Street Fighter 2: The World Warrior/Ryu: Difference between revisions

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==Vs. Blanka==
==Vs. Blanka==
*5 - 5
*4.5 - 5.5
(This matchup info is currently WIP)
(This matchup info is currently WIP)

[ DCG]
[ DCG]
==Vs. Zangief==
==Vs. Zangief==
*5 - 5
*5 - 5

Revision as of 01:54, 17 October 2019

Street Fighter 2: The World WarriorSf2-ww.gif
Street Fighter 2: The World Warrior#Game ElementsStreet Fighter 2: The World Warrior#Game ElementsStreet Fighter 2: The World Warrior#CharactersStreet Fighter 2: The World Warrior#System InfoStreet Fighter 2: The World Warrior#MiscellaneousStreet Fighter 2: The World Warrior#Basic StrategyMvC3HeaderButtons.png



Ryu is what many people consider to be the main character of Street Fighter II. He has a well-rounded moveset, average walk and jump speed, and three unique special moves for various situations.

In this first installment of the classic arcade fighting game, Ryu is actually quite flawed. First of all, he has some weird hurtboxes that extend farther than you'd expect. Secondly, he has a weak spot during the leaning forward frames of his dizzy animation that, if hit, makes him take 2X damage. Finally, the worst part is that Ken is exactly the same as Ryu in this game, but without those issues I just described and with a better kick button throw (Ken's version tosses the opponent farther back which can help him corner an enemy). The only reason I would ever recommend picking Ryu instead of Ken in WW is if the other player already chose Ken and you still want to play a shoto (mirror matches are not possible in World Warrior).

Both Ryu and Ken suffer from problems regarding their special moves, most notably the shoryuken not knocking down grounded opponents and the tatsu (hurricane kick) also not knocking down. The multiple hits from the tatsu don't link into a combo, allowing the opponent to simply block or crouch after the first hit and then throw you once you land. At least the hadoken is still a useful fireball.

Ryu is a low-tier character in WW. Ryu has no advantage, not even a very minor one, over Ken in this game. For this reason, if you want to play Ryu in WW, I strongly suggest sticking with Ken and only using Ryu if the other player selects Ken first. Both characters still stand a chance against the entire cast, but there are two matchups in particular that you'll have a very hard time winning consistently (see Match-Ups for more information).


Color Options


Moves List


Ground Throws

Arm Throw (Seoi Nage): Close, b or f + mp or hp

Back Roll (Tomoe Nage): Close, b or f + mk or hk

Special Moves

Fireball (Hadouken): d, df, f + Punch

Dragon Punch (Shoryuken): f, d, df + Punch

Hurricane Kick (Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku): d, db, b + Kick

Basic Moves

Anti-Airs: Shoryuken (preferably the jab version), cr hp, st hk, and cr hk (for very far away jump-ins)

High Pokes: st mp

Low Pokes: cr lk and cr mk

Jumping Attacks: Any light or heavy jumping attack (light for higher priority/tick throws and heavy for higher damage/better range/starting combos)

Long Range Attacks: Hadoken

Rapid-Fire: st lp, cr lp, and cr lk

Sweeps: cr hk


  • cr.MK xx Hadoken or Shoryuken
  • cr.LP CPS1 Chain s.HP xx Hadoken


Standing Normals

  • Standing LP:
Damage 6 Sf2ww-ryu-lp-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-lp-a.png Sf2ww-ryu-lp-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-lp-r1.png
Stun 1~7
Stun Timer 40
Chain Cancel Yes
Special Cancel Yes
Frame Advantage +6
Frame Count 2 4 4 1
Simplified 1+2 4 5

This is a pretty standard jab with good priority, but weak damage. Rapid-firing this jab is a very safe and effective way to beat attacks like Honda's headbutt and Blanka's rolling ball. DCG

