Thrill Kill/Oddball/Introduction

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Revision as of 00:02, 2 May 2023 by TG (talk | contribs)


 Oddball is a high-skill character who struggles to participate the main meta of Thrill Kill. His combo strings are not very diverse, and he doesn't have any great strings to punish with without the risk of being countered. This means you need to adopt a different playstyle - his incredibly fast dash cooldown and slippery hitbox make him a mosquito of a hit and run character, and can be a frustrating nuisance to catch when played well.

 What Oddball really has going for him is that he is only one of two characters in the game that has access to a super launcher. Super Rising Shoulder sends whoever gets hit by it comically high into the air, and since Oddball possesses a palette of launching attacks both mid and low, learning how to convert stray hits into very high damaging super launcher strings (and learning the buffers to consistently land the hits) is a must when trying to master Oddball.

At a glance:
Pros Cons
  • Fast dash cooldown: you can dart around the stage very quickly without the need to crouch cancel.
  • Slippery hitbox: some high attacks can miss him at certain angles.
  • Plenty of both mid and low hitting launchers.
  • Has access to a super launcher: any launching hit can be converted into good damage with lots of practice.
  • Requires a lot of practice to play well.
  • His odd stance means low attacks have much longer range against him.
  • Doesn't have a safe mid-hitting string to punish with.