Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo/O. Guile

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Old Guile's portrait in Super Turbo


Guile is a all-around balanced character. He can pressure his enemies by shielding his advances with Sonic Booms and also use them as a barrier, together with his Flash Kick, to apply chip damage while holding a defensive position. However, he has been toned down quite a bit, compared to his CPS-1 versions. His Sonic Booms have slightly projected vulnerable hitboxes, his main poke - the crouching Forward kick - has worse priority and he has lost his dangerous CPS-1 chains. Similarly to other characters, his aerial normal moves have worse priority.

Most O.Guile's normal attacks do more damage than N.Guile's, and he plays more like classic SF2 Guiles from CE and HF.

Picking Old Guile

To select O.Guile, choose Guile and then press ↑ ↓ ↓ ↓ and Jab or Fierce, pressing Short simultaneously with the punch button for the alternate color.

Normal Secondary
Guile-old1.gif Guile-old2.gif


New & Old Versions Comparison

Here is the list of differences:

  • Obvious stuff: O.Guile can not tech throws and does not have a Super;
  • O.Guile has some differences in some of his normals:
    • Far Standing Strong does not have an anti-air hitbox (the first part is better, but he does not has a second active part like N.Guile has) but it does more damage;
    • Crouching Strong does more damage;
    • Close Standing Fierce does more damage, and has a bigger activation range;
    • Crouching Fierce does more damage;
    • Far Standing Fierce is the back fist (N.Guile has a straight punch instead, his back fist that is now a command normal also does less damage);
    • Close Standing Forward does more damage;
    • Far Standing Forward has worse feet vulnerability during start-up (plus he does not have the command normal versions) but it does more damage;
    • Crouching Forward does more damage;
    • Both Standing Roundhouse kicks are the classic kicks from the CPS-1, while N.Guile has a mediocre anti-air one for the close version and a donkey kick as the far one;
    • Crouching Roundhouse does more damage;
    • Both Jumping Fierces do more damage;
    • Diagonal Jumping Short is not a cross-up attack;
    • Both Jumping Forwards do more damage;
    • Both Jumping Roundhouses does more damage;
  • The Knee Bazooka is performed with Short instead of Forward. It also does more damage;
  • The Reverse Spin Kick does more damage;

O.Guile has some benefits like the ability to do the back fist and the standing short while charging for Booms, his standing Roundhouse is a decent anti-air, plus most of his normals are more damaging, but all in all N.Guile is slightly better due to the cross-up and most of the normal moves he has gained.

Moves Analysis

Disclaimer: To better understand the diagrams, read this.

Normal Moves

Ground Normals

  • Close/Far Standing Jab:
Damage 4[0] OGuile stcljab1&4 stfarjab1&4.png OGuile stcljab2 stfarjab2.png OGuile stcljab3 stfarjab3.png OGuile stcljab1&4 stfarjab1&4.png
Stun 0~5
Stun Timer 40
Chain Cancel Yes
Special Cancel Yes
Frame Advantage +4
Frame Count 3 4 2 3
Simplified 1 + 3 4 5

Rapid-fire jab. Guile's arm is fully invincible, but it does not have much reach, just like other such Jabs. It is a good move. Some characters can crouch under this attack, Dhalsim, Sagat, Boxer, Gief, Hawk, Deejay, and old Fei cannot crouch it however.

  • Crouching Jab:
Damage 4[0] OGuile crjab1.png OGuile crjab2.png OGuile crjab3.png
Stun 0~5
Stun Timer 40
Chain Cancel Yes
Special Cancel Yes
Frame Advantage +4
Frame Count 3 4 5
Simplified 1 + 3 4 5

The crouching version also has rapid-fire properties, and similar priority.

  • Close Standing Strong: (Base max activation range: 40)
Damage 22[0] OGuile stclstrng1.png OGuile stclstrng2.png OGuile stclstrng3.png OGuile stclstrng4.png OGuile stclstrng5.png OGuile stclstrng6 stfarfrc1 stfarfrwrd1.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 60
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel Yes
Frame Advantage +3
Frame Count 3 3 3 3 3 3
Simplified 1 + 3 3 12

This is not very safe if you do not cancel, and not very useful.