  • Standing MP:
Damage 16 Sf2ww-ryu-mp-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-mp-s2.png Sf2ww-ryu-mp-a.png Sf2ww-ryu-mp-s2.png Sf2ww-ryu-mp-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-lp-r2.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 60
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel Yes
Frame Advantage +10
Frame Count 1 2 4 3 3 1
Simplified 1+3 4 7
  • Standing HP:
Damage 26 Sf2ww-ryu-mp-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-mp-s2.png Sf2ww-ryu-hp-a.png Sf2ww-ryu-mp-s2.png Sf2ww-ryu-mp-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-lp-r2.png
Stun 11~17
Stun Timer 80
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage -6
Frame Count 3 2 6 10 12 1
Simplified 1+5 6 23
  • Standing LK:
Damage 8 Sf2ww-ryu-mp-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-lk-s2.png Sf2ww-ryu-lk-a.png Sf2ww-ryu-lk-s2.png Sf2ww-ryu-mp-s1.png
Stun 1~7
Stun Timer 40
Chain Cancel Yes
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage +3
Frame Count 3 3 8 4 1
Simplified 1+6 8 5
  • Standing MK:
Damage 16 Sf2ww-ryu-mp-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-lk-s2.png Sf2ww-ryu-mk-a.png Sf2ww-ryu-lk-s2.png Sf2ww-ryu-mp-s1.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 60
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel Yes
Frame Advantage +1
Frame Count 5 6 12 6 1
Simplified 1+11 12 7
  • Standing HK:
Damage 22 Sf2ww-ryu-hk-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-hk-a1.png Sf2ww-ryu-hk-a2.png Sf2ww-ryu-hk-r1.png Sf2ww-ryu-hk-r2.png
Stun 11~17
Stun Timer 80
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage -2
Frame Count 2 4 8 10 7
Simplified 2+1 12 17

Close Standing Normals

  • Close Standing LP:
Damage 6 Sf2ww-ryu-cllp-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-cllp-a.png Sf2ww-ryu-cllp-s1.png
Stun 1~7
Stun Timer 40
Chain Cancel Yes
Special Cancel Yes
Frame Advantage +6
Frame Count 1+2 4 5

Decent as an anti-air if this is all you can get out in time. This move can be used to set up tick throws. DCG

  • Close Standing MP:
Damage 16 Sf2ww-ryu-mp-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-clmp-s.png Sf2ww-ryu-clmp-a.png Sf2ww-ryu-clmp-r1.png Sf2ww-ryu-clmp-r2.png Sf2ww-ryu-clmp-s.png Sf2ww-ryu-mp-s1.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 60
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel Yes
Frame Advantage +2
Frame Count 1 2 2 6 4 3 4
Simplified 1+3 2 17
  • Close Standing HP:
Damage 22 Sf2ww-ryu-clhp-s.png Sf2ww-ryu-clhp-a1.png Sf2ww-ryu-clhp-a2.png Sf2ww-ryu-clhp-r1.png Sf2ww-ryu-clhp-r2.png
Stun 11~17
Stun Timer 80
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel Yes
Frame Advantage -8
Frame Count 3 2 6 10 13
Simplified 1+3 8 23
  • Close Standing LK:
Damage 8 Sf2ww-ryu-mp-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-cllk-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-cllk-a1.png Sf2ww-ryu-cllk-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-mp-s1.png
Stun 1~7
Stun Timer 40
Chain Cancel Yes
Special Cancel Yes
Frame Advantage +5
Frame Count 2 3 6 3 1
Simplified 1+5 6 4
  • Close Standing MK:
Damage 16 Sf2ww-ryu-clmk-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-clmk-s2.png Sf2ww-ryu-clmk-a.png Sf2ww-ryu-clmk-s2.png Sf2ww-ryu-clmk-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-mk-r1.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 60
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel Yes
Frame Advantage +6
Frame Count 2 1 6 4 4 1
Simplified 1+3 6 9
  • Close Standing HK:
Damage 24,6 Sf2ww-ryu-mp-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-clhk-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-clhk-a1.png Sf2ww-ryu-clhk-a2.png Sf2ww-ryu-clhk-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-mp-s1.png
Stun 11~17
Stun Timer 80
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Frame Advantage +8
Frame Count 3 4 8 4 10 1
Simplified 1+7 12 11

