button presses }}
Sumo Headbutt
{{#motion: any b (charge), any f + lp }}
{{#motion: startupinv
hardknockdown (after invincibility)
60f charge }}
Sumo Headbutt
{{#motion: any b (charge), any f + mp }}
{{#motion: startupinv hardknockdown
60f charge }}
Sumo Headbutt
{{#motion: any b (charge), any f + hp }}
{{#motion: startupinv hardknockdown
60f charge }}
Sumo Butt Drop
{{#motion: any d (charge), u + lk }}
{{#motion: startupinv
hardknockdown (downward hit only)
60f charge }}
Sumo Butt Drop
{{#motion: any d (charge), u + mk }}
{{#motion: startupinv
hardknockdown (downward hit only)
60f charge }}
Sumo Butt Drop
{{#motion: any d (charge), u + hk }}
{{#motion: startupinv
hardknockdown (downward hit only)
60f charge }}

The Basics

Honda is a classic turtle character, but depending on the circumstances, he can attack a bit in Hyper Fighting as well. This is because Honda's moves have good recovery time and there are no big super combos to set you back.

However, his defense should be stressed; if you have a good lead and the opponent doesn't have a fireball, you can be good by just crouching across the screen from the other guy and staring at him. If he tries to move in for a grab, headbutt him; if he jumps in, jab headbutt to counter.

All headbutts have invincibility, however only the LP headbutt will hit during the invincible frames - however this hit will not knock the opponent down. MP and HP headbutts will at best trade with another hit, but will knockdown. LP headbutt is generally your best bet to use as a reversal move.

In HF, Honda's primary way of attacking is throwing; his bear hug gives you a little mix-up afterward. If they don't have a good reversal, start a hundred hand slap and chip some life. Even if they do, you can bait their reversal and grab again.

You can also use the butt drop to keep them guessing. Know your ranges and do butt drops slightly past their sprites so they have to block the other way. Don't do this predictably, of course.

--HF Honda is a strange beast. No real combo ability, but his normals probably do the most damage out of the entire cast. His unique tools in HF make his playstyle a bit different than, say, O.Honda in ST. Your main goal with Honda is to leverage your excellent normals (Standing LP, crouching MK, your standing sweeps, standing HP) and specials to get people in a corner and pressure them into mistakes that you can punish. Honda is easily zoned due to his 5 frame pre-jump animation and wide hurtbox, making it difficult to jump over a competent fireball trap. Your HK Sumo Smash hits on the way up, unlike in ST, which means you can almost guarantee a trade against virtually any jump-in in the game. This is especially helpful when an opponent is doing nothing but jumping in the corner daring you to try to counter it. Honda is a solid mid-tier character in HF, with arguably his only losing matchups being Ryu, Ken, Sagat, and Guile (some will throw in Dhalsim and Chun). -x64

From Dasrik:

HF Honda's too crazy. He wins with only a few moves.

  • LP torpedo - the must-know move. In case you don't know why - Honda is, for all intents and purposes, totally invincible until he leaves the ground. That means against people without fireballs you can comfortably just down-back all day.
  • cr.MP. it's not funny what this thing beats.
  • dj.MK (belly flop). If you need to jump you should just use this move. I often use the dj.HK for the extra damage, but dj.MK is best. It's how Honda can beat Sim.
  • HP grab. Painful, and unless you're fighting a l33t Ryu or Ken [who can reversal dragon punch], you get free chip afterwards with the hundred hand slap. and there's even ways around the shotos, so... fear.

You can get fancy and use HP torpedoes, jump MP for air-to-air, sumo splash and things like that, but those are really unnecessary. Honda's very basic. Just stick with what's good with him and you'll do fine.

Advanced Strategy

With pretty much no combo viability, Honda does his damage with heavy hitting normals, and excellent headbutt (LP for invincible reversal, HP for damage), and incredible tick throw game. Honda gets a free safejump against the entire cast (except Blanka and Gief, both have special moves that start first frame) jumping out of his HK hold and can sometimes crossup characters (character and distance from wall specific) with his HP hold -x64


HF Honda's lack of special cancels means virtually no useful combos.

-Meaty LP, LP HHS

-j.MP Crossup, crouching MK (2 hitter)

-Cross Up j.MK,MP,cr.HP (will leave you at considerable frame disadvantage if blocked)


Vs. Balrog (boxer):

7-3 Matchup

Hundred-Hand Slap throughout the whole fight, the only thing Balrog can do is trade hits (the trade is usually in E. Honda's favor).

HF changes benefits Honda with his Sumo Splash , but its only a good crossup crouch attack as a reversal...

Slowly walk back to the corner at round start and mash the highest level of HHS you can tap. Balrog is forced to ether attempt a dash straight trade or try to come in and jump at you. Stop your HHS and headbutt his jump-ins. Balrog's sweep doesn't look like it has a good hitbox, but it for some reason can hit Honda's HHS well (credit: EggsandBacon). Watch out for high level Turn-around punches (don't try to beat or trade it, just block), it's one of the only things HF Balrog players have to bank on in this fight. Balrog's level 1 and 2 TAPs can essentially ignore headbutts if launched right before getting hit by one, causing Honda to go into his wiff animation and get hit by the TAP (something to watch out for if you get behind on health and have to go after Rog). If Rog players get you in their throw, they will almost certainly try to walk under you to try and either tick throw you or sweep you, so watch out for that (reversal throw works well here). -x64

Vs. Blanka:

7-3 matchup

A Turtling and poking match about hold setups objectives,Rolls must be blocked and punished with Crouching Roundhouse, also they are the most buffed characters in this revision, so the basic tips in CE are the same but with some changes.

