Thrill Kill/Oddball/Introduction

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 Oddball is one of the most dangerous characters in the game. His low dash cooldown allows him to dart around the stage rapidly, he has unique special attacks that double as mobility tools, and any string ending in a launcher can be converted into massive damage.

 What Oddball really has going for him is that he is only one of two characters in the game that has access to a super launcher. Super Rising Shoulder sends whoever gets hit by it comically high into the air, and since Oddball possesses a palette of launching attacks both mid and low, learning how to convert stray hits into very high damaging super launcher strings (and learning the buffers to consistently land the hits) is a must when trying to master Oddball. Mastering him requires learning different routes and buffers to account for wall gravity messing with timings. Your reward for your hard work is a character that can convert 50%+ damage off of any mixup combo or punish string.

 Oddball's biggest issue is his attack hitboxes. Even at point-blank range, they have a chance at missing your opponent completely if they're standing at an odd angle leaving open to a free combo.

At a glance:
Pros Cons
  • Damage: Oddball can convert juggles into insane damage with his super launcher strings, leading to 50%+ combos even off of uncounterable strings.
  • Fast Dash Cooldown: You can dart around the stage very quickly without the need to crouch cancel.
  • Slippery Hurtbox: Some high attacks can miss him at certain angles.
  • So Many Plus Frames: Almost all of Oddball's buttons are plus on his, which is very rare for Thrill Kill. Staggering opponents with his mid and low attacks is a breeze.
  • Difficult to play: Oddball requires a lot of execution to play well in regards to learning extended juggle strings and mixing up your hits to land launchers.
  • Bad attack hitboxes: His launchers tend to whiff at certain angles, even at point-blank range.
  • His low stance: His wide stance means low attacks have much longer range against him.