Crouching Normals

  • Crouching LP:
Damage 6 Sf2ww-ryu-crlp-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-crlp-a.png Sf2ww-ryu-crlp-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-crlp-r1.png
Stun 1~7
Stun Timer 40
Chain Cancel Yes
Special Cancel Yes
Frame Advantage +6
Frame Count 2 4 4 1
Simplified 1+2 4 5
  • Crouching MP:
Damage 14 Sf2ww-ryu-crmp-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-crmp-s2.png Sf2ww-ryu-crmp-a.png Sf2ww-ryu-crmp-s2.png Sf2ww-ryu-crmp-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-crlp-r1.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 60
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel Yes
Frame Advantage +10
Frame Count 1 2 4 3 3 1
Simplified 1+3 4 7

  • Crouching HP:
Damage 22 Sf2ww-ryu-crhp-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-crhp-a1.png Sf2ww-ryu-crhp-a2.png Sf2ww-ryu-crhp-r1.png Sf2ww-ryu-crhp-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-crhp-r2.png
Stun 11~17
Stun Timer 80
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel Yes
Frame Advantage -11
Frame Count 3 3 8 10 12 1
Simplified 1+3 11 23
  • Crouching LK:
Damage 6 Sf2ww-ryu-crlk-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-crlk-a.png Sf2ww-ryu-crlk-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-crlp-r1.png
Stun 1~7
Stun Timer 40
Chain Cancel Yes
Special Cancel Yes
Frame Advantage +6
Frame Count 2 4 4 1
Simplified 1+2 4 5
  • Crouching MK:
Damage 14 Sf2ww-ryu-crlk-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-crlk-s2.png Sf2ww-ryu-crmk-a.png Sf2ww-ryu-crlk-s2.png Sf2ww-ryu-crlk-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-crlp-r1.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 60
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel Yes
Frame Advantage +6
Frame Count 1 2 6 4 4 1
Simplified 1+3 6 9
  • Crouching HK:
Damage 22 Sf2ww-ryu-crhk-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-crhk-a.png Sf2ww-ryu-crhk-s2.png Sf2ww-ryu-crhk-r1.png Sf2ww-ryu-crhk-r2.png
Stun 11~17
Stun Timer 80
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel Yes
Frame Advantage +2
Frame Count 3 6 6 8 11
Simplified 1+3 6 25

Aerial Normals

  • Neutral Jumping LP:
Damage 10 Sf2ww-ryu-njlp-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-njlp-a.png
Stun 1~7
Stun Timer 40
Frame Count 2
  • Diagonal Jumping LP:
Damage 8 Sf2ww-ryu-njlp-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-djlp-a.png
Stun 1~7
Stun Timer 40
Frame Count 2
  • Neutral/Diagonal Jumping MP:
Damage 16 Sf2ww-ryu-njlp-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-jmp-s2.png Sf2ww-ryu-jmp-a.png Sf2ww-ryu-jmp-s2.png Sf2ww-ryu-jmp-r1.png Sf2ww-ryu-jmp-r2.png Sf2ww-ryu-jmp-r3.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 50
Frame Count 2 2 20 4 4 4
Simplified 4 20
  • Neutral Jumping HP:
Damage 24 Sf2ww-ryu-njlp-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-jmp-s2.png Sf2ww-ryu-njhp-a.png Sf2ww-ryu-jmp-s2.png Sf2ww-ryu-jmp-r1.png Sf2ww-ryu-jmp-r2.png Sf2ww-ryu-jmp-r3.png
Stun 11~17
Stun Timer 60
Frame Count 2 2 20 4 4 4
Simplified 4 20
  • Diagonal Jumping HP:
Damage 22 Sf2ww-ryu-njlp-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-jmp-s2.png Sf2ww-ryu-njhp-a.png Sf2ww-ryu-jmp-s2.png Sf2ww-ryu-jmp-r1.png Sf2ww-ryu-jmp-r2.png Sf2ww-ryu-jmp-r3.png
Stun 11~17
Stun Timer 60
Frame Count 2 2 8 4 4 4
Simplified 4 8
  • Neutral Jumping LK:
Damage 10 Sf2ww-ryu-njlk-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-njlk-a.png Sf2ww-ryu-njlk-r1.png
Stun 1~7
Stun Timer 40
Frame Count 3 40
  • Diagonal Jumping LK:
Damage 8 Sf2ww-ryu-djlk-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-djlk-s2.png Sf2ww-ryu-djlk-a.png
Stun 1~7
Stun Timer 40
Frame Count 2 3
Simplified 5
  • Neutral Jumping MK:
Damage 16 Sf2ww-ryu-njmk-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-njmk-a.png Sf2ww-ryu-jmp-r1.png Sf2ww-ryu-jmp-r2.png Sf2ww-ryu-jmp-r3.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 50
Frame Count 5 13 6 6
Simplified 5 13
  • Diagonal Jumping MK:
Damage 16 Sf2ww-ryu-djlk-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-djmk-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-djmk-a.png Sf2ww-ryu-djmk-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-jmp-r1.png Sf2ww-ryu-jmp-r2.png Sf2ww-ryu-jmp-r3.png
Stun 5~11
Stun Timer 50
Frame Count 2 3 13 3 3 3
Simplified 5 13
  • Neutral Jumping HK:
Damage 24 Sf2ww-ryu-njhk-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-njhk-a1.png Sf2ww-ryu-njhk-a2.png Sf2ww-ryu-njhk-r1.png Sf2ww-ryu-njhk-r2.png Sf2ww-ryu-jmp-r1.png Sf2ww-ryu-jmp-r2.png
Stun 11~17
Stun Timer 60
Frame Count 2 4 4 3 3 3
Simplified 2 8
  • Diagonal Jumping HK:
Damage 22 Sf2ww-ryu-djlk-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-djmk-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-djhk-a.png Sf2ww-ryu-djmk-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-jmp-r1.png Sf2ww-ryu-jmp-r2.png Sf2ww-ryu-jmp-r3.png
Stun 11~17
Stun Timer 60
Frame Count 2 3 7 3 3 3
Simplified 5 7