Honda makes most damage with his holds and throws so you have better close combat options than him

Sumo Torpedo can ruin Blanka's low pokes gameplan or also trade hits for jumping attacks, or at least to approach Blanka for hold mixups with Sumo Splash or crossups.

Hundred Slaps its still a decent move for corner pressure but use it wisely because Blanka can corner escape with Vertical Roll one.

If Blanka uses Electricty sweeps are your options...

You hold all the cards in this fight. Blanka can do pretty much nothing while you just sit there charged waiting for him to jump at you. Your constant crouching LPs will hit most blanka balls. Horizontal blanka balls are safe on block but they are forced to block your HP headbutt in return. Your crouching MK will cleanly hit blanka out of close electricity (no matter how close). Your HK sweep will hit electricity at max distance (tip of your foot against his hands). Don't try to tick throw Blanka, since he has a good reversal and his electricity starts so fast you might get hit. If he trys to vertical ball you, your LP headbutt launched at the last second will beat it clean every time. If you don't have a charge and are afraid to jump back, a last second standing HP chop will hit it, but the timing is hard. If you get knocked down and they're trying to cross you up with vertical ball shenanigans, your reversal sumo smash should get you out. Some blanka players will try to safe jump you and go right into electricity, but your LP headbutt will beat this usually every time. -x64

Vs. Chun-Li:

5-5 Matchup

An interesting fast poking and aereal match up agaisnt your hold and poke strategies.

Jump the Kikoken and use hold mixups, but her pokes are still fast, your two options for Kikoken will be Sumo Splash for far distance or jumping attack in medium.

Not changed so much with Champion Edition Match up, because your Splash can cancel the Kikoken strategies, try to be ground and poke fighters because aerial advantanges of Chun Li can ruin your Splash resets after a knockdown.

Fairly even matchup. Mostly due to Chun's bad fireball and your HK sumo smash/LP Headbutt, which means she can't jump for free at you. Good Chun players will spend the entire round running away from you, trying to keep you in the middle of the screen. Your job is to bully her into the corner and keep her there. Chun's jumping LK/MK is probably the best jump-in in the game. You're only beating it with a headbutt or sumo smash charge. If Chun tries to use her Neckbreaker kick on you, know she cannot cross you up with it, so holding back will always block it. Your late timed LP Headbutt will always beat it. If you have Chun cornered and she's doing nothing but jumping in the corner, your HK Sumo Smash will trade with her, with you coming out way ahead on life. Chuns use reversal SBK to get out of pressure. Your crouching MP or MK will hit it clean and easy every time (don't let SBK float over you when you're crouching). Chun can't really do anything against your jump-in HK, so when you knock her down, have at it. Chun's lightning legs are completely invincible, so don't try to fight them with your HHS, just jump over it. -x64

Vs. Dhalsim:

5-5 Matchup

Its a bit unfair matchup for him, mainly at far distance because Yoga Fire and also standing Fierce,Forward and Roundhouse...

If he teleports punish him with Hold mix ups, Sumo Splash its a good tool against Yoga Fire...Yoga Flame can beat your Sumo Splash, use your crouching Fierce or Roundhouse against it

Another fairly even match against a fireball chucker. Sim has some really good tools in HF that work very well against most of the cast but not really against Honda. Sim players will constantly be jumping away from you to create space to throw fireballs. Your Jumping Hk is your main jump-in over fireballs and on wake up. Sim has no real reversal outside of teleport, so you get free meaty attacks all day on him. Your jumping LK and MK will beat his anti-air slide. Your crouching MK will beat or trade with a lot of his ground based limb attacks (like if he's spamming standing LK or MK daring you to jump). Your HP sumo smash really messes up Sim's jump back gameplan. You essentially get free damage every time he jumps close to the corner and you have a charge. Be sure to watch out for his back jump punch while you are walking forward (stand block or use standing LP). Sim players like to tick throw from their slide a lot of the time, which is admittedly hard to counter. If you're charged, piano your LP/MP/HP headbutt to beat the tick. If they try to lock you in the corner with yoga flame, jump straight up with jumping HK. It will hit on the way down. -x64

Vs. E. Honda (self):

A perfect Honda its one that can use his hold setups at close combat, and Sumo Splash at medium range.

A horrible mirror, like every honda mirror. I usually just work my way to a corner and mash HP HHS waiting for them to do something dumb like launch a headbutt into it. Honda's jumping HK will usually hit or trade with hhs. Honda's throw hold shenanigans work very well against himself. Using HP hold and then using your crouching HK sweep in the corner for a crossup is nice. Try to stay grounded in this fight until you get a knockdown, then safe jump and pressure. Remember that Honda's sumo smash is UNSAFE on hit or block if only the rising part hits you while grounded, giving you a free punish 99% of the time. -x64

Vs. Guile:

2-8 Matchup

Its still a bad match up because his pokes are faster but your low pokes will not be long enough against him, but are stronger, be at medium distance, also jump in its a bad option outside of his Roundhouse for Sonic Boom punish or Strong for 2-in-1 Hunred Slap combo.