  • Far Standing Strong:
Damage 26[1] OGuile stfarstrng1.png OGuile stfarstrng2.png OGuile stfarstrng3.png OGuile stfarstrng4.png OGuile stfarstrng5.png OGuile stfarstrng6.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 60
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel Yes
Frame Advantage +3
Frame Count 2 2 4 3 3 3
Simplified 1 + 2 2 13

Guile performs an upper that has good reach. Unlike N.Guile's, this move does not work as anti-air, but it has faster start-up.

  • Crouching Strong:
Damage 22[0] OGuile crstrng1&4.png OGuile crstrng2.png OGuile crstrng3.png OGuile crstrng1&4.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 60
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel Yes
Frame Advantage +6
Frame Count 3 4 4 4
Simplified 1 + 3 4 8

This has just acceptable range for a crouching Strong move. The priority is poor, so this is mostly used in combos and to punish moves such as whiffed Tatsumakis. This move hits low in mirrors, vs Deejay, vs old Sagat, and it can hit a few other characters low if done from max range.

  • Close Standing Fierce: (Base max activation range: 61)
Damage 26[1] OGuile stclfrc1&6.png OGuile stclfrc2.png OGuile stclfrc3.png OGuile stclfrc4.png OGuile stclfrc5.png OGuile stclfrc1&6.png
Stun 10~16
Stun Timer 80
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel Yes
Frame Advantage -10
Frame Count 3 3 10 8 6 5
Simplified 1 + 3 3 29

All the characters that can't crouch stand jab, cannot crouch this either. Except for N.Fei, Claw, and Honda, who can crouch stand jab, but not close stand fierce. In addition to dealing more damage, this also has a bigger activation range than N.Guile, allowing you to get this from slightly further away.

  • Far Standing Fierce:
Damage 26[1] OGuile stclstrng6 stfarfrc1 stfarfrwrd1.png OGuile stfarfrc2.png OGuile stfarfrc3.png OGuile stfarfrc4.png OGuile stfarfrc5.png OGuile stfarfrc6.png
Stun 10~16
Stun Timer 80
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage -1
Frame Count 2 3 4 5 10 8
Simplified 1 + 9 5 18

Guile's patented backfist punch. Its awesome range makes this Guile's best punish normal move. It can used at anti air at certain ranges, but mostly to punish projectile recovery after you canceled the projectile itself with a Sonic Boom and the opponent is left open. This move has relatively low priority and can by punished if whiffed.

  • Crouching Fierce:
Damage 26[1] OGuile crfrc1.png OGuile crfrc2.png OGuile crfrc3.png OGuile crfrc4.png OGuile crfrc5.png OGuile crfrc6.png
Stun 10~16
Stun Timer 80
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage -4 / +0
Frame Count 2 3 4 12 9 1
Simplified 1 + 5 16 10

The main anti air to use when being jumped on and you aren't charged for a flash kick. This takes training to time: you want it to trade if the enemy attacks the right time. It can also be used as a feint, tricking the enemy into thinking you stood up and lost charge.

  • Close/Far Standing Short:
Damage 12[0] OGuile stclshrt1&5 stfarshrt1&5.png OGuile stclshrt2&4 stfarshrt2&4.png OGuile stclshrt3 stfarshrt3.png OGuile stclshrt2&4 stfarshrt2&4.png OGuile stclshrt1&5 stfarshrt1&5.png
Stun 0~5
Stun Timer 40
Chain Cancel Yes
Special Cancel Yes*
Frame Advantage +3
Frame Count 2 2 4 3 3
Simplified 1 + 4 4 6

Low kick with awesome reach and priority, just poor damage. O.Guile has an advantage over N.Guile related to this move, which is being able to throw it without losing back charge.

  • Crouching Short:
Damage 14[0] OGuile crshrt1&5 crrh1.png OGuile crshrt2&4 crrh2.png OGuile crshrt3.png OGuile crshrt2&4 crrh2.png OGuile crshrt1&5 crrh1.png
Stun 0~5
Stun Timer 40
Chain Cancel Yes
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage +3
Frame Count 3 3 4 3 3
Simplified 1 + 6 4 6

This move combos into itself. A fast attack to push a close opponent away to ideal c.Forward range. The priority is horrible and the start-up is long for a Short, so this is mainly used as a feint or in combos or block strings.