  • Seoi Nage: (←/→ + HP) and Tomoe Nage: (←/→ + HK)
Damage 32 Sf2ww-ryu-throw.png
Duration 130
Stun 7~13
Stun Timer 100
Range (from axis) 48
Range advantage 19

Special Moves

  • Hadoken: (↓↘→ + P)


Sf2ww-ryu-hdk-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-hdk-s2.png Sf2ww-ryu-hdk-s3.png Sf2ww-ryu-hdk-s4.png
Frame Count 2 6 1 1


LP version:

Damage 12 Sf2ww-ryu-hdk-lp-a1.png Sf2ww-ryu-hdk-lp-a2.png Sf2ww-ryu-hdk-lp-a3.png Sf2ww-ryu-hdk-lp-a4.png
Stun 13~19
Stun Timer 120
Frame Advantage -
Frame Count 1 1 2 2..
Simplified 40

MP version:

Damage 14 Sf2ww-ryu-hdk-mp-a1.png Sf2ww-ryu-hdk-mp-a2.png Sf2ww-ryu-hdk-mp-a3.png Sf2ww-ryu-hdk-mp-a4.png
Stun 13~19
Stun Timer 120
Frame Advantage -
Frame Count 1 1 2 2..
Simplified 40

HP version:

Damage 16 Sf2ww-ryu-hdk-hp-a1.png Sf2ww-ryu-hdk-hp-a2.png Sf2ww-ryu-hdk-hp-a3.png Sf2ww-ryu-hdk-hp-a4.png
Stun 13~19
Stun Timer 120
Frame Advantage -
Frame Count 1 1 2 2..
Simplified 40

  • Shoryuken: →↓↘ + Punch


Damage 32 Sf2ww-ryu-srk-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-srk-a1.png Sf2ww-ryu-srk-a2.png Sf2ww-ryu-srk-r1.png Sf2ww-ryu-srk-r2.png Sf2ww-ryu-srk-r3.png
Stun 13~19
Stun Timer 120
Frame Advantage -18/-26/-40
Jab 4 4 14 6 11 5
Strong 4 4 22 6 14 5
Fierce 4 4 26 6 21 5

Ryu's iconic anti-air special move. The jab version is the safest and does the most damage when hitting an airborne opponent (which of course is the main purpose of this move). The strong and fierce versions launch Ryu higher into the air, but aren't as safe if whiffed since you'll be in the air longer. It is easier to use these versions as you'll likely hit a jumping opponent more easily, but I strongly recommend relying more on jab shoryukens, Unfortunately in WW, this move doesn't knock a grounded opponent down so using it for any other purpose than as an anti-air could leave you wide open to getting punished. The shoryuken can be used in combos, but is risky due to not knocking down. Only use it in combos if you're certain your opponent will be dizzy after it or their health is nearly empty and you know for sure this will finish them off.


  • Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku: ↓↙← + Kick


Damage 22 Sf2ww-ryu-tsk-s1.png Sf2ww-ryu-tsk-s2.png Sf2ww-ryu-tsk-s3.png
Stun 13~19
Stun Timer 120
Frame Advantage -1
Frame Count 4 4 3


Sf2ww-ryu-tsk-a1.png Sf2ww-ryu-tsk-m1.png Sf2ww-ryu-tsk-a2.png Sf2ww-ryu-tsk-m2.png
Frame Count 3 3 3 3

Short: 1 Time
Foward: 2 Times
Rounhouse: 3 Times


Sf2ww-ryu-tsk-r1.png Sf2ww-ryu-tsk-r2.png Sf2ww-ryu-tsk-r3.png Sf2ww-ryu-tsk-r4.png
Frame Count 4 4 4 0

Unfortunately the Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku (AKA hurricane kick) is quite unsafe in WW. It doesn't knockdown and the multiple hits from the forward and roundhouse versions don't link into a combo. This means that your opponent can simply stand block after the first kick or crouch under the next kick(s). Once you land, they can easily throw you. Use this move with extreme caution or don't use it at all.


Misc Animations

Walk back Neutral Walk Fwd Crouch
Sf2ww-ryu-bwd.png Sf2ww-ryu-cllp-n.png Sf2ww-ryu-fwd.png Sf2ww-ryu-cr-n.png
  • Standing reel:
Sf2ww-ryu-reel1.png Sf2ww-ryu-reel2.png Sf2ww-ryu-reel3.png Sf2ww-ryu-reel4.png
  • Standing gut reel:
Sf2ww-ryu-gutreel1.png Sf2ww-ryu-gutreel2.png Sf2ww-ryu-gutreel3.png Sf2ww-ryu-gutreel4.png
  • Crouching reel:
Sf2ww-ryu-creel1.png Sf2ww-ryu-creel2.png Sf2ww-ryu-creel3.png
  • Dizzy:
Sf2ww-ryu-dizzy1.png Sf2ww-ryu-dizzy2.png Sf2ww-ryu-dizzy3.png

Basic Strategy

(Note: This section also applies to Ken.)

Ryu's main goal is to pressure his opponents by throwing hadokens, punish jump-ins with his shoryuken, and control space with pokes such as crouching forward (cr mk). Ryu can fight both offensively and defensively. If given the right opportunity, Ryu can end the round in seconds (usually if the opponent is dizzy) with fairly simple combos. However, you shouldn't be focusing on this as it's too easy to mess up and get punished for attacking foolishly. Be patient, stand your ground, and strike when you find an opening. Never try to rush a match. Stay strong and you can succeed.


Advanced Strategy

You need to maintain a solid balance between offense and defense. In some matches, you might want to play more offensively while in others you'll need to be more patient and stay more defensive to win. Don't become too predictable. Use hadokens wisely and try mixing up the speed you're throwing them at. For example: if your opponent tries jumping over a fast fireball from far away, you can try timing another fireball to hit them before they land. Be careful throwing fireballs when they're closer to you as they could jump over and attack you before you can counter or block. You can try baiting opponents to jump at you by whiffing attacks like lp or mp and then counter the jump-in with a shoryuken. Try poking your opponents with normals like cr mk. This can be used to control space whether they block it or not. Poking with your normals can help you apply pressure and you can cancel many of them into specials, preferably if they didn't block the previous attack of course. Cancelling into a hadoken when playing footsies is usually pretty safe if done right. You can also try to tick throw your opponent by forcing them to block a light attack up close and then throwing them before they recover from block stun.