Sumo Splash its a risk because Flash Kick its faster, use it if he is turtling for Sonic Boom mainly.

Not the best matchup for Honda. Guile will spend the entire match zoning you out with his booms and crouching MK, at the same time charging for flash kicks to stop your jump ins. Usually you want to corner your opponent, but Guile can fight you great from pretty much anywhere. Your main tools are going to be your jumping HK over booms, your crouching MP to beat his crouching MK, and catching Guile with your HP hold, which allows for a free safejump (and more likely than not random crossup chance). If you catch Guile with either of your HP or HK holds, you need to safejump into tick throw until you win. Guile's neutral jump HP has a huge hitbox on it and will beat nearly everything you have. It is hard to use against your HP Sumo Smash though. Even if you trade against it, you're moving quicker than he will. Your standing sweeps are good against Guile in the corner, as is your crouching MK. -x64

Vs. Ken:

3-7 Matchup

Don't jump him, his Shoryuken its stronger than Ryu's but is punished with Hundred Slaps or hold mixups, and Hurricane Kick can be beaten with Crouching Strong, Hadoken its easily countered with Splash and he had slow recovery so use it, its a fair matchup now that your Splash its useful for mix ups and projectile evasion/counter.

You can still use some vs Ryu tricks like sweeps for medium range Hadoken or close rage with Hunred Slaps

Ryu and Ken are a lot more similar in the CPS1 games than they are in Super or Super Turbo. The only meaningful differences between them are Ken's fireballs have 1 more frame of startup, his SRK has slightly larger vertical and horizontal hitboxes, his tatsus don't knock down/have Ryu's ascending and descending invulnerability/are generally unsafe even on hit, and his HP SRK has a wider arc. Honda has a slightly easier time against Ken mostly due to no real threat of knockdown from tatsus, but it's still a hell of a hard fight. While it's harder to use against Ken's SRK because of it's slightly larger hitbox, your standing LP is (mostly, except against HP SRK) a free meaty, which gives you excellent, easy wake up pressure. Crouching MK can also be used as a safe meaty from a bit farther away. Neutral jump over fireballs with HK (they have truncated hurtboxes on Honda's ass giving you slightly more room to land unharmed). Your standing sweeps are great here when close. Ken's SRKs have the same 4 frame startup that Ryu has (unlike ST) so he can be safejumped (makes landing HK hold important since it gives you a free safejump). Try not to chase shotos who jump back. You'll ether get hit with a jumping HP/HK or get SRK'ed when they land against someone competent. Your standing HP up close is good for at least trading with shoto jump-ins, but it is risky since one clean jump in from Ryu or Ken means you lost the round. Your HP hold when you have a shoto cornered grants you the ability to use your crouching HK as a crossup. Last second Sumo smashes can get you through fireballs, but shoto's 3-frame start up sweep will almost always tag you for it, even if you hit them while going through the fireball. -x64

Vs. M. Bison (dictator):

8-2 Matchup

Headbutt defeats Psycho Crusher easily, still a good matchup if you consider the Dictador nerfs...but his throw its better now.

Your main objective as E.Honda will be frustate his mind games of Psycho Crusher or Headstomp charge or standing Forward pokes with a Sumo Splash, best range for E.Honda will be at close range with hold mixups and Hunred Slap pokes.

If Dictador jumps to you use Splash or Headbutt depend if you are in corner or midscreen, you have a better crouch Roundhose than him , use it after a blocked slide.

Bison really only has one tool in this matchup, his psycho crusher. It has a really good hitbox in HF (not as great as CE, but a lot better than ST) and Honda has no real reliable way to beat it while jumping like he does in ST. So, basically, most Bison players will mix up LP and HP crushers constantly to hit you out of your headbutts, HHS, and jumps. Your main goal here is to apply your pressure game to Bison so he can't constantly get out crushers and scissor kicks. Both his crusher and scissor kicks have very poor startup, which means you can jump in on him on wakeup with wild abandon. Your headbutt will stop every jumpin he has besides headstomp (just block or jump back HK). A lot of Bison players will HP crusher you when you are close to the corner and use it as a tick throw, so be ready to ether counter throw or sumo smash out of the area. Your HP hold gives you a random crossup chance while jumping out of your HK hold will always land in front of Bison. This is the worst iteration of Bison in SF2, so you really shouldn't have an issue here. -x64

Vs. Ryu:

2-8 Matchup

This fight is terrible for Honda compared to Ken's one, and to win this requires the opponent to give it away. Fortunately, most people do. Look for flags on the opponent's part before he throws a fireball; that way, you can "psychically" jump forward and kick him out of his recovery time. Most players don't catch on. Of the ones that do, you will be forced to be tricky. That's up to you.

You can still us some counter tactics against him but remember his Hadoken its better and also Shoryuken its more vertical than Ken's one but that can punish him easily, and wait if he Hurricane Kick you for counter it with crouching attack.