  • Close Standing Forward: (Base max activation range: 38)
Damage 24[0] OGuile stclfrwrd1&5.png OGuile stclfrwrd2&4.png OGuile stclfrwrd3.png OGuile stclfrwrd2&4.png OGuile stclfrwrd1&5.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 60
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage +8
Frame Count 3 3 4 3 3
Simplified 1 + 6 4 6

Pretty much solely used as an anti air when the opponent is above you. Useful vs shotos to stuff jump fierce and other air normals. This has a lot of frame advantage, which allows you to link things like cr mp after it lands, and close fierce on some characters. Though this is not useful aside from styling when getting a KO.

  • Far Standing Forward:
Damage 24[0] OGuile stclstrng6 stfarfrc1 stfarfrwrd1.png OGuile stfarfrwrd2.png OGuile stfarfrwrd3.png OGuile stfarfrwrd4.png OGuile stfarfrwrd5.png OGuile stfarfrwrd6.png OGuile stfarfrwrd7.png OGuile stfarfrwrd8.png OGuile stfarfrwrd9.png OGuile stfarfrwrd10.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 60
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage +0
Frame Count 2 2 2 3 5 4 3 2 2 2
Simplified 1 + 9 5 13

Sobat kick. Good priority, may avoid low normals, but cannot be steered like N.Guile's. It is also not cancelable.

  • Crouching Forward:
Damage 24[0] OGuile crfrwrd1 crrh7.png OGuile crfrwrd2.png OGuile crfrwrd3.png OGuile crfrwrd4 crrh10.png OGuile crfrwrd5 crrh11.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 60
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage +5
Frame Count 3 4 5 4 4
Simplified 1 + 7 5 8

Guile's main poke. It has a very good range, but poor priority. The key to using this attack well is not using it all the time, but positioning yourself so that it will hit or control space when the enemy is not throwing his pokes, which often beat Guile's. It also has an important disadvantage in relation to Chun Li's or Cammy's cr.Fwd, which is that its recovery has projected hitboxes, leaving Guile vulnerable if it does not connect. It also is vulnerable even before going active, which is similar to the shotos' cr.Fwd.

  • Close Standing Roundhouse: (Base max activation range: 40)
Damage 28[1] OGuile stclrh1.png OGuile stclrh2&4.png OGuile stclrh3.png OGuile stclrh2&4.png
Stun 10~16
Stun Timer 80
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage +9
Frame Count 3 4 4 9
Simplified 1 + 7 4 9

High side kick. It has good recovery, but poor priority.

  • Far Standing Roundhouse:
Damage 28[1] OGuile stfarrh1.png OGuile stfarrh2.png OGuile stfarrh3.png OGuile stfarrh4.png OGuile stfarrh5.png OGuile stfarrh6.png OGuile stfarrh7.png
Stun 10~16
Stun Timer 80
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage -7
Frame Count 4 4 5 6 8 9 1
Simplified 1 + 8 5 24

High roundhouse kick that works very well as a trade anti-air. Due to its poor priority, you are not likely to hit cleanly if the enemy sticks out an attack, but it is good enough to have them land on a Sonic Boom, if you maintain a back charge. It can be used if the enemy is not on top of you, when you would need a crouching Fierce instead, assuming no down charge for a Flash Kick.

  • Crouching Roundhouse:
Damage 28[1] OGuile crshrt1&5 crrh1.png OGuile crshrt2&4 crrh2.png OGuile crrh3.png OGuile crrh4.png OGuile crrh5.png OGuile crrh6.png OGuile crfrwrd1 crrh7.png OGuile crrh8.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 130
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage -26 / +7
Frame Count 3 4 5 4 6 8 6 4
Simplified 1 + 7 5 28
OGuile crrh9.png OGuile crfrwrd4 crrh10.png OGuile crfrwrd5 crrh11.png
Frame Count 5 4 6
Simplified 5 10

Used as an anti air at a certain range. The second active part of the move has very good range, which can be used to control space in specific situations, such as on the enemy's wake-up or after forcing him to block a Sonic Boom, with noticeable frame advantage. However, while it has good priority, there is enough time to react with Shoryukens, Dos Koi headbutts and other moves.

