Darkstalkers 3/Lilith

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Character intro here Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla a arcu quis mi tincidunt pellentesque. Etiam sed felis nibh. Aenean tempor pretium ipsum ac sagittis. Ut interdum lorem vulputate, blandit elit non, commodo est. Fusce urna nisi, aliquet faucibus felis ut, mollis viverra augue. Phasellus augue ante, condimentum vel purus quis, porta euismod arcu.

In a nutshell

Nutshell Description Here Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla a arcu quis mi tincidunt pellentesque. Etiam sed felis nibh. Aenean tempor pretium ipsum ac sagittis. Ut interdum lorem vulputate, blandit elit non, commodo est. Fusce urna nisi, aliquet faucibus felis ut, mollis viverra augue. Phasellus augue ante, condimentum vel purus quis, porta euismod arcu. Vestibulum ullamcorper enim non nisl laoreet, nec euismod mi laoreet. Morbi sed magna eros. Nullam lobortis dolor pellentesque elit auctor placerat. Nam vitae turpis ut nunc imperdiet imperdiet. Morbi eu tincidunt magna. Nullam rutrum libero non metus iaculis, at bibendum ligula convallis. Integer mattis, lorem sed euismod tincidunt, turpis lectus dignissim nunc, nec cursus leo nisl sit amet magna. Phasellus id eros in enim rutrum rhoncus a id lacus.


Normal Attacks

<a name="attack1">Normal Moves</a>
Button Startup Hit Adv Grd. Adv After Pos Gauge Growth (Whiff/Block/Hit)  Guard Direction Cancelable? Remark
Standing (Close)  Jab (LP) 5 +6 +5 Standing 0/3/6 Ground yes Consecutive links H: +9F G: +8F
Strong (MP) 6 -5 -6 Standing 3/9/15 Ground yes
Fierce (HP) 9 +3 +2 Standing 6/15/24 Ground no
Short (LK) 6 +3 +2 Standing 0/3/6 Ground yes Consecutive links H: +6 G: +5
Forward (MK) 6 +2 +1 Standing 3/9/15 Ground no
Roundhouse (HK) 8 -5 -6 Standing 6/8+2x3/11+5x3 Ground no
Standing (Far)  Jab (LP) 5 +6 +5 Standing 0/3/6 Ground yes Consecutive links H: +9F G: +8F
Strong (MP) 8 +4 +3 Standing 3/9/15 Ground yes
Fierce (HP) 9 -1 -2 Standing 6/15/24 Ground no
Short (LK) 6 +5 +4 Standing 0/3/6 Ground yes Consecutive links H: +8 G: +7
Forward (MK) 6 +2 +1 Standing 3/9/15 Ground no
Roundhouse (HK) 20 -5 -6 Standing 6/10+4/15+9 Ground no
Crouching  Jab (LP) 4 +8 +7 Crouching 0/3/6 Ground yes Consecutive links H: +11F G: +10F
Strong (MP) 6 +2 +1 Crouching 3/9/15 Ground yes
Fierce (HP) 9 -2 -3 Crouching 6/15/24 Ground no
Short (LK) 4 +6 +5 Crouching 0/3/6 Crouching yes Consecutive links H: +9F G: +8F
Forward (MK) 4 -2 -3 Crouching 3/9/15 Crouching yes
Roundhouse (HK) 14 ? -20 Crouching 6/15/24 Crouching no
Command Normals

Description Here

Special Moves

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EX Moves & Dark Force

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Combos & Patterns

- c.lp c.lk illusion: her easiest illusion combo is this. c.lp x 2 fast enough so that only 1 comes out on contact (2 fast ones will whiff if it doesn't contact, use this to see if you're doing it right) then go from down to downforward, lk~hp. after a few tries it's easy to get down.

- c.lk c.mp c.mk c.hp illusion: this is her most damaging corner illusion combo. the execution may be hard at first but it's easy once you get it down and are used to it. the only tips i have are just press lp lp as quick as you can like a chain from the hp and then f lk hp right after you did TWO lp's. i think this is where most people mess it up is press- ing forward after just one lp.

- c.lk s.mk: there's no confirming this one, so just go for it. same thing as the c.hp ending chain combo, except the timing for the combo is a little tighter, dont' go for this until you mastered the 2nd combo. this is her best mid screen illusion combo though. c.lk c.hp is an alternative but it isn't reliable since the illusion whiffs sometimes at a far distance.

- c.lk c.mp c.mk c.hk: her combo without meter. if you're too far for a sweep use her c.hp instead.

- dash hp xx illusion: it can meaty good and combo into illusion for big damage. close or far version both work well.

- jump in hp xx illusion: it can tick for mixups or it can actually combo if the opponent was standing and got hit.

- dash close lp, c.lp c.lk illusion: use the first combo listed but with a dash lp before of it. make sure you get the close version of dash lp so you can get the frame advantage to link the combo. note on jedah, anakaris, and their type of crouching, that close s.lp hits them on crouch, but the far version won't.

- dash close lp, c.lk c.mp c.mk c.hp illusion: this is for if you hit with the dash lp with the opponent's back near the corner.

- jump in strings: empty; lp mk; hp hk (on tall characters); hp; mk hp. they all vary in timing for the opponent to block so mix it up.

~basic groundchain->DI variations~ -s/cr.lk, s/cr.mk, DI a.-s/cr.lk, s/cr.mk, cr.sp, DI b.- s/cr.lk, s/cr.mp, s/cr.mk, DI c.- s/cr.lk, s/cr.mp, s/cr.mk, cr.sp, DI d.- s.mp, cr.sp, DI

  • Note-refer to morrigan for DI junk

-d.lp, c.lp?groundchain->DI.

-d.lk, +c.lk, +c.mkXXsoulflash/merryturn/DI

-d.mp, +c.mkXXmerry turn(spinny wings)/soulflash

- ES command throw, showtime/DI

  • They bounce off the wall, then get hit by the hat.

-DF-ES soulflash, /\, j.hp, [groundcombo->DI]/[ES uppercut, nakedsuper]

- ES command throw, showtime/DI

  • They bounce off the wall, then get hit by the hat/lilith.


Description Here


Description Here

Vampire Savior
Anakarisface small.png
Bbhoodface small.png
Bishamonface small.png
Demitriface small.png
Feliciadrface small.png
Talbainface small.png
Hsienkodrface small.png
Jedahds3face small.png
Lilithface small.png
Morrigandrface small.png
Qbeeface small.png
Raptorface small.png
Rikuoface small.png
Sasquatchface small.png
Victorface small.png
Emptyface small.png
Extra Characters
Donovanface small.png
Huitzilface small.png
Pyronface small.png
Emptyface small.png
Emptyface small.png
Emptyface small.png
Emptyface small.png
Emptyface small.png