Probably your worst or second worst matchup (Guile). See the comments of my Ken section for generic shoto advice. Know that Ryu recovers one frame faster from his fireball than Ken, his tatsu are incredibly annoying to deal with (knocks down, does way too much damage, has strange invulnerability on startup and recovery), and his SRK's have slightly worse but still overall amazing hitboxes. Do NOT ever let a ground tatsu float over you or you will get thrown for free when he lands (your crouching MP or MK will hit it for free). If you are charged, your HK Sumo Smash will hit a air tatsu going over you. Playing competent Ryus will make you reconsider why you decided to main Honda lol. -x64

Vs. Sagat:

4-6 Matchup

One of the best E.Honda matchups, because far distance options can be countered easily with Sumo Splash for low Tiger Shots and Summo Headbut for Standing Tiger Shots, but the main disadvantage will be if you jump in.

Tiger Knee isn't a problem too, close combat it will be the main problem because his faster normals but remmeber your crouching Roundhouse its the best low one.

Not as bad as it is in ST, but still not great. Sagat's jumping and crouching HK will give you a hell of a time. Thankfully in HF Sagat has pretty bad recovery on his tiger shots, so jumping over them is a bit easier. Sagat has fairly poor combo potential in HF, so you can be a bit more daring when walking forward (like trying to stuff jump ins with your standing HP). Jump in with jumping HK. Sagat has 4 frame startup in HF unlike ST, so you can safejump him here (you risk being hit anyway though due to Sagat's unblockable SRK reversal bug). Like usual against fireballers, bully Sagat into a corner so you can apply your pressure game. Standing LP wakeup pressure doesn't work that well against Sagat's SRK, so I like to use crouching MK since I can sit a little farther back. Watch out for tiger knee wiff into throw. -x64

Vs. Vega (claw):

7-3 Matchup

A decent matchup if you are focused in countering his long pokes with Hunred Slaps and jumping attack wakeups and setups with Headbutt or Splash.

Try to evade Barcelona Attack with Sumo Splash, or trade hits or punish a non attack frame with Headbutt, you have a better hold and throw so Headbutt its a key to get close to him or mind games.

Ground is your best option, standing Fierce its your norma anti air or use a jumping one too...

Vega is horrible. Probably the second worst character in the game. The only thing Vega really has going for him is his fast jump speed (which can make countering jump-ins hard, since your headbutt has slow startup), fastest walk speed in the game, a nice slide, and his claw based normals. Your headbutt will beat pretty much everything Vega has. Your jumping LK and MK will beat his slide, as will the sumo smash (it is actually likely both hits of your sumo smash will hit his slide, giving you a free dizzy). Vega's walldive is really slow and easy to punish in HF, so you shouldn't have too much difficulty jumping back and swatting it out of the air with jumping HK or LP/MP. If you're in the corner and he jumps off your wall, standing HP and crouching MP/MK can hit his walldive. Sweep his crystal flash roll. Unless you're really good at reversals, probably just block it if he uses CFR on your wakeup, since it can fully combo and dizzy if it hits meaty. Your standing LP and crouching MK will stop all his ground based pokes. Just park it in a corner at down back and force him to come to you. -x64

Vs. Zangief:

8-2 Matchup

This will be a close to medium distance matchup, you need to poke him with crouching Roundhouse mainly for Double Lariat, Headbutt him its a good far distance option and also for counter and trade hits, Sumo Splash its a bad idea because his Lariat its better as anti air now.

Your eternal best matchup. A good Gief will make it interesting if he gets in and gets his safe SPD game going, but you really should never be in any real danger since getting out a headbutt resets Gief every time and he has to start getting in all over again. Never jump at Gief (he'll lariat you). Just walk back HHS, headbutt, and sweep. If he touches you once with a jumpin or standing LK/crouching LP get ready to reversal headbutt/sumo smash or you are SPD'd. Don't lose to Gief as Honda, it's embarrassing. -x64


Standing Normals

  • Standing LP:
Damage 16 Sf2hf-ehonda-lp-s0.png Sf2hf-ehonda-lp-s1.png Sf2hf-ehonda-lp-a1.png Sf2hf-ehonda-lp-s1.png Sf2hf-ehonda-lp-s0.png
Stun 1~7
Stun Timer 40
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage +7
Frame Count 2 2 4 2 1
Frame Count 1+4 4 3

Very important normal.The entire arm is invincible. It hits the entire cast mid, so it can be used as a free meaty on anyone (hard to use on Ken/Sagat due to their good SRK hitboxes). -x64

  • Standing MP:
Damage 20 Sf2hf-ehonda-lp-s0.png Sf2hf-ehonda-mp-s1.png Sf2hf-ehonda-mp-s2.png Sf2hf-ehonda-mp-a1.png Sf2hf-ehonda-mp-s2.png Sf2hf-ehonda-mp-s1.png Sf2hf-ehonda-lp-s0.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 60
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage +10
Frame Count 2 2 2 4 2 2 1
Frame Count 1+6 4 5
  • Standing HP:
Damage 26 Sf2hf-ehonda-lp-s0.png Sf2hf-ehonda-hp-s1.png Sf2hf-ehonda-hp-a1.png Sf2hf-ehonda-hp-a2.png Sf2hf-ehonda-hp-r1.png Sf2hf-ehonda-hp-r2.png Sf2hf-ehonda-hp-r3.png Sf2hf-ehonda-hp-s1.png Sf2hf-ehonda-lp-s0.png
Stun 11~17
Stun Timer 80
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage -2
Frame Count 3 3 3 4 7 5 3 2 1
Frame Count 1+6 4 18