Aerial normals

  • Neutral Jumping Jab:
Damage 12[0] OGuile njjab1 djjab1&4 njstrng1&4 njfrc1&4.png OGuile njjab2 djjab2 njstrng2 njfrc2.png OGuile njjab3.png
Stun 1~7(-2)
Stun Timer 40

Frame Count 3 4
Simplified 7

Pretty much only useful for the occasional safejump. One good property of this move is that it stays active throughout the whole jump.

  • Diagonal Jumping Jab:
Damage 12[0] OGuile njjab1 djjab1&4 njstrng1&4 njfrc1&4.png OGuile njjab2 djjab2 njstrng2 njfrc2.png OGuile djjab3.png OGuile njjab1 djjab1&4 njstrng1&4 njfrc1&4.png OGuile djjab5 njstrng5 djstrnf5 njfrc5 djfrc5 njfrwrd8 djfrwrd5 njrh6 djrh6.png
Stun 1~7(-2)
Stun Timer 40

Frame Count 3 4 24 4
Simplified 7 24

Weird hitbox, decent for punishing fireballs when jumping from really far away, particularly vs sim and sagat. Does not stay active long enough to last the whole jump.

  • Neutral Jumping Strong:
Damage 22[0] OGuile njjab1 djjab1&4 njstrng1&4 njfrc1&4.png OGuile njjab2 djjab2 njstrng2 njfrc2.png OGuile njstrng3.png OGuile njjab1 djjab1&4 njstrng1&4 njfrc1&4.png OGuile djjab5 njstrng5 djstrnf5 njfrc5 djfrc5 njfrwrd8 djfrwrd5 njrh6 djrh6.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 50(+10)

Frame Count 3 4 20 4
Simplified 7 20

Same startup as neutral jump fierce but more active frames, and less priority and reach. Decent despite this, but neutral jump fierce is usually preferred.

  • Diagonal Jumping Strong:
Damage 22[0] OGuile djstrng1&4 djfrc1&4.png OGuile djstrng2 djfrc2.png OGuile djstrng3.png OGuile djstrng1&4 djfrc1&4.png OGuile djjab5 njstrng5 djstrnf5 njfrc5 djfrc5 njfrwrd8 djfrwrd5 njrh6 djrh6.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 50(+10)

Frame Count 3 4 20 4
Simplified 7 20

Usually diagonal jump fierce is preferred for the better priority, but this has more active frames, and is still pretty good nonetheless.

  • Neutral Jumping Fierce:
Damage 26[0] OGuile njjab1 djjab1&4 njstrng1&4 njfrc1&4.png OGuile njjab2 djjab2 njstrng2 njfrc2.png OGuile njfrc3.png OGuile njjab1 djjab1&4 njstrng1&4 njfrc1&4.png OGuile djjab5 njstrng5 djstrnf5 njfrc5 djfrc5 njfrwrd8 djfrwrd5 njrh6 djrh6.png
Stun 11~17(-1)
Stun Timer 60(+20)

Frame Count 3 4 8 4
Simplified 7 8

Guile punches down while in the air. This move has short reach, but good priority.

  • Diagonal Jumping Fierce:
Damage 26[1] OGuile djstrng1&4 djfrc1&4.png OGuile djstrng2 djfrc2.png OGuile djfrc3.png OGuile djstrng1&4 djfrc1&4.png OGuile djjab5 njstrng5 djstrnf5 njfrc5 djfrc5 njfrwrd8 djfrwrd5 njrh6 djrh6.png
Stun 3~9
Stun Timer 40

Frame Count 3 4 8 4
Simplified 7 8

A good air to air move. Can be used as anti-air with good reactions or to mix-up moves. Also used when jumping backwards to counter Dictator's stomps or Claw's wall dives.

  • Neutral Jumping Short:
Damage 14[0] OGuile njshrt1.png OGuile njshrt2.png OGuile njshrt3.png
Stun 1~7(-2)
Stun Timer 40

Frame Count 3 4
Simplified 7

For what it's worth this move is nothing special. Pretty much exclusively used for safejumps, and it stays active the whole jump to make this easier. Never use this when jumping a fireball as Guile gets a bigger hurtbox during startup.