(This strategy section is currently WIP)



Note: The matchup info I'm writing here also applies to Ken. The only real difference between the two in World Warrior is their kick button throws. Ken's kick throw tosses the opponent back farther than Ryu's, but otherwise they are identical fighters in this game. Therefore WW Ken's page will mostly contain identical matchup info. The good news is that, if your opponent picks Ryu first, you can just select Ken instead and play exactly as you would with Ryu. (Remember, mirror matches are not possible in Street Fighter II: The World Warrior. However, the SNES version does allow mirror matches by inputting a special code. Since this matchup section is for the arcade version only, I won't be covering mirror matches.)

This matchup section is quite incomplete currently. I will be continuing to update this page frequently until it's complete. I guessed the matchup odds for now, but I think they're at least somewhat accurate. Again, work here is not yet finished so consider what little I have typed so far as a basic guideline.


Vs. Ken

  • 4.5 - 5.5

This is basically as close as it gets to a mirror match in WW. Ryu has some slight differences with some of his hurtboxes (worse than Ken's), but I don't think this gives Ken anything more than a slight advantage in this matchup (I could be wrong though). The only other advantage Ken has that you'll want to watch out for is Ken's kick button throw which tosses you farther back than your own version of the throw. This means that Ken can throw you into the corner more easily, although this matchup is still pretty even regardless.

Round start: Throw a Hadoken, walk forward slightly and poke Ken with a normal attack like cr mk, or do nothing and wait for him to try something. You'll probably see most Ryu/Ken players start a round by immediately throwing a fireball, but doing this too often gets very predictable. If you expect your opponent to start the round like this, you can try jumping immediately and hit him with j hp or j hk. You can link into st hp, cr hp, st hp, cr mk, etc. if you jumped at him early enough before he could recover from throwing his fireball. If you think you hit him too early, you can try jumping back to avoid a sac throw. You can also just throw a fireball at the start to trade with Ken's. If you suspect that Ken will jump at you at the start of the round, wait and see what happens. If he does jump at you, hit him with a jab shoryuken.

Basic strategy: Ken has the same tools as you to win this fight. Your main goal is to defend yourself better and use your offense more effectively than him.

(This matchup info is currently WIP)


Vs. E.Honda

  • 7.5 - 2.5

Honda has very limited options in WW, especially when it comes to dealing with fireball characters. However, don't assume you'll beat a Honda player easily. You still need to know your best options against him and fight carefully. A good Honda player will do whatever it takes to get in and destroy you. I highly recommend focusing heavily on defense in this matchup. Honda can't win if you keep him away from you and you have all the tool to prevent him for closing in on you. Unless he managed to get a health lead and time is running out, there is no need to fight Honda up close. Have patience and don't let your guard down.

(This matchup info is currently WIP)


Vs. Chun Li

  • 4 - 6

(This matchup info is currently WIP)


Vs. Blanka

  • 4.5 - 5.5

(This matchup info is currently WIP)


Vs. Zangief

  • 5 - 5

(This matchup info is currently WIP)


Vs. Guile

  • 2 - 8

The classic Ryu VS Guile matchup is one of my favorites. Both characters are clearly different, but they both have answers to pretty much everything one of them can attempt to do to the other. Ryu and Guile throw a fireball up close at the same time? Guile will recover faster and punish Ryu with a backfist. Ryu waits for Guile to throw a Sonic Boom? Ryu can tatsu right over it and hit Guile in the face before he can recover, knocking Guile to the ground.

Unfortunately for Ryu, that counter for Sonic Booms I just mentioned is basically useless in this version of Street Fighter II. Ryu's tatsu doesn't knockdown so this is a pretty bad idea for this matchup in WW. In fact, a lot of what made this matchup pretty even for Ryu in updated versions of SF2 is simply not as effective. This is due to WW Ryu's inferiority when compared to even CE Ryu, as well as WW Guile being an overpowered beast. It's going to be one hell of an uphill battle for Ryu (possibly his worst matchup in the game), but I do believe Ryu stands a chance (as long as Guile doesn't start abusing the magic throw glitch on you of course).

(This matchup info is currently WIP)


Vs. Dhalsim

  • 2.5 - 7.5

(This matchup info is currently WIP)

DCG Template:Street Fighter II