Your walking anti-air. Takes a bit to come out so you have to have good timing to use it correctly. -x64

  • Standing LK:
Damage 14 Sf2hf-ehonda-lp-s0.png Sf2hf-ehonda-lk-s1.png Sf2hf-ehonda-lk-s2.png Sf2hf-ehonda-lk-a1.png Sf2hf-ehonda-lk-s2.png Sf2hf-ehonda-lk-s1.png Sf2hf-ehonda-lp-s0.png
Stun 1~7
Stun Timer 40
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage +4
Frame Count 3 3 3 4 3 3 1
Frame Count 1+9 4 7
  • Standing MK:
Damage 18 Sf2hf-ehonda-lp-s0.png Sf2hf-ehonda-lk-s1.png Sf2hf-ehonda-lk-s2.png Sf2hf-ehonda-mk-a1.png Sf2hf-ehonda-lk-s2.png Sf2hf-ehonda-lk-s1.png Sf2hf-ehonda-lp-s0.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 60
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage +4
Frame Count 3 3 3 4 5 6 1
Frame Count 1+9 4 12
  • Standing HK:
Damage 24 Sf2hf-ehonda-lp-s0.png Sf2hf-ehonda-lk-s1.png Sf2hf-ehonda-lk-s2.png Sf2hf-ehonda-hk-a1.png Sf2hf-ehonda-lk-s2.png Sf2hf-ehonda-lk-s1.png Sf2hf-ehonda-lp-s0.png
Stun 11~17
Stun Timer 80
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage -1
Frame Count 3 3 3 6 8 10 1
Frame Count 1+9 6 19

Your main sweep. All 3 of his standing sweeps have the same long startup. They only differ on hitbox length and recovery. -x64

Close Standing Normals

  • Close LK:
Damage 16 Sf2hf-ehonda-lp-s0.png Sf2hf-ehonda-cllk-s4-6.png Sf2hf-ehonda-cllk-a7-9.png Sf2hf-ehonda-cllk-s4-6.png Sf2hf-ehonda-lp-s0.png
Stun 1~7
Stun Timer 40
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage +7
Frame Count 3 3 3 3 1
Frame Count 1+6 3 4
  • Close MK:
Damage 20 Sf2hf-ehonda-lp-s0.png Sf2hf-ehonda-cllk-s4-6.png Sf2hf-ehonda-clmk-a7-11.png Sf2hf-ehonda-cllk-s4-6.png Sf2hf-ehonda-lp-s0.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 60
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage +6
Frame Count 3 3 5 7 1
Frame Count 1+6 5 8
  • Close HK:
Damage 26,18 Sf2hf-ehonda-lp-s0.png Sf2hf-ehonda-clhk-r30-32.png Sf2hf-ehonda-clhk-r24-29.png Sf2hf-ehonda-clhk-a8-10.png Sf2hf-ehonda-clhk-a11-15.png Sf2hf-ehonda-clhk-r16-23.png Sf2hf-ehonda-clhk-r24-29.png Sf2hf-ehonda-clhk-r30-32.png Sf2hf-ehonda-lp-s0.png
Stun 11~17
Stun Timer 80
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage +1
Frame Count 2 2 3 3 5 8 6 3 1
Frame Count 1+7 8 18

Lot's of damage but limited usefulness. Maybe use against a dizzy when you know you have little time to get your damage -x64

Crouching Normals

  • Crouching LP:
Damage 14 Sf2hf-ehonda-crmp-s1-2.png Sf2hf-ehonda-crlp-s3-4.png Sf2hf-ehonda-lp-ehonda-crlp-a5-12.png Sf2hf-ehonda-crlp-s3-4.png Sf2hf-ehonda-crmp-s1-2.png
Stun 1~7
Stun Timer 40
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage +3
Frame Count 2 2 8 2 1
Frame Count 1+4 8 3

Good harassment move. Spamming this against Blanka is a good idea (usually beats blanka balls and most of his attacks besides standing LK). Nice meaty into HHS due to its long active time. -x64

  • Crouching MP:
Damage 18 Sf2hf-ehonda-crmp-s1-2.png Sf2hf-ehonda-crmp-s3-4.png Sf2hf-ehonda-crmp-s5-6.png Sf2hf-lp-ehonda-crmp-a7-14.png Sf2hf-ehonda-crmp-s5-6.png Sf2hf-ehonda-crmp-s3-4.png Sf2hf-ehonda-crmp-s1-2.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 60
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage +0
Frame Count 2 2 2 8 6 4 1
Frame Count 1+6 8 11

Nice fat hitbox. Works well against certain crouching pokes like Chun and Guile's MK. Also useful against shoto tatsus and chun SBKs. -x64

  • Crouching HP:
Damage 24 Sf2hf-ehonda-crmp-s1-2.png Sf2hf-ehonda-crhp-s3-5.png Sf2hf-lp-ehonda-crhp-a6-9.png Sf2hf-ehonda-crhp-r10-15.png Sf2hf-ehonda-crhp-r16-23.png Sf2hf-ehonda-crhp-r10-15.png Sf2hf-ehonda-crhp-r30-33.png Sf2hf-ehonda-crhp-r34-36.png Sf2hf-ehonda-crmp-s1-2.png
Stun 11~17
Stun Timer 80
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage -8
Frame Count 2 3 4 6 8 6 4 3 1
Frame Count 1+5 4 28

Counts as a sweep but this move usually is avoided outside of a combo ender due to its bad recovery and no ability to special cancel it. -x64

  • Crouching LK:
Damage 14 Sf2hf-ehonda-crmp-s1-2.png Sf2hf-lp-ehonda-crlk-s4-6.png Sf2hf-lp-ehonda-crlk-s7-9.png Sf2hf-ehonda-lp-ehonda-crlk-a10-12.png Sf2hf-lp-ehonda-crlk-s7-9.png Sf2hf-lp-ehonda-crlk-s4-6.png Sf2hf-ehonda-crmp-s1-2.png
Stun 1~7
Stun Timer 40
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage +4
Frame Count 3 3 3 3 3 3 1
Frame Count 1+9 3 7

No real use over crouching MK -x64

  • Crouching MK:
Damage 18,18 Sf2hf-ehonda-crmp-s1-2.png Sf2hf-lp-ehonda-crlk-s4-6.png Sf2hf-ehonda-lp-ehonda-crmk-a7-9.png Sf2hf-ehonda-lp-ehonda-crmk-a10-15.png Sf2hf-lp-ehonda-crlk-s7-9.png Sf2hf-lp-ehonda-crlk-s4-6.png Sf2hf-ehonda-crmp-s1-2.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 60
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage +2
Frame Count 3 3 3 6 5 4 1
Frame Count 1+6 9 10

Excellent normal. Pure red, long hitbox. Combos nicely off jump ins and crossups for nice damage. Great as a meaty and stops advance moves like honda headbutt and blanka ball. -x64

  • Crouching HK:
Damage 24 Sf2hf-ehonda-crmp-s1-2.png Sf2hf-ehonda-crhk-s4-7.png Sf2hf-ehonda-crhk-a8-13.png Sf2hf-ehonda-crhk-a14-9.png Sf2hf-ehonda-crhk-a10-17.png Sf2hf-ehonda-crhk-r18-23.png Sf2hf-ehonda-crmp-s1-2.png
Stun 11~17
Stun Timer 80
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage -1
Frame Count 3 4 6 4 8 6 1
Frame Count 1+7 18 7

Your less used sweep. Slightly less startup than your standing sweeps so it works better when you are walking forward against someone in the corner. Can be used after a HP hold while walking under someone in the corner for a rare ground crossup. Your hurtbox swivels backwards after the front part of this attack, which causes stuff to wiff directly afterwards (like when using the sweep as a meaty against a wakeup SRK). -x64

Aerial Normals

  • Neutral Jumping LP:
Damage 18 Sf2hf-honda-djlp-s0-2.png Sf2hf-honda-djlp-s3-6.png Sf2hf-honda-djlp-s7-10.png Sf2hf-honda-njlp-a11-40.png Sf2hf-honda-djlp-r.png
Stun 1~7
Stun Timer 40
Frame Count 3 4 4 30
Simplified 11 30
  • Neutral Jumping MP:
Damage 22 Sf2hf-honda-djlp-s0-2.png Sf2hf-honda-djlp-s3-6.png Sf2hf-honda-djmp-a7-10.png Sf2hf-honda-djmp-a11-22.png Sf2hf-honda-djlp-r.png Sf2hf-honda-djmp-r31-34.png Sf2hf-honda-djlp-s7-10.png Sf2hf-honda-djlp-s3-6.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 50
Frame Count 3 4 4 12 8 4 4
Simplified 7 16
  • Neutral Jumping HP:
Damage 28 Sf2hf-honda-djlp-s0-2.png Sf2hf-honda-djhp-r25-28.png Sf2hf-honda-djhp-a7-12.png Sf2hf-honda-djhp-r13-20.png Sf2hf-honda-djhp-r21-24.png Sf2hf-honda-djhp-r25-28.png Sf2hf-honda-djlp-s0-2.png
Stun 11~17
Stun Timer 60
Frame Count 3 4 6 8 4 4
Simplified 7 6
  • Neutral Jumping LK:
Damage 18 Sf2hf-honda-djhk-s0-2.png Sf2hf-honda-djhk-s3-6.png Sf2hf-honda-njlk-a7-36.png Sf2hf-honda-djhk-s3-6.png Sf2hf-honda-djhk-s0-2.png
Stun 1~7
Stun Timer 40
Frame Count 3 4 30 4
Simplified 7 30
  • Neutral Jumping MK:
Damage 22 Sf2hf-honda-djhk-s0-2.png Sf2hf-honda-djhk-s3-6.png Sf2hf-honda-njmk-a7-18.png Sf2hf-honda-djhk-s3-6.png Sf2hf-honda-djhk-s0-2.png Sf2hf-honda-djhk-r27-30.png Sf2hf-honda-djhk-r31-34.png Sf2hf-honda-njmk-r35-38.png Sf2hf-honda-djlp-s0-2.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 50
Frame Count 3 4 12 4 4 4 4 4
Simplified 7 12
  • Neutral Jumping HK:
Damage 28 Sf2hf-honda-djhk-s0-2.png Sf2hf-honda-djhk-s3-6.png Sf2hf-honda-njhk-a7-12.png Sf2hf-honda-djhk-s3-6.png Sf2hf-honda-djhk-s0-2.png Sf2hf-honda-djhk-r27-30.png Sf2hf-honda-djhk-r31-34.png Sf2hf-honda-njmk-r35-38.png Sf2hf-honda-djlp-s0-2.png
Stun 11~17
Stun Timer 60
Frame Count 2 4 6 4 4 4 4 4
Frame Count 7 6

Use this to neutral jump over fireballs. -x64

  • Diagonal Jumping LP:
Damage 18 Sf2hf-honda-djlp-s0-2.png Sf2hf-honda-djlp-s3-6.png Sf2hf-honda-djlp-s7-10.png Sf2hf-honda-djlp-a11-40.png Sf2hf-honda-djlp-r.png
Stun 1~7
Stun Timer 40
Frame Count 3 4 4 30
Simplified 11 30
  • Diagonal Jumping MP:
Damage 22 Sf2hf-honda-djlp-s0-2.png Sf2hf-honda-djlp-s3-6.png Sf2hf-honda-djmp-a7-10.png Sf2hf-honda-djmp-a11-22.png Sf2hf-honda-djlp-r.png Sf2hf-honda-djmp-r31-34.png Sf2hf-honda-djlp-s7-10.png Sf2hf-honda-djlp-s3-6.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 50
Frame Count 3 4 4 12 8 4 4
Simplified 7 16
  • Diagonal Jumping HP:
Damage 28 Sf2hf-honda-djlp-s0-2.png Sf2hf-honda-djhp-r25-28.png Sf2hf-honda-djhp-a7-12.png Sf2hf-honda-djhp-r13-20.png Sf2hf-honda-djhp-r21-24.png Sf2hf-honda-djhp-r25-28.png Sf2hf-honda-djlp-s0-2.png
Stun 11~17
Stun Timer 60
Frame Count 3 4 6 8 4 4
Simplified 7 6
  • Diagonal Jumping LK:
Damage 18 Sf2hf-honda-djlk-s0-2.png Sf2hf-honda-djlk-s3-6.png Sf2hf-honda-djlk-a7-Infinity.png
Stun 1~7
Stun Timer 40
Frame Count 3 4
Simplified 7

Works great as a jump in against a lot of low profile moves like Sim and Vega's slide. -x64

  • Diagonal Jumping MK:
Damage 22 Sf2hf-honda-djmk-s0-2.png Sf2hf-honda-djmk-s3-6.png Sf2hf-honda-djmk-a7-Infinity.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 50
Frame Count 3 4
Simplified 7

One of your main jump ins and your only crossup. -x64

  • Diagonal Jumping HK:
Damage 28 Sf2hf-honda-djhk-s0-2.png Sf2hf-honda-djhk-s3-6.png Sf2hf-honda-djhk-a7-18.png Sf2hf-honda-djhk-s3-6.png Sf2hf-honda-djhk-s0-2.png Sf2hf-honda-djhk-r27-30.png Sf2hf-honda-djhk-r31-34.png Sf2hf-honda-njmk-r35-38.png Sf2hf-honda-djlp-s0-2.png
Stun 11~17
Stun Timer 60
Frame Count 3 4 12 4 4 4 4 4
Simplified 7 12

Your usual main jump in. Heavy damage and great hitbox allows you to bludgen most of the cast for free with it when well spaced. -x64

Unique Normals

  • Hiza Geri aka Double Knee:
Damage 22,22 Sf2hf-ehonda-lp-s0.png Sf2hf-ehonda-lk-s1.png Sf2hf-ehonda-clhk-r24-29.png Sf2hf-ehonda-fmk-a10-12.png Sf2hf-ehonda-fmk-a13-15.png Sf2hf-ehonda-fmk-r16-17.png Sf2hf-ehonda-clhk-r24-29.png Sf2hf-ehonda-lk-s1.png Sf2hf-ehonda-lp-s0.png
Stun 5~11,8
Stun Timer 60,60
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage +8
Frame Count 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1
Simplified 1+9 6 7


Tawara Nage: (←/→ + Strong) , Saba Ori: (←/→ + Fierce) and Sekkan Kyaku: (←/→ + Roundhouse)

Throw Hold Sf2hf-honda-throw.png
Damage 32 Damage 22+(4*n)
Duration - Duration 300
Stun 7~13 Stun 7~13
Stun Timer 100 Stun Timer -
Range (from axis) 64 Range (from axis) 64
Range advantage 36 Range advantage 36

Best overall throw range in the game along with Balrog besides Gief's SPD. Your holds are amazing and allow for many setups after the hold ends (free safejumps, free safe LP meaty, cross under sweeps, etc). Your MP throw should only be used to throw people into a corner. -x64

Special Moves

  • Sumo Headbutt: (Charge ←, →, P) [charge time: 59f]
Damage 18/26/28 Sf2hf-honda-hblp-s0-2.png Sf2hf-honda-hblp-s3-6.png Sf2hf-honda-hblp-s7-12.png Sf2hf-honda-hblp-a0-2.png Sf2hf-honda-hblp-a3-5.png Sf2hf-honda-hblp-a6-8.png
Stun 13~19
Stun Timer 120
Frame Advantage -11/-14,KD/-4
Jab 3 4 6 3 3 22
Jab Simplified 13 28
Strong 1 3 4 2 2 53
Strong Simplified 9 55
Fierce 1 4 1 1 63
Fierce Simplified 5 65
Sf2hf-honda-hblp-r0-3f.png Sf2hf-honda-hblp-r4-7f.png Sf2hf-honda-hblp-r8-11f.png Sf2hf-honda-hblp-r12.png Sf2hf-honda-hblp-r13.png Sf2hf-honda-hblp-r14.png Sf2hf-honda-hblp-r15.png
Jab 4 4 4 8 2 2 1
Strong 4 4 4 8 2 2 1
Fierce 4 4 4 8 2 2 1

One of the best moves in the game. Your LP headbutt has a massive invincible hitbox but it doesn't knock down. Your HP headbutt travels fast and is difficult to deal with. That and they are safe on block! It's rare but if you land LP headbutt up close, you'll get a 2-hit dizzy. -x64

  • One Hundred Slaps: Press Punch Repeatedly


Sf2hf-honda-ohs-s1.png Sf2hf-honda-ohs-s2.png
Jab 1 3
Strong 3 4
Fierce 4 6


Damage 24/26/28 Sf2hf-honda-ohh-a1.png Sf2hf-honda-ohh-a2.png Sf2hf-honda-a3.png Sf2hf-honda-ohh-a4.png Sf2hf-honda-ohh-a5.png Sf2hf-honda-ohh-a6.png
Stun 13~19
Stun Timer 120
Frame Advantage ?
Jab 4 4 4 4 4 4
Strong 2 2 2 2 2 2
Fierce 1 1 1 1 1 1


Sf2hf-honda-ohs-s2.png Sf2hf-honda-ohs-s1.png
Jab 1 1
Strong 3 1
Fierce 5 1

Excellent special move. Can be steered while rapidly pressing punch buttons. Your LP HHS has low recovery so it can easily be used to dupe people into taking block damage, stopping, and then throwing them. -x64

  • Sumo Splash: (Charge ↓, ↑, K) [charge time: 59f]
Damage 18/24/26 Sf2hf-honda-ssb-s1.png Sf2hf-honda-ssb-s2.png Sf2hf-honda-ssb-s3.png Sf2hf-honda-ssb-s4.png Sf2hf-honda-ssb-s5.png Sf2hf-honda-ssb-s6.png
Stun 13~19
Stun Timer 120
Frame Advantage -5/-11/-17
Short 1 4 5 2 4 4
Short Simplified 10 10
Foward 1 4 5 2 5 4
Foward Simplified 10 11
Roundhouse 1 4 5 1 5 5
Roundhouse Simplified 10 11
Sf2hf-honda-ssb-a1.png Sf2hf-honda-ssb-r1.png Sf2hf-honda-ssb-r2.png Sf2hf-honda-ssb-r3.png Sf2hf-honda-ssb-a2.png Sf2hf-honda-ssb-r4.png
Short 4 4 4 2 6 8
Short Simplified 26
Foward 6 4 4 2 8 9
Foward Simplified 33
Roundhouse 7 4 4 2 11 11
Roundhouse Simplified 39

Unlike all other "hold down then up" charge moves, Honda's Sumo Smash in Hyper Fighting must be completed at the Neutral Up position. Meaning you can't hold down-back and slide your stick to up-back to complete the move. This quirk does not follow Honda to his CPS2 iterations. Also, HF Honda is the only version of Honda with a Sumo Smash that has attacking frames on the RH version, leading to stuff he can punish or pressure that no other version of Honda can do. Mainly it means you can almost guarantee at least a trade against someone doing nothing but jumping in the corner with a high priority move daring you to counter it. If this move only hits on the way up, you almost always are at frame disadvantage and will be punished. If both the rising and falling part of this move hit, you get a free dizzy. -x64

Misc Animations

Walk back Neutral Walk Fwd Crouch
Sf2hf-honda-bwd.png Sf2hf-honda-lp-s0.png Sf2hf-honda-fwd.png Sf2hf-honda-cr.png
  • Standing reel:
Sf2hf-honda-reel1.png Sf2hf-honda-reel2.png Sf2hf-honda-reel3.png
  • Standing gut reel:
Sf2hf-honda-gutreel1.png Sf2hf-honda-gutreel2.png Sf2hf-honda-gutreel3.png
  • Crouching reel:
Sf2hf-honda-creel1.png Sf2hf-honda-creel2.png
  • Dizzy:
Sf2hf-honda-dizzy1.png Sf2hf-honda-dizzy2.png Sf2hf-honda-dizzy3.png