  • Diagonal Jumping Short:
Damage 14[0] OGuile djshrt1 djfrwrd1.png OGuile djshrt2 djfrwrd2.png OGuile djshrt3.png
Stun 1~7(-2)
Stun Timer 40

Frame Count 3 4
Simplified 7

Unlike N.Guile, this move cannot be used as a crossup, which really limits its use, as the priority is pretty bad. Ok for safejumps still, stays active until he lands.

  • Neutral Jumping Forward:
Damage 24[0] OGuile njfrwrd1.png OGuile njfrwrd2.png OGuile njfrwrd3.png OGuile njfrwrd4.png OGuile njfrwrd5.png OGuile njfrwrd6.png OGuile njfrwrd7.png OGuile djjab5 njstrng5 djstrnf5 njfrc5 djfrc5 njfrwrd8 djfrwrd5 njrh6 djrh6.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 50(+10)

Frame Count 1 2 2 3 5 4 3
Simplified 8 5

Decent air to air, mainly used as an anti air vs Blanka.

  • Diagonal Jumping Forward:
Damage 24[0] OGuile djshrt1 djfrwrd1.png OGuile djshrt2 djfrwrd2.png OGuile djfrwrd3.png OGuile djfrwrd4.png OGuile djjab5 njstrng5 djstrnf5 njfrc5 djfrc5 njfrwrd8 djfrwrd5 njrh6 djrh6.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 50(+10)

Frame Count 3 4 20 4
Simplified 7 20

A good jump move with acceptable range and priority. It stays active for quite some time, which is good or control space while airborne.

  • Neutral Jumping Roundhouse:
Damage 28[0] OGuile njrh1 djrh1.png OGuile njrh2 djrh2.png OGuile njrh3 djrh3.png OGuile njrh4 djrh4.png OGuile njrh5 djrh5.png OGuile djjab5 njstrng5 djstrnf5 njfrc5 djfrc5 njfrwrd8 djfrwrd5 njrh6 djrh6.png
Stun 11~17(-1)
Stun Timer 60(+20)

Frame Count 2 4 5 4 4
Simplified 6 5

The same as diagonal jump roundhouse. Doubles as an air throw command like all other medium/heavy air normals. Both versions of jumping roundhouse are sometimes favoured over fierce since roundhouse does more dizzy, usually resulting in a dizzy combo ending in flash kick. Jumping roundhouse can hit the following characters standing if done quickly : Boxer, Sagat, Hawk, Gief, Claw, DJ.

  • Diagonal Jumping Roundhouse:
Damage 28[1] OGuile njrh1 djrh1.png OGuile njrh2 djrh2.png OGuile njrh3 djrh3.png OGuile njrh4 djrh4.png OGuile njrh5 djrh5.png OGuile djjab5 njstrng5 djstrnf5 njfrc5 djfrc5 njfrwrd8 djfrwrd5 njrh6 djrh6.png
Stun 11~17(-1)
Stun Timer 60(+20)

Frame Count 2 4 5 4 4
Simplified 6 5

A jump-in move with very good range, but poor priority. It is very useful to hit extended limbs due to long recovery projectiles such as Hadoukens or Tigers. It can also be used as a punishing tool while the enemy is in the air after Shoryukens, Condor Dives and jumps in general. If you get lucky or time it well and the enemy is close enough, it will become Guile's most damaging throw: the Flying Buster Drop a.k.a. the back-breaker.

Command Normals

  • Knee Bazooka: (On ground, ←/↖/↑/↗/→ + Forward)
Damage 24[0] OGuile kb1.png OGuile kb2.png OGuile kb3&5.png OGuile kb4.png OGuile kb3&5.png OGuile kb6.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 60
Frame Advantage -8

Frame Count 1 2 2 5 14 7
Simplified 1 + 5 5 21

Allows you to advance while charging a Sonic Boom, also useful to punish low tiger recovery.

  • Reverse Spin Kick: (On ground and close, ←/↖/↑/↗/→ + Roundhouse. Base max activation range: 71)
Damage 30[1] OGuile rk1.png OGuile rk2.png OGuile rk3.png OGuile rk4.png OGuile rk5.png OGuile rk6.png
Stun 1~7
Stun Timer 70
Frame Advantage +0

Frame Count 3 3 2 3 4 6
Simplified 1 + 15 6
OGuile rk7.png OGuile rk8.png OGuile rk9.png OGuile rk10.png OGuile rk11.png
Frame Count 4 3 3 3 3
Simplified 16

Guile performs an upside-down version of his crouching kick. This is a command normal, but it also demands you to be close enough to the opponent, so you can not take advantage of the reach. It is very good to trick the enemy into throwing a crouching move and punishing it by prediction, though.


O.Guile can throw using Strong and Fierce. If in air, he can throw with Forward and Roundhouse too. The direction of the joystick determines the direction the enemy gets thrown at. All his ground throws have the same range and do 32 points of damage (plus two more if behind in rounds).

  • Ground Throws Throwboxes:
Damage 32 OGuile throwb.png OGuile throw.png OGuile throwf.png
Stun 7~13
Stun Timer 100
Range (from axis) 48
(from throwable box) 18
  • Judo Throw: (←/↖/↑/↗/→ + Strong)

Guile's shoulder throw, leaves them further away than the dragon suplex, but if they tech the distance is not much. Useful if you want to throw them far away, especially vs old characters that cannot tech.

  • Dragon Suplex: (←/↖/↑/↗/→ + Fierce)

The suplex throw, leaves them not too far away, and Guile recovers quickly.

  • Flying Mare: (Min activation height: 32/48 upwards/downwards, ↖/←/↙/↓/↘/→/↗ + Strong/Fierce)
Damage 34 OGuile pairthrow.png
Stun 7~13
Stun Timer 100
Range (from axis) 54
(from throwable box) 24

Grabs opponents slightly above airborne Guile. Useful vs buttslams, can be used a reactionary anti air in some matchups, the damage is pretty high, so if you get his on accident vs a walldive or something, it's often more than welcome.

  • Flying Buster Drop: (Min activation height: 32/48 upwards/downwards, ↖/←/↙/↓/↘/→/↗ + Forward/Roundhouse)
Damage 46 OGuile kairthrow.png
Stun 7~13
Stun Timer 100
Range (from axis) 54
(from throwable box) 24

Grabs opponents slightly below airborne Guile. Does insane damage when not teched. Basically this can kill if they have a little less than half life remaining. This move can be ok for punishing whiffed srks, flash kicks, up kicks from Chun etc. Though they can always tech, so only fully favoured if they are in range to be ko'd by this.

Special Moves

  • Sonic Boom: (Charge ←, →, P)

Detailed Input: (Charge ← for at least 60f, [0~7f] → [0~11/9/7f] Jab/Strong/Fierce. It is needed to wait at least 1 frame after leaving the charge direction to enter with the P button)

  • Startup:
OGuile sb1.png OGuile sb2.png OGuile sb3.png OGuile sb4.png OGuile sb5.png
Frame Count 2 2 2 2 1
Simplified 9
  • Active:
  • Jab Version:
Damage 17[1] OGuile sb6.png OGuile sb7jab.png OGuile sb8jab.png OGuile sb9jab.png OGuile sb10jab.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 100

Frame Count 1 1 1 1 1...
Simplified 21
  • Strong Version:
Damage 18[1] OGuile sb6.png OGuile sb7strng.png OGuile sb8strng.png OGuile sb9strng.png OGuile sb10strng.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 100

Frame Count 1 1 1 1 1...
Simplified 21
  • Fierce Version:
Damage 20[1] OGuile sb6.png OGuile sb7frc.png OGuile sb8frc.png OGuile sb9frc.png OGuile sb10frc.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 100

Frame Count 1 1 1 1 1...
Simplified 21

O.Guile's projectile. The punch strength determines the projectile's speed, being Jab the slowest and Fierce the fastest. This move recovers fast, giving O.Guile time to walk up to apply pressure or punish jump-ins or long recovery moves. You can use ↙ so as to charge both Sonic Booms and Flash Kicks at the same time.

  • Somersault Kick a.k.a. Flash Kick: (Charge ↓, ↑, K)

Detailed Input: (Charge ↓ for 60f, [0~7f] ↑ [0~11/9/7/2f] Short/Forward/Roundhouse/any K if you are at a jumpable state. It is needed to wait at least 1 frame after leaving the charge direction to enter with the K button)

  • Startup:
OGuile fk1.png OGuile fk2.png OGuile fk3.png
Frame Count (Short) 1 2 2
Frame Count (Forward) 2 2 1
Frame Count (Rh) 3 1 1
Simplified 5
  • Active:
Short Forward Rh OGuile fk4.png Short Forward & Rh OGuile fk6.png OGuile fk7.png OGuile fk8.png
Damage 32[0] / 22[0] / 22[0]
22[0] / 22[0]
32[1] / 22[1] / 22[1]
22[1] / 22[1]
32[2] / 22[2] / 22[2]
22[1] / 22[2]
OGuile fk5shrt.png OGuile fk5.png
Stun 7~13
Stun Timer 100

Frame Count (Short) 4 1 1 1 2
Frame Count (Forward) 3 1 1 1 3
Frame Count (Rh) 2 1 1 1 4
Simplified 9
  • Recovery:
OGuile fk9.png OGuile fk10.png OGuile fk11.png OGuile fk12.png
Frame Count (Short) 2 2 25 5
Simplified (Short) 34
Frame Count (Forward) 4 4 28 7
Simplified (Forward) 43
Frame Count (Rh) 5 5 31 8
Simplified (Rh) 49

O.Guile becomes invulnerable for a split second, performing an acrobatic aerial kick that has good range and causes a full knockdown, however leaving himself vulnerable during a long recovery. The kick version determines how high the move hits and how much longer the recovery is, but the damage are almost the same. Short gives the fastest recovery while Roundhouse makes Guile jump higher, however yielding a longer recovery. It is recommended that one charges with ↙ so as to have a Sonic Boom available, if needed.

Misc Animations

Jump Animations

  • Neutral Jump:
OGuile bj1&11 nj1&11 fj1&11.png OGuile bj2 nj2 fj2.png OGuile nj3&9.png OGuile nj4&8.png OGuile nj5&7.png OGuile nj6.png OGuile nj5&7.png OGuile nj4&8.png OGuile nj3&9.png OGuile nj10.png OGuile bj1&11 nj1&11 fj1&11.png
Frame Count 2 1 10 6 7 10 7 6 2 1 7*
Simplified 2 1 48 1 7*
  • Back Jump:
OGuile bj1&11 nj1&11 fj1&11.png OGuile bj2 nj2 fj2.png OGuile bj3 fj9.png OGuile bj4 fj8.png OGuile bj5 fj7.png OGuile bj6 fj6.png OGuile bj7 fj5.png OGuile bj8 fj4.png OGuile bj9 fj3.png OGuile bj10.png OGuile bj1&11 nj1&11 fj1&11.png
Frame Count 2 1 4 5 6 6 6 5 16 1 7*
Simplified 2 1 48 1 7*
  • Forward Jump:
OGuile bj1&11 nj1&11 fj1&11.png OGuile bj2 nj2 fj2.png OGuile bj9 fj3.png OGuile bj8 fj4.png OGuile bj7 fj5.png OGuile bj6 fj6.png OGuile bj5 fj7.png OGuile bj4 fj8.png OGuile bj3 fj9.png OGuile fj10.png OGuile bj1&11 nj1&11 fj1&11.png
Frame Count 2 1 4 5 6 6 6 5 15 1 7*
Simplified 2 1 47 1 7*

Guile has a considerably fast prejump. This is not bad as he has the "longest" real jump in the game, as he stays in the air for a while. Dhalsim has the actual longest jump, but he can use drills to get down quickly. In theory there might be times where characters with better throw range, or command grabs tick you, and you have no flash kick available. This could be an ok option to try if their timing is not on point, but since you have 2 frames of vulnerabilty, it's not reliable vs a good player.

The landing recovery has a special property which allows it to be canceled into certain actions. At the first landing frame, you can perform throws (including command throws), and on the second landing frame, you can start another jump, attack with a normal or special move, or block. Blocking not being until the second landing frame, as well as hitbox-hurtbox interactions having priority over throwbox-throw hurtbox is why sweeps work as anti airs in this game.
Things are different when jumping over your opponent, however. In that situation it's possible to walk back/forward, to jump again or to even block on the first landing frame! Strangely, if a throw is timed on the first landing frame of a jump that crosses over, a throwbox will never come out, even though that input will result in a normal coming out 2 frames later (like it normally would). Anyway, being able to block on the first landing frame can help a little bit on some safe jump crossup setups, or maybe in other situations as well if your character has a huge jump arc.

Template:Super